Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 110: Mutation! Someone who wants to die appears!

Hu Qing looked at the zombie that jumped towards him and smiled.

Are you treating him as a soft persimmon?

As soon as he thought, the ebony sword appeared in his hand.

The zombie also quickly jumped in front of Hu Qing, and its sharp-nailed palms slashed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Hu Qing was faster, blocking the zombie's attack with a single stroke of his ebony sword.

Moreover, the zombie's arm actively collided with the ebony sword, causing sparks to fly instantly, leaving a hideous wound on its arm.

Zombies are very scary monsters. Even if they are just the zombies at the level of jumping in front of you, their defenses cannot kill them with guns or cut them with knives. If they encounter them, they will almost die for ordinary people.

But if there are tools and weapons to restrain this zombie, then many people with stronger physical fitness than ordinary people can also deal with this kind of jumping stiffness.

For example, a guy like Shuangsha of the Wen family who has the blood of a saint and is physically much stronger than ordinary people.

Not to mention Hu Qing, of course. He had an ebony sword in his hand that could defeat evil, and it was extremely powerful. With a backhand slash of the ebony sword, along with the spattering sparks, another ferocious streak was left on the zombie's body. of wounds.

Roar! ~

The zombie let out a hoarse howl and pounced on Hu Qing in excitement.

Hu Qing took a diagonal step and dodged easily. The ebony sword in his hand slashed through the zombie again, leaving a long and narrow wound on the zombie's back.

He stepped forward, and with one kick, the zombie flew out and rolled several times on the ground.

Hu Qing's attack seemed a bit understated.

This zombie is not a threat to him yet.

Therefore, he also plans to deal with this zombie directly, and first accept this wave of experience.

But something unexpected happened to Hu Qing. The zombie stood up again, looking at him with a hint of fear in its eyes, then turned around and jumped away.

"???" Hu Qing was stunned when he saw this scene.

This zombie actually showed a look of fear?

After a moment, he understood that the zombie had some consciousness, knew that he had a weapon to restrain it, and had a disparity in strength, so he chose to escape.

Zombies in China can evolve.

Some zombies will restore some of their memories after evolving.

According to legend, the appearance and intelligence of a zombie king like General General can even be the same as that of ordinary people. If you don't take action, no one will even notice it if you blend in with the crowd.

Looking at the zombies that turned around and jumped away, Verdu and the FBI were also shocked. The monster that they couldn't even hurt with their crazy shots actually escaped after being attacked by this gentleman for a few times?

This gentleman is so awesome.

In the blink of an eye, the zombie had jumped some distance away.

"Hu, it ran away..." JO reminded.

Hu Qing immediately raised his sword and chased after him.

Now that this zombie has become conscious, we can't let it run away, otherwise the consequences will be endless.

The agility of 15 is already 5 times the average value for everyone. Hu Qing ran with all his strength and the speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he was behind the zombie.

He was about to swing his sword when something unexpected happened.


A gunshot sounded not far away.

Almost the next moment, Hu Qing felt a terrifying strong wind coming.

Hu Qing subconsciously dodged, but he still felt a pain in his shoulder. After the figure was forced to stop, he saw a bullet stuck in his shoulder and blood flowing out.

13's defense obviously failed to completely withstand this bullet.

But this had no effect on him. He reached out and picked off the bullet and threw it to the ground.

This scene made the Wen brothers, Jo, Ellen, and Bobby Store who saw it in front of them all widen their eyes in shock. Even if they saw each other again, they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Was this Hu hit by a bullet? And then the bullet couldn't even completely break through his skin?

Is this really a human being?

If they didn't know each other, they would think that the other person was some kind of monster.

But there was no time for them to think too much. Suddenly, a convoy rushed towards the place where the gunshot had been fired.

These cars rushed over at great speed, with their heads sticking out of the windows one by one. They were well-equipped, with weapons in their hands, and they fired wildly at Hu Qing and the others.

Dean immediately rolled over to the back of the classic car with Sam, and then heard the sound of bullets hitting his car one after another, which made him curse.

JO, Ellen, and Bobby also found cover immediately.

Hu Qing also retreated with a gloomy expression.

"Shit...it's a mercenary..." Verdu cursed angrily when he saw this sudden situation. He hurriedly ordered to the FBI beside him: "fight back...fire...fire..."

These FBIs are well-trained. Although bullets cannot deal with zombies and they are helpless, this situation is definitely what they are good at.

After receiving counterattack from the FBI, the convoy also stopped. After the well-equipped mercenaries got out of the car, they formed a car formation and opened fire on each other with the FBI.

There was a burst of gunfire.

At this time, Sam stuck his head out and shouted to Hu Qing: "Hu, one of their vehicles has a Hendry logo. The zombie was found on the Hendry company's truck."

Hu Qing frowned when he heard this, thinking of the Kokede he had met before when he went to the port with Tang Song and Aibike.

The Hengdeli Company seemed to have been founded by Cockade's grandfather, Judakao, with money from selling cultural relics stolen from tombs in China.

Aibik also said before that this Kaoke was still doing some business that Jude had done before.

Could it be that this guy brought this zombie from China to the United States?

Looking at the current situation, the other party is still helping this zombie?

What the hell is the other party trying to do?

At this moment, the zombie has jumped a distance.

In the SUV in the convoy, Coker looked at Hu Qing and others with a sneer, and ordered the mercenaries: "Get rid of them for me."

After that, he stepped on the accelerator and drove after the zombie.

There was a strong excitement on his face.

After his grandfather Qiu Dekao heard some news about immortality in China, he spent his whole life pursuing the secret of immortality.

Unfortunately, even after his death, his grandfather did not get what he wanted.

His luck is better than that of his grandfather Qiu Dekao.

He got some information from his grandfather, which clearly stated that as long as you find a kind of immortal creature and let it revive, you can be immortal after being bitten by it.

Now he finally encountered this immortal creature.

This mummy that was excavated from a tomb in China more than 1,000 years ago and brought to the Stars and Stripes has come alive. It must be the immortal creature mentioned in the grandfather's information.

Thinking of this, Kokde's face became more and more crazy, and he accelerated to chase the zombie.

If he didn't seize the opportunity, his cancer would kill him at any time.

This might be the only chance, he had no choice.

After receiving Kokde's order, the mercenaries in that convoy opened fire with all their strength.

A sturdy man even took out an RPG from the trunk.

"Wang Defak..." Wildu saw this scene and cursed directly. The other party actually used this kind of weapon.

"Qingqing, do it." Hu Qing saw this scene and shouted with a gloomy face.

These guys are looking for death, so send them to see Crowley.

Liu Qingqing had been waiting for Hu Qing's order for a long time, and floated towards the mercenaries in an instant.

Hu Qing walked out so brazenly that he naturally became the target of the mercenaries, and they all pointed their guns at him.

The mercenaries showed ferocious expressions.

This guy who was looking for death actually walked out on his own initiative.

With one shot each, they could beat this guy who was looking for death into a hornet's nest.

Thanks to the readers who subscribed!

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