Lin Dong holds a red ring made of unknown material in his hand. The red is very bright, but it's not that kind of red at first glance. At first glance, he knows it's not ordinary. But what makes Lin Dong depressed is that the message said that he left something good, and the result is a ring?

Young master, I'm not a woman. What's the matter with leaving me a ring?

Even if you're stingy, you'll leave some life potions or double dolls, right? We don't expect immortal tools, but leave a ring. What's the situation?

Playing with the ring on his hand, Lin Dong wondered whether it was something left by the immortal. Should it have any special purpose? Stay on your finger and look, no response? After rubbing a few times, there was still no response.

"Do you have to shed blood to recognize the Lord?"

Lin Dong thought suspiciously, then broke his finger, dropped blood on the ring, and looked forward to it.

No response!

Still no response!

"Shit, how do you get this thing? Is it really an ordinary ring?"

Lin Dong was depressed. After studying for a long time, he didn't understand the purpose and special of this ring. In association with the funny character of the person who left the message, Lin Dong gave up and was sure to be fooled!

There was nothing in the bamboo house, and there was no note on the table. Although Lin Dong was depressed, he didn't delay. He simply turned around and prepared to leave the bamboo house to find a way to leave. It seems that this should be the last stop, otherwise there will be no note left.

Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly saw a note on the door. I just didn't know whether it had been there for a long time or just appeared. He didn't notice the situation on the door when he came in. Lin Dong couldn't help being angry and happy when he came closer.

"You must think I'm taking advantage of you? Don't know how to use it? This ring is called a storage ring. It's not a very good thing in itself, and the space in it is not too large. However, it contains all good things, which is definitely worth your trip. However, unless you can bind the storage ring, you won't get the things in it. By the way, I'll tell you , the way to get out of here is also in the ring! "

After Lin Dong finished reading the note, it suddenly disappeared, leaving Lin Dong no chance to tear it. Although he was annoyed, Lin Dong was relieved when he knew that the ring was actually a storage ring and there were good things in it. If this guy really left an ordinary ring for himself, he would have a lot to do with him if he met him in the future. But now even if he knows that this is a storage ring, he also knows that there are good things in it and even the way to leave here. Lin Dong also has a headache.

Good things come second, and the most important thing is the way to leave.

If you can't bind the storage ring, you'll have to be trapped here. Although the environment here is good, how long can I persist without eating or drinking? It seems that we have to find a way to study this ring!

Lin Dong sat down in front of the bamboo house and began to study the storage ring!

As time went by, Lin Dong thought of many ways, which didn't seem to make the storage ring react at all. However, he was not discouraged. Since it was a storage ring, the treasure of the fairy world must not be so easy to succeed. Unknowingly, I don't know how long later, Lin Dong suddenly found someone coming!

Looking up, Lin Dong could not help frowning.

Lin Heng appeared with two or three Lin family members and two casual practitioners, but he didn't see Qiu Xue and didn't know how she was.

"Lin Heng's luck is really good. He seems to have gained a lot. Since he can find here, it seems that it's not so easy to kill him. If you want to kill him, you have to kill all these people! The Lin family has arrived, and there are two casual repairs. It's really hard to start without injustice and hatred!" Lin Dong muttered to himself. Now he is in the bamboo house, Lin Heng and others should not see themselves, but they will come soon. At that time, they can't avoid meeting.

Hide with stealth powder or show up?

Lin Dong hesitated for a moment, but he still felt that he would not show up for the time being. First look at the situation, and Qiu Xue hasn't come yet. It doesn't hurt to wait. Thinking of this, Lin Dong immediately used stealth powder and quietly hid near the wooden house.

As Lin Dong guessed, although Lin Heng was surprised by the surrounding environment, he was vigilant and found that there was nothing abnormal, so he quietly tried to move forward. Moreover, the goods were not good, forcing the two scattered builders to explore the way ahead. The two casual practitioners dared to be angry but not speak. They came here with a narrow escape. It was their greatest hope to get out alive. Naturally, they didn't want to react with Lin Heng.

Exploring the way may be dangerous.

But if you don't explore the way, Lin Heng will surely kill!

How to choose is naturally obvious!

After walking carefully, the two casual repairmen found the bamboo house and shouted in surprise, "there's a bamboo house in front!"

"Bamboo house?" Lin Heng took two steps quickly, and the bamboo house appeared in front of him. "Strange, I didn't see it just now. I'm afraid there's something wrong. Be careful, you two, keep going!"

The two casual practitioners swore to themselves, but they had to move forward.

Soon, several people had come to the bamboo house. Lin Heng winked. The two casual practitioners also knew that they had to open the door. Without hesitation, he pushed the door carefully, and the scene in the house was immediately clear!

"Nothing? How can there be nothing?"

Lin Heng's eyes widened and he didn't believe it. Several people searched the room. As a result... Naturally, they found nothing. "It's impossible. There are no monsters and no way out. This should be the last place. It should be the place where the baby is hidden. How can there be nothing? Look around for me. I don't believe there will be nothing!"

Lin Heng roared, and others scattered to look for it.

Lin Dong has been hiding nearby. When they searched, they passed him several times, but he avoided them.

After a while, several people came back again and again, but they got nothing.

Lin Heng frowned, obviously not very satisfied.

"Young master, is it possible that someone got there first?" someone doubted.

"Being beaten by others?" Lin Heng's first reaction was Xu mo. Xu Mo left the hall first, and then he chased all the way. He didn't see Xu mo. if he was beaten by him, it seems possible. Moreover, there was another man, although he didn't know who it was, but he was the first to leave the hall. However, Lin Heng has some doubts. If someone gets there first, it's possible, but what about others? There's no way out of this place. Where's the man who got the baby?

"I don't think so. We didn't go anywhere before. Maybe no one else came here. We might be the first. Just... Maybe there was no treasure here, or there was a special mechanism array, and we haven't found it yet!" another man said.

Lin Heng nodded and thought it was not impossible.

After knowing the way to leave the hall, Lin Heng didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he took the opportunity to kill the people in the God killing palace, weaken Xu Mo's strength, and then left with everyone. It's not Lin Heng's heart. He just wants more cannon fodder. But after the result appeared, there were fewer people!

After that, they also passed the winding path, killed the ape demon and the great saint, and finally left here.

I haven't seen Xu Mo or anyone else. It's really possible that he has been transmitted to other places and hasn't come yet. It's not necessarily a quick step.

But no matter whether you are taken first or not, if you don't have a baby, won't you come in vain?

"Look, keep looking for me. Even if you dig three feet, you should dig out the baby!" Lin Heng shouted fiercely.

Now everyone is busy again.

Lin Dong pie his mouth: "looking for a baby? It's in my hand. But unfortunately, even if it's not in my hand, you may not be able to get it. I haven't figured out this storage ring yet."

But their posture was really troublesome to hide. After thinking about it, Lin Dong stared at the roof of the bamboo house, which was a suitable place to hide. Lin Dong quietly approached the bamboo house, and then jumped on the bamboo house while no one was paying attention.


The bamboo house made a slight sound, which immediately startled Lin Dong. He held his breath and looked at it. Fortunately, no one seemed to find it!

Lying gently on the bamboo house, Lin Dong couldn't help thinking about it.

Listening to them, it seems that she separated after coming out of the hall. It's also possible. In this way, Qiu Xue may not have an accident. She may not have arrived here yet, and she has a double doll on her. With her alertness, it should be all right.

It seems that this should be the last meeting place. No matter where it was transmitted before, it should come here in the end. If everyone else comes, I'm afraid there will be a struggle between dragons and tigers. It's better to study the ring as soon as possible, at least find out how to leave!

At present, Lin Dong ignored Lin Heng and others below and began to concentrate on studying the ring.

Later, some people appeared one after another. Later, they were surprised to find the wooden house. Then they knew that there was no baby. Lin Heng sent them to find the baby. Lin Dong occasionally glanced at it and ignored it when he saw that there was no Qiu Xue.

With more and more people, Lin Heng's people are basically harmless, and those casual repairs are also lucky. Together, there are almost more than a dozen people, and obviously led by Lin Heng. If they show up, they will most likely be besieged!

Time flies. One day has passed in the twinkling of an eye. It's very special here. There are differences between black and day. Although it's fake, it's very real. When the next day dawned, Lin Dong suddenly had a mental shock. He saw Qiu Xue!

Qiu Xue looks a little embarrassed. He seems to be hurt, but it shouldn't be a big problem. After seeing Lin Heng and others, she didn't say anything. Lin Heng ordered her to find a baby, but she didn't refuse. Moreover, it seems that the implementation is still very serious!

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