Dressed in decent work clothes, the salesperson showed a bright smile towards Lin Dong and Li Qingcheng. Sweet voice and bright smile are very infectious. People feel happy and can feel the attention of each other at the same time.

"Look at the wedding dress!" Lin Dong said.

"OK, please come here. Here are the latest models. They are designed by internationally renowned designers and are most suitable for young people's aesthetics." the salesperson led the way and introduced them.

Lin Dong is not very attractive. After all, no matter how beautiful the wedding dress is, it is not worn by his own women, but Li Qingcheng is full of spirit and has nothing to do. Lin Dong looked at it casually. The design of the store is very good, fashionable and romantic. I believe that even people who have no intention of marriage have plans to wear the wedding dress and enter the marriage hall in this environment. There are no other customers in the store. There are several staff in the store. They don't look very busy. Although they don't seem to be working so strictly, they don't feel slighted.

This makes Lin Dong have a good impression on this store. The service industry can make people feel comfortable, which is the greatest success!

"Which one do you think looks good?" suddenly hearing Li Qingcheng's inquiry, Lin Dong turned his attention to the past. Seeing the two wedding dresses asked by Li Qingcheng, one is relatively traditional, but some changes have been made in the details, making it more fashionable. The other is bolder, because there is more exposure. I'm afraid that ordinary traditional families should not accept it. After all, there are so many people at the wedding, relatives and friends. It must be inappropriate to wear such exposure. However, although it is exposed more, I have to admit that it makes people feel no waves at all, but sexy, so that people will not forget the crooked thoughts. Moreover, this is really beautiful. I believe it will amaze the whole audience if it is put on!

"This lady has a good eye. These two wedding dresses are the latest models, and you have such a good figure. I believe no matter which one you wear, it's very beautiful." the salesperson said with a smile.

Li Qingcheng couldn't help blushing slightly. Lin Donggang wanted to say that it was a choice for others. Li Qingcheng said first, "let me try first!"

Lin Dong looked at Li Qingcheng slightly surprised. Li Qingcheng gave him a warning look, and then led him down to the fitting room under the guidance of the salesperson, which made Lin Dong smile. It seems that the wedding dress is really attractive to her. Well, since we can't really get married now, is that a fake head office? At least it can satisfy her little wish, can't it? What's more, Li Qingcheng has "deliberately" warned. How can Lin Dong tear down the platform?

While Li Qingcheng was changing clothes, Lin Dong thought about whether to buy more by the way? Buy one for each woman?


At this time, there was a sound of pushing the door. Then I saw a middle-aged man come in with a gloomy face, his eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously, and his mood didn't seem to be very good. Ignoring the employee's greetings, he said, "bring me the account book and let me have a look."

Then, he walked to the rest room. Before long, an employee sent the ledger to him. He looked down.

"What are you looking at?"

The sound of Li Qingcheng sounded. Lin Dong turned his head and was stunned!


It's beautiful!

Although Li Qingcheng itself is particularly beautiful, but wearing the wedding dress has another unspeakable charm. No wonder people say that women in wedding dress are the most moving. This is indeed reasonable! Looking at Lin Dong's dull expression, Li Qingcheng was secretly happy, but soon he was a little depressed. What if he was beautiful now? I don't know if I will have the opportunity to wear my own wedding dress in the future!

"How beautiful, that's it!" Li Qingcheng wore a relatively conservative wedding dress. Lin Dong decided without hesitation.

"It's very nice. Shall I try the other one?" Li Qingcheng asked tentatively.

Since she wanted to try, Lin Dong naturally wouldn't refuse, nodded and said, "it's OK, then try."

Li Qingcheng happily turned in with another one. Before long, the salesperson went out first. Li Qingcheng may have to tidy up inside. After all, there are a lot of slightly exposed ones. After the salesman came out, he peeped at Lin Dong and seemed to want to say something.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Lin Dong asked curiously. The salesperson looked at himself with some wrong eyes.

Lin Dong's opening made the salesperson a little flustered. He shook his head and waved his hand and said, "no, nothing. Have we met?"

Lin Dong couldn't help laughing. He didn't know whether it was her performance or her words. He smiled and said, "I should say that, right?"

"So, have we met?" the salesperson didn't hear Lin Dong's implication. Generally, such old-fashioned chat-up methods as whether we have met or whether you look like my friend are boys. Lin Dong was just a joke, but he didn't expect the salesperson to hear it. However, it seems that the salesperson is not chatting up. Have you really seen him?

Thinking of this, Lin Dong couldn't help looking at her carefully. At this look, he really looked familiar. It seemed that he had really seen somewhere, but he wasn't impressed too deeply. Lin Dong thought for a long time and didn't have any clue.

"It seems that we did meet, but sorry, I really can't remember. Why don't you give me some tips?" Lin Dong asked apologetically. After all, people recognize themselves and they have indeed seen them, but they can't remember. It's a very embarrassing thing. Don't you see that many people met each other with warm greetings. As a result, after they left, they were thinking, who is this person and where have they met? Why don't you ask when you talk? It's not because I'm afraid of embarrassment!

The salesperson didn't mind, but said excitedly, "car, remember? Car!"


Lin Dong is still confused. He still doesn't remember what it has to do with the car.

"I used to be a salesman in a car shop. Later, you came to buy a car and brought the police... Later, you asked me to pick a car and said it was a reward. Remember? My car is still outside now." the salesperson said excitedly.

When he said this, Lin Dong suddenly remembered that he helped Li Qingqing deal with a case of smuggling cars and pretended to buy a car. At that time, the salesperson who received him was the one in front of him. He also took a lot of advantage. Finally, he asked him to pick a car as compensation, and that's how he gave Jiang Fei the Bugatti Veyron. "It's you. I didn't expect to see you here!"

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