"See a play? What play?" the drunken and hazy Scarlett seemed to be very interested. Originally, they sat nearby, and now half of their bodies leaned against Lin Dong, holding a wine glass in one hand and holding their face on Lin Dong's shoulder in the other hand, spitting out orchid fragrance, and asked in a blurred voice.

ADA leaned aside and seemed to hear Scarlett's voice. She also opened her eyes and looked at Lin Dong.

"Naturally, it's a good play! Aren't vampires very popular here? Do you want to see it?" Lin Dong turned his head slightly and said with a smile.


Scarlett was stunned at first, followed by people who gathered in front of Lin Dong, with four eyes opposite and close at hand. "Isn't that a legend? Are there really vampires in this world?"

"You'll know when you see it. Just say if you're interested!" Lin Dong said with a smile.

Scarlett hesitated and nodded heavily. Originally, she was a courageous person. Now she is a little drunk, so she is even more courageous!

Although IDA was drunk, she still had some sense. After all, she is an agent and is responsible for Scarlett's safety. Although she doesn't believe that there are vampires in the world, she doesn't have the ability to think at this time. She just thinks that Scarlett is a little adventurous. What if something happens? Although she was worried and instinctively wanted to stop it, the wine strength surged up at this time, opened her mouth, muttered two words, struggled to blink, finally closed and fell asleep.

"ADA is asleep. Let's go. First send her to the room, and then I'll show you the so-called vampire." Lin Dong glanced at Ada and picked her up.

Scarlett also got up and went upstairs with Lin Dong barefoot. Take ADA into the room, put her on the bed and help her cover the quilt. Then they close the door and leave quietly.

When she went downstairs, Scarlett had hung on Lin Dong like a koala. She didn't know whether she was drunk or something, but this feeling was really good.

"Where are you taking me to see vampires?" asked Scarlett.

Lin Dong smiled: "you don't have to go anywhere. Just stay here. In a moment, you can see vampires."

"Really? You didn't mean to lie to me?" Scarlett said suspiciously.

Lin Dong laughed: "of course it's true. What did I lie to you?"

"I thought you deliberately said that you had time to be alone, and then... What did you say you lied to me?" Scarlett giggled, but her body leaned closer to Lin Dong.

Hearing Scarlett say this, Lin Dong is really speechless, but think about it. It seems that using vampire gimmick is really a trick to deceive the little girl. I'm afraid no one will believe it. It's like in China, telling people to go and find a place where no one is. Just us and I will show you the gods. It's estimated that few people will believe it and really want to see the gods!

However, in other words, if Scarlett didn't believe it and agreed, wouldn't it be a little interesting for herself? Look at her posture now, it's almost certain.

"Do you think I still need to cheat? If I want to get a woman, I have many ways. Cheating is just the worst means." Lin Dong smiled.

Scarlett was stunned and said, "you mean you really want to see vampires? There are vampires in the world. How do you know?"

"Because I've seen it!" Lin Dong said with a smile.

While talking, they had returned to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Lin Dong bent down to pour the wine, but Scarlett next to him acted faster. She poured the wine for Lin Dong first, and then put the wine cup on Lin Dong's mouth. Lin Dong glanced at it, and then took a sip. I have to say that it is really a sense of achievement to let the big stars raise their glasses and feed the wine in person.

"Do you feel it?"

Lin Dong suddenly said.

Scarlett hesitated and said, "what do you feel? Eh, I feel a little cold. Is it a vampire? Come... Come?" after half joking, Scarlett deliberately pretended to be a little scared and went straight to Lin Dong's arms. In particular, the appearance of panic is really a praise. If Lin Dong didn't see it, she wouldn't have thought she was acting!

The queen of the movie is the queen of the movie. This acting... Is really good!

But soon, Scarlett couldn't play, because she really found that there seemed to be one more person in the room. She also rubbed her eyes to avoid being dazzled by drinking too much, but no matter how she rubbed it, the result was the same!


Scarlett screamed, and the whole person was about to climb on Lin Dong.

Her reaction made Lin Dong laugh. No wonder couples watch horror movies. I didn't expect the vampire to have this effect! She patted Scarlett on the back and said softly, "don't be afraid. Take a closer look. Do you think he looks familiar?"

Maybe she thought Lin Dong's indifferent move made her feel safe. She looked up at the man. The dark tuxedo was very retro and handsome. However, when she saw the familiar and annoying face, Scarlett was stunned: "Custer? How is he?"

"Of course it's him, otherwise how could it be so coincidence? Unexpectedly, the count director is a real vampire, and his realm is the count!" Lin Dong said with a smile, and then looked up at Custer with a gloomy and ferocious face!

Yes, this man is the Earl director I met in the restaurant before. Just entering the restaurant, when Custer stared at Scarlett, Lindong found it, but he didn't know what he had to do with Scarlett, so Lindong didn't bother to pay attention. Later, he came to chat up and was scolded by himself. He didn't take it seriously, but when he came out of the restaurant and found that he was following, Lin Dong guessed that he should not give up.

Lin Dong doesn't like vampires. He doesn't know how many vampires he has killed. If he is smart, Lin Dong is too lazy to argue with him, but he wants to die himself, he can't blame Lin Dong!

"How do you know who I am?" Custer waited until they were all drunk in order not to be suspected. However, things are somewhat different from what he imagined. When he appeared, Scarlett's response made him very satisfied, but Lin Dong's response made him frown. The other party had no fear at all. The appearance of being free made him feel dangerous. The most important thing is that few people knew that he was a blood sucking ghost. How did he know his identity?

Lin Dong glanced: "it's just a little count. You can see your identity at a glance."

"So, I'm out of my sight when I come here. I think you're not an ordinary person?" Custer hummed: "this is the territory of our blood clan. If you know how to get away, I can't kill you. Otherwise, I'll let you know the power of my blood clan today!"

Sharp fangs appeared instantly. Custer stared at Lin Dong's neck and licked his lips. It was really scary. At least Scarlett felt that any vampire film she had seen in the past was not as scary as Custer's simple move!

"You've always wanted Scarlett to make your movie. You must have hit her to pay attention? Moreover, you've taken so much trouble, not just making a movie? Do you want her to be your blood slave or turn her into a vampire?" Lin Dong asked curiously.

Custer hummed: "Of course, it's to become a great blood family. In this way, you can stay young forever and get eternal life. This is what everyone dreams of and the supreme glory. You know, many stars ask me to make them a great blood family. Scarlett, as long as you are willing to be my woman, I can hold you for the first time and make you an immortal blood family!"

Eternal youth, immortal.

The former is fatal to women, and the latter is what everyone pursues.

Who doesn't want to be old and die?

Although people are afraid of vampires, there is a greater temptation to not be old and immortal, especially for those who are rich and powerful or suffering from incurable diseases. This is a rare opportunity. The reason why Custer can get up so quickly has something to do with this. Every time he shows his identity, he will feel afraid at the beginning, but after calming down and thinking about it, he is basically obedient Custer, as for those who didn't obey... Naturally, they died or disappeared by accident!

Caster had a crush on Scarlett for a long time and contacted her several times. Scarlett didn't agree. Originally, caster wanted to hide her identity and slowly figure it out. But now, it doesn't matter. She has to agree if she agrees or disagree!

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and the evil spirit and ferocity reflect each other, which is very charming! It has to be said that at this point, vampires are more attractive than werewolves, which is why vampires are also alien, but they are more popular and well-known than werewolves!

"You really dare to say, aren't you afraid of the people of the Holy See?" Lin Dong asked with a sneer.

"Holy See? Hum." Custer didn't have much, but his disdain was obvious.

This makes Lin Dong curious. Custer is just an earl. Where does he have the courage to despise the Holy See? It must not be his own strength, that is the strength of the blood clan? Is it Duke AI Qi's strength improved? It's very possible. He is a very smart and ambitious guy. It's normal to improve her ability.

The prince is the strongest blood clan, followed by the Duke.

One of the previous two Dukes died because of the attack on China, and the other was hurt by himself and didn't dare to act rashly. Although Lin Dong didn't know much about their upgrading system, the higher the realm, the more difficult it was to improve. If Duke AI Qi really became a prince, he wouldn't worry about the Holy See!


That's comparable to the existence of the Holy See and the Pope. Their strength is almost the same, and the blood family naturally has the foundation!

"So it is!"

Lin Dong whispered, turned his head and said to Scarlett, who had gradually regained her composure: "what, do you want to be a vampire?"

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