Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 1: Living in the West as a...charlatan!

Chinatown in Seattle.

In a window-side apartment on the 6th floor of a rental apartment building.

Hu Qing picked up the wooden sword, put the talisman paper, red string, compass and other props into a yellow cloth bag with a Bagua pattern, looked up at the young and handsome face in the Bagua mirror, and sighed silently in his heart.

Finally, he picked up the folding baton on the table and put it on his waist.

He never thought that he had downloaded the real legend mobile game recommended by Uncle Da on his Samsung mobile phone a few days ago, and he was electrocuted and fainted while playing. When he woke up, he was already in Chinatown in the United States, occupying this body that was also called Hu Qing.

Fortunately, he was a person who went with the flow. His parents in his previous life were gone, and this body was more handsome than his previous life. He would make the best of it.

But he had to face a very cruel fact. Looking at the apartment in front of him with a weird layout and Bagua stickers everywhere, he knew that his current profession was a charlatan, and he was a charlatan who had no diploma, no savings, no house, no car, no girlfriend, and no job in the United States.

This body is also without a father or mother, and has been hanging around in Chinatown in the Stars and Stripes with his second uncle Hu Bayi.

This second uncle Hu Bayi is also an old charlatan, specializing in some Feng Shui, fortune-telling, housewarming and other businesses.

He is the kind who wears a Taoist robe and dances with a wooden sword to deceive people.

This second uncle's name is the same as a movie character in his previous life, but that Hu Bayi is a handsome guy and his uncle is an old man.

After his second uncle Hu Bayi died unexpectedly, he took over his second uncle's business, but unfortunately Hu Bayi did not learn much as a charlatan, and his business was bleak.

Because he had no diploma, no savings, no house, no car, no girlfriend, and no job, his first task after crossing over was to continue to survive in the Stars and Stripes as a charlatan.

Now he is going to help people with feng shui.

Just thinking about it, Hu Qing suddenly showed astonishment, and something seemed to drill out of his mind, and then a current ran through his body, and he felt that his body seemed to be a little different.

Then, a sound of emptiness sounded in his mind.

"Don't play fake Legends anymore. This Legend will give you a VIP gift package as soon as it goes online. There is no recharge window. Uncle Da will recycle gold online..."

This voice stunned him.

A hazy light screen appeared in his mind.

There are three familiar attribute interfaces on the light screen. Aren't they the item bar, status bar, and equipment bar of Legends?

The three interfaces are arranged one after another in the light screen.

There is something in the item bar, which is a gift package. It seems that there is also information.

"Uncle Da's VIP gift package: This is the real Legend recommended by Uncle Da. There is a VIP gift package sent by Uncle Da when it goes online. When you open it, you will get a gift prepared by Uncle Da."

Hu Qing tried to think about it, and the gift package actually flashed and opened, and then a ring made of silver with a blue gem in the middle appeared.

"Paralysis Ring: Attack +1, 20% chance to paralyze the enemy for less than 5 seconds, the paralysis effect and duration are affected by the enemy's strength, can be triggered repeatedly, wearing level 1."

It is indeed a true legend. The paralysis ring is given as soon as you go online, and the key is that it can be used at level 1.

But what is the use of this thing? Can it be brought to reality?

Hu Qing equipped the paralysis ring to the equipment bar, and then he was dumbfounded.

In reality, there is also a silver-white ring with a blue gem in the middle on his finger. Isn't it the paralysis ring?

"Oh my..." Hu Qing subconsciously picked up the ring and checked it carefully.

The cold touch was so real that he even felt that his strength increased a little at that moment.

Is it the attack of the paralysis ring +1?

This thing can actually be brought to reality!

Hu Qing was really shocked this time.

After studying for a while to confirm that the paralysis ring was real, he looked at the status bar again.

Level: 1

Defense: 1 (related to physical resistance)

Magic Defense: 1 (related to non-physical resistance)

Attack: 3+1 (related to strength, physical attack, weight, etc.)

Magic: 0 (related to magic skill power)

Taoism: 0 (related to Taoism skill power)

Agility: 3 (related to movement, attack speed, reaction speed, etc.)

HP: 20/20 (health value, this data cannot be fully digitized, and changes according to the degree of injury)

MP: 20/20 (magic value, an important energy value for spellcasting skills.)

Experience: 0/100

This is obviously a level 1 blank attribute. If you look at each data carefully, there will be information behind it, and the data representation method is different from the game.

In the game, each attribute is marked with upper and lower limits. For example, the initial attack should be 0-3, but here it is directly given a high value of 3.

In addition, this level 1 attribute seems to be different from the initial data of the three professions in the game.

None of the three professions in the game has an initial attack of 3 or an initial agility of 3.

Hu Qing had a guess that this might be his physical data.

This also reminded him of something.

If this is his physical data, then if he is upgraded to level 2 and the data is improved, will he become stronger?

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

Hu Qing went to open the door, and outside was a Chinese-Western mixed-race beauty wearing a police uniform. She had a hot and sexy body and a face that completely met his aesthetic standards. She was definitely a great beauty among Chinese-Western mixed-race women.

Seeing this beautiful policewoman, Hu Qing greeted her with a smile: "It turns out to be the beautiful landlord Miss Kelly."

This beautiful police officer is the landlord of this apartment building.

That's right, this entire apartment building belongs to her, and the monthly rent collected is probably no less than tens of thousands of dollars.

It's just that I don't know why she wants to be a policeman when she can obviously be a rich woman. Being a policeman in the Star-Spangled Country is very dangerous.

Kelly frowned and looked at Hu Qing, who was dressed in a Taoist robe: "Mr. Hu, it seems that you have found your enemy again, but you should pay this month's rent."

Although she grew up in the Kingdom of Stars and Stripes, she is half Chinese and has some understanding of Chinese culture. She naturally knows what Hu Qing's career is like.

However, religious performances are not allowed in the Star-Spangled Kingdom, and she can't control it even if no one reports it.

Hu Qing handed the only 1,500 US dollars left in his body to the beautiful landlord: "Miss Kelly, this is this month's rent!"

Kelly took the money from Hu Qing's hand, and their fingers touched lightly.

But something happened that shocked Hu Qing. With just such a touch, the beautiful landlady fell paralyzed and lay on the ground.

"Miss Kelly, what's wrong with you?" Hu Qing asked hurriedly.

There was also a kind of panic on Kelly's beautiful face. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Suddenly, her whole body became numb and paralyzed.

This inexplicable situation made her nervous chest rise and fall, highlighting the magnificent arc, which was really beautiful, like a little white rabbit waiting to be slaughtered.

Hu Qing swallowed, then subconsciously looked at the paralysis ring on his finger.

You can't do this, right?

The paralysis ring has a 20% chance of paralyzing the person.

But with just one touch, the effect of the paralysis ring was activated?

Is this good luck for him or bad luck for the beautiful landlady?

But this pot cannot be shouldered.

Hu Qing called the catcher and asked: "Miss Kelly, do you have any disease like epilepsy and paralysis? Let me call the hospital for you."

With that said, Hu Qing really picked up the phone and wanted to make a call.

At this time, the five seconds of paralysis had expired. Kelly found that her body had recovered, and when she was sure that she could control her body, she stood up hurriedly and said, "Don't fight, I'm fine."

She didn't want to be taken to the hospital, and she would make a joke if her colleagues found out. Even if she needed to be checked, she would do it secretly.

But the situation just now made her mood worse, so she collected Hu Qing's rent and left angrily.

Hu Qing's cell phone also rang at this time, and the caller ID was "Mr. Guo".

Hu Qing answered the call immediately and said into the phone with a smile: "Mr. Guo...you're here...ok, I'll be down right away."

After hanging up the phone, Hu Qing hurriedly closed the door and walked downstairs.

This Mr. Guo's name is Guo Gang. He is the God of Wealth and an old customer of his second uncle Hu Bayi. He is a Chinese businessman who does good business and is superstitious about Feng Shui.

The other party recently changed hands on a mine, and offered him US$2,000 to help with the feng shui. He would see which direction had better feng shui, and he would start work there.

How did Hu Qing know about Kanyu Feng Shui? But think about it, this kind of boss probably spends money to get psychological comfort. He just puts on a show and gives the other party psychological comfort.

What's more, after paying the rent, if you don't earn these 2,000 US dollars, you will soon run out of food.

Hu Qing left the apartment building and walked towards a car on the street: "Mr. Guo, I've been waiting for a long time."

"Master Hu, I want you to understand my Feng Shui this time so that I can start work." Guo Gang smiled and invited Hu Qing to get in the car.

After Hu Qing got in the car, Guo Gang started the car and drove out of the city.

In the car, Guo Gang kept talking about his previous friendship with his second uncle Hu Bayi, saying that he avoided a lot of trouble by relying on his second uncle Hu Bayi's feng shui.

Hearing these words, Hu Qing felt embarrassed that he would not be serious until he had done enough tricks.

The mine that Guo Gang changed hands is in Fox Town, north of Seattle, which is some distance away. Along the way, Hu Qing also repeatedly studied the three attribute interfaces in his mind, thinking about how to upgrade it.

But this only has three attribute interfaces, and you can't control monster killing and upgrades like in the game.

Therefore, he did not research anything for a long time.

Shortly after.

The car arrived outside the small town of Fox, continued to drive towards the mountains outside the town, and stopped at a working clearing in front of a mine.

There were already two Chinese men with shotguns waiting in the open space.

Hu Qing subconsciously looked at the shotguns in the hands of the two of them. It was normal to have private guns in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, especially for someone like Guo Gang who had some business. It would be unreasonable for someone to bring this thing to a mine in a mountain where no one could see anyone. People control.


Two Chinese men came up to Guo Gang's car after it stopped.

"I've invited Director Hu over. Let's go up to the mine. Then you can mark the place Director Hu is looking for."

Guo Gang ordered the two people, and the two people responded and expressed their understanding.

"Director Hu, let's go in!" Guo Gang invited.

Hu Qing nodded, pretended to take out an old compass and walked towards the mine.

This is also something left by the second uncle. It has Bagua graphics and grids, and each grid has a special rune.

He didn't know what those runes meant. Anyway, he just followed the direction pointed by the pointer.

The mine is very humid, difficult to walk through, and exudes a musty smell that comes from not seeing sunlight all year round.

In the middle of the narrow passage is a transport ore rail, and the two walls are crisscrossed with support hardwood to prevent the top from collapsing and causing the mine to collapse.

The lights in the mine were also flickering, with limited brightness.

"Master Hu, I'm lucky this time. This mine has a very considerable profit. The original owner seemed to have some problems, and he was anxious to sell it at a price much lower than the market price, and I took it over."

"I think the other party must have committed a crime by transferring such a profitable mine, so I must find a place with good feng shui to start construction and give it a try."

Guo Gang said with great interest after entering the mine. Obviously, this business can make him a lot of money.

Hu Qing saw that the other party even brought up the crime, so he could only agree.

There is more than one mine tunnel in the mine, and there are three intersecting mine tunnels. Hu Qing directly followed the direction indicated by the compass and walked straight towards one of the mine tunnels.

After about 20 minutes, he arrived at a roundabout passage in the mine, but a prompt suddenly appeared in his mind:

[Experience +1]

"???" Hu Qing was stunned and looked at the status bar of the light screen in his mind.

Experience: 1/100

Sure enough, a little experience was added.

But what did he do?

It seemed that he did nothing else except walking, but the road in the mine was a little difficult to walk, which could barely be considered exercise.

Could exercise increase experience? Just like exercise can make your physique better?

At this time, Guo Gang suddenly said: "What's that smell? It stinks!"

There was indeed an unpleasant stench all around, which should be the rotting corpse of some animal.

At this time, Hu Qing found that the compass needle in his hand was shaking like crazy and spinning wildly, as if it was broken.

"Master Hu, what's wrong?" Guo Gang asked.

"Uh!" Hu Qing had no idea what to do, so he could only fool around: "Mr. Guo, you take a rest first, I'll look around here."

Why did this compass suddenly break? Did he have to improvise the direction of the next road?

Guo Gang also nodded and found a stone to sit down and rest.

Hu Qing pretended to look around the mine tunnel, and when he passed a position, a liquid dripped on his neck from the top of his head.

He wiped it with his hand, and the liquid was a bit sticky, a dark liquid.

Hu Qing subconsciously raised his head, but the next moment, he felt his scalp tingling, and a chill ran from the soles of his feet straight to his forehead.

If he had to choose again, he would never raise his head.

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