"Taoist Xiao Hu." Guo Gang saw Hu Qing at the door and came forward with a smile.

"Mr. Guo, why did you come suddenly today? Is there another problem in the mine?" Hu Qing was also a little surprised. He just came over temporarily, and the other party happened to come to the door.

This is really fate.

After helping the other party deal with the mine issue before, the other party has been busy with office work in that small town. During this period, he sent him a message to thank him.

Guo Gang hurriedly explained: "Director Xiao Hu, it's not that there is a problem with the mine. The mine has been operating normally, and everything is going well at the office in Fox Town."

"I'm looking for Director Xiao Hu today for another matter. I lived in Fox Town for a while and found that the scenery there is pretty good."

"Besides, I have a good relationship with the elder of a tribe in the town. By the way, he is the father of the young man I met when I came back last time."

"I think the scenery of Fox Town is very good, and it can develop tourism projects. I talked with this tribal elder, and he also wanted to bring new income to the tribe. He was happy to facilitate this and gave me a piece of it. Woodland development.”

"But we just got this forest land. I have taken people inside to investigate these days, and I always find the carcasses of some animals. Moreover, the carcasses seem to have been sucked dry of blood by something. There are very sharp blood holes with tooth marks on the carcasses. ”

"I feel something is wrong, so I want Director Xiao Hu to help me check if there is anything unclean."

Hu Qing did not expect that after Guo Gang bought the mine in Fox Town, he actually planned to start a tourism side business in that town.

Naturally, he knew nothing about business, nor did he know how the other party's business was, but he did not refuse Guo Gang's request.

"Mr. Guo, in this case, I will go to Fox Town with you!"

The other party has been familiar with his second uncle Hu Bayi since he arrived, and has always been a regular customer.

Secondly, after the second uncle's death, many of his old customers saw that he was a fool and had not learned the second uncle's ability to read Feng Shui, so none of them stopped coming.

Only Guo Gang came to ask him for Feng Shui before he traveled through time.

Moreover, it was also because the other party asked him to read Feng Shui that he came into contact with supernatural creatures for the first time in this world.

Today, the other party happened to come to me at this time. This can be regarded as a kind of fate.

More importantly, according to what the other party said, this is probably a supernatural event, so that’s a bit of experience, right?

If not, then treat it as a trip.

"Taoist Xiao Hu, thank you so much." Guo Gang's face was filled with excitement when he saw Hu Qing agreeing.

He knew what this Taoist priest Xiao Hu was capable of.

With the help of Taoist Xiao Hu, even if something bad happens, it will definitely be safe.

"Then let's go!" Hu Qing nodded to Guo Gang and walked out the door.

Yu Zhi followed him meticulously.

This also caught the attention of Guo Gang, who had just seen Yu Zhi.

This should be Taoist Priest Xiao Hu's new apprentice. Just like in the past, when Taoist Priest Hu went out, Priest Xiao Hu would always attack him.

Now it’s normal for Daoist Xiao Hu to accept one.

But he doesn't need to care about this new follower. He is definitely not as capable as Daoist Xiao Hu, and may not even be as good as his two professional bodyguards.

But he obviously didn't know that this was a very scary zombie, and there was even a ghost next to it that he couldn't see.

The small town of Fox is located near Seattle. It rains all year round, creating stretches of mountains and jungles with beautiful scenery. It is also very famous in Seattle.

I don’t know why, but no one thought of developing tourism here. However, Guo Gang got a bargain when he arrived here, and he immediately fell in love with it and thought it was profitable.

The car drove into the town.

Hu Qing only visited the mines before returning to Seattle, without ever entering the town.

This time when he entered the town, he really felt that this town was different from the towns he had seen before.

Not only is the scenery better than other places, but the architectural style and cultural atmosphere are also different.

Probably because of the small town formed by ancient tribes.

This kind of small town is always more unique.

The office of Guogang Mine is located in the north of the town.

A large antique house.

"Mr. Hu, the environment here is so beautiful." Liu Qingqing said in surprise after getting out of the car.

Girls always show pleasure in places with beautiful scenery.

The surrounding environment is indeed very good, with lush vegetation and a large ancient tree that sets off the entire building. There is also a special pattern of flags hanging on the ancient tree.

It seems that there are such flags in many places in the town. It should be the symbol of this tribe.

After the car stopped in the yard, Guo Gang faced Hu Qing and said, "Little Taoist Hu, the environment of this place is not bad, right? The elder of that tribe specially asked people to make room for me."

"In exchange, when tourism is developed, I will give him ten security positions. You don't know that the men in their tribe are very strong and very strong. This kind of security is definitely worth it."

Hu Qing nodded, looked at the sky, and said to Guo Gang: "Mr. Guo, before it gets dark, take me to the place where the animal carcasses were found to see what's going on."

"Okay, listen to Priest Xiao Hu's instructions." Guo Gang naturally had no objection. He wished that this matter could be figured out early, and it was something unclean that made Priest Xiao Hu solve it.

Guo Gang directly called a few employees to lead the way and invited Hu Qing to go to the forest together.

This is a natural forest with lush trees, even many ancient trees, which are green and refreshing.

Hu Qing probably knew why Guo Gang wanted to develop tourism here.

When it was about to get dark, Hu Qing followed Guo Gang and others to a pile of stones in the forest.

"Master Hu, this is where we found animal corpses." Guo Gang pointed to the front and said that several employees behind him had walked over and started to explore.

"Boss, there is another corpse here, it's an elk." An employee exclaimed immediately.

Hu Qing immediately led people over.

It was the corpse of a young elk, the antlers of the young elk had just become sharp, and the eyes were wide open. Even if it was dead, it seemed to have the fear before death.

One of Guo Gang's employees took out a dagger and stabbed the elk corpse, only a little blood flowed out, which was not consistent with the amount of blood an elk had.

There was no obvious bleeding wound on its body.

"My Lord, something is wrong!" Yu Zhi suddenly frowned and said, "I feel a very special breath left."

"Mr. Hu, I feel it too." Liu Qingqing also immediately said that she had found something.

Yu Zhi had already started to grope the corpse. After a moment, he parted a hair of the elk and frowned, "My Lord, look!"

Hu Qing squatted down and looked at the hair that Yu Zhi had parted, and frowned.

There was obviously a tooth mark made by a pair of sharp teeth, and with the blood that disappeared from the elk's body, he immediately had some guesses.

This seemed to be the work of a purebred vampire, but he didn't know what kind of vampire it was.

Yu Zhi groped the corpse again, and then found the second tooth mark, followed by the third, the fourth...

Obviously, there was not just one vampire, but several vampires who sucked the blood of the elk together.

Guo Gang's employees had checked the corpse before, and now seeing this situation, their faces were still a little panicked.

Hu Qing showed a smile on his face. In this case, it seems that he will have a lot of experience.

He took out the compass and saw that the needle was normal, which means that the vampires were not around.

It was already dark, so there was no way to find it in the woods. He could only wait until tomorrow to check.

"Mr. Hu!" Guo Gang looked at Hu Qing and asked, "Is it something unclean?"

"It can be considered as such!" Hu Qing nodded, and then comforted him, "Mr. Guo, go down the mountain first, I will handle this matter."

"Then I will trouble Taoist Master Hu." Guo Gang hurriedly said.

Then, the group walked back and went down the woods again.

Not long after, Hu Qing and Guo Gang returned to the office in the north of the town.

As soon as they arrived in the yard, they saw a young man with a sad face sitting on the steps.

As soon as the young man saw Guo Gang, he sighed and said, "Mr. Guo, you're back."

Guo Gang looked at the young man and asked, "Jacob, why are you so sad? Did the methods I taught you not work? Was your crush rejected?"

Jacob said in annoyance, "Mr. Guo, I didn't have the chance to use the methods you taught me."

Hu Qing behind him suddenly looked at the young man with a look of surprise on his face.


Fox Town.



Isn't this real?

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