Chapter 6 God’s blessing, on-hook cultivation function!

at this time.

The voice of the system came.

“System prompt: detected the care of the host master, the basic function of the system to wake up: [God’s Blessing].”

“God’s blessing?”

Chen Chang’an was puzzled.

“System reminder: [God’s Blessing], the host’s unique function, consumes 10 points of filial piety each time, can bless and upgrade all the items given by Master’s care, and increase the rank. Every time 10 points of filial piety are consumed, one can be matched. [God’s Blessing] for each item.”

“The system still has this function!”

Chen Chang’an’s eyes brightened.


He first tried to use those hundred middle-grade Qi Yun Pills.

(Note: There is no limit to the number of functions that can be used. It is only counted as one piece for different items presented by the master.)

“System reminder: The host uses [God’s Blessing] to consume 10 points of filial piety, improve quality, and obtain one hundred of the best Qi accumulation pills.”

Chen Chang’an listened, his eyes widened and shocked.

“It turned out to be the best!!”

This kind of top-grade pill, it is said that Yu Danfeng can only refine a hundred or so top-grade Qi accumulation pill last year.

And this kind of top-quality pill can increase the cultivation speed of the cultivator 20 times, and only those who are in teaching are qualified to enjoy it.

More importantly.

It’s like a superb Qi Yun Pill, which is worth tens of thousands of souls.

A hundred pieces.

Doesn’t that mean it is a million spirit stones!

He took a breath.

You must know the past three years.

He worked so hard as a handyman disciple to save 521 spirit stones.

After all, Lingshi is the common currency of the mainland of Kyushu, so you can use it for food, drink, housing, and transportation, even for cultivation.

Unexpectedly, now, he is equivalent to owning a million spirit stones at once.

Is this the system?

Loved love.


Chen Chang’an didn’t intend to sell these top-grade Qi Accumulating Pills, but kept them for his own use.

After all, I am in this crisis-ridden continent of Kyushu, where demons are rampant, and every once in a while, I hear that the Sect forces are destroyed. Maybe Changshengjiao will suffer some catastrophe one day.

So, becoming stronger is better than anything else.


Chen Chang’an also used the [God’s Blessing] for the Zhenjiao Bao [Changshengjing] handed to him by the master.

“System prompt: The host uses [God’s Blessing] on [Changshengjing], consumes 10 points of filial piety, improves quality, and obtains [Immortal Law].”

“Immortal Dafa?”

[Immortal Dafa] It appears in my mind, extremely mysterious, as if every word contains magical power.

This cultivation technique is all-encompassing, and it seems to contain the vast universe. Once cultivated, one can transcend the six reincarnations, immortal, and extremely domineering!

It is hundreds of millions of times better than that [Changshengjing]!

“Just cultivate this!”(Read more @

Chen Chang’an sighed.

“Unexpectedly, the function of [God’s Blessing] that the system awakens is so powerful, turning [Changshengjing] into such a heaven-defying cultivation technique!”

He sat cross-legged, his eyes closed tightly, and he took a top-grade Qi Accumulating Pill, ready to start cultivation 【Indestructible Dafa】!

At this time, the system came again with a prompt tone,

“System prompt: The host can consume 100 points of filial piety, turn on the [On-hook cultivation function], a fixed daily consumption of 10 points of filial piety, so that the host can automatically hang up cultivation without hard cultivation, automatic upgrade, level 99999 per second, will Love to take home easily.”



Chen Chang’an was really shocked.

This system is too invincible!

This feature must be turned on!

It’s best to be able to cultivate and make a salted fish by yourself.

“System, turn on the [hook cultivation function]!”

“The system prompts: consume 100 domain value points, turn on the [on-hook cultivation function], today on-hook deducts 10 points of filial piety, and the current remaining filial value is 62 points.”

[On-hook cultivation function] Operation.

Chen Chang’an didn’t do anything, and he felt that the system seemed to have created another self, and he was in the cultivation space and cultivated earnestly, cultivating [Immortal Dafa].

And he himself is constantly getting stronger under the [hanging machine cultivation function]!

He has no cultivation, just relying on the [Cultivation Function], his strength is getting stronger, and he is also constantly in control of the [Immortal Law], inexplicably understandable in his heart.


Chen Chang’an exclaimed.


Chen Chang’an took the best Qi Yun Pill without refining.

Own 【Hanging Cultivation Function】Helps refining to become stronger.

In the hang-up space, Chen Chang’an’s body is like a bottomless pit that swallows everything, plundering heaven and earth aura.

A strand of mana breeds in the body, flowing through the limbs and a hundred skeletons, and the whole body is comfortable!

His weak physical body is constantly growing and getting stronger!

So as to feed back to his ontology!

After a few breaths.

His body shook, he actually broke through the Second Stage of Qi refining!

[System prompt: Cultivation Base for half a year from on-hook cultivation, and the host breaks through the Second Stage of Qi refining. 】

Chen Chang’an was so excited that he wanted to cry.

Three years, three years.

Until today, he finally broke through!

“He has risen, and I finally have the rise of his cat. This system is amazing. Taking a top-grade Qi accumulation pill and hanging up for a while is equivalent to cultivating for half a year.”

“I’m such a fucking genius!”

But soon, Chen Chang’an calmed down.

His eyes were piercing, and he looked at the jade bottle in his hand with the best Qi accumulation pill gleaming with fluorescent light.

“Qi refining, Second Stage, this is just the beginning!”

Taking a deep breath, Chen Chang’an swallowed the best-quality pill in the jade bottle into his mouth.

“It tastes good, a little sweet.”

Chen Chang’an chewed, commented.


An hour later.

One hundred of the best Qi Yun Pills are all refined in the 【Cultivation Function】.

Don’t look at Chen Chang’an’s very low aptitude, but the [hanging machine cultivation function] does not look at aptitude.

After hanging up for an hour, he broke through from the first stage of refining gas to the fifth stage of refining gas!

At the same time, he has fully mastered the [Dharma of Immortality], a faint golden light flows on the surface, and the defense power of the physical body has been greatly improved.

Chen Chang’an learned.

If you can successfully cultivate [the immortal and immortal Dafa], then all the laws will not invade, all the catastrophes will not be destroyed, the blood will be reborn, the immortality will not die, and the domineering and unparalleled!

“This kind of cultivation speed, just ask who else?”

“I really look forward to the day when the [Immortal Undying Dafa] cultivation will become successful when you hang up, and then the Lord will not be afraid of death.”

Chen Chang’an was happy.

“But I broke through so fast, I’m afraid Master will be suspicious if I know it, and I can’t explain it well. I still have to think of a way.”

But soon.

Chen Chang’an found the same skill in [Xiaoxin Mall]-[Xiangui Hidden Qi].

The price is 50 points of filial piety, which can hide the breath of cultivator, and even make changes in realm, cultivation technique, and camouflage, even if it is immortal.

The products produced by the system must be high-quality goods, but the price is a bit expensive.

His filial piety is not worth much, only 62 points.

But it is just needed.

You have to buy if you should.

Chen Chang’an spends 50 points of filial piety to buy learning, and there are 12 points left, which can support tomorrow’s [hanging machine cultivation function].

Use [Xiangui Hidden Qi] to change the breath of Cultivation Base from Fifth Stage to First Stage.

Chen Chang’an smiled with satisfaction.

“Isn’t that done.”*

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