Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 156 Another thing exploded: Ghost Car Crystal!

This beautiful witch seemed to be still unsatisfied. A stream of energy flowed out of her hand and drilled into Wies-Baden's body. You could hear a series of shattering sounds coming from Wies-Baden's body.

That was the sound of broken bones.

Hu Qing looked at this scene in surprise.

Is this bone crushing?

Is she going to scatter ashes next?

He didn't stop it. After all, Wies-Baden had nothing to do with him. Moreover, this witch was actually the daughter of Lauderley. It was normal for her to vent her anger for revenge for her father.

Nutrilite and the FBI got up in a panic, and pointed their weapons at the beautiful witch with nervous faces. However, after what happened just now, they didn't dare to act rashly.

Yu Zhi and Thor also stared at the beautiful witch. Obviously, as long as she made other moves, the hellhounds and zombies would pounce on her.

The beautiful witch didn't continue to scatter ashes on Wies-Baden. After throwing Wies-Baden, whose bones were broken, to the ground, she looked in Hu Qing's direction and then left the villa directly.

This obviously made Nutrilite feel relieved. This woman seemed very scary, and he didn't want to be an enemy of her.

Hu Qing took a look at Wies-Baden's body and could only say that it was his own fault.

Times have indeed changed, and these people who were originally high and mighty really need to learn to restrain themselves.

After the dark matter energy in the air mentioned by Constantine became stronger, the power of the supernatural world was recovering rapidly.

In this case, no matter how rich and powerful you are, you must be careful when doing evil, because this is no longer a world where you have money and power and everything. If you accidentally encounter the power of the supernatural world, then Wies-Baden is a lesson for you.

After a while, Nutrilite transferred a large number of FBI agents from other departments to enter Wies-Baden's villa to assist.

Many people died, and there were so many weapons at the scene. They must be dealt with later. It is definitely not enough to rely on the people in their mysterious incident investigation department alone.

Moreover, they have to solve the origin of the ghost car.

Nutrilite led people to follow Hu Qing out of the villa and headed for the abandoned construction site that Wies-Baden mentioned.

Hu Qing was still sitting in Hobbs's hideous off-road vehicle.

Hobbs would occasionally peek at Yu Zhi, Thor, and Liu Qingqing in the back seat through the rearview mirror.

It was nothing if he didn't know before, but now that he knew, he really didn't think that one day he would drive a car with a group of monsters.

Nutrilite's voice sounded in the intercom: "Mr. Hu, there is a pink lady's car following us."

Hu Qing grabbed the handlebars and leaned out of the car to look back. Sure enough, there was a pink car following.

He roughly guessed that the witch should be in the car. Needless to say, the purpose was that the witch wanted to follow them to find Laudley and the car.

However, as long as the other party did not take action, Hu Qing didn't mind the other party following.

After all, the other party was also the victim's family, and there was no reason not to let the other party see the body of the deceased, although the body had been crushed and could definitely not be found now.

After some time, Hu Qing and his team entered the abandoned construction site mentioned by Wies-Baden.

The pink ladies' car behind also stopped and did not move forward, obviously indicating that they would not disturb them from working.

This was a tacit understanding.

"Mr. Hu, this construction site is so big, how can we find it?" Nutrilite got out of the car and looked at the scene of the construction site with some distress.

Although this construction site was abandoned, the area was really large. The specific location was unknown. It was really a big project to find the car poured in cement. I am afraid that other departments would have to be transferred to help.

Hu Qing took out the compass, and the pointer on it began to turn and pointed in a direction.

Until a place covered by a pile of rotten wooden boards, the compass began to turn wildly.

"Mr. Hu, the smell here is very strong!" Liu Qingqing also said.

Needless to say, this pile of rotten wooden boards must be deliberately used to cover up.

The car must be underneath.

"Take these wooden boards away and dig up the bottom!" Hu Qing immediately ordered Nutrilite.

Nutrilite nodded, called the FBI and started to work, without doubting Hu Qing's order.

After about half an hour, a big pit was dug in that place, and an FBI reported: "Mr. Hu, Boss Nutrilite, there is a discovery!"

Hu Qing stepped forward and saw the exposed rear of the car wrapped in hard cement.

"Speed ​​up and dig the car out." Nutrilite urged.

The FBI dug with all their strength, and soon, a SUV wrapped in cement was dug out.

The police car drove forward, buckled the lock rope, and pulled the car out from the pit.

"Mr. Hu, what should we do next?" Nutrilite asked.

Hu Qing said: "How to deal with ghosts, this ghost car should be dealt with in the same way."

Nutrilite understood and gave an order: "Pour gasoline and refined salt, and burn this car."

The FBI immediately took action.

These had been trained when they were transferred to the mysterious incident investigation department.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, a hurried car sounded.

Then another off-road vehicle covered in mud appeared on the abandoned construction site.

It was the ghost car.

The origin of the car was dug out. The ghost car seemed to know what the FBI was going to do. The roar it made was rapid and intense, and even the headlights on the front of the car flashed suddenly.

"Mr. Hu, is it angry?" Nutrilite asked Hu Qing in astonishment.

Hu Qing nodded. The roar and flashing headlights made it very clear that it was angry.

It was like the ghosts knew that their origins were going to be destroyed, and they would definitely come out to stop the attack.

It must want to do something.

Nutrilite now has some experience in dealing with ghosts, and immediately shouted to the FBI: "Sprinkle salt, build a salt circle defense."

The FBI did not hesitate, and took the refined salt in their hands and sprinkled it around. In addition to the large-scale salt sprinklers, there were also FBI holding refined salt and pouring circles of salt around to build repeated defense formations.

"Mr. Hu, their refined salt seems to be more powerful!" Liu Qingqing said in surprise.

Hu Qing nodded, he knew why.

The reason why refined salt can deal with ghosts is that it has fewer impurities and is purer.

It is also salt, mixed salt and ordinary salt will definitely not be able to deal with ghosts, even if there is a little effect.

The same is true for the salt carried in the seawater, so water ghosts can be born, otherwise, there would be no such thing as water ghosts.

Therefore, if there is salt that is purer than refined salt, it will naturally be more powerful.

For modern technology, it does not seem to be too difficult to further purify refined salt.

The ghost car rushed over with a bang, and in an instant it reached the area of ​​​​spreading refined salt and salt circles.

The moment it entered the salt circle, it could be seen that the off-road vehicle was instantly affected by the special restraint of refined salt, as if it hit a transparent wall, making a violent collision sound.

The ghost car crashed into the refined salt, smashed the first salt circle, splashed out sparks, then the second salt circle, the third...

Finally, after 5 consecutive salt circles, the ghost car seemed to be stuck, and no matter how its wheels rolled, it was difficult to move forward.

Hobbs and Xiao kept watching this scene. The two felt that they had learned something. Maybe they should have two bags of refined salt in the car in the future.

Next to them, the FBI had already sprinkled refined salt and gasoline on the SUV, and one of them was taking out a lighter to set the car on fire.

"Get out of the way!" Hu Qing shouted, and rushed to condense a fireball and flew over.

The FBIs next to the car were shocked and got out of the way immediately.

Boom! ~

The fireball hit the SUV, and the explosive energy shattered the mud on the SUV.

The hot flames also burned fiercely on the SUV.

At the same time, the ghost car trapped in the salt circle began to emit black smoke crazily, and then flames rose after the black smoke, and then a raging fire in an instant.

The two flames illuminated the entire abandoned construction site, as bright as day.


A shrill howl also sounded at this time.

You can see that another man's shadow began to appear on the ghost car.

This howl was made by this man.

Everyone understood that he was Laudley.

Hu Qing probably knew what happened to the ghost car. It was not the car that turned into a ghost, but Rodley.

Wies-Baden said that Rodley's body was crushed and buried with the car in the poured cement.

Rodley's body was solidified by the cement and the car.

So, he turned into a ghost and attached directly to the car, forming a ghost car.

But in just a moment, the ghost car and Rodley began to dissipate quickly.

The buried off-road vehicle also made a cracking sound.

Because it turned into a ghost, the car was no longer burned like normal metal, but began to break and carbonized substances appeared.

When the flames completely disappeared, only a layer of ash was left on the spot.

This is not because this level of flame can burn metal into ash, but because of the characteristics of ghosts. It was burned by flames and refined salt and turned into this.

[Experience +1500]

The prompt that appeared in his mind surprised Hu Qing. This ghost car actually had 1500 experience, 500 more than the shapeshifter.

He also thought that this ghost car was not very powerful and should not have much experience.

In this way, his experience reached level 15 11497/50000, but there was still a long way to go before upgrading.

Suddenly, Hu Qing's eyes lit up, and there was a ball of light in the layer of ash.

Is this another explosion?

Hu Qing walked over. No matter how much experience he had, he was a good monster if he could explode something. He had the awareness of being a monster.

If every monster had this awareness, he would definitely be able to make a fortune and would not have to rely on Uncle Da's gifts to make a living.

But obviously, this can only be thought of. Uncle Da recommended a real legend, not a private server, and there is not such a high explosion rate.

The light ball was wrapped in a strange metal substance, with dark special lines all over it, and it was impossible to tell what it was.

Hu Qing walked over and touched the ball of light, put the thing into the inventory, and saw the information of the thing.

"Ghost Car Crystal (Illusion Penetration): This is a special ghost item. It has a small chance to be exploded only when killing a special ghost product: Ghost Car.

This Ghost Car Crystal can be used to transform transportation tools, turning them into ghost transportation tools, and has the ability of illusion penetration."

The note information is concise and easy to understand.

This thing has a small chance to be exploded only on the Ghost Car.

In other words, he was lucky to get it today.

Its function is to transform vehicles, turning them into system props, and possessing an ability of phantom penetration.

This ability is the ability of the ghost car to avoid fireballs and pass through another car.

This thing seems to make him a better driver than Shaw and Hobbs. Are you good at racing? Can you drift?

I can go straight through, and the car doesn't even avoid it.

In this way, there are ghost ships on the sea and ghost cars on the road. Will there be ghost planes at any time? Then what suits and abilities can be unlocked?

Hu Qing felt that his imagination was a bit open.

At this time, the sound of a car sounded.

The pink car drove up and stopped, and sure enough, the beautiful witch came down again.

This made Nutrilite and the FBI alert again.

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