The sky and earth changed color, the wind roared, and even the surrounding calm sea made waves. Sword light and magic power surged. The trees and weeds nearby almost had no resistance, and turned into powder in an instant. It was like that countless pressures were suddenly increased around, and the ground was razed to the ground in an instant, and the ground was even deeply sunken.


I don't know which black swordsman opened his mouth, but his tone was a little confused and not so sure.

Although they had been razed to the ground in front of them, although they didn't see Lin Dong, although they felt that Lin Dong could not be alive under this kind of magic power, and might disappear like those trees, they were not sure.

After all, this is Lin Dong!

If he could die so easily, would he still be the guy who killed many black swordsmen and even Lin Heng?


There was an unusual silence around, except for the wind and the sea, which was the sound of gentle breathing.

"No, I don't see. Maybe I'm dead."

"Not necessarily. I seem to see him disappear!"

Everyone looked around vigilantly, but they had their own plans.

"In the sky!"

Suddenly someone looked up and exclaimed. At this time, he found that there was a shadow in the sky. With the dazzling sun, the shadow gradually became clear. It was a snow-white bird, and there was a man standing on the bird, who was Lin Dong holding a wolf tooth sword!

It seems that he is not dead, but he is not injured at all. In other words, the attack just now did not succeed and did not threaten Lin Dong.

"Be careful and prepare for attack!"

Someone shouted vigilantly, ready to attack again. But at this time, they suddenly found that another bird appeared next to Lin Dong, a rosefinch with a whole body of fire! Then, the hot fireball swept towards them, with a burning smell that seemed to burn people out.


The fireball hit the ground, exploded and sparks splashed. Those black swordsmen dodged one after another and prepared to fight back, but at this time, they suddenly heard a loud noise, and the ground trembled slightly, as if it were an earthquake. Then they saw a monkey with a gold stick and gold armor

As soon as sun Dasheng came out, he directly stunned those black swordsmen. They seemed to see ghosts one by one. He wanted to rub his eyes and think he was dazed?

Sun Dasheng?

How is this possible?

But this shape, this way, is sun Dasheng!

They were stunned, but Sun Dasheng was not stunned.

As soon as he grabbed his hand and blew his hair, countless sun Dasheng appeared separately, one by one bared his teeth and rushed over with a gold stick.

”Many people? Hum, let's see who has more people! " On the sky god general, Lin Dong looked at Sun Dasheng with a sneer, chasing the black swordsmen one by one.

Although the strength of the black swordsman is not weak, sun Dasheng is not for nothing. As a big boss, although there is no detailed boundary division, there is no doubt that sun Dasheng is definitely a big demon. Especially after becoming a god general, his thinking is more flexible and less rigid than before. Therefore, Zhu Ying and Lin Dong may not be able to win! Although it seems to be separated, its strength is almost the same as that of the original.

In the air, the sky god general and the rosefinch sword attacked one after another. On the ground, sun Dasheng made great progress with his separation. Those black swordsmen were tired of resisting and had no time to take care of Lin Dong.

According to Lin Dong's original intention, he went down and solved them all, but after thinking about it, Lin Dong changed his mind.

As the saying goes, catch the king before catching the thief. Lin Dong's purpose this time is not to destroy Wu island!

"Go, go to the villa over there!"

Lin Dong said in a low voice, and then the sky god will fly quickly towards the villa.

It seems not too far away, but in fact, vision is deceptive. It's like seeing light in the dark. It seems very tight, but it's actually far away.


"Get down!"

A loud roar accompanied by a sword Qi suddenly swept towards Lin Dong. It was as fast as lightning. When Lin Dong felt it, the sword Qi had come in front of him. The sky god general reacted quickly and hurried away, but the sword spirit was very strong. Although he didn't hit directly, it also affected the sky god general and made Lin Dong fall off his back involuntarily. Just when he fell down, Lin Dong felt the sword attack again. There was no way to avoid it. Lin Dong raised his sword to block it!

The huge force made Lin Dong change his direction directly in the air, and he was shocked and flew out.

He smashed several thick tree trunks, and Lin Dong stopped and fell to the ground.

"What a strong sword spirit!"

Although Lin Dong was not injured, his blood surged up. It seems that this man's strength is not weak!

He stood up and felt a little cold behind his back. He reached out and touched it and found that there seemed to be a crack in the back of his clothes.

"Are you Lin Dong? Sure enough, you have two sons!"

A slightly surprised voice sounded. Then Lin Dong saw a man in black swordsman clothes come out. He was only about twenty-five or six years old. His short hair looked very energetic and the proportion of facial features was good, giving people a sense of perseverance. The corners of the mouth are slightly upturned, and the eyes are slightly evil. They look very proud and conceited! He has a relatively short black sword in his hand, which is about one-third shorter than the ordinary black sword, and the shape is slightly different. It seems that this guy is no longer an ordinary person among the black swordsmen!

"Who are you?"

Lin Dong slowly opened his mouth and said, "look at your appearance and your sword Qi just now. Shouldn't you be an ordinary black swordsman?"

"You still have some eyes and don't compare me with those wastes." the man sneered and disdained. "The name of black swordsman is arranged according to strength, and my name is black one!"

"Wu Yi? That is to say, you are the strongest of the Wu swordsmen?"

Lin Dong was a little surprised. Wu Yi looked young. Unexpectedly, he was the strongest. It seems that this guy is average. I'm afraid he was a genius to get the name Wu Yi in such a fierce competition among Wu swordsmen. It's a pity that Wu swordsman's method of improving his realm consumes a lot of life yuan. He doesn't have much time to live at a young age. I have to say it's very sad!

"Compared with those wastes, if I were not the strongest, wouldn't I also become wastes?" Wu Yi disdained.

From these short words, Wu Yi has expressed disdain for other black swords more than once. It seems that this guy is really conceited about his strength.

Lin Dong chuckled and said, "well, those black swordsmen are really ordinary. They don't enjoy fighting. I want to see what's different about you, black one!" the voice fell down, the wind step was displayed, and the Blood Sword followed the trend!

"Small skills!"

The corner of Wu's mouth was slightly skimmed, disdained to say, and then rushed up.

make love

There was an endless stream of collision, and the two soon began to fight.

The movement is very fast. I can't see the moves clearly at all. Even the sword in my hand can only see the residual shadows, which can't be distinguished.

Lin Dong couldn't help raising his eyebrows. This guy's sword moves are good. It's really threatening to cooperate with his short sword. It seems that it's not the Lin family's sword technique. Secondly, Lin Dong found that the sword in his hand was also unusual!

Since Lin Dong got the wolf tooth sword, it can be said that there are almost no weapons that can block the wolf tooth sword. He didn't show mercy, but Wu Yi's short sword blocked it. It can be seen that this short sword is much stronger than other black swords!

"I heard that you are very strong. I thought I finally met a decent hand, but now it seems that's just so. Is that all you have? If you have any ability to press the bottom of the box, just take it out, otherwise you won't have a chance!" Wu Yi said coldly and sarcastically, and didn't pay attention to Lin Dong at all.

As the strongest of the black swordsmen, after hearing about Lin Dong, Wu Yi always disdained that the waste was too weak. However, I still have some expectations in my heart, and if I can kill Lin Dong, the reward given by the Lin family is quite rich. But this fight, Wu Yi was very disappointed! Yes, not bad, but that's all.

Hearing Wu Yi's ridicule, Lin * ran changed his move, and Qinglian's thirteen swords were displayed in an instant. This move became quite strange. In addition, the wolf tooth sword was longer, which really caught Wu Yi unprepared. After resisting a few times, Lin Dong immediately stabbed Wu Yi's shoulder with a sword.

"It seems that you are not much better than those wastes!"

Lin Dong retorted that wolf tooth sword had stabbed Wu Yi!

"Really? You don't think it will hurt me?"

Wu snorted with a sneer, but Lin Dong's face changed and couldn't get in!

His body was so hard that the wolf tooth sword couldn't pierce it and hurt a penny. How could this be possible?

Surprised for a moment, Lin Dong immediately shrunk to an inch and came directly behind him. Another sword stabbed him out. The result was the same, but he still couldn't hurt him!

"Impossible, are you wearing any treasure armor? Even if it is, it is impossible to stop the immortal soldiers!"

Lin Dong was really surprised this time!

The black swordsman's body is somewhat special. It seems that he has been specially strengthened and is much stronger than those in the same realm. As the best of the black swordsmen, Wu Yi is expected to be stronger, but Lin Dong will never believe that he can be strong enough to hurt even the fairy sword.

"Do you think I'm the same as those losers? I'm Wuyi, the strongest of the black swordsmen. I've completed countless tasks that can't be completed by those losers. My body... After special transformation, it's the same as the sword in my hand. What if you're an immortal soldier? I'm invincible!" Wuyi laughed wildly and proudly.

Lin Dong's eyes were surprised. He even transformed his body with the material of black sword? No wonder it's so hard!

It looks really tricky!

However, surprised, it didn't make Lin Dong despair, and even raised a strong sense of war. As long as you kill him, the black swordsman of the Lin family should have no experts. In addition to the previous rumors, the black swordsman is afraid of no threat!

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