In the room of the luxury yacht.

Hu Qing saw Kalinda wrapped in a bath towel and walking towards him with shining eyes, so he looked at the experience bar on the light screen in his mind with a helpless look on his face.

Level 14 1635/30000.

Since he got on the yacht at 3 pm, he has gained 70 experience points.

He was attacked alive and had no initiative for more than three hours.

This banshee was too active.

Who knows how he got here?

Fortunately, he told Kalinda about the limit of more than three hours, fearing that if he exceeded this time continuously, his life limit would drop again.

This gave him the opportunity to take a halftime break.

Now he has rested for more than an hour, what does this woman mean? Is she going to attack him alive again?

"Hu!" Kalinda's voice was blurred.

"Kalinda, are you so thirsty?" Hu Qing looked helpless.

"Yes, I've been thirsty for a long time." Kalinda nodded vigorously in confirmation.

"Hey!" Hu Qing sighed.

What can he do when he meets this banshee?

However, this time, before the witch Kalinda finished attacking him, the whole yacht suddenly began to shake wildly.

Both of them were stunned.

Moreover, in a short period of time, the shaking became very violent, and many furnishings in the room had fallen to the ground. .

"It seems something happened." Hu Qing frowned immediately, and he felt a hint of abnormality.

This also made Kalinda give up the idea of ​​attacking Hu Qing.

The two immediately put on their clothes, opened the door and walked out.

In the hall outside, Liu Qingqing rested her chin on the sofa, staring at the closed door, thinking about something in her eyes, as if the shaking of the yacht could not attract her attention and cause her a little concern.

Seeing that the door suddenly opened, Liu Qingqing turned back in a hurry, pretending to be calm.

"Qingqing, what happened outside? Why is the yacht shaking so much?" Hu Qing asked Liu Qingqing as soon as he came out.

"Ah..." Liu Qingqing only then noticed that the yacht was shaking violently, and actually asked back: "Mr. Hu, what's wrong with this yacht? What happened?"

Hu Qing was stunned by the question. What was this female ghost confused about?

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Hu Qing opened the door and saw Yu Zhi confronting a figure with a fierce look.

"Brother, don't be like this, we will soon be friends, I just have something important to find him now."

"The master is doing things inside, he didn't come out, no one can disturb him."

Hu Qing came out and heard what the two said, and when he saw Constantine, his heart suddenly sank.

How did this guy catch up with the yacht?

With this pit guy here, the situation of this yacht might be that something bad happened.

He subconsciously took out the compass left by his second uncle Hu Bayi.

Seeing that the needle on the compass was turning rapidly.

This made his heart half cold again.

This guy's appearance is definitely not good.

"Friend, you finally came out, I need your help." Constantine saw Hu Qing anxiously approaching and said: "I know I was wrong, I shouldn't be so arrogant, I should have told you the situation in advance."

"???" Hu Qing was confused when he heard this.

What the hell does it mean?

This guy knew in advance that something special would happen?

Why does this sound like he is being consumed by the other party as a friend?

No, he is not this guy's friend at all.

To be this guy's friend, life is not the best, one by one, and those who have been consumed by him have basically said goodbye to this world.

When being forced to be a friend by someone like Constantine, Hu Qing felt that he should first figure out which period the Constantine in front of him was.

Constantine's cheating index in different periods is different, and it may even be desperate.

Hu Qing looked at Constantine helplessly: "John, shut up first, answer me a few questions first."

Constantine nodded immediately: "Ask."

"John, have you ever met a frozen man?" Hu Qing asked immediately.

Constantine was puzzled: "Frozen man? Who is he? Freeze himself like a popsicle?"

Hu Qing nodded and asked: "The scarecrow... Colonna... Black Adam..."

Hu Qing called out the names one by one, and seeing Constantine in front of him shaking his head in confusion, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Qing looked at Constantine in front of him carefully again, and asked: "John, what about Nagel? A demon lord with a bull's head."

"Fuck..." Constantine's face changed instantly when he heard the name, and he immediately cursed: "Sooner or later I will deal with that guy, and then rescue her..."

Constantine's mood suddenly became wrong.

But Hu Qing's eyes began to shine.

This is just Constantine in the early days of the American TV series. The key is that even the demon Nagel has not been dealt with yet.

The level of hell demons is divided into little demons, demon leaders, demon lords, clan demon kings, demon princes, and hell kings.

For example, Crowley, who has not yet become the King of Hell, is the King of the Demon Clan. He is the King of the Crossroads Demons and commands all the Crossroads Demons.

The last time he was summoned by the witch, we knew that he was very strong.

And this Nagel is a demon lord who is one level weaker than the King of the Demon Clan.

The demon lord does not have a fixed racial subordinate, but he is very powerful. He occupies an area of ​​​​hell, and there are many demon leaders and little devils gathered under his subordinates.

When Constantine exorcised a little girl, he still showed his true nature as a scammer. He just wanted to summon a little devil to control her and use the little devil's power.

But who knew that he actually chanted the wrong spell and summoned the demon lord Nigel.

As a result, he couldn't control Nigel, the demon lord, and instead let the little girl be taken directly to hell by the other party, and also consumed several friends.

It was originally just a minor exorcism incident, but he turned it into a bloody Shura field.

During this period, Constantine was still a weakling and was tortured to death by this demon lord.

Putting aside the special effects and crew funding issues in the previous life, if Constantine and Wen's twin evil spirits encountered each other in this period, Constantine would definitely not be able to defeat the two brothers who have the blood of saints.

After all, the two brothers dared to kill even the King of Hell, and the Demon Lord was not worthy of appearing in front of them.

Later, a demon lord like Nigel got the idea and got out when he heard the names of the two brothers.

"John, introduce yourself. You can call me Hu. As a friend, I am very willing to help you. Now please tell me what happened." Hu Qing took the initiative to add the definition of friend to Constantine, and even some expect.

In this period of weakling Constantine, even if he can cheat him, he can only cheat him to a limited extent.

He has random scrolls, healing spells, and red pills to save his life. There is no way Constantine can trick him.

But once this guy comes to trick him, he must come with experience.

He suddenly wanted to say something to the other party: John, let your other friends go, just come here to trick me specifically.

"Hu, you should come up to the deck with me and take a look. That thing should be completely out soon." Constantine greeted him immediately and took the lead to walk towards the deck.

Although he was a little surprised by Hu Qing's sudden change of attitude, he didn't care.

In his eyes, Hu Qing was a good friend. Once he made one, he would be followed by a group of friends.

If you are looking for a helper, you should look for someone like this.

Hu Qing followed Constantine to the deck in confusion.

But as soon as they reached the exit, they heard the sound of lightning and thunder, as well as the roaring wind.

When he saw the scene outside, Hu Qing was stunned.

That's a storm.

And it's a terrible storm.

The surrounding sea is in a storm and has become rough.

But the key point is that the yacht is still heading towards the center of the storm at this time. It is strange that it is not swaying on this rough sea.

If the yacht hadn't been too large, it might have been overturned at this time.

Moreover, in the storm, there was actually a scary-looking deep black shadow slowly rising on the sea, getting bigger and bigger.

Hu Qing saw the black shadow and cursed angrily, "Damn it, why is this yacht still moving forward?"

Although I don’t know what it is, isn’t this looking for death?

Constantine said: "This yacht has been hijacked by that thing, and it must be out of control now."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, I saw Aibike running onto the deck with a captain and several crew members in a panic: "Mr. Hu, it's bad, the yacht is out of control, then... there seems to be something in the storm ”

"I already know!" Hu Qing said with a frown, and then his eyes were fixed on the confused black figure, and he asked Constantine: "John, what is that?"

"Ghost ship, a thing that sank more than 200 years ago." Constantine explained: "A few years ago I read a ghost story. During the Revolutionary War, there was a very wealthy merchant captain Pitnam. Driving his own ship, hiring guards, and traveling across the sea made a lot of money.”

"Pitnam also became a famous navigator and wealthy merchant at sea, but the War of Independence broke out. At that time, a general stationed in England wanted to make a fortune because of military expenses, so he targeted Pitnam."

"The general ambushed Pitnam's ship, used firepower to suppress Pitnam's guards, and finally killed Pitnam and his guards and threw them into the sea. Even Pitnam's ship was scuttled."

"But the general didn't know that Pitnam had obtained a strange crystal. So, while the general was still happy, the ghost ship appeared and attacked the general's fleet."

"Yes, it was the English general Balant who was rumored in the Port of Seattle who was inexplicably wiped out. It was precisely because of his annihilation that a gap was opened in the war of independence for the first time."

"For more than a hundred years, there have been legends about the Pitnam ghost ship attacking merchant ships, causing many merchant ships to sink. Until fifty years ago, more than a dozen exorcists teamed up to focus on the Pitnam ghost ship."

"In the end, those dozen exorcists disappeared together with the Pitnan ghost ship. Unexpectedly, now that the energy of dark matter exploded, the ghost ship came out again."


At this moment, a blazing lightning flashed across the sea.

A huge black shadow appeared. Under the lightning, Hu Qing could clearly see its broken and strange body.

It's the ghost ship! It was completely out of the sea.

At that moment, the entire sea surface was impacted.

The hull of their yacht shook violently, and the next moment, a huge wave hit the yacht, causing the entire yacht to shake violently and tilt at almost 45 degrees.

Hu Qing now probably knows why those sharks rushed to the diving area in groups. Maybe they were scared by the thing in front of him!

On the yacht, more and more people noticed that something was wrong. Even those who were doing something in the bathroom, bathroom, or sofa were stopped in shock.

A white mist began to appear, slowly covering the entire yacht.

Snap! ~


The sound of falling to the ground was heard.

I saw the captain and crew members around Aibike fainting one after another.

At this time, in the luxury yacht, this scene kept happening. Celebrities, stars, beauties, handsome guys, dancing, hugging, screaming, fell down one after another, like wheat being cut down.

On the deck, Aibike was already shocked: "Oh my God, what happened to them? Why did they suddenly fall down?"

Constantine explained: "The ghost fog, this Pitnam ghost ship is already very powerful. It can rely on this fog to put ordinary people it encounters into sleep, and silently take away their lives in their sleep."

"Then why is he okay?" Hu Qing looked at Aibik in confusion.

"Perhaps, he is not a human, and has the genes of something in his body!" Constantine stared at Aibik and waved his hand and said: "As for what it is, I don't know, but I am stimulated by this ghost mist, so I think it will be done after a while. Know."

"However, this is not a good thing, because for those who are still standing in the ghost fog, the ghosts on the ship will clean them up first."

Abby was confused by this. He didn't know why, but he felt that lying down now would be the best choice.

Constantine took out something like a watch and put it on his wrist.

There is still a gem on it, but it's different from the previous one.

After this gem was placed on Constantine's wrist, magic runes emerged and wrapped around his entire palm.

But suddenly, there were whistling sounds, and several hooks were seen flying over and hooked on the guardrail of the yacht, and then black shadows could be seen appearing on the ghost ship covered by the fog.

"Hu, we are in trouble." Constantine warned, and the runes wrapped around his palm also lit up.

This is obviously one of his ghost-fighting magics!

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