Hu Qing quickly entered the forest trail following the direction indicated by the compass.

"Mr. Hu, it's that guy." Liu Qingqing pointed at Kaokede who was tied to a tree next to the SUV.

Hu Qing walked to the SUV and looked at Kaokede in confusion.

This guy was actually tied to a tree.

Zombies obviously wouldn't do this.

Has anyone else appeared?

The key is that this guy was bitten and his neck was bloody.

Kaokede looked up and looked at Hu Qing: "Hua Yi, let me go, I can tell you the secret of immortality, wait for me to transform, I can bite you."

Hu Qing looked at the other party in astonishment: "I think you seem to have made a mistake, immortality should not be your fate."

"No, I have been bitten by this immortal creature, and I will soon... No... What are you going to do?" Kaokede was talking, and suddenly saw Hu Qing raised the ebony sword and slashed at his neck.

Hu Qing did not hesitate at all, and the ebony sword decisively slashed Kaokede's neck.

Poof! ~

Blood spurted out, and a round head fell to the ground.

It's better for this guy to die. There's no desire to treat him, let alone why should he be treated?

It's just a pity that this guy was just bitten and didn't enter the mutation, so the system didn't give experience after killing him.

This also shows one thing, killing people seems to be inexperienced.

Hu Qing looked at the direction indicated by the compass and continued to chase the zombie. Soon, he found that the needle on the compass began to spin wildly.

The zombie was nearby.

Putting away the compass and looking around, Hu Qing saw leaves falling wildly in one direction, as if they were hit by something.

He immediately rushed in that direction.

After running through a bush, he saw some corpses lying in front of a cave. They all had blood holes on their necks, and they were obviously sucked blood.

Moreover, the corners of the mouths of these corpses faintly revealed fangs.

Is this a corpse transformation?

Hu Qing immediately rejected it. It is impossible for a corpse to transform so quickly.

Then he realized that these guys were vampires. Why did they come to find this zombie?

In the short time he chased them, it was obvious that these vampires found the zombie first, and Kokde should be tied up by them.

But judging from the current situation, these vampires seemed to have underestimated the zombie and died in the hands of the zombie.

And next to them, there were two figures fighting back and forth.

The speed of both sides was very fast, far exceeding the speed of humans.

One was a woman wearing a windbreaker, and under the windbreaker was a tight leather jacket. The woman had a very hot figure.

Hu Qing looked at another figure, a young man wearing ancient armor, with a swift speed, and a feeling of getting faster and faster, as if his strength was constantly increasing.

But wasn't the ancient armor on the young man the armor on the zombie just now?

Hu Qing could even recognize the marks on the armor made by his ebony sword.

How did the zombie become a young man?

The key is that the other party now doesn't look like a zombie at all? The fight was no longer about jumping and hopping, but about sweeping with both arms. Instead, it was about punching, which seemed to be an ancient Chinese boxing.

"Mr. Hu, how did it become like this?" Liu Qingqing was stunned and said in disbelief.

How could Hu Qing know clearly?

Even if he knew that the zombies had evolved, according to the information about the zongzi recorded in the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret book by his second uncle Hu Bayi, the evolution of this zombie would not become like this.

Could it be that this was a different type of zombie from the one recorded by his second uncle?

In the legend of the Stars and Stripes, werewolves and vampires have different types and branches, and different ancestors. It doesn't make sense that Chinese zombies can't have different types, right?

The fight became more and more intense, and the young man had completely taken the upper hand. Suddenly, he punched the woman in the chest, knocking the woman directly away and hitting a boulder.

The woman fell to the ground and bounced, and rolled twice, but she actually lost her fighting power. Her chest was obviously covered with blood, and there was no movement.

Then, the young man transformed from the zombie also discovered Hu Qing, turned around and roared at him, revealing sharp fangs at the corners of his mouth.

The next moment, he actually took the initiative to run towards Hu Qing at a very fast speed.

"Humph!" Hu Qing snorted coldly, and a fireball condensed and flew towards the zombie young man, while waving the ebony sword to meet it.

After the zombie evolved into the appearance of this young man, its strength was indeed much stronger, but from the speed alone, the opponent could not threaten him.

The fireball flew out at a very fast speed and rushed to the young man first.

The scorching temperature seemed to distort the scorching air.

Facing the fireball, the young man actually slid to avoid the fireball, then suddenly jumped up and punched Hu Qing hard. His movements were very coherent and swift, as if he was a master who was good at fighting.

Hu Qing was also not afraid of this punch. The basic fighting method was the fighting method summarized from countless battles between the Bi Qi Kingdom on the Marfa Continent and the demonized monsters. Every style and every move was very exquisite.

With a raised sword, Hu Qing blocked the punch of the zombie youth, and then slashed back with a sharp move.

This obviously startled the zombie youth, and he subconsciously dodged, but his speed was still not as fast as Hu Qing, and Hu Qing's ebony sword still slashed his shoulder.

Blood flowed from his shoulder, and it was red blood, just like a human.

Hu Qing rushed forward and attacked with another sword move.

The zombie youth retreated in a panic, but suddenly his eyes widened in horror. When he was dodging the sword move, a fireball attacked from behind him and hit his back directly.

The terrifying power of the fireball exploded instantly, tearing his back into a bloody mess, and the whole person was hit and flew towards Hu Qing.

Puff! ~

The ebony sword in Hu Qing's hand also took advantage of the situation and stabbed forward, and directly sank into the chest of the zombie youth.

When the ebony sword was pulled out, the zombie youth's body softened and fell straight to the ground.

However, Hu Qing did not gain experience, and the zombie youth was not dead yet.

He walked up in advance, looked at the young man with blood gushing wildly on his chest, and raised the ebony sword.

But he did not cut down with this sword, but instead retracted the sword, and threw a ray of temptation light on the body of the zombie youth.

He suddenly became a little interested in this zombie.

The first ray of temptation light obviously had no effect on the zombie youth.

After three consecutive ray of temptation light, the zombie youth's eyes became confused.

However, after casting three more temptation lights, the zombie's eyes were no longer confused and returned to normal, which meant that the temptation failed.

Seeing this, Hu Qing decisively raised the ebony sword and stabbed the zombie's chest again.

The zombie's eyes widened, and the blood in his chest rushed more violently. His injuries became more serious, and his consciousness became weaker.

Hu Qing continued to use the temptation light, and after consuming two-thirds of his MP, he still failed.

This made him annoyed, and he stabbed the young zombie in the chest again, making his injuries more serious and his consciousness more blurred.

"Fuck... I'll kill you if you run out of MP and it doesn't work!"

Hu Qing said viciously.

He continued to cast the temptation light. This time, when the first temptation light was cast, he actually saw a special temptation light magic rune condensed on the zombie's forehead.

After the rune condensed, it quickly drilled into the zombie's forehead.

At that moment, Hu Qing felt that there was a mysterious connection between him and the zombie youth.

Looking at the light screen in his mind, a new avatar appeared under Thor's small avatar, which looked like the young zombie.

But when he saw the information note, Hu Qing suddenly showed an expression of "I see, that's it", and finally knew why the zombie became something like the young man.

"Black-eyed zombie: a special zombie race, they use the color of their eyes to distinguish strength. As long as they are not the lowest gray eyes, the sun will not harm them at all. This zombie has this mysterious zombie blood in its body, and it has stimulated this blood by chance, and has mutated into a black-eyed zombie. If you cultivate it well, it will have unlimited potential. Current level: mutation is in progress..."

As expected.

This is not the zombie recorded in the book of my second uncle Hu Bayi, but a zombie race that distinguishes strength by eye color.

The key is that this zombie is like a Western vampire, and moves as agilely and freely as an ordinary person.

This suddenly reminded him of a Hong Kong drama he had watched in his previous life. Could this guy be the descendant of that guy who wanted to destroy the world for love?

Hu Qing looked down at the young zombie who had been stabbed three times in the chest by him and was already conscious.

He had failed to seduce him before, so he stabbed him several times in succession. Now that the temptation was successful, he immediately cast a healing spell on him.

With the healing spell, you can see that the wounds on the zombie youth are recovering quickly.

One healing spell obviously did not completely heal his injuries. After several healing spells in a row, the young zombie's injuries were completely healed.

The young zombie also stood up, then half-knelt down to Hu Qing with a fist clasped: "I, Yu Zhi, pay my respects to you, my lord."

"Yu Zhi?" Hu Qing asked, looking at the young man and asking: "Have you recovered your memories before your death?"

Yu Zhi immediately replied; "I don't know if that can still be considered my memories, and it's only a part of my memories."

Hu Qing nodded, a little curious: "What was your identity before your death?"

Yu Zhi immediately said: "Under the Prime Minister, a tomb-grabbing lieutenant!"

"Prime Minister? Prime Minister Cao?" Hu Qing was really surprised.

Tomb-grabbing lieutenant.

The book of my second uncle Hu Bayi comes with some information, and their school of thought was passed down from the tomb-grabbing lieutenant of Prime Minister Cao.

If this is connected, can this guy still be considered the ancestor?

In addition, the profession he is doing is contaminated with zombies, so it is not surprising that he becomes a zombie.

Yu Zhi nodded: "It's Prime Minister Cao, my brother Yu Jin!"

"Oh my god..." Hu Qing looked puzzled when he heard the name Yu Jin, because there was a very famous story about Yu Jin in his previous life.

After a while, Hu Qing asked for some more information and confirmed Yu Zhi's situation.

At this time, there was a noise next to him.

Hu Qing looked over and saw that the woman who was knocked away by Yu Zhi stood up again.

This time, Hu Qing saw the woman's appearance clearly and was surprised.

Beautiful big blue eyes, mature and beautiful queen look, isn't this the heroine Selena from "Underworld"? She is known as one of the most heroic queen heroines.

He now seems to understand why these vampires came to Yu Zhi.

Selena's vampire race and another werewolf race are derived from a person named Alexander.

Alexander survived a plague by chance, but the virus changed his genes and made him immortal.

Later, he had three sons. One was bitten by a bat and became a vampire. The other was bitten by a wild wolf and became a werewolf. This is also the ancestor of a vampire race and a werewolf.

This vampire may not be the strongest in terms of strength, but it has a strict organization. There are three elders and a committee that controls the entire race. In the activity area of ​​their race, all vampires must act according to the rules set by the committee.

It was probably because Yu Zhi sucked the blood of the three people in the town and made the news, causing a sensation. Therefore, the committee of their vampires believed that other vampires entered their territory and broke their rules, so they sent out the Death Walker to clean up.

The Death Walker is composed of elite warriors selected by the committee, and Selina is the most powerful one among them.

Selina struggled to stand up, her face was very ugly. Even though it was difficult to move, the mature queen still had stubbornness on her face. She actually took out a gun on her thigh and pointed it at Hu Qing and Yu Zhi.

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