The two sisters, Nami Shimogasa and Minaho Shimogasa, are really getting more and more professional.

Through the words and deeds of his own master, he learned that his life habits and Xi are very much in line with the Dragon Kingdom.

It is speculated that Autumn Star Qiye may have spent many years in the Dragon Kingdom, and for this reason, they also learned a lot Xi of knowledge from there.

When it counts, it's always useful.

Just like now.

Preparing the guest list and printing the invitation letter in advance made Autumn Star Qiye, who had no preparation in this regard at all, breathe a sigh of relief.

Sitting on the couch, after thinking about it for a while.

He slowly wrote a few names on the guest list: "Sonoko Suzuki, Eiri Fei, Kogoro Mori, Miwako Sato, Kazuha Toyama, Yukiko Kudo, Dr. Asasa." "

There were seven people in total.

It is not ruled out that they will bring friends and juniors, and the actual situation will be more.

For example, Miwako Sato said that she wanted to bring her friends, whether one or more, it was possible.

Autumn Star Seven Nights has been considered.

The first half was held in the living room, and it was just a birthday party held as a good friend.

Xiaolan's age is there, and there are some things that are really difficult to confess.

After the first half of the birthday party, the second half will be held in the sky loft, and at that time, in addition to the people around him, even Toyama and Leaf, he will send them home with a transfer card.

Or the chicken charm and the rabbit charm, you don't need to consume any magic at all, and it's no problem to go back and forth to Osaka.

There are also advantages to a small number of people.

In this way, at least with Akemi and Junhui, the four maids can easily handle anything.

If there are too many guests, many things will become very troublesome.

"There are a total of seven guests who are coming, and it is not excluded that they are bringing family and friends, so there will be a few more in reality. "

Give the guest list to Nami Shimogasa.

Autumn Star Qiye took seven pre-printed envelopes.

Write the names of Kogoro Mori, Dr. Asasa and others on the top one by one.


Handsome snap of the fingers.

Seven groups of black shadows floated up in front of him, and one by one the black shadow soldiers.

"This goes directly to Sonoko Suzuki, and she knows how to do it. "

"This is directly on Miwako's desk, if she doesn't find it, she will find an opportunity to send it to her home or a more conspicuous location in the car, be careful not to be discovered. "

"This is for Yukiko Kudo. "




After handing over all the tasks, Autumn Star Qiye leaned comfortably on the back of the sofa.

When it comes to safety and efficiency, whose courier business can compare to his loyal Black Shadow soldiers?

"Birthday dinner, all made in a magic iron pot. "

"Birthday cake included. "

All the tasks were arranged, and Autumn Star Qiye got up and went to Neverland to enjoy a leisurely time reading novels.

In fact, even if you really want to hold a birthday party, Xiaolan herself should hold it and invite friends.

Or elders.

Or... Wife!

Autumn Star Qiye is very clear about this, and now the relationship between the two is not suitable for full exposure, so he has discussed it with Suzuki Sonoko.

At that time, a birthday party will be held in the name of the two of them.

It's up to her to pay.

Autumn Star Seven Nights is out of the place here.

In fact, everything is autumn stars seven nights.

This empathetic and knowledgeable daughter of a consortium can really be described as a super warm little padded jacket.

This is also the case in the original book, Suzuki Sonoko gave advice to Xiaolan and silently did a lot of things.

This matter is clear to both Nami Shimogasa and Akemi.

When choosing a family to hold a banquet for Xiaolan, everyone discussed what should be.

The invitation envelope printed by Nami Shimogasa also has a detailed introduction on the top.


With the ability to find targets very efficiently with elusiveness and 'instinct'.

Just a minute's work.

In the fuel tank of Dr. Asasa's house, there was an extra invitation letter, and after the envelope was delivered, the Black Shadow Soldier silently lurked in the shadows.

If Dr. Asa hadn't opened the tank, it would have made some moves.

Three minutes or so.

Inside a shopping mall in Rice Flower City.

After school, Suzuki Sonoko took Xiaolan to the mall to choose beautiful clothes.

said that he would accompany her to a banquet tomorrow and dress better.

Xiaolan tried to explain that she had beautiful clothes at home, but the garden had to say that it needed to be new.

I've been through too much lately.

As a result, this girl didn't realize that tomorrow was her birthday.

As long as she doesn't say it.

Mori Kogoro and Conan don't even remember it.

Concubine Yingli remembered her daughter's birthday, but she didn't say anything Xi in advance, she just silently bought a gift and prepared to send it over tomorrow.

"Xiaolan, you are really suitable for wearing a white dress and skirt, as long as the style is a little more gorgeous, it can perfectly set off your temperament. "

Suzuki Sonoko looked up and down several times before nodding in satisfaction.

A pure white low-cut long skirt with a long skirt that is a bit long, if you wear a silver crown on Xiaolan's head, it will be no different from a real princess!

Just as she was about to say something, her eyes suddenly noticed that in the mirror next to her, a dark figure nodded at her, holding a letter in his hand.

Suzuki Sonoko immediately said to Xiaolan: "That's it, it's perfect." "

Hearing her best friend's praise, Xiaolan came to the mirror, and at this time, the black shadow had disappeared.

After looking at herself in the mirror several times, Xiaolan was a little entangled and said: "Such a skirt seems to be very inconvenient to walk, and the skirt at the back is easy to stain." "

"It's okay to look good, listen to me, that's it. Sonoko Suzuki said in an unmistakable tone.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "Silly girl, you are the protagonist tomorrow, of course, the more gorgeous and the better!"

"Alright then......"

Xiaolan didn't resist much.

As for the price of clothes, it is a little expensive, but she has gradually accumulated a small amount of money in her hands, and it is not a problem at all to just buy clothes or something.

"I'm going to change my clothes first, and we'll see how the black style goes, and I think a dress of this color will suit me too. "

Xiaolan talked to Yuanzi for a while, and then entered the changing room.

"Black ......"


Sonoko Suzuki smiled playfully.

She knew that someone's hobby was black.

And her best friend, her favorite color used to be red.

Changing hobbies?


It should be said that it is a love house and a black house!

What you like, I like it all.

Just thinking about some of the images makes Sonoko Suzuki feel a thrill.

"Good work. "

Taking advantage of Xiaolan's change of clothes, Xiao fantasized for a while, and when she came back to her senses, Suzuki Sonoko stretched out her hand to the mirror next to her.

A cyan arm peered out from inside, and in its hand, there was a white invitation.

After Suzuki Sonoko took the envelope, Fan Qing, who was not human-like at all, quickly retracted his arm into the mirror, and there was no ripple on it.

"This kind of magic puppet, no matter how many times I watch it, I won't get tired of it, and the ability is really too convenient. "

He sighed in a low voice.

When Xiaolan came out after changing her clothes, Suzuki Sonoko had already put away the envelope.

"Let's go, let's go see the black style, it's not bad! If there's a suitable one, I'll buy one too." "


Five minutes or so.

The Metropolitan Police Department, as soon as a document was sorted out, Miwako Sato had just stood up when a white invitation letter fell to the ground.

"This is..."


"When I left Seven Nights ago, I remember that he didn't give me this, am I mistaken?"

Miwako Sato was a little confused.

I even wonder if I've been under too much pressure at work lately, and I'm having problems with my memory.

Originally, she still thought that Autumn Star Seven Nights would send the invitation letter to her house afterwards.

"Maybe I'm really mistaken!"

"I haven't told you the address of my house yet. "

Picking up the envelope and putting it close to her, Miwako Sato gently patted her forehead.

This scene.

In the eyes of other colleagues in the office.

It suddenly caused a burst of imbalance in the hearts of many people.

I believe it won't take long.

There will be some gossip inside the Metropolitan Police Department.

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