Donglin village, village entrance!

Several heavily armed hunters guarded the entrance of the village, with their bows full of mystery and swords out of their scabbard. They were strict to wait for the array, and the atmosphere was dignified. Across from them stood six or seven people, dressed a little better than those in Donglin village, but not much better. One showed arrogance or ridiculed, and didn't pay attention to those people at the entrance of the village at all!

Alin rushed to the entrance of the village and immediately took out his bow and arrow to aim at them. Looking at others, some resent, some anger, some fear, and look different.

Obviously, these people are not good at coming!

"It's these damn robbers again!" someone whispered angrily.

Lin Dong frowned, robber? Are there any robbers in the fairyland? But when I thought about it, I was relieved. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are disputes naturally. Although immortals are immortals, they are also human!

"It seems that this group of people should appear often, otherwise, they won't know so well. No wonder they will be so nervous!" Lin Dong muttered to himself, looking at how to solve the problem.

If these robbers are going to do it, Lin Dong won't sit idly by in the face of ah Lin, but he doesn't know the strength of these guys. It shouldn't be too weak to be a robber in the fairy world? I'm not sure if I fight, but if I release all the God generals, I should be able to support them for a while. They don't have too many people. There are many people here in Alin. Even if I can't win, I should be able to resist!

"What do you guys want? Do you want to do it? Just because you want to be enemies with us? Don't dream!" one of them looked like a leader and sneered.

"Hum, if you don't leave, even if the jade and stone are burned, you can't expect to benefit!" Alin shouted.

"Jade and stone burn? You? Ha ha, I'm so happy. Dare you? Do you have this ability?" the man laughed carelessly and pointed to Alindao; "Boy, I know you. Your name is ah Lin, right? You have a beautiful sister named ah Qing. She went to the city. Should she come back at this time? Don't you wonder why she didn't come back?"

Arlene's face suddenly fused and ran out. "What do you mean, what have you done to my sister?"

"It's nothing. I just brought it back to our boss. I can't help but look beautiful and brought a lot of things. It's cheap for us. Boy, if you know the truth, give us all the valuable things in the village. Maybe you can let your sister back, otherwise... Tut tut, such a beautiful girl doesn't know what it's like to play!"

"Asshole, I fought with you!"

Alin roared and pulled his bow to shoot an arrow.

However, he was stopped by a Guang nearby: "don't be impulsive. A Qing is still in their hands. Killing him can't save a Qing. Not to mention so many of them, it's hard to deal with!"

"What should I do? Do you agree to their request? Ah Guang, I will save my sister anyway." ah Lin roared.

"I know, I know. They won't do anything to ah Qing until we refuse. Let's worry about the long term and prepare to save people. If something happens to you because of impulse, how can you save ah Qing at that time?"

When Arlene heard this, he gradually calmed down, but he was still the group of people who glared.

The leader didn't care. He turned his mouth and said arrogantly, "I'll give you a day. You can send your things to Optimus Valley before sunset. If you don't see anything after sunset, I don't have to say what will happen to ah Qing. Of course, it's not just ah Qing. No one can run, including you!"

Then the leader waved, "go!"

The voice fell, and the group of people walked away with no defense at all. They didn't worry about Arlene. They would attack behind their backs!

Watching them leave gradually, Alin shook his fist fiercely, looking unwilling and angry!

The others are silent. It's not a good thing to be watched by their robbers. What's more, they have given a deadline. Before sunset, whether to spend money on peace or fight with them, we always have to come up with a countermeasure.

Lin Dong thought and left quietly.

How they decide has nothing to do with Lin Dong. After all, Lin Dong is just an outsider and has no position. However, Alin is good for himself. Whether he wants to fight hard or spend money to eliminate disasters, his purpose is to bring people back. Now that he has caught up, Alin is good to himself. He can't sit back and ignore him. Taking advantage of no one's attention, Lin Dong summoned the sky god general, let it change its form to track those people, and try to know where the girl named ah Qing is locked up!

Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

After a while, the dark faced Alin and a Guang came in.

Seeing their faces, Lin Dong could guess that the result was not so smooth. From the previous attitudes towards robbers, although they are angry and resentful, most of them are still angry. Immortals are also human and will be afraid! Maybe mortals can't kill immortals, but immortals are absolutely capable of killing immortals, which is also 369 class!

"They are too timid to give up their money to those bastards!" ah Guang couldn't help muttering.

On the other hand, ah Lin calmed down, shook his head and said, "I don't blame them. Anyway, he can't die without money. He's just working hard and taking risks. If he doesn't promise, I'm afraid those robbers really dare to kill them all. This is not the first time."

"That's what I said. I just feel a little unwilling. Moreover, I'm worried that even if they give something, they may not release people." a Guang said anxiously.

Ah Lin said expressionless, "so I have to make two preparations. I'll follow them to deliver things. If they let my sister go, it's OK. If they don't, I'll rob people directly."

"OK, I'll go with you!" said a Guang without hesitation.

Ah Lin looked, shook his head and said, "you should know that if you really do it, you may be close to death. At that time, our brothers and sisters will not be alone when they die together. What about you? I know you are not afraid of death, and I know you want to help me, but what about the village at that time? They will definitely come again. They always need hands!"

"Then I can't watch you die!" ah Guang said excitedly.

"Why don't I accompany you?"

At this time, Lin Dong suddenly opened his mouth.

Ah Lin and ah Guang were stunned for a moment. Ah Guang blurted out, "you? Your strength is so weak. What's the use of going with you? You're not dead!"

"Brother Lin Dong, I thank you for your kindness, but it's not a joke or an impulse. It's going to kill you!" ah Lin said.

Lin Dong said faintly, "I know. It is because I know the danger that I want to go with you!"

"Don't joke, are you going to die? Or do you want to be a burden." a Guang said.

Ah Lin said apologetically: "although ah Guang's words are more direct, but... Don't you want to see the Immortal Emperor? What if something really happens? I advise you to leave and let us solve the things in Donglin village by ourselves!"

"This is Donglin village, which in turn is my name, Lin Dong! The first village I came to meet from outside, and you are very friendly to me. Just for this, I can't stand by. What's more, if it's spread, people will think that I'm Lin Dong timid?" Lin Dong smiled with a firm tone.

Lin looked sad. He didn't want to involve Lin Dong. Just looking at him, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Do you know where ah Qing is locked up? Do you know how many people there are?" Lin Dong smiled and said, "if you go to die, I won't follow, but if you go to save people, I think... You'd better take me!"

"What do you mean, we don't know, do you know?" ah Guang said.

Who knows, Lin Dong really nodded.

"You really know? Are you kidding? Their group of people come and go without a trace, and there are a lot of people. How do you know where ah Qing is locked up and how many people are guarding? Can't you be with them!" ah Guang said directly.

Lin Dong suddenly turned black. "Can you use your head? I'm still talking nonsense with them? And I encourage you to save people?"

"Er... I said something wrong, but I still don't believe you will know!" ah Guang touched his head and said.

Lin said, "brother Lin Dong, I know you want to help and want me to take you with you, but you don't have to tell such a lie?"

Speechless, Lin Dong felt very speechless. "Do I have to lie and cheat you to take me to death? If you don't believe it, you can wait. Soon, you will know whether what I said is true or false!"

"Wait, wait for what?" ah Guang said strangely.

Lin Dong did not answer.

Lin looked at Lin Dong and hesitated. Did he really know that there was really any way? If it is true, the assurance of saving my sister is even greater!

It's just, what's he waiting for?

Ah Lin and a Guang are a little confused, but they can't ask Lin Dong if they don't want to speak again. Didn't he say wait? Then wait. It has been decided anyway. At that time, both hands will be ready. If you can really wait for some good news, it will be better. Even if you can't wait, you just risk your life to save people!

One hour passed and two hours passed. Seeing that it was approaching noon, a Guang finally couldn't help it.

"Lin Dong, it's been two hours. When will we wait?"

"Two hours is four hours? It's not too long." Lin Dong thought, suddenly looked up and smiled; "Well, the news is back!"

"Back, where?"

A Guang looked around in doubt, but he didn't find anything. As soon as he was about to speak, he felt that the sky was suddenly cloudy. Subconsciously, he looked up and found a big bird falling on his head. A Guang hurried away, but saw that the big bird came to Lin Dong after landing, followed closely, and disappeared!

"This... What's going on?"

A Guang and a Lin looked at Lin Dong suspiciously, but Lin Dong just smiled faintly.



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