Chapter 195 Except for my daughter being older, everything else is fine, the fairy is here!

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Zi Shanhe learned the appearance of Chen Chang’an, and pasted this 【Innocuous Poison Prevention Talisman】.

After all this is done.

Chen Chang’an flipped his palm.

A jade bottle appeared.

This is 【Spirit Poisonous Cloud】, a kind of vicious mist.

It is the income from signing in after interacting with the master two days ago.

Although I don’t know how poisonous this [Spirit Poison Evil Cloud] is, the system only introduced a sentence of “six three seven”, this poison can be poisonous to immortals.

Now that the system has been introduced in this way, it proves that this poison is useful to immortals.

Will suffice.


Chen Chang’an opened the jade bottle.


A cloud of chlorinated spirit mist floated out of the jade bottle, with a delicate fragrance, which looked extraordinary.

Ordinary people will feel this enveloping spirit mist, and they will never think that this is actually a kind of viciousness!

Even Zishanhe was very surprised.

Curiously said.

“This is your poison?”

Chen Chang’an nodded.


The [Spirit Poison Evil Cloud] in the jade bottle was completely gushing out of the jade bottle, permeating the mountains and rivers.

It seems that with the [spiritual poisonous cloud] permeating this mountain and river, it makes it feel like a fairyland on earth!

Zishanhe sighed.

“Chang’an, I didn’t expect you to have such a good thing, who would have thought it was poison.(Read more @

Chen Chang’an put away the jade bottle with a solemn expression, and checked the mission map of the system.

Above, the five Dragon Immortals are already very close to the place where Chen Chang’an is.

Chen Chang’an on the Zishan River.

“People are coming soon, are you ready?”

“Is there a fairy?” Zi Shanhe still couldn’t help asking.

Chen Chang’an glanced at him, “Do you think I’m lying to you?”

Chen Chang’an considered it for a while, and still felt that Zishanhe would lose the chain here.

Take out the [Jinpeng Sun Fairy Picture] and throw it to Zishanhe.

“While there is still some time, refine this sword technique, and match it with the Sun Immortal Knife in it to be more confident against those immortals.”

“Give me?” Zi Shanhe was taken aback.

“Well, it’s useless if I keep it.

Zi Shanhe held up his thumb, “Enough atmosphere, worthy of being my brother, brother loves you.

“I love my niece.”

Zishanhe stared.

“Brother Chang’an, what are you talking about???”

Chen Chang’an cast a blank look.

“It’s a joke, you take it seriously, hurry up and refine it.”

“Okay, 0”

But Zi Shanhe took a serious look at Chen Chang’an, and then couldn’t help but speak.

“Actually, my daughter is a little older, otherwise it’s suitable for you.

Chen Chang’an quickly refused, “Don’t, I can’t be too busy now.

“too busy?”

Zishanhe was puzzled.

“It’s the literal meaning, it’s natural to understand.

Don’t tell me, Zishanhe really didn’t understand what Chen Chang’an said.

Nothing is too busy.


Zi Shanhe didn’t continue to think too much.

He looked at Chen Chang’an so serious, for that

This made Zishanhe dare not care, became dignified, and began to refine this [Jin Peng Sun Xian Tu].

This [Jinpeng Sun Immortal Picture], although it is a treasure of the ancient Jinpeng tribe, is not more than 1.5 times after passing through the refinement master Chen Chang’an.

Here in Zishanhe, the sacrifice was completed in a short time.

Mastered this magic weapon.

at the same time.

In the distant sky, five divine rainbows came across the sky.

Seeing these five divine rainbows, Chen Chang’an’s eyes suddenly shot out a sharp light!

“The fairy is here!”

“Brother, get ready!”.

|The arrival of people do the foot




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