Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 169 Fireball Level 3! Weird scene!

Two days passed in a flash.

In the villa.

Hu Qing opened his eyes in the room, exited the training room, and then looked at the skill bar on the light screen in his mind.

"Fireball: lv3 (cultivation progress 400/400), normal target attack increase: magic +6, level attack increase against monsters: magic +11, MP consumption 25."

Because several skills can be upgraded, Hu Qing thought about it and upgraded the fireball first.

Although the power of hellfire has been tested and is absolutely terrifying, in this modern society, the use of hellfire will be restricted most of the time.

Unless he abandons all scruples and uses this skill at will, otherwise, the single-attack fireball will sometimes be used more.

Facing a single enemy, there is actually no difference in the power of fireball and hellfire.

So, he chose to upgrade the fireball first, and then upgrade the hellfire.

Moreover, it seems that because of the level increase, this time he practiced the fireball, and he actually practiced the progress of 400 in 2 days.

This is much faster than before.

However, after the fireball technique is upgraded to LV3, it has reached the top level as in the game and can no longer be upgraded.

Hu Qing went downstairs and left the villa, and went to the forest park to experiment with the LV3 fireball technique.

Liu Qingqing, Yu Zhi, and Thor naturally followed him as always.

Hu Qing quickly found a riverside in the forest park, and cast the fireball technique as soon as he thought of it.

This time, accompanied by a terrifying heat, a huge fireball condensed instantly

The fireball condensed by the original LV2 fireball technique was already the size of a millstone.

Now the fireball condensed by the LV3 fireball technique is close to 1 meter in diameter.

Not only has the volume increased, but the scorching temperature can also be clearly felt to exceed LV2.

Hu Qing casually threw the fireball into the river.

The fireball exploded on the water surface in an instant, and the flame force that broke through actually boiled the water surface in that area, and a roasted fish floated to the surface.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor seemed to smell the aroma of meat and whined at the water surface, but it was obvious that it didn't want to go into the water, so it could only whinge.

After a moment.

The water surface returned to calm, leaving only roasted fish floating on the water, and then some unknown birds were attracted and landed to pick up the fish.

But as soon as these birds picked up the fish, they cried out because of the burn, and the fish fell back into the water.

These birds hurriedly landed on the water surface next to them and put their mouths into the water.

Hu Qing smiled when he saw this scene, and turned around and took Yu Zhi and the others away from the river and out of the woodland park.

When she returned to the villa, Kelly drove a police car and stopped in a hurry. When she saw Hu Qing, she got out of the driveway: "Hu, I need holy water. The one you gave me before is all used up."

Hu Qing asked in confusion: "Kelly, what happened to you? You actually used up all the holy water?"

Kelly explained: "A werewolf. Billy and I caught him and tortured him with your holy water, but he was very stubborn. He didn't even move after the holy water you gave him was used up."

"Werewolf? Kelly, you caught my attention. Do you mind if I go to the police station with you?" When Hu Qing spoke, he also had a bucket of quality 3 holy water in his hand and handed it to Kelly.

Kelly took the bucket of holy water and said with a happy face: "Of course, Hu, I have a hunch that I still need your help in this case."

Hu Qing got into Kelly's police car, and Yu Zhi, Liu Qingqing, and Thor squeezed into the back seat immediately.

Kelly started the car and went to the police station. As soon as she arrived at the police station, she took Hu Qing to a holding room.

Billy personally stood outside the holding room and greeted the two of them as soon as he saw them: "Team Leader Kelly, Mr. Hu, you are here too."

"Billy, open the door." Kelly ordered.

Billy nodded, opened the door, and entered the holding room with Kelly and Hu Qing.

As soon as Hu Qing entered the door, he saw a figure hanging by chains. The chains were silver products that could suppress the werewolf's abilities.

Moreover, a pair of large iron balls were hung on the werewolf's feet with silver chains to limit the werewolf's mobility.

The key point is that this werewolf is really miserable. There are traces of corrosion and burning on his body, which are obviously caused by holy water.

This is also thanks to the fact that the werewolf's resistance to holy water is stronger than that of monsters such as ghosts and demons, otherwise the holy water he gave Kelly would be enough to thoroughly purify the werewolf.

However, in dealing with supernatural creatures, not only Nutrilite's mysterious incident investigation department has made progress, but Kelly has also obviously found some experience.

Kelly handed the bucket of holy water in her hand to Billy and ordered: "Billy, continue to entertain him with this holy water. I don't believe he will be so stubborn."

Billy took the holy water and immediately walked towards the werewolf with a sneer.

A moment later, there were corrosion and howling sounds.

"Brother, I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise you will suffer from this bucket of holy water." Billy tortured the werewolf with holy water while making a psychological offensive against the werewolf.

The werewolf kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word.

Kelly, who was standing aside, had already taken a document and handed it to Hu Qing and said: "Hu, I led people to attack the Florence Gang and found that they not only robbed the bank once, but also transferred the stolen money to an account every time."

"I suspected that someone was controlling the Florencia Gang behind this, but when we traced this account, we found that this account was just a springboard. The money poured into the Internet and could not be traced."

"Furthermore, Chadesh, the leader of the Florencia gang, and a few of his subordinates went to who knows where, and they haven't been found yet."

"I think they are already dead, but they were solved by me." Hu Qing looked at the photos of several men on the document in surprise: "The most important thing is that Chad is also a werewolf, and he is also a werewolf that has been artificially modified. "

The werewolves on the yacht looked exactly like the people in this photo after they recovered from death.

Hu Qing suddenly became more interested in this case.

After encountering the experimental werewolf twice, he could confirm that someone was doing some kind of experiment behind the scenes, and the person behind it was obviously the person who controlled the Florencia gang as Kelly guessed.

Moreover, this kind of experiment of transforming the human body into a supernatural creature definitely requires money, so it is not surprising that the Florencia gang sent all the money to the people behind it.

If you find the other party, you should have a lot of experience, right?

If you can make werewolves like Chadesh, you can naturally make more.

Kelly was also surprised when she heard Hu Qing's words: "Hu, are you telling the truth? Someone is conducting experiments to transform humans into werewolves?"

Hu Qing nodded, walked towards the hung werewolf, punched the werewolf, and then said: "This guy is also a transformed werewolf."

He saw the name floating on the werewolf.

[Experimental subject turns into a werewolf! 】

Kelly was even more surprised.

She didn't know how Hu could judge so clearly, but she knew that if Hu said it was, that was it.

The case seemed more troublesome than she thought.

Billy had already picked up the holy water and started to torture the werewolf again.

The werewolf's miserable howl also sounded again.


Under Billy's torture, the werewolf's body had been burned to pieces, and his spirit could not bear it anymore: "I...I said..."

"Brother, how could it be so long ago?" Billy put down the holy water in his hand with satisfaction. Try not to waste such a good thing if you can.

Kelly also hurried over. He asked: "Tell me, who is controlling the Florencia gang, and where is the other party?"

"Ganaia Town...ah..." The werewolf said a place name, and suddenly his eyes widened in horror: "No...no..."

His face was suddenly filled with fear, and his eyes quickly became red with blood.

Snapped! ~

Suddenly there was an explosion, and the werewolf's eyes exploded, with blood and brains pouring out of the eyes.

This is obviously dead and cannot die anymore.

Hu Qing frowned.

Is this some kind of restriction?

Once the werewolf betrays or says something he shouldn't say, will this restriction be activated and kill the werewolf?

In the supernatural world, it is not surprising that there are such weird methods. There are such related descriptions in those mysterious legends.

"Damn it, such a thing happened." Billy was immediately annoyed.

"Okay, let's clean up this disgusting scene. We haven't found anything. At least we know the name of a place." Kelly immediately took out her phone and started looking up things about Ganaia Town.

Billy on the side also started to pack up the body of the werewolf, skillfully took a body bag, put it in, and then carried it outside.

After Kelly's search, she quickly found something: "Hu, this town of Ganaia is a small town under Seattle. It's a bit remote and takes about an hour's journey."

"Moreover, there is news here about Ganaia Town, saying that an ecological agriculture company in Ganaia Town purchased a piece of land there to build an organic ecological research institute last year."

"This research institute was built and put into use not long ago. Hu, did you think of something?"

Hu Qing nodded and said: "The research institute is an ecological agriculture research institute on the surface, but it is actually conducting supernatural experiments and transforming these werewolves."

This is what normal people can think of based on the current information.

Kelly immediately said, "Hu, no matter what, maybe we should go to Naganaya Town."

"Kelly, as you wish!" Hu Qing was definitely going.

After upgrading, you need 75,000 experience to upgrade again. If you really find the right place, you can get some experience.

After making the decision, Kelly waited for Billy to finish disposing of the werewolf body, and then she and Billy drove two police cars, taking Hu Qing and the others to the small town of Ganaia.

At the same time, in an apartment, Demi Frege put down the special instrument with the green light out, and then walked to the mirror: "The experimental werewolf is dead. They must also know it. We want them to know it." Information."

On the mirror, a pair of yellow eyes appeared again: "Very good, use them to solve this guy, maybe we can make the experiment go further, and we can make a body that satisfies me earlier. Go ahead, remember to bring things back." ”

"Yes!" Demi Frege nodded and left the room.

An hour's journey was not too long. Kelly and Billy drove a police car and quickly arrived at the small town of Ganaia.

This town is not big, with less than 2,000 households, but the ecological construction is relatively concentrated, unlike other small towns in the Stars and Stripes Country where the houses are scattered.

So, when I entered the town, I found that there was actually a small commercial street where many people from the town gathered.

The car stopped outside a convenience store and got off.

Kelly takes Billy into the convenience store to ask for news.

In addition to the clerk, there were two other customers in the convenience store. The two customers subconsciously glanced at Kelly, who was wearing a police uniform.

Kelly took out her ID and asked the female clerk directly: "Madam, I would like to inquire about the new research institute in your town."

The female clerk looked at Kelly in police uniform and did not hide anything: "Miss police officer, are you talking about the Walter Institute of Organic Ecology? It is in the north of the town. You can see it when you get to the entrance of the town. It is already our small town. The town’s landmark building.”

"Thank you!" Kelly thanked her and was about to leave the convenience store when she suddenly saw the clerk's body weakening and falling to the ground.

Kelly thought the clerk had suffered some illness, and just as she was about to step forward to check, she found that the two customers were also in the same situation. They were all so soft that they fell motionless on the ground.

"What's going on?" Kelly was shocked and came out of the convenience store to look for Hu Qing: "Hu, the people in the convenience store are inexplicably..."

But midway through her words, her eyes widened in shock.

She saw that all the pedestrians on the street fell to the ground one by one, just like the store clerks inside. It seemed that something happened that was difficult for her to understand.

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