"Sell, sell to you, what do you mean?" Li Qingcheng was stunned. Lin Dong's answer surprised her, a little at a loss. Although she vaguely guessed the reason, she couldn't believe it!

She always thought that the Paradise Club had been sold, but now Lin Dong said that he was the one who bought the club!

This news is really too unexpected!

Even, Li Qingcheng never thought about it!

Before, he sold the club to Zhou Zheng and asked his son Zhou Ting to manage it. Everything was normal. Although they were very polite to themselves, Li Qingcheng thought it was his identity and Lin Dong's face, but he didn't expect that others thought Lin Dong was the big boss behind the scenes!

Li Qingcheng couldn't tell what she was feeling now. She was excited, surprised and had a feeling of recovery. After all, the Paradise Club condensed all her efforts. She made a great determination to sell it at the beginning. Now she suddenly knows that the Paradise Club is still Lin Dong's. what's the difference between her and her own? The feeling of lost and found is beyond words.

"I know you are stubborn. If I had given you money to run a drugstore with sister Xin, you would not have accepted it. But you run the Paradise Club. It would be a pity to sell it, so I asked Xu Feng to find Zhou Zheng and let him buy it." Lin Dong said with a smile.

Qiao Xinxin didn't expect that there was another reason, but she was also happy for Li Qingcheng. During this time, she really has a deep relationship with Li Qingcheng and knows the importance of the Paradise Club to her. Even in peacetime, she occasionally pays attention to the situation of the Paradise Club.

Li Qingcheng doesn't know what to say, but she is also a simple person. Since things have happened, it's meaningless to tangle now. However, he secretly thanked Lin Dong in his heart. Although Lin Dong seemed very distracted emotionally, he cared a lot!

"For the time being, I'll be ready to integrate when the wedding is over," Lin Dong said.

Of course, women are meaningless. I don't think much about who will decide when the group integration is completed. After all, the candidates for this matter are actually limited, Li Qingcheng, Qiao Xinxin, sun Qian!

Only the three of them are good at it.

Ouyang sisters are now single-minded cultivation, developing in the direction of the female god of war. Li Qingqing has no intention of managing the company. The main industry of Dongshi group is still in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Therefore, sun Qian knows that she has little hope. Moreover, she has not intervened in Lin Dong's company before. Even in the film and Television City, she has less involvement.

So, basically, Qiao Xinxin and Li Qingcheng!

Therefore, there is basically no suspense about the candidate for president, and Li Qingcheng can't compete with Qiao Xinxin. After all, Qiao Xinxin is the first person Lin Dong knew when he came to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and also the person who took Lin Dong in at the beginning. Qiao Xinxin is an unquestioned candidate for president in terms of emotion, time, ability and so on!

After talking about the matter, Lin Dong turned his attention to the Ouyang sisters and Li Qingqing. Looking at them, he said, "OK, these ape demons are just small minions. I'll take you to meet a fierce man in the future!"

Ouyang sisters, Li Qingqing stopped. Ouyang Huoer asked curiously, "what fierce man?"

"Great sage! It's fierce enough!" Lin Dong said with a smile.

"Great sage? Monkey king? True or false?" Ouyang Huoer was surprised, and others were surprised.

Lin Dong smiled and didn't speak, but took them forward. When he came to the corner, Lin Dong quietly let himself return to normal. As soon as he turned the corner, everyone saw the mighty Saint not far away!

There's no way. The image of the great sage is deeply rooted in China. It's simply a national idol. How many of the classic shapes do you not know? At the sight of the great saint, everyone's expression was completely dull.

"Is this, is this really the great sage? Is the story of journey to the West true? Is there really a great sage in this world?" Qiao Xinxin couldn't help but wonder.

Lin Dong explained with a smile: "I don't know whether the journey to the west is true or whether there is a great saint. Maybe there is, maybe not, but I think if there is, we are unlikely to see it. After all, if there is a great saint, it must be either God or Buddha. I can't compare the level realm! But this one in front of me can also be regarded as a great saint!"

"That's false? But it's true!" they sighed.

Of course, Lin Dong was shocked when he saw it. Not only the shape, but also the ability of hair separation, which are very similar to the great saint. To tell the truth, Lin Dong is also curious about whether there is a great saint in the world. Otherwise, how did he come here? As the saying goes, there is no wind without waves. People in the fairy world can't be idle and bored. Do you use the modeling in a novel in the secular world?

If you think further, how did the fairyland make these monsters? Is it like Nu Wa who can pinch earth to make people? If you really have this ability, it's amazing! To tell the truth, although Lin Dong has mastered the immortal heritage now, he just mastered it. It's like the monsters here can refresh regularly and appear again after death. Lin Dong didn't understand this.

Just like the game world, it's just a pile of data or programs!

However, Lin Dong didn't study it in depth. For him, it's too early for him to study it.

"I want to try!"

Ouyang Huoer looked at the great saint and said eagerly.

Lin Dong thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "it's really not good this time. The great sage is much better than those ape demons before. With your strength, even if you two sisters add Qingqing and even Qiu Xue, the four of you may not be the opponent of the great sage. It's too dangerous!"

Ouyang Huoer and Li Qingqing were unconvinced by this. Ouyang bing'er also frowned slightly and looked at the great saint constantly. When Qiu Xue arrived, he nodded approvingly: "will your great saint be the same as it? If so, it's really difficult to deal with!"

"That's right! It's an accident!"

Lin Dong nodded as like as two peas, and then summoned the great God, and it was exactly the same as the great master in the distance.

"I can only let it disappear or appear now, but I can't control it. But if you want to compete, you can compete with my great saint general later, so as to ensure that it won't hurt you!" Lin Dong said.

Ouyang Huoer thought about it. This is also a way. Since Lin Dong refused so seriously, it is obvious that he and others are definitely not the opponent of the great saint. Otherwise, Lin Dong should not refuse. The great sage can't fight. It's better to compete with the great sage general. You can increase a lot of experience!

"You stay away a little. I'll get rid of the great saint. I promised Zhou Kuo to get him a stick just before!" Lin Dong thought and said to the women.

The women had no doubt about Lin Dong's strength, so they pushed away slightly and stood in this safe area without moving. Then Lin Dong left the noble God behind, so as not to affect them when they fight later. After that, Lin Dong went out.

As soon as he walked out of the safe area, he saw the great saint grinning and swinging his stick at Lin Dong!

Lin Dong was not vague. The wolf tooth sword appeared in his hand and rushed up directly. Speaking of it, the great sage is really strong. If it's just a tough fight, Lin Dong may not be an opponent. You know, Xu Mo's death had a lot to do with the great sage. However, the previous duel with Huo Feng made him used to the attack method of dealing with this strong attack. He was much more confident than before.

The green lotus thirteen swords are continuously displayed. Lin Dong impressively finds that the great saint is really strong. Although he has a great saint, Lin Dong hasn't really understood in detail how strong he is. Now he finds that the great saint is absolutely an invincible role in close combat. Even Huo Feng may not be an opponent!

Speaking of it, it was Xu Mo's self explosion that solved the holy master last time!

Lin Dong fought fiercely. Ouyang Huoer and other women were really amazed. At the same time, they also knew that the gap between themselves and the great saint was too big. If they were on their own, I'm afraid they couldn't resist. No wonder Lin Dong didn't allow it just now.

After about twenty minutes, Lin Dong was getting used to this rhythm and found the opportunity to release the strongest of the thirteen swords of Qinglian. Then he found an opportunity, followed by a continuous surge of attacks. Lin Dong didn't even remember how many moves he had made. Anyway, he roared for at least five minutes, and then the great sage roared with grief and anger, Slowly to the ground.

Unfortunately, it seems that nothing broke out. Lin Dong just got the great saint's gold stick. He wanted to strip his armor. That's also a good thing. Unfortunately, it didn't succeed. It seems that this armor should be an unavailable item! This somewhat disappointed Lin Dong, but the gold stick was worth it!

Put away the wolf tooth sword and Lin Dong played with the gold stick for a while. I have to say that the quality of this gold staff is really good, which is much better than Zhou Kuo's black staff. If you give him this staff, his combat power should be greatly improved. At least, don't worry, the weapons will be destroyed. The stick technique is basically open and close to force people. If you can't use weapons and don't dare to do your best, it will affect your combat effectiveness!

After receiving the gold stick into the storage ring, Lin Dong took the girls around again, and then returned to the bamboo house.

While he was free, Lin Dong unsealed the gold stick and gave it to Zhou Kuo when he was ready to go back. Later, I thought it would be better to get a long spear fairy by the way. I promised to give it to Huo Feng before. Moreover, I can also let the Huos see the quality of the long spear fairy. If they are satisfied, they can ask for a good price. No!

Moreover, Lin Dong thought about it.

If purgatory island is officially open to the outside world, there must be a lot of guards on the island. Therefore, it is necessary to have a fairy weapon. In this way, only with this posture, those who go to the island dare not mess around and can also show the details of purgatory island!

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