Knowing that Autumn Star Seven Nights is a magician.

There must be enough authority in this regard, so Xiaolan confessed all her inner thoughts.

"Okay, how about I'll tell you a little story first, and then I'll give you an opinion on your situation?"

At this time, Autumn Star Qiye gradually realized the real reason for Xiaolan's poor state.

"Okay..."Xiaolan nodded.

"There are two stories I want to tell, both of which revolve around 'fate', and I believe you can understand some useful information in them. "

Qiuxing Qiye took a sip of juice to moisten his throat and said slowly.

"The first little story: fate. "

[Life in the world, decades pass in a flash, to put it bluntly, people live to pursue a better future, no one likes misfortune. 】

[At the right time, the girl met the right person, the two lived happily together for decades, and when people reached their old age, the family and everything was prosperous, looking back on the past, it was a happy memory. 】

"The second little story: no chance. "

[Life is short, the girl met the wrong person at the right time, but the girl didn't want to give up, so after countless hard efforts, the two finally came together. 】

[After living together for decades, when people reach their old age, looking back on the past, it seems that there has never been a taste of happiness in their memories, and the only happy moment is that the two finally came together, but no chance is no chance after all. 】

[Even if the two come together, the future days are not good, the girl only thinks that the two can come together, but she never thinks about whether the two personalities are suitable, and whether they can take on the responsibility of living together in the future. 】

[Feelings are never an endless effort from one party, you have your life, he has his life, it's not suitable, so why force it?]


With the sound of the autumn stars and seven nights.

Xiaolan suddenly felt as if she had traveled back in time to another world.

In this world, there is a girl with a kind personality, and she is lucky to meet a boy who is also kind.

The two have similar personalities, even if their jobs are different, but both of them know how to accommodate each other, life first, work second.

Under the premise of this principle, even if the family conditions of the two are not very good, they are very happy.

During this period, the two did not have conflicts, but the magic is that each other was able to take a step back rationally and solve the problem smoothly.

In the end, the two of them were full of children and grandchildren, lived a lifetime, and were happy for a lifetime, even if it was plain, but it was good!

After watching the experience of the two, Xiaolan's consciousness changed and she came to another world.

Over here.

A girl falls in love with a boy, and the boy may also have a certain crush on the girl, but the boy is busy with his job, and he likes the job too.

In the end, under the continuous active pursuit of the girl, the two are still together.

After getting married, the boy works as usual every day, and the girl spends most time every day looking up at the sky alone, and she doesn't know if she is happy in this life.

Life always has to pass.

Occasionally, the boy gets a holiday, and the two go out to play together, but from beginning to end, the boy is thinking about things at work, and what is more excessive is that after playing for less than half a day, he thinks of a problem at work, so he does not hesitate to leave the girl in place.

And just like that, decades passed.

When the girl is old, she begins to recall her life, has she ever been happy?

Perhaps, but not much!

Do you regret it? sort of!

She couldn't remember why she was so obsessed with chasing the boy at the time.

Why, other people's families are happy and happy.

And myself, in this life, I don't even have a few days of really happy days?


The moment the story of the Seven Nights of Autumn Star was finished, Xiaolan felt that her consciousness had returned to her body.

"How do you feel, do you have any thoughts after listening to these two stories?" asked Akihoshi Nanaya.

Xiaolan nodded hurriedly: "The first story, it's really happy, I believe that this kind of life is everyone's dream, right?"

After speaking, Xiaolan exhaled angrily: "The second story, I listened to it and wanted to go back to the girl's past, obviously the world is so big, why does she have to cling to that person, to choose the future that is not destined to be too happy!"

"That's right!"

"The so-called feelings are in the pursuit of happiness, but on the road to happiness, feelings will blind you, and some people do not get happiness in the end, so it can only be said that they have come to a fork in the road in the pursuit of happiness. "

"After all, short-lived happiness, it is also happiness. "

Qiu Xing Qiye sighed: "I know a little about your situation. "

"Childhood sweethearts, growing up together, but you have to know that childhood sweethearts are childhood sweethearts, and a good relationship does not mean that the two who grew up together must get married. "

"The purpose of marriage is to pursue happiness, if you don't have a happy marriage, what's the point of getting married!?"

"Xiaolan, you just have too weak personality and are too kind. If you want to talk about childhood sweethearts, although the garden family is not near you, but she also grew up with you, Kudo Shinichi, elementary school, junior high school, high school, all in the same class. "

"Be rational about feelings, don't be blind, that's the most important thing. "

"Seriously, I've seen a lot of girls like you, and there are people who run away from home in pursuit of momentary excitement, but when they regret it, they don't have a place to cry. "


"Treat feelings rationally, that's a good thing to say, worthy of experience.. Huh??"

Suddenly, it sounded, Qiu Xing Qiye didn't seem to be a few years older than her, could it be that Qiye was actually dozens or hundreds of years old this year?

It's just that under the influence of magic, you can't see it!?

I didn't know that Qiu Xing Qiye, who didn't know that Xiao Lan thought of him as an old man of dozens of years old at this time, knew it after seeing her face turn rosy.

His words were not in vain.

Just kidding, he used to live in the era of the information explosion, what kind of joys and sorrows haven't you seen?

In his previous life, watching all kinds of small videos with stories, watching anime and movies, these are among the few ways he can reduce the pressure of work.

This is a great opportunity.

Even if he can't increase the progress of stealing vegetables from Autumn Star Seven Nights, under his influence, the Shuiling Chinese cabbage, which was originally not growing very well in Kudo Shinichi's vegetable garden, has decided to leave.

Look for more fertile soil to grow.

This time.

Almost knocked both of them to the same pace.

as a party.

After school, Conan was dragged by Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya to Dr. Asasa's house to play his new game software.

Accompanying him, of course, there is also the gray hara's mourning who was forced by Ayumi Yoshida to grind and harden.

"Hello. "

Suddenly, I don't know if I sensed something, Conan, who was playing a game, sneezed fiercely.


Autumn Star Seven Nights didn't stay in the Maori Detective Agency for too long.

After he left.

Xiaolan changed her original pale look, and after thinking a lot, she could finally watch TV with relish.

"I'm really, why did I always want to force something before, where must that guy in Shinichi solve the case, since he likes this profession, then let him find a detective girlfriend!?"

"Is it a drink that doesn't taste good? Or is life too happy? Worried about this and that all day, he's not my boyfriend, and..."

"The two of us don't seem to fit in!"

The power of magic cards is so magical, the key is how you use it!

The real experience and experience, Autumn Star Qiye felt that he was going to do the kind of persuasion to dissuade those little pot friends who couldn't think of committing suicide, and it was just a persuasion.

Let them understand the true meaning of life in minutes.

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