Autumn Star Seven Nights doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.

Therefore, the Black Shadow Soldiers have been restrained as much as possible, mainly in search of gems, and when discovered, it depends on the situation.

In short, in one word.

As long as things don't make a big fuss, the rest is completely arbitrary.

After all, they are their own subordinates, even if they don't have emotional fluctuations, Autumn Star Seven Nights will not let them suffer any grievances.

It's like he can't fight back, but it's not his style.

In the face of Kuroba Kaito's inquiry, the Black Shadow Ninja soldier casually pulled out a smoke bomb formed by the power of shadows.


White smoke quickly filled the room.

In order to snatch the gem, the Black Shadow Soldier naturally did not show mercy and quickly approached the other party with the help of the power of shadows.

Although Black Feather Kaito is not slow to react either.

Smoke grenades and flashbangs are also props that he used to use a lot.

Naturally, I know what to do in such an environment!

But before he could make any moves, he felt a light in his hand.

The box was taken by the other party.

"What the hell is this speed!?" Black Feather Kaito startled.

The movement of his hand was not slow, and when the gem was taken away, he waved his sleeve, which probably understood the position of the other party, and the special hypnotic gas inside kept falling.

I didn't mean to look at the results.

I took the opportunity to climb back to the roof through the rope on the side of the window.

This series of reactions can be regarded as very top-notch, but unfortunately, Black Feather Kaito doesn't understand what kind of 'monster' his opponent is this time.

Gas, poison gas, anesthesia, and other things that were effective on the human body had no effect on the Black Shadow Soldier at all, and in a very short period of time before he opened the window and left.

The successful Shadow Soldier has dived into the shadows.

"How's it going?" Black Feather Kaito came up and met Conan's resentful gaze.

"I'll do something, don't worry, if nothing else, that person is lying on the 31st floor sleeping at this time, wait a minute or two, and when the gas inside is almost gone, we can go in." "

Black Feather Kuaito sneered: "It's just that the other party seems to be unwilling to cooperate, and it's almost impossible to get some information from him." "

"I'll take a look at his face under the mask later, roughly confirm his identity, and the rest, it doesn't matter what you do. "

"I hope so. Conan looked at him warily.

Black Feather Kaito didn't care about his reaction, he had just been calculated, and it was normal for him to be a little vigilant now.

If he knew that the other party was so easy to handle, he wouldn't have calculated Conan.

Besides, it's not an overly calculating, you know, the two of them also belong to the hostile camp.

One is the Strange Thief.

One is the detective.


It was less than a minute, and before they could go downstairs to reap the results, a smoke bomb exploded next to the two of them.

Tricked by fake gems.

The Black Shadow Soldier will not be angry, but in order to better complete the mission, this time he will directly turn on his full strength.

without harming life.

A smoke grenade blocks the view.

Knowing that the real gem was likely to be on Black Feather Kuaito's body, pitch-black figures continued to emerge.

Bang bang bang......

Inside the white smoke, it was impossible to see anything, only the sound of punching and kicking kept sounding.

Since the rooftop space is not enclosed, the smoke dissipates very quickly.

But this scene was enough to attract the attention of the helicopters patrolling the sky.


When the smoke slowly clears.

Only Black Feather Kaito and Conan were lying on the ground with swollen faces and disheveled clothes, and as for the Black Shadow Soldiers, they had already left with the real gems they had found on their bodies.


"These guys, in order to achieve their goals, are really ruthless!" Black Feather looked at the sky without tears.

"Come on, it's already very face-saving that they didn't kill them, didn't they say anything when they didn't see my little child being beaten so badly?" Conan sat up tremblingly.

is as smart as he is, and it is easy to make up scenes in his brain.

Kidd, the strange thief, deceived them with fake gems, and then used gas despicably, in such a situation, who would be a little angry?

"It's poor me, I knew it was like this, I might as well hide in the dark and find the right time to make a move, and the other party is not alone, I may not choose to shoot, and I may not be beaten!"

Conan, don't mention how aggrieved he is.

Buzz Buzz......

In the sky, helicopter gunships slowly approached.

After hearing the voice, Black Feather Kuaidou didn't say a word, and changed his appearance from being sick just now.

"Kudo little pot friend, this time I hurt you, but overall, it can be regarded as a gain, and I will repay you next time I have the opportunity. "

As soon as the words fell, Conan rolled his eyes, and Black Feather Kaito unfolded his glider and jumped down from the top of the balcony.

Noticed this scene.

In the helicopter, the pilot hurriedly reported the situation here.

Not to mention what the Metropolitan Police Department will think about the appearance of the strange thief Kidd.

On the rooftop, Conan was also relieved.

"Although it was calculated this time, my side also gained something. "

Feel the combat effectiveness of the 'ninja' of that mysterious force.

I know that the other party has little to do with the black-clad organization.

There's no mistake that the other person is looking for a 'special' gemstone.

Kidd the Thief had the same purpose.

The other party will not kill indiscriminately, but if it is resisted, it will be very ruthless.


Pieces of useful information are constantly being summarized in Conan's mind, although there is not much, but Conan still has a kind of situation, and the matter of the black-clothed organization on his side cannot be solved.

The feeling of being forced to be involved in a 'super-large' and complex case.

"I just don't know what the results of the contact between the Metropolitan Police Department and that force in other places were. "

"A gemstone that may have a 'special' meaning or effect, when you have time, you need to investigate it carefully!"

dragged his body that was beaten and ached, and Conan still couldn't let go of the curiosity in his heart.

Kidd took the initiative to attract attention, and Conan's departure did not attract anyone's attention at all, but when he came to the bottom of the building, he was 'lucky' to find a familiar box discarded in the corner.

When he opened the box, it was not surprising that the real 'jewel' inside was lying there quietly.

Almost instantly, it occurred to Conan that several of those powerful men had beaten them up and taken the gem and opened it here, only to find that it was not the 'special' gem he was looking for.

I just left it here.

"If I had known that this would be the result, I could have avoided being beaten up!!"

Sensing that Kidd the Thief was a cheat, Conan dragged himself back onto the skateboard placed in the outer hideout and headed for the Metropolitan Police Department.

Less than three minutes after he left, police cars patrolling nearby received information and rushed over to clean up the mess.

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