Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 130: Massacre! I am not afraid of my friends getting into trouble!

When James rushed towards Hu Qing, his face was full of heat and obsession. Just from the smell, he knew that the blood of this snack would make him like it very much.

He even thought about how to torture this snack and add a little fear as a seasoning.

James is indeed a very perverted vampire. He is no longer satisfied with normal hunting of humans.

He is already obsessed with a perverted hunting, and his personality is extremely arrogant. He lost his life in Twilight City because of this.

In a blink of an eye, James rushed to Hu Qing, but when his face was full of cruelty, Yu Zhi suddenly appeared in front of him and pressed his palm hard on his chest.

James was directly shocked. He only felt a huge force acting on his chest, and the whole person flew out uncontrollably.

Yu Zhi let out a roar, his eyes instantly turned blue, his hair also turned blue and silver, and his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

He chased after him at an extremely fast speed. After the transformation, his agility of 18 was 6 times that of the average 3 data, and his speed was extremely fast.

Before James fell to the ground and could get up, Yu Zhi had already reached him.

James was horrified.

He wanted to hide!

But Yu Zhi grabbed him and slammed him to the ground like a ball, and a layer of holes were created on the ground.

Yu Zhi's strength obviously shocked the vampires present.

The people of the Cullen family subconsciously looked at Edward.

The fastest among them was Edward.

But obviously, Edward's speed was not as fast as others.

Alice exclaimed: "Such a powerful vampire, but he is willing to be Hu's servant."

This reminded the other people in the Cullen family that this Hu was the real scary existence.

"Ah!" James howled again at this moment.

He was kicked out by Yu Zhi like a ball again.

He was obviously not Yu Zhi's opponent.

This scene also shocked Luo Ming and Victoria on the side.

They knew James' strength, but now James was beaten by this Chinese vampire without any chance to fight back.

"Asshole." Victoria was James' girlfriend. Seeing her man being abused, she immediately cursed and attacked Yu Zhi.

It can be said that women are sometimes brainless, even if she knows that she is not Yu Zhi's opponent.

James and Victoria also had a tacit understanding. At that moment, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Yu Zhi, hugged Yu Zhi tightly, and did not let go even if he was hit hard in the chest.

In just this moment, Victoria sneaked in front of Yu Zhi and slapped Yu Zhi's face with a claw, leaving a deep wound that was almost visible to the bone.

This angered Yu Zhi, who grabbed Victoria with a palm, smashed her to the ground, kicked her hard and rolled her out, and at the same time knocked James out with a punch.

When he looked at Yu Zhi again, the scars on his face were recovering visibly, and he recovered in a blink of an eye.

When this recovery ability appears on the enemy, it will make people feel super disgusting, but when this ability appears on oneself, everyone will feel it is really good.

Yu Zhi stared coldly at James and Victoria who were climbing up in a mess, and rushed towards them again.

In an instant, the three figures were entangled again.

Or it is not appropriate to say that entanglement is not appropriate, because Victoria and James were smashed to the ground in a mess again, and they were not Yu Zhi's opponents at all.

The face of the dreadlocked man Luo Ming was uncertain.

He tangled for a while, and turned around and wanted to leave.

James and Victoria were not opponents together, and he obviously didn't want to be buried with James.

Seeing this, Hu Qing sneered and equipped the demon pattern, and the demon pattern appeared between his eyebrows in an instant.

With a thought, the mattock appeared in his hand, and he aimed at the dreadlocked man Luo Ming.

As a rule of thumb, how can we let the other party go?

Moreover, this vampire is a very disgusting guy.

In Twilight, after James died, this guy targeted Victoria and wanted to take over.

Because Victoria wanted to avenge James, he turned into a licker and sneaked into the town of Forks to hunt down the lone heroine Bella, but was chased by Jacob's madly running Quileute werewolves and jumped into the river to escape.

Hu Qing is now level 15, with 11 magic points, plus the 5 magic points of the mattock, which is 16 magic points. The mental pressure generated by the demon pattern is enough to deal with this vampire.

Before Luo Ming escaped a few steps, he felt a huge pressure on his body, like a thousand pounds of force, which bent his legs and knelt directly on the ground.

"Ah! What's going on." Luo Ming's face changed drastically, and he struggled to stand up, but before his legs were straightened, he knelt heavily on the ground again.

In this moment, Hu Qing had already arrived in front of him and saw the information emerging on Luo Ming.

[Mel-type vampire]

Obviously, the type of vampires in Twilight should be called Mel-type vampires.

"Sir, please forgive me. I have no intention of offending you. Let me go. I swear I will never step into this place again." Luo Ming begged Hu Qing for mercy with a panicked face.

He now regretted why he followed James to cause trouble.

They were just passing by and were about to leave.

Hu Qing sneered, raised the mattock in his hand and chopped directly at the other's head.

In an instant, the head of Luo Ming, the man with dreadlocks, rolled to the ground.

However, Hu Qing did not get the experience prompt.

This reminded him of the scene of watching Twilight in his previous life. He raised his hand and condensed a fireball and threw it at Luo Ming's head.

The Mel-type vampires in Twilight not only do not have the weaknesses of other vampires, but also have a characteristic, that is, even if the body is cut, it will slowly recover over time.

To deal with them first, you have to take off their heads and attack them with fire, and then they will be petrified and die instantly.

Luo Ming's head was instantly swallowed by the power of the fireball explosion, and was directly torn into pieces by the explosive power.

[Experience +1500]

The experience prompt appeared immediately, but it was only 1500, which was 1000 less than the vampire queen.

But this scene had a huge impact on the vampires of the Allen family.

Just now, this Hu simply killed Luo Ming lightly.

Luo Ming didn't even have the ability to resist, as if he was controlled by some force and knelt on the ground directly.

This method may not be able to be resisted by anyone in the Karen family.

This made them all look at Alice, thinking of what Alice said, this person can summon that kind of terrifying blizzard, this method should not be strange, right?

This made them feel fortunate that their family is vegetarian, and even has Alice's special ability.

Otherwise, when Hu came today, it might be the time for their Karen family to be slaughtered.

The people of the Karen family were already frantically imagining, but they didn't know that Hu Qing's demon pattern could only be used once, and now it would not summon any blizzard at all.

At this time, Yu Zhi shouted angrily, and the sharp zombie claw suddenly pierced into Victoria's neck.

"Yu Zhi, take her head off and throw it over." Hu Qing shouted directly.

Yu Zhi heard the order, and the zombie claw twisted violently, and took off Victoria's head and threw it towards Hu Qing.

Hu Qing directly condensed a fireball and shot it out, and the bursting flames directly devoured Victoria's head, exploding and shattering it.

Victoria's body was instantly petrified and died.

[Experience +1200]

This experience is even lower than that of Luo Ming, the man with dreadlocks.

Watching his two companions being killed in an instant, James' face was pale.

He already regretted coming here to provoke these people.

If he had taken his men and left directly, the situation would not be what it is now.

But Yu Zhi did not give him a chance to regret, and rushed towards him. Due to the difference in strength, James was completely crushed and was soon grabbed by Yu Zhi's neck.

"No... don't..." James shouted in fear. The more arrogant the guy, the more afraid he seemed to be when facing death.

Yu Zhi's face was cold, and he directly took off James' head and threw it to Hu Qing.

A fireball hit, and James' head was also shattered by the explosion of flames.

[Experience +1800]

James was arrogant, but his experience was higher than his two companions. No wonder he was the leader.

The three vampires gave him a total of 4500 experience, and his experience reached level 15 4507/50000.

This made his trip worthwhile.

Unfortunately, the three guys didn't drop anything.

James and the other three vampires were easily dealt with, and the vampires from the Cullen family looked at Hu Qing with more respect.

The human girl Bella was a little scared and hid behind Edward. It was the first time she saw a head being twisted off.

This was too bloody for her.

Hu Qing didn't intend to do anything to the vampires from the Cullen family. This was to attract reserve experience, so after getting these three experiences, he said, "Okay, the trouble is solved, and I can go back and report."

At this time, Alice seemed to be commissioned by other people in the Cullen family and came to Hu Qing: "Hu, Carlisle wants to invite you to the Cullen family as a guest."

"No need to be a guest, I think I can't get used to your food." Hu Qing was not interested in eating an animal blood feast.

However, he also smiled and said, "However, Alice, I welcome you to visit me in Seattle. By the way, didn't you say that we are friends in the future? So, if you have troubles, you can come to me. I am not afraid to help friends solve their problems."

The word "friend" made Alice feel inexplicably relaxed.

She didn't know what the troubles in the future would be, but Hu Qing's attitude made her feel at ease. This kind of powerful and terrifying friend should be what everyone wants.

After Hu Qing finished speaking, he took Yu Zhi and the others directly down the mountain.

Alice looked down the mountain, and the figure left before turning around and walking towards her family, but suddenly, a picture appeared in front of her eyes.

"Ah..." Alice exclaimed.

That picture was too embarrassing. The clothes in the room were flying everywhere. How could she see such a picture inexplicably.

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