Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 163 Witch, wizard, dark witch, leopard man, werewolf!

"Is this a werewolf?"

"Are you kidding me?"


The figure that suddenly jumped down shocked the rich men. It had sharp claws and long hair on its face. It looked exactly like a werewolf described in the legend.

"Shit..." Chad Shi cursed angrily when he saw this scene.

He hadn't given the order yet, but this subordinate actually took action himself.

This feeling of not being in control annoyed him.

Now he could only say to the men beside him: "You go down and help, arrest the auctioneer, ask him where the remaining auction items are, take out the most valuable ones and take them away, and I will deal with the Chinese."

"Okay, Boss Chadesh." The subordinate nodded, waved to the other people, then all transformed and jumped down the hall.

Chad Shi also went straight to Hu Qing's position on the second floor.

The hall was in chaos, and the auctioneer frowned at the werewolf in front of him.

He waved his hand, and the guards surrounding him immediately picked up their weapons and fired.

The bullets hit the werewolf one after another, causing a stream of blood, but the werewolf was shot continuously and did not die.

The guards wanted to press forward, but suddenly several more werewolves appeared and pounced on the guards.

Being bullied by the werewolves, the weapons of these guards also lost their power. In an instant, miserable howls sounded one after another, and the necks of each guard were torn apart by the werewolves.

The blood began to flow away, and the wealthy people called their bodyguards to exit the hall with ugly faces.

They just came to participate in the auction and did not want to cause trouble. Moreover, the trouble was beyond their knowledge.

"Why are there so many werewolves?" Jenna took two steps forward.

"What an unexpected surprise!" Hu Qing looked at these werewolves in surprise.

After taking care of the guards, one of the werewolves walked towards the auctioneer: "Take me to take out the remaining auction items."

The auctioneer looked at the werewolf with a very gloomy expression, but there didn't seem to be much fear on his face.

The next moment, a roar was heard from the passage where the auction items were delivered, and a figure quickly rushed out and bumped into the werewolf, knocking the werewolf away.

The werewolf rolled on the ground and was stunned. When he looked up, he saw that the other person had whiskers on his face, leopard-like spots, and his hands had mutated sharp claws.

"Leopard man?" Hu Qing felt incredible when he saw this.

The organizer of this auction actually has supernatural powers.

Leopards, like goblins like Aibik, are humans with monster blood.

But the strength of leopard men is much stronger than that of goblins.

In the hall, several other werewolves also reacted and stared at the leopard man. But the next moment, two more leopard men rushed out of the passage and pounced on the werewolves.

For a moment, three leopard men were fighting with a larger number of werewolves.

"Fake!" Chad Shi yelled angrily when he saw this scene.

The situation in front of him seemed to deviate more and more from his plan, which made him stare fiercely in the direction of Hu Qing, transform into a werewolf and rush over directly.

He must deal with this Chinese as soon as possible and then help his men.

From where Hu Qing was, Jenna couldn't help but look at the scene of the leopard man and the werewolf fighting: "I'll get the painting."

She said a few words before flipping down from the second floor and rushing towards the auction table.

Hu Qing suddenly looked to the side and was surprised to see a werewolf running towards him.

This werewolf was obviously coming towards him and wanted to attack him, because an illusory name had appeared on the other party's body.

[Experimental product turns into a werewolf]

"???" Hu Qing was stunned when he saw the name.

Another experiment that turned into a werewolf?

The prisoner Babini who sought revenge from him before was the experimental subject who turned into a werewolf. At that time, he suspected that a demon was conducting supernatural experiments and turned Babini into a werewolf.

I actually saw another one today.

I just don’t know if this guy is here specifically for him or for the auction items.

Chad Shi also saw Hu Qing. He rushed forward quickly and jumped towards Hu Qing with a sudden jump.

"Damn Chinese, your life is over!"

But a fist suddenly came from the side and hit Chad's head.

After Master Chad finished speaking the most ferocious words, his eyes widened and he hit the ground in the most embarrassing way.


Chad's face was full of horror as he looked at the figure with blue eyes and blue and silver hair.

The opponent just punched so fast that he had no time to react.

Yu Zhi didn't give Chad's time to react. His figure flashed and appeared in front of Chad's body.

The strength gap between the two sides was too big. Before Chad's reaction, Yu Zhi's sharp zombie claws had already pinched Chad's neck.

"you you…"

Chad's face showed panic, then turned to horror.

He seemed to realize that he had done the stupidest thing in his life.

There is such a terrifying monster beside this Chinese.

"It seems you are the one who should end your life." Hu Qing looked at Chad Shi jokingly.

No matter whether the other party is coming for him or not, the other party is just an experience now.

When Hu Qing finished speaking, Yu Zhi decisively broke Chad's neck.

Before Chadesh died, there was still disbelief in his eyes.

【Experience +1200】

Experience hints appeared in Hu Qing's mind.

1200 experience points are 400 more than the experimental werewolf Babini last time, but obviously, this monster with this experience point is too weak now.

He really wants to know who gave the other party the courage to deliver himself to the door.

"Yu Zhi, go and kill them!" Hu Qing looked at the werewolf and leopard man fighting.

"Yes, lord!" Yu Zhi nodded, jumped down the hall directly, and his figure swept out, and in a blink of an eye he was behind a werewolf.

Before the werewolf could react, the sharp zombie claws pinched his neck, and then his neck was in great pain, and he completely lost his life.

[Experience +700]

[Defective Werewolf]

Hu Qing looked at the werewolf's body with some disappointment. There were only 700 experience points, which was too weak.

Moreover, what does defective werewolf mean?

Is it because the guy just now was an experimental werewolf, and these werewolves were transformed by that guy?

[Experience +700]

Another experience prompt appeared, and Yu Zhi killed the second werewolf.

Throwing the second werewolf's body on the ground, Yu Zhi rushed to the third werewolf. The werewolf saw the tragic death of his two companions and retreated in shock, but in the end, he still died in Yu Zhi's hands.

The three leopard men were so frightened that they were covered in cold sweats. They also retreated in fear and kept a distance. They couldn't believe that such a terrifying monster would suddenly appear.

Jenna's exclamation also rang out: "Damn, you are a wizard."

Hu Qing looked and saw that Jenna, who rushed to the auction table, was blocked by the auctioneer.

At this time, the auctioneer's face had a kind of ink-black pattern, which looked weird, emitting a faint light and energy fluctuations.

Wizards are opposite to witches, but wizards do not have as many categories as witches. Their power is more like magic, but it looks more evil.

Moreover, wizards are extremely rare. In ancient times, they were rarer than magicians. It is absolutely incredible to meet a wizard in modern times.

The organizer of this auction not only has three leopard guards, but also an extremely rare wizard.

Jenna was stopped by the wizard, whose power seemed to be no less than hers.

Both of them chanted spells, and the ripples spread and impacted each other, and then two terrifying forces collided, forming another ripple that spread around.

This was a confrontation of witchcraft power, and no one could do anything to the other.

The wizard's face was already very ugly. He looked at Jenna, then at Yu Zhi who had killed another werewolf, and finally at Hu Qing who jumped down from the second floor.

Hu Qing also looked at the wizard at this time. I think this guy should be the controller behind this auction, but I don't know if the witch-ban powder has any effect on the wizard.

The wizard was stared at by Hu Qing, and for some reason he felt a chill in his back, which made him retreat in shock.

This is his special ability, and he has a certain foresight of danger.

This feeling shows that this Chinese is the most dangerous existence here.

"Go!" The wizard decisively retreated to the passage where he took out the auction items before, and disappeared in a moment.

The three leopard men looked at each other, and also ran back into the passage at a very fast speed and fled.

At this time, Yu Zhi also killed the last werewolf.

There were 5 werewolves in total, 700 each, plus the 1200 of the experimental werewolf just now, which gave Hu Qing a total of 4700 experience.

But this was just a dessert, the real feast was the painting that sealed a group of Beelzebub.

Jenna was not stopped by anyone, and she also walked towards the painting quickly, but suddenly a woman in a silk dress arrived in front of the painting first, smiled and reached out to take the painting in her hand.

"It's you!" Jenna exclaimed.

This is the dark witch who was eyeing her.

The other party really came for the painting that sealed Beelzebub, and now, the painting fell into her hands.

The dark witch looked at Jenna proudly: "I really have to thank you, the inherited witch. If you hadn't taken action, I wouldn't have known that there was a wizard here, and I wouldn't have been able to get the things so easily."

"Damn it!" Jenna cursed angrily and rushed directly towards the dark witch.

"Hmph!" The dark witch snorted coldly, and suddenly muttered a word, and a dark light surged out of her hand and drilled into the painting.

A wave of waves instantly rushed out from the painting, and Jenna retreated repeatedly under the impact, her face was extremely ugly.

"Don't waste your energy." The dark witch smiled proudly: "Now that the seal of the painting has been unlocked, let you become the first full meal of Beelzebub!"

Suddenly, a burst of red powder rose up, floated above, and then fell like rain.

The next moment, a special wave of waves seemed to appear in the countless red powders.

Then, the exclamations of the two witches rang out together.

"Forbidden witch powder!" Jenna's eyes were full of surprise.

"Damn it, how could there be such a thing!" The dark witch's proud expression froze in an instant, turning ugly.

She found that her power was solidifying rapidly, which meant that it was imprisoned.

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