Although he doesn't believe that something can threaten his life, the feeling is strong and real. In the face of things that can threaten itself, although it is reluctant, it can only choose to compromise.

"I am not a ghost, I am..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Dong waved his sword impatiently and drew hard on his face. "Speak well, old me, my, your sister, you are not afraid of my prickly heat!"

"I mean, do you have any culture?" the guy shouted angrily. However, under Lin Dong's fierce eyes, his voice became smaller and smaller. Finally, he had to change his mouth. "I'm not a ghost. I'm the guardian of the gate of hell."

"That's right. It's good to talk well! So, the stone gate is really the gate of hell? What's the matter? You two talked together just now, and now you talk yourself?" Lin Dong glanced at the monster on the other side and asked.

"It's me, too. We're two in one."

"Two in one? I don't know. I don't care whether you are two in one or one. I ask you, do you know how to get rid of the curse of the death messenger?" Lin Dong didn't care about it. The most important thing is to solve the problem of Qiu Qianren.

The guardian glanced at Qiu Qianren and couldn't help laughing a little proudly: "this humble mortal is lucky to be favored by the death messenger. Boy, this is your glory. When you die and go to hell, you will know how good it is to be favored by the death messenger!"

Qiu Qianren smiled: "you really don't want to beat me, Lin Dong, help me beat it!"

"With pleasure."

Lin Dong smiled. The guardian immediately panicked and said, "you can't, you can't do this to me. I'm the great guardian of the gate of hell, ah..."

Wolf tooth sword jerked hard on the guy's face. Looking at the way he wanted to hide and couldn't hide, it was really funny and relieved his anger!

That kind of lofty posture is really unpleasant, especially after Lin Dong debunked its essence, it is definitely looking for smoke when it is using that posture!

"Don't fight, don't fight, I said... Damn it, it's the first time I've seen such a rude person like you for so many years. Is it true that you easterners are like this?" the guardian said with some bitterness.

Lin Dong stared: "what did you say?"

"No, nothing," he said in fear.

"For a guy like you who doesn't smoke, to be polite and polite to you is to cast pearls before swine. What do you mean by casting pearls before swine? Well, you don't have any knowledge. Illiteracy is really terrible. In short, it's just two words! You don't deserve it!"

"Are these three words?"

The guardian muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

"If a death messenger wants to walk in the world, he must have a container. This container is the human body. As a price, this container will not be disturbed when it enters hell after death. Even if it performs well, it may become a death Messenger, a servant of the Lord of hell, gain eternal life and strong strength! But you fools... These humans don't know its significance In fact, this is a gift. Do you understand? "

"You're so excited!"

Looking at the excited look of the guardian, Lin Dong snorted angrily.

The guardian said angrily, "of course I'm excited. I dream of becoming a messenger of death. Unfortunately... I can only guard this boring door here and can't leave. It's boring!"

"I'm so excited. I'm envious! Otherwise, how can you get rid of the curse and move the curse on you?" Lin Dong said with a smile.

"It's impossible!"

The guardian said simply. "The curse cannot be transferred unless the mission is completed. Moreover, even if it is transferred to me, it is useless. I must guard the gate of hell! Therefore, don't waste your efforts. There is no way to get rid of the curse. It's better to enjoy this gift."

"If you let me know that what you said is false, you will die!" Lin Dong said in a deep voice.

"I didn't lie to you, and it's no good!" whispered the guardian.

Is it for nothing? Is there really no way?

Qiu Qianren was fine. Although he was disappointed, he didn't lose his temper. However, the silence on his face betrayed his mood.

"No, it won't be like this. There must be a way." Qiu Xue shouted excitedly. She couldn't accept the result. Could dad just keep killing and satisfy the death Messenger, and finally he couldn't avoid being swallowed up by the death messenger?

Even if the guardian talks about the hype, there are many benefits after death, but death is death!

Qiu Xue took out the snow shadow knife and took an arrow step to the guardian. The snow shadow knife was directly placed on her neck, and the sharp blade was close to it.

"No, don't mess around!"

The guardian shouted in panic. He found that the weapon in the woman's hand was not simple, and even made it feel threatened. This makes him depressed. He is a noble and great guardian of hell. Isn't it only those heavenly weapons that can hurt him? How come there are two now!

"I don't believe there's no other way, there's a way, there must be a way. If you don't say, I'll kill you and smash the rotten door!" Qiu Xue said ferociously.

Lin Dong sighed. It was the first time he saw Qiu Xue's reaction.

"I didn't cheat you. I really can't lift it unless..." the guardian said subconsciously.

"Unless what? Say quickly!" Qiu Xue's eyes lit up and asked excitedly.

"Unless you can kill the death Messenger, the curse will not be lifted. However, don't be delusional. The death messenger is immortal and has eternal life. It's impossible to be killed by you mortals!"

"Kill the messenger of death?"

Qiu Xue took back the snow shadow knife and whispered with his head down.

I've been thinking about how to get rid of the curse and the messenger of death. I really haven't thought about solving the problem from the root, that is, killing the messenger of death. If the death messenger dies, the curse problem can be solved, but... Considering the strong performance of the death messenger in the Lin family last time, it is almost impossible to kill it. No wonder the guardian would say so.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Although there is hope, it is a very slim hope!

"You can't give up anyway. You have to try!"

In silence, Lin Dong spoke.

Clapped his hands and said in a relaxed tone, "Qiu Xue, don't you know how fast you frown? Compared with no hope before, now at least we have hope and a way to follow the target! Isn't it just to kill the death messenger? It's not impossible!"

"You have a way?" Qiu Xue looked up and looked forward to Lin Dong.

Lin Dong wanted to say not yet, but looking at Qiu Xue's eyes, he really couldn't say it. He just doesn't think he should give up, but it's useless to say that there must be a road in the driveway and the mountains.

It's not easy to kill the immortal messenger of death without entity?

Immortal, no entity?

Lin Dong suddenly had an idea!

"I suddenly had an idea." Lin Dong said, and then suddenly summoned all his gods.

Seeing these divine swords, Qiu Xue said in a daze: "what are you doing with them to deal with the death messenger? I'm afraid..."

"Who says I'm going to let them deal with the death messenger? Look carefully. Although these gods can also condense into entities, what actually? In fact, they are just empty souls. Is this like the death messenger?"

"Eh... What you said is true, but what does it have to do with killing the death messenger?" Qiu Xue still didn't want to understand the connection.

Lin Dong took all the other gods back, leaving only the great saint. "You say, is it dead or alive now?"

"Of course it's alive!" Qiu Xue said.

Lin Dong shook his head: "no, it is a monster in the immortal legacy. You know the situation of the immortal legacy. It will be refreshed only when it is dead. Therefore, it should be dead, but in another form, as a God, it will live again!"

Lin Dong's statement was also right. Qiu Xue nodded subconsciously. Now it is alive, but from the perspective of immortal heritage, it is dead again!

"Wait... Do you mean to turn the messenger of death into a general like a great saint?" Qiu Xue suddenly said.

Lin Dong smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's what I think. If the death messenger becomes my God general, it will naturally be cut off from everything before, which is equivalent to rebirth! However, there are two questions now, can I turn the death messenger into a god general? Also, when the death messenger comes out, it will occupy my uncle's body. If I turn it into a god general, will it not It will affect uncle! "

"For the first point, I have some ways. After all, they are all soul bodies. Maybe they can do it. However, we have to try to know whether they can succeed. Didn't we see a death messenger just now? We can use it to experiment. Just... The second point, the death messenger is attached to my uncle. It can be said that the soul has been entangled together. I'm afraid I'll turn my uncle into a God by then Will, so it's best to be able to separate them, even for a short time! "

"If you let them separate for a short time... I have a way!"

A voice suddenly burst into the socket.

Lin Dong turned his head and looked at it. He was surprised and said, "Oh, it's good. Finally, it's a sentence that people don't want to smoke you!"

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