Floating, Lin Dong doesn't remember how far he looked or how long it has been in the past. It seemed very long, it seemed very short, it seemed that one day had passed, but it seemed that it was only two or three hours. In this environment that could not be distinguished by foreign objects, Lin Dong simply didn't care.

Anyway, even if you know how long it will take, you can't find them and can't get out. It's better to calm down than to affect your mood because of this!

Lin Dong thought clearly, but it's not easy to calm down in this environment. The more you force yourself to calm down, the more irritable and restless you are. Finding that he couldn't calm down, Lin Dong sat cross legged and silently recited the meditation formula. This set of formula handed down by the Du family has been practiced specially at the beginning, but it has hardly been practiced at other times.

But I have to admit that this seemingly useless skill has a very obvious effect in this environment.

Different from other physical exercises and power exercises, this set of skills is the heart, or spiritual power! After several times of meditation, Lin Dong found that his mood was calm. The previous agitation and irritability seemed to disappear all at once. In addition, Lin Dong also found that his mind seemed to have a trace of understanding and transformation, which made him discover the mystery and power of this set of skills!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his mood gradually became balanced. After meditating over and over again, Lin Dong gradually fell into a very ethereal realm, as if he had been integrated with the darkness around him. At first, Lin Dong didn't feel anything, but soon he found that there was something special about this mysterious and mysterious feeling.

He felt the God of death!

And the position is not far from yourself. Calculate the distance. It seems to be the position you just came out before! This makes Lin Dong very depressed. The God of death will not walk around without his own orders, which means that in fact, the God of death will be near him from the beginning, but he didn't find it at all because of special reasons!

However, he didn't feel Camero and Qiu Qianren. I don't know why! But anyway, sensing death will be harvest! Then Lin Dong stopped, turned and walked in the direction of the God of death. However, at this time, the feeling disappears. Maybe it can only be felt when reciting the Dharma formula.

I secretly estimated the distance in my heart. I felt that the position should be almost the same, but I couldn't find the God of death. In desperation, Lin Dong had to recite the Dharma formula again and immerse himself in that ethereal state. As soon as he entered the state, Lin Dong found the death god general. In addition to the death god general, he also found Camero. He was near the death god general!

But looking at them, it seems that they are the same as before. They can't feel it when they are around.

Lin Dong was disappointed that he didn't see Qiu Qianren. It was estimated that he wanted to find someone like before. As a result, he unknowingly went away. The reason why we can't feel it may be that we are too far away. The God of death will be summoned by himself, so we can feel it most deeply. Camero came closer and found it.

Although we found the God of death and Camero, now a new problem comes.

Once they stop, they can't feel them, and they can't find themselves. It's like two overlapping spaces. It's clearly standing in one problem, but in fact it's two spaces! Perhaps this is the true meaning of space fault!

It can't be touched, and the sound can't be conveyed.

How do you contact them and keep them close to you?

Lin Dong's eyebrows could not help but wrinkle. His mind was in a mess, and the ethereal state disappeared, and his surroundings fell into dead darkness again!

"Now at least know that there is no external danger in this place. The biggest danger is to be separated. This feeling of silence can definitely drive people crazy!" Lin Dong frowned slightly and analyzed the situation and solutions.

No external danger relieved him. At least he didn't have to worry about being attacked or being caught off guard. But it's also a tricky way to get in touch with them. Now he can only feel it when he recites the formula silently. Once he stops, it's useless. If you are proficient in the formula, you don't have to sit on the ground and keep a posture, but the key to the problem is how to contact them and let them know what's going on!

"It's really depressing. I hate this feeling of powerlessness!" Lin Dong cursed depressed, and then calmed down.


He has no way now. The only thing he can rely on is the formula of concentration and meditation! Before he can't think of any other way, Lin Dong still plans to master this set of formula first. At least he can reach the point where he won't stop moving! In this way, it's easier to find Qiu Qianren!

Sit down and calm down.

Lin Dong was completely immersed in cultivation.

As the saying goes, there is no time in the mountains, but in this space fault, in this "small black house", it is really that you can't feel the passage of time and the existence of time!

I don't know the time at all. I don't know how long it took. Lin Dong only felt a little success. Even if he relaxed and stood up, that feeling still existed!

This makes Lin Dong secretly happy, at least it shows that his efforts are in the right direction. As for time? It doesn't make sense to tangle for how long. Even if you know and don't know, you don't want to stay here. Instead of tangle with this problem, you can only bother others and increase trouble.

After a little induction, Lin Dong found that the God of death and Camero were still in place, and even... Qiu Qianren was nearby. The God of death will not say for the time being, but it surprised Lindong that Camero could not move away. Lindong had experienced that taste. In this environment, even if he did not dare to act rashly at the beginning, I'm afraid no one can stand this taste over a long period of time!

Or Camero is too timid to move at all. Or, he knows that even walking around is useless. It's better to stay in place and wait for himself.

Camero doesn't feel like the former. Maybe he is very timid sometimes, but it's just a dispute of morale, or when it doesn't matter. If it really involves his safety and life, his courage is definitely not small! He is a smart man, so he stayed where he was!

As for Qiu Qianren, Lin Dong was relieved. At least he didn't have to bother to find him. Maybe he found it unusual after he left for some time, so he turned back again.

Lin Dong tried to come to their position. Obviously, he could feel that they were standing together, and even the positions had overlapped, but he didn't touch anything. Obviously, the key now is to find a way to contact them.

"Come on, I can only continue to practice. I hope I won't be disappointed. Otherwise, I'll waste time not saying, I'm afraid I'll be trapped here!" Lin Dong tried several times, but he couldn't make them have any reaction, let alone let them find themselves and communicate with them. This feeling of powerlessness really made him very unhappy. He couldn't show his skills when he was free.

Even in hell, I still have primary recovery and death. Here, I can only hope that the meditation formula can play a miraculous effect.

I hope they don't move around, so that they won't have an easy way to communicate. I have to find them everywhere!



Lin Dong's thoughts Camero and Qiu Qianren don't know, and they don't know at all that Lin Dong is practicing and trying to communicate with them. They can only feel endless darkness and loneliness. It's really hard to feel the sense of silence without sound.

Like Lin Dong's guess, Camero found the abnormality here after he came in. His first reaction was to look around, but he soon dismissed the idea, and then the idea was to stay in place and wait! He believes that in addition to himself, others should also face such a situation. Qiu Qianren doesn't know much, but he believes in Lin Dong!

With Lin Dong's ability, he should have a way to solve it. If he can solve it, he should come to help himself. If he can't solve it, Camero doesn't think he has the ability to solve it! Therefore, instead of losing the chance of Lin Dong's rescue and leaving here because of his walking around, it's better to stay in place and wait.

So it's still not 100% sure, and it's far away. I don't know when, but there's still a goal to follow. It's also the best way at present. In addition, Camero has been in hell for a long time. Although he is looking forward to leaving here, his eagerness can be controlled.

To say the least, it's better to be trapped here and die here than to argue with me and cheat with each other in hell!

Because of this mentality, Camero did not worry from beginning to end and was able to stay. It was Qiu Qianren. Although he didn't take any action at the beginning, he couldn't bear to walk around. Finally, he found nothing, so he turned back. He was lucky. He had a rich memory and experience, so he didn't go astray.

He was sure that if Lin Dong had a way, he would come to save himself. At least he was also his father-in-law! However, his character is optimistic, otherwise he will not be cursed and can maintain such a state of mind, but it is also doomed that he is not the kind of person who can stay! Holding back his restless mind, he felt that at least most of the day had passed, and he finally couldn't bear it.

"No, although I don't have claustrophobia, I can't stay here like this. I have to find a way. I can't rely on Lin Dong for everything, so as not to make the boy look down!" Qiu Qianren doesn't know whether he really thinks so or to find a reason for himself. In short, he still can't stand it and is ready to continue to test around.


Collapsed. I went out to get a room photo at 8:00 in the morning. I've been tossing around all day and haven't finished it yet! I have to go out tomorrow morning, so I shouldn't update it in the morning! Pit father, today's watch, the old rule, go back and make up!

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