Mixed Feelings

Chapter 16:Possession

Lorenzo's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my office staring at the pictures on my desk, in that photo my Venessa was laughing with Remond outside the classroom.

I wanted to kill him right now; I want her to laugh with me like that, Not with him.

Someone knocked on the door,

"come in."

"Sir, we got a call from the Canadians to sign your new agreement with them," my secretary informed me.

"Arrange a meeting with the day after tomorrow, and make sure to arrange a good business lunch after that meeting."

"Okay sir"

"And tell Rey to meet me tonight at 8."

"Okay sir"

When I first saw vennesa, I put all my men around her. Watching what she does, who she meets, They informed me everything about her.

I looked at my limited edition Rolex watch, its showing 4:00 Pm. I quickly called my track team; They are the ones watching My little women every second.

"Yes, sir" James, head of the track team answered. He's been working for me for 9 years. He is the most loyal person including my best friend Seth Collin.

"Where is she?" I asked,

"Sir, Miss Foster is at school,"

"Tells me everything, from Morning till now"

"Yes sir, Miss Foster got bullied by Miss Casey Almond and Miss Alyssa black, she got injured by them. Mr. Aron Norwood helped her by taking her to the medical center in school and dropped her in class.

She got punishment for disturbing the class with Remond, both had a conversation outside the classroom. After that she went to the library and did her work, later we saw her following Seth Adams all day. Right now she's talking to her best friend beth outside the school Sir"

"Watch her till I come there."

"Ok sir"

I stood up, took my coat and walked out of the building.

I drove to her school and waited for her at the corner.

I called her and informed that I was waiting.

I saw her walking towards my car, I love this angel, I didn't recognize this feeling at the beginning but being with her, without touching her is impossible for me, she was like a drug to me.

Her innocence always draws me to her. I have to make her mine at any cost, bringing her into my world is dangerous. I have so many enemies waiting for a chance to hurt me. I have to keep her safe at any cost, That's the reason why I put half of my men around her watching her all the time.

I want her to be with me all the time; I'm a very possessive man and she is my possession.

She climbed inside the car; I noticed the band-aid on her forehead. My blood boiled someone had hurt her, I'll make them pay for it. Messing with my women is messing with me.

I started my car; I turned my head towards the road and saw Remond and Aron talking to each other, I was quite impressed with Remond, he's doing great. He's not disappointing me.


While I was driving, I can feel her looking at me. But I choose to ignore it, it's good for her. If I look at her, it's difficult for me to control myself.

Just by looking at her does things to me, so I ignored her not completely but I didn't look at her.

I knew she was hurt, but I have to do it for her sake.

If any of my enemies know that she's related to me, they'll try to use her against me.

She's my weakness; I can't let anything happen to her, She's mine.

I was doing my work in my office at my home, and I heard a knock on the door.

I see my little woman was holding the book, which I gave her at our first encounter.

That after her singing I called Seth to ask what she likes and dislikes, he said every single thing. So I called my men and told him to bring a good book.

I'm not into novels so; I don't know much. Later that day he got me a novel, and I packed it myself and wrote my favorite quote on a piece of paper and kept it inside that gift.

My men took photos of her reaction and sent them to me, and she was very happy.

I will do anything to make her happy.

I snapped back to reality by my little women's question.

"Yes, I sent them to every woman I like, don't flatter yourself by it."

I saw the hurt in her eyes, I have to be rude to her. I have no other choice if she starts to feel for me. It will be difficult for me to stay away from her, tears were rolling in her eyes.

She was slowly turned towards the door.

I stopped her, I can't fucking control myself.

I apologized to her, but she rejected it and ran out of my office.

I started pacing restlessly; I don't want her to cry.

"Fuck this. I love her. I'll kill them all who comes between us"

I walked towards her room and knocked on the door, she didn't respond. I was pacing back and forth in anger, waiting for her to open this Fucking door.

I burst into her room in anger, and she flinched at my sudden entry.

Looking at tears strained face my face softened a bit.

I walked towards her and sat down at the edge near her, and we had a staring battle between us like, we were arguing with each other.

Tearing started flowing through her eyes, she asked me "why" hiccuping like a cute little baby.

I said."I love her."

Looking at her tears strained face I couldn't control myself.

And we kissed, it was beautiful.

I have kissed many women in my life but nothing felt like this before, it was magical, her soft lips taste like honey.

I left her there, because If I stay there for a minute. I would have fucked her hard until she couldn't walk for days.

I walked towards my office at my mansion. I can't take her out of my mind. It's like her picture was tattooed inside my brain.

As I walked to my desk my phone started ringing. Seth's face was flashing on it, I answered it.


"Mate, there's a problem"

"What's that?"

"Its Nikolai Vasiliev"

"What did he do this time?"


"Then, what's the problem?"

"He's here in Los Angeles, and I've seen him in our bar with some Russians. I think he's planning something Mate"

"He knows what happens when he comes against me...Anyway keep an eye on him"

"Ok, and Mate What about That Casey and Alyssa. They bullied vennesa, did you see her wounds? "

"Yes, I've seen they've been treated well; They'll heal. And you take care of those two, Make them suffer for what they've done"


I hang up the call.

I want to see her again; I don't have the energy to stop myself now.

She's mine; she will be mine even if she likes it or not.

I walked back to her room, but she wasn't there. I walked downstairs, and I see her in my kitchen doing pancakes.

Moving her black hair from her shoulder, she grabbed them and tied them in a messy bun, revealing her neck, and few strands of her hair were falling back on her forehead making her look more alluring. She was completely engrossed in her cooking. This type of beautiful thing is nothing but the pleasure of the eye and torture to manhood, which gets excited each time she comes close to me.

She jumped a bit looking at me, Fuck she so cute.

Calming herself she said,

"You scared the hell out of me, Enzo."

I smirked and walked towards her,

"What are you doing?"

"Pancakes, do you want to eat?"


After having pancakes together,

I walked towards my office, and my phone started ringing.

I answered it.

"Sir, Mr. Grey arrived at the restaurant,"

My secretary informed me.

"Ok, I'm coming,"

I said and hang up.

I walked towards my car, climbed in and drove to the restaurant.

After reaching the restaurant, I parked my car and walked inside.

Seeing me the staff walked towards me, fear was evident in their eyes.

I like it when people fear me, show there obedience. My little woman is also so obedient to me, and I like it the most in her.

"Mr. Francisco, please come"

The manager welcomed me inside.

I walked towards the table and sat down my bodyguards were around me.

I signaled them to go with my fingers.

They are around me all the time when I'm with my little women they watch us from far.

I knew she would be scared, and she doesn't like attention much, that was the reason she never noticed my bodyguards.

I looked at the man sitting in front of me, smiling like a kid.

"cousin," he said, grinning.

"Remond Grey"

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