Chapter 1 The Night

Rainbow-colored lights cast a glow on the night travelers on the city street, who seem even busier than they were in the daytime. One BMW stopped in front of an older looking building after many turns through a narrow alley. Shen Mo, dressed in a glamorous evening gown, walked out of the luxury car. Her rental apartment was on the second floor. The scene seemed incongruous somehow.

Mo left the car gracefully, seemingly calm, but she knew how afraid she was of the man in the driver’s seat. It was a fear that words couldn’t describe, but she still made herself show a slight smile, “want to come in?”

The man in the car looked at Mo without any expression in his eyes. After a pause, he finally blurted out an answer, “no thanks.” The coldness in his voice was unmistakable.

After Mo heard the blue BMW start and drive away, she was able to take a long breath. She knew coldness was the first sign before the man grew angry, so she was relieved the car left, helping her avoid trouble with him. He was Jiang Hao, the CEO of the renowned Jiang Group, and Hao’s anger would make anyone tremble.

Mo was often proud of herself, how she dared to challenge this tricky man, and even defy him sometimes. He probably never thought she’d agree to be his mistress but not live in his villa. He was probably rarely denied, not to mention most people would be tempted by a villa, but she never wavered.

She still remembered how one day, Hao took her to a palatial villa and gave her a brand-new key to the place. Mo was surprised but quickly recovered. Wasn’t this something every mistress owned? But that was not her intention. When she approached Hao and became his mistress, it wasn’t for a villa. She stared at the key for a long time before handing it back to him. “I don’t want it.” She could feel a coldness coming over her as soon as she said it. Before she could explain, Hao didn’t give her a chance to breathe before pressing her into the sofa and moving on top of her...

That was when Mo realized the man was far more dangerous she’s imagined. She was brave, however, as she never accepted the key, instead, she persevered and rented her current apartment.

She made her tired body walk toward the stairs. Her lonely steps ricocheted in the empty staircase, each sound stepping on her heart. As soon as she got to the second floor, she was ambushed by a shadow, someone who was quite tall. Her landlady’s sharp voice followed.

 “Hey, you’re home rather early today!” Ridicule was in the woman’s eyes.

Mo didn’t respond. She left early and came back late every day and it was hard to hide her routine from this woman, in any case, she didn’t care. She did look at the man who stood in front of her. He had a clean-cut face, but with none of Hao’s overwhelming pressure, and actually seemed comforting. His features were sculpted and he would be considered attractive to most.

Seeing Mo’s assessment, the man’s mouth curved and he extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Su Ye.”

Before Mo reacted, the landlady rushed to add, “Let me tell you. Su Ye just moved in. He’s right across from you. Make sure you guys look out for each other!”

Mo wasn’t interested in the landlady’s enthusiasm. After she politely nodded, she shook the man’s hand and walked to her place. She really didn’t care who lived around or across from her.

When she fought for her own place in the beginning, she wanted peace, quiet, and a space of her own, where she could maintain her sense of self. She didn’t want to become like other mistresses, who abandoned themselves into a pit of desire and money. She had never realized how much interaction in the future she’d have with this man called Su Ye, or how she would owe him so much...

She tossed aside her heels and removed her evening attire before sinking into bed. She was tired, so tired. Every time she came back from Hao’s place, she always felt this exhaustion... Some people could build a habit in a week, but she’s been with Hao for a year now and was still not used to him. Was it because she has never used her heart? Or was it because she’s always considered it a temporary thing? How long is this temporary?...

As she caressed her father’s photo, she shook her head and forced her eyes to close. No matter how long this period would last, or hard it was, she’d keep going. She’d never forget the bright blood she always saw in her sleep, or the pain she’s endured all these years. She grabbed some sleeping pills by the nightstand and swallowed one without water. Sleep, she’ll sleep and be better. The game was just beginning.

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