"Do you have a master?" Zhou Kuo said in silence.

Lin Dong smiled: "what a strange thing to say. Why can't I have a master?"

"I see. Your master is the one Heipi followed. It's a pity that I don't know what kind of strength he is. Anyway, there will always be a chance to know in the future. Since you don't want to worship me as a teacher, you're ready to take the second stick?" Zhou Kuo seems to have some regrets.

I just don't know. I'm sorry I didn't see the strength of the old man, or I'm sorry I didn't accept myself as an apprentice.

Lin Dong didn't respond, but went to the corner and picked a Liulan leaf. Yes, it's one, not one.

Seeing Lin Dong's move, Zhou Kuo hesitated and didn't stop it.

Liulan leaf was of no great use to him. He sat there all the time because it was close to the spirit pulse and had more aura.

"Come on."

Put the picked Liulan leaves aside and Lin Dong went to Zhou Kuo road.

Zhou Kuo is not vague. He has prepared the second stick. But it was suddenly stopped.


One of the black swordsmen said.

Zhou Kuo frowned and was a little unhappy, but after all, the black swordsman was the lineage of the Lin family and always wanted to give some face.

Seeing that Zhou Kuo's movements stopped, the black swordsman smiled apologetically at Zhou Kuo and said, "Mr. Zhou, your strength is the best I've seen in my life. If you stick it, I'm afraid he will die. I saw it just now. He uses the unique sword technique of the Lin family, Qinglian thirteen swords, so I need to ask about some things."

Zhou Kuo nodded and agreed.

The black swordsman turned to Lin Dong and said, "you'd better be honest. Where did you learn the green lotus thirteen swords?"

"My name is Lin Dong." instead of answering the question, Lin Dong reported his name.

As a result, the black swordsman was suddenly stunned.

Lin... Lin Dong?!

"Your surname is Lin? I see. You are the son of du'e's misfortune!" the black swordsman subconsciously lost his voice.

"Evil water?"

Lin Dong's face suddenly changed, and the whole person became gloomy and ferocious. The vigorous Qi on his body suddenly surged, forming a strong airflow around him. Even the guy in the immortal realm couldn't help but retreat slightly and didn't dare to block his edge.

The black swordsman regretted when he finished, especially when he saw Lin Dong's terrible appearance, he felt some fear and subconsciously stepped back.

"I thought you black swordsmen were very poor, so I didn't attack you all the time. Good, good, good. I didn't think you didn't know good or bad!"

Lin Dong snorted coldly, shrunk to an inch, suddenly showed it and went straight to the black swordsman.


Seeing Lin Dong's reaction, I knew he was angry. The guy in immortal territory immediately flashed behind the black swordsman. Just now he helped the half fairyland, but Lin Dong flashed by and successfully killed him from the back. This time, you can't do it again.

When he was concentrating on preparing to deal with the upcoming Lin Dong, Lin Dong didn't flash behind the black swordsman at all, but came to him in an instant. The strongest move of Qinglian thirteen swords suddenly shot.

In an instant, a huge sword seemed to condense out of his head and suddenly split it down.

The black swordsman had no time to respond, so he had to raise his sword to block it. And the immortal realm seemed to know his own oolong. Lin Dong didn't plan to sneak attack from behind at all. He immediately turned around and took out his sword to block it.


Lin Dong gave a loud cry and the huge sword chopped down fiercely.

In an instant, the sound was deafening, and the cave was split into a gap more than one person wide.

In the smoke.

Zhou Kuo's figure flashed, grabbed the pale black swordsman and hid aside. The immortal state guy was obviously not so lucky. He used to help. As a result, the black swordsman who needed help was rescued by Zhou Kuo and turned into his sword move to face Lin Dong.

He shot angrily. With the strongest move of Qinglian thirteen swords, the guy in immortal territory shot in a hurry. How can he resist it? When the sword was cut down, his left arm was cut off, and he was shocked by the powerful sword Qi. He fell to one side and fainted directly.

"Wheeze, wheeze!"

Lin Dong gasped and squinted at the black swordsman pulled behind by Zhou Kuo.

"Get out of the way!"

"Impossible!" Zhou Kuo said in a deep voice.

"Then die!"

Lin Dong has no nonsense. He will kill this black swordsman. No matter who is in front of him, people will stop killing and Buddha will stop *!

The voice fell, and Qinglian thirteen swords shot again.

However, Zhou Kuo is not an ordinary person. Holding a black stick, he stubbornly blocked the empty giant sword. Lin Dong snorted coldly and suddenly opened his mouth. Bursts of deafening roars came. The roar seemed to break the eardrum at any time, even the internal organs.

Buddhist lion roar attack!

This kind of sound wave attack is used suddenly. It really has a miraculous effect.

Zhou Kuo frowns slightly and uses vigorous Qi to resist. The black swordsman behind did not have the strength to block it. His body trembled slightly. His ears, eyes, nostrils and mouth were slowly overflowing blood.

"This guy's anger is so strong. No, if it goes on like this, the black swordsman will be shocked to death!" Zhou Kuo said in his heart. He fiercely waved the black stick to break the void giant sword. Then he took an arrow step, and the black stick hit Lin Dong's head.

"Just waiting for you!"

Lin Dong rushed up with his sword.

At the moment when they were about to meet, Lin Dong suddenly moved aside. This action was quite fast, but Zhou Kuo's reaction was not slow and accelerated the speed of waving the stick.


The black stick hit Lin Dong's shoulder heavily, which immediately made Lin Dong crooked. The sound of broken bones suddenly sounded, and his shoulder drooped directly. With a dull hum, Lin Dong didn't stop. He bit his teeth and accelerated fiercely. Ling Feng's sword stabbed directly at the black swordsman in front.

Originally, I thought that hitting Lin Dong could stop him. Unexpectedly, he was so cruel that he stubbornly resisted. Instead, he went to kill the black swordsman.

He did it on purpose.

He deliberately attacked with a lion roar in order to let himself come out and kill him. As long as he moved, he could have a chance to kill the black swordsman.

These thoughts flashed in Zhou Kuo's mind like lightning. Zhou Kuo couldn't care to marvel. Seeing that the black swordsman was about to die, Zhou Kuo fiercely threw out the black stick in his hand and ran straight behind Lin Dong.

This black stick is his magic weapon.

If Lin Dong doesn't hide, he is bound to be hit. If he deliberately avoids and wants the black stick to hit the black swordsman, Zhou Kuo can recover the power of the black stick in an instant.

Who knows, Lin Dong didn't hide at all. He knew that the black stick was coming behind him. If he didn't hide, he might be in danger, but he still didn't hide. He hung his broken arm. Lin Dong held a sword in one hand, and Ling Feng's sword directly stabbed into the black swordsman's body.

The black swordsman was really scared before, but with the penetration of Ling Feng's sword, he calmed down and hummed proudly: "it's not so easy to kill me. We black swordsmen have been specially tempered and have a stronger body than the ordinary immortal environment. Your strength is too weak to help..."

Before he finished his proud words, Lin Dong's body was fierce for a while, and a mouthful of scarlet blood gushed out. The black stick hit Lin Dong's back straight, and the great power almost ran through Lin Dong's body. But Lin Dong is laughing. "What about now? Enough strength!"

Blood quickly flowed down from the corners of the black swordsman's mouth. His eyes stared at the boss, and his eyes were full of incredible look. Ling Feng's sword has penetrated his body and pierced his heart. He didn't believe, didn't believe, Lin Dong would rather fight to get hurt, but with the help of Zhou Kuo's strength, he stubbornly stabbed himself with Lingfeng's sword.

Is he crazy?

In order to kill himself, he didn't hesitate to be seriously injured. Just because he said a bad son, he killed himself so recklessly?

I can't figure it out.

He can't figure it out.

Besides, he doesn't have a chance to think about it.


His head drooped, and Lin Dong faltered back. Ling Feng's sword not only penetrated his body, but also nailed him to the stone wall.

The black stick was inserted into his back. Lin Dong tilted his head, glanced at Zhou Kuo, who was shocked, and hit him fiercely on his chest with one hand.


Lin Dong vomited blood again, but the black stick was shocked out. There was a terrible hole in his back, and his spine was broken from the middle. Lin Dong shook a few times, and finally fell to the ground. Struggling to raise his hand, he picked up Zhou Kuo's black stick.

"You... You..."

Zhou Kuo looked at Lin Dong and didn't know how to describe him.


He is cruel enough, cruel to the enemy and cruel to himself.

"You think I'll hide? You're wrong. Who dares to insult my family? Even if I don't want to die, I'll kill him. I don't want to wait for a second, and I don't want to waste a second!" Lin Dong said coldly as he coughed.

Yes, I really don't want to waste a second.

Looking at the black swordsman nailed to the wall behind Lin Dong, Zhou Kuo couldn't help sneering.

He has seen many cruel people. It's the first time he wants Lin Dong to be so cruel.

If it was in the past, he must smell it with his nose. What if he killed each other? In this case, he is not bound to die? But now, he suddenly understood.

Lin Dong doesn't care about that at all. He has only one idea, that is to kill the black swordsman.

The Buddha light suddenly shines, and the pharmacist Buddha Dharma phase has begun to heal Lin Dong.

"That was the second stick just now? There was another stick, but I really want to know how to use the third stick if you don't even have a stick?" Lin Dong looked up and glanced at Zhou Kuo. Zhou Kuo suddenly had a very bad feeling and subconsciously wanted to take back the black stick.

But at this time, the three gods suddenly stood in front of Lin Dong.

The noble God will release the border and directly envelop Lin Dong. The rosefinch God and the sky god will stand on both sides, which seems to be possible at any time.

Lin Dong smiled, some gloomy and some cold.

Holding Zhou Kuo's black stick tightly, the soul devouring method suddenly unfolded.

"No, you, what are you doing?"

Zhou Kuo felt bad. He was shocked to rush over, but the rosefinch God general and the sky god general shot.

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