Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 123 Because of poisoning! Experience comes to you!

In the deep sea, ghost ships shuttle rapidly.

Everyone on the boat looked around with interest. This was an experience they had never had before.

Kalinda and Liu Qingqing were naturally curious about what the ghost ship was about, but they were too sensible to ask.

Anyway, Hu Qing gave them too many surprises, so just get used to it.

Constantine was already scratching his hair in frustration at the corner of the ghost ship.

Those netherworld runes made him curious, but he couldn't understand them at all, just like he couldn't understand the divine space magic in the first place.

What kind of freak is this Hu? He can understand the mysteries of space, and now he can understand such mysterious runes.

To be honest, this ghost ship is really handsome, and he really wants Hu to help him build one.

However, thinking that it must be very difficult to make such a rune pattern that even he could not understand, he wisely put down this idea.

Hu Qing looked at Constantine, thought of what he said at the beginning, and asked: "John, I remember you came here to ask me to help you deal with some big beautiful girl, right? What happened to the big beautiful girl? ?”

Hu Qing didn't know who this beautiful girl was, but she must have had experience.

This time, although I experienced the pitfalls of Constantine, I also gained more than 25,000 experience points.

Therefore, he now hopes that this guy will trick him twice more.

Constantine also thought about the reason why he came to Hu Qing this time, and immediately said: "By the way, there is also that big beauty. Liv's drawing shows that I can meet someone on that beach to help me deal with that big beauty. Girl’s friend.”

"The other party is accompanied by a vampire, a ghost, a hellhound, and a witch. Hu, that friend is you."

Hu Qing knew who Constantine was talking about, Liv. She was a descendant of an exorcist and had a trace of saint blood in her body. Although she had no fighting power, she had two special abilities. One was the ability to predict paintings without control. Roughly and vaguely draw some of the things that will happen around you in the future.

For example, when she first met Constantine, she drew a picture of meeting Constantine at an intersection before danger occurred.

Another ability is that she can drip her own blood on a spiritual map left by her father, and then the blood can mark the places where monsters appear, and sometimes she can sense some scenes.

This is a auxiliary woman and a very capable assistant to Constantine in the American TV series.

If Constantine came to him because of Liv's painting, then he must have some way to deal with the beautiful girl Constantine mentioned.

"John, where is the beautiful girl you talk about?" Hu Qingyou asked.

Constantine said helplessly: "Hu, a friend entrusted me to keep a sealed heart, but I am very studious, so I plan to study the seal..."

Speaking of this, Constantine showed embarrassment on his face: "But I accidentally made a mistake during my research and unlocked the seal on the heart. Oh my God, Hu, you will never believe it. The heart is missing from the body, but it’s still beating alive.”

"This aroused my curiosity even more, so I found a corpse and tried to put the heart in it. Who knew that the corpse would soon turn into a big beauty."

"My friend rushed back and told me that the beautiful girl was a witch who turned into a vampire queen more than a hundred years ago. Because of a special curse, her recovery ability is extremely strong. Even if only her heart is left, she can be resurrected and even recover very quickly. strength."

Hu Qing asked in astonishment: "So, this is your own trouble again?"

This is really the trick this guy can do.

Constantine sighed: "That big beauty's strength recovered quickly, and her recovery ability is very strong. I designed a trap to severely injure her, and a special silver spear penetrated her chest, but she was there I am slowly recovering."

Hearing this, Hu Qing probably understood that Liv's paintings would predict him.

This is really kind of magical,

Only then did he learn the art of poisoning!

Obviously, to deal with the vampire queen that Constantine talked about, he had to rely on his poisoning skills.

Think about it, in the game, there is a BOSS that regenerates blood very quickly. Players cannot defeat the BOSS as quickly as others. Therefore, at this time, Taoist priests need to apply poison. Green poison prevents the BOSS from regenerating blood and reduces physical strength. Red poison Reduce the defense and magic resistance, so that the BOSS will become very easy to fight.

"That beautiful vampire girl has too strong recovery power." Constantine said, and suddenly became very lonely and said: "It's a pity that my friend was killed by this beautiful girl before he told me how to deal with her. Yes, I must avenge him."

"..." Hu Qing didn't want to speak at all when he heard this guy wanted to avenge his friend.

Who the hell killed this person?

However, he still pretended to be comforting and said: "John, this is not your fault. As a friend, I will definitely help you."

This is all for the sake of experience, so I say such things against my will! In fact, this is this guy's fault.

"Hu, thank you!" Constantine said with a hint of joy on his face: "I am honored to have a friend like you."

Hu Qing nodded, said nothing, and concentrated on controlling the ghost ship to shuttle through the sea.

The beach seems relatively secluded at night, especially the remote rock pile area, which is even more eerily quiet. The only sound is the roar of the sea wind, like the howling of ghosts and wolves.

The more such a scene is, the more popular it is sometimes with young couples seeking excitement, because this environment has an indescribable sense of excitement.

On the dark beach, next to a car, a man and a woman made strange noises.

"Peter, come on, ***"


Suddenly, a woman's exclamation sounded.

"Peter, what's wrong with you? You're suddenly dying!"

"Polly, the sea... something is rising on the sea..."

"Ah...what is that..."

"I bought it..."

A man and a woman both exclaimed. On the sea not far away, there was a huge black shadow slowly rising from the sea.

It was obviously a ship with an ancient appearance.

But how could such a ship rise from the sea?

The words ghost ship instantly appeared in the minds of the men and women.

While the two were horrified, a mist spread rapidly in the darkness. Before the man and woman could react, they suddenly fell down.

This was due to the ghost mist coming in, and the two of them were affected.

After a while, the ghost ship came to a stop on the beach, stretched out a ladder and landed on the beach.

Hu Qing led the people off the ghost ship.

He looked at the light curtain in his mind and canceled the summoning state of the crystal summoning skill. The next moment, he saw that the ghost ship began to become illusory and blurred.

In an instant, the huge ghost ship disappeared from everyone's eyes.

This scene made Constantine envious: "cruel! What an enviable magic!"

But he could only feel envious.

He couldn't understand the ghostly runes on the ghost ship at all, let alone want to make such a thing.

"Woooooo!" Thor suddenly shouted to a place, and then ran over.

There's obviously something going on over there.

Hu Qing followed him suspiciously, and when he got closer, he showed a look of astonishment.

Lying on the beach were two men and a woman with messy clothes.

The woman's breasts are quite big.

I chose such a remote place to go ashore this late at night, but I still met people?

The man and woman apparently fainted under the influence of the ghostly fog.

Hu Qing didn't bother to pay attention and left with Thor.

The ghostly fog has lifted, and the man and woman will soon wake up.

Soon, Hu Qing took people back to the Aibik Beach Building, where his car was still parked.

Hu Qing said to Constantine: "John, go back and rest today. We will talk about the big beautiful vampire tomorrow."

"Hu, that's what I meant." Constantine said with a smile: "I also spent a lot of time dealing with Pitnan, and I want to go back and have a good sleep now."

While the two were talking, they suddenly saw two figures running over from a short distance away.

"John, I finally found you." A girl walked up to Constantine.

Behind the girl is a middle-aged man with messy hair.

Constantine frowned when he saw the two of them: "Oh, Liv, Chase, why are you here? Didn't I ask you to spy on that big beauty?"

Hu Qing also looked at the two of them immediately.

These two people turned out to be Constantine's very tough friends in the American TV series.

Liv is the girl who can predict some future events through drawings.

As for Chas being a werewolf, he has some Cassandra werewolf blood, is not afraid of most equipment used to deal with werewolves, and is also Constantine's full-time driver.

Liv sighed and said: "John, we lost the trace of the vampire queen, so we had to come to you."

Chas also nodded and said: "When I got here, I noticed that your scent disappeared. I searched around here for a long time. Fortunately, you appeared, otherwise I would have doubted my nose."

These words made Constantine annoyed: "Damn, this is not good news. I have already found the helper Liv painted."

Hu Qing was a little disappointed when he heard the news.

He was still thinking about gaining another wave of experience from Constantine, but now it seems that the experience is gone.

In the end, Constantine had no choice but to introduce to Hu Qing: "Hu, these two are my friends. This beauty is Liv, who painted you, and the other one is Chas, a kind werewolf. "

"By the way, this is Hu, and these are all Hu's partners."

Liv and Chas also looked at Hu Qing and nodded towards him.

"Hu, in this situation, I can only wait until I find out the traces of that beautiful vampire girl, and then I will inform you." Constantine sighed and said.

Hu Qing nodded.

Although Constantine is a cheat, he still has a beginning and an end to his work, and he will definitely find a way to solve any trouble he causes.

It's just that his trouble-solving process will definitely trick more people.

After that, Hu Qing also separated from Constantine, found his car, and drove away from the beach.

On the beach, Constantine was helpless and said to Liv and Chase: "Let's go! Have a good rest at night and go back tomorrow to find her."

Liv and Chas nodded and followed Constantine out of the beach. Suddenly, a strange red light flashed in their eyes.

Soon after, Constantine also took Liv and Chas to a hotel.

Before entering the hotel, Liv suddenly exclaimed: "Oh my God! Where is this? Why am I here?"

Chase also frowned and said, "John, I think something must have happened. Liv and I should monitor the vampire queen again."

Constantine was stunned, and then he stepped forward immediately, put his fingers together, and pressed them on both sides of Liv's temples: "Sestra ti je tako lepa..."

He chanted a spell.

After a moment, he cursed: "Bitch! You are exposed. She used witchcraft to confuse you and deliberately let you come here."

"If she knew Liv's ability, she must know that Hu can help me deal with her. Oh my god, Hu may be in trouble..."

On the other side, Hu Qing also returned to his villa and stopped the car in the yard.

And on the quiet street, a hot woman was walking towards Hu Qing's villa.

"As long as I kill this guy who can make Constantine kill me, the girl's future of painting will not appear, and I will not repeat the same mistake."

The woman murmured to herself. After being killed once, only her heart was sealed. She would not allow such a thing to happen again.

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