Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 17 People like this need to be disciplined!

The six people surrounded Hu Qing.

The leader stepped forward and said to Hu Qing: "Sir, our boss wants to see you, please come with us."

Hu Qing frowned and asked, "What if I don't go with you?"

"Then don't blame us for being violent." The leader also frowned, with a hint of threat in his tone.

"Then I really want to see how you use force." Hu Qing looked at the other party teasingly. To be honest, he really didn't like the other party's tricks now.

These words obviously angered these people, and all of them frowned.

"That's offending." The leader said, then reached out and grabbed Hu Qing directly.

But Hu Qing easily grabbed the opponent's hand at a faster speed.

The leader was startled and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, but was even more horrified to discover Hu Qing's strength. His hand was still firmly held by Hu Qing.

Then, he felt an irresistible force that threw his body up, and he was directly thrown over his shoulder by Hu Qing and slammed to the ground, letting out a miserable howl.

The huge force almost broke his back and he couldn't get up for a long time.

This scene made the other five people's expressions change greatly.

One person hurriedly attacked Hu Qing.

Hu Qing took the initiative to bully him and punched the man in the face at a faster speed. The man immediately raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. He fell to the ground, covered his face and started wailing.

Seeing blood also caused the surrounding pedestrians to scream, and they all avoided it, not daring to get close.

At the same time, the other four people did not dare to hesitate and immediately swarmed up, but Hu Qing grabbed one person again and threw him to the ground with another shoulder throw. This person also followed in the footsteps, wailing and unable to get up.

But there were many people on the other side, and Hu Qing was accidentally punched in the face by one of them.

But Hu Qing was stunned, because the opponent's punch was not too painful, but rather like a weak slap from a woman.

Is this because of the 4+1 defense?

The opponent's strength seems to be about the same as when he was at level 1.

When he was at level 1, his attack was 3, and his opponent must be about the same.

A 3 attack against someone with a 5 defense? In the game, it is a row of MISS, or you are lucky and forced to lose blood.

The man retreated in shock when he saw that his full-strength punch did not cause any harm to Hu Qing.

Is this true?

Before he could react, Hu Qing hit him in the face with a backhand punch, causing him to spurt out blood and fall straight down. He was knocked out with one blow. After all, Hu Qing's attack was now 6+2, which was almost three times that of an ordinary person's 3.

In an instant, 4 of the 6 people were lying down, and none of them could withstand Hu Qing's blow.

When the remaining two people saw Hu Qing looking over, they subconsciously backed away with panic on their faces. They knew they had kicked an iron plate.

Hu Qing was about to take care of the remaining two people when he saw a car parked quickly beside him. When one person got out of the car, he hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Hu, don't do it. It's a misunderstanding... a misunderstanding..."

Seeing this person, Hu Qing frowned slightly. He was not the person from the Tang Sect whom he rescued last time.

As soon as the other party came up, he slapped the remaining two people and said angrily: "Who are you? How dare you fight Mr. Hu."

Those two people didn't dare to fight back even after being slapped, because the other person was Tang Song, one of the bosses of Seattle's Tang Sect Zhuoliu.

One of them frowned and said, "Boss Tang, we are Boss Chu's people. He ordered us to take people back."

"Chu Hong, it's this guy who succeeds more than he does. He wants to die so as not to harm our Tang Sect!" Tang Song became even more angry when he heard this, and shouted at the two people: "You all give up. I'm leaving."

He knew how powerful Mr. Hu was. If he really offended him, the other party wanted to kill them, but they didn't know how they died.

The two people didn't dare to hesitate, picked up their companion on the ground, and ran away in a panic.

"Mr. Hu, I'm really sorry. This is all a misunderstanding. Chu Hong is another Zhuoliu boss of our Tang Sect. That bastard and I have some disagreements. He must be unhappy with me after hearing the news that I am looking for you. It's just that he doesn't know how powerful Mr. Hu is." Tang Song explained hurriedly, with a respectful tone.

Hu Qing silently remembered the name Chu Hong in his heart.

He didn't care what the reason was, as long as the other party was causing trouble for him, he would teach the other party a lesson when they encountered him.

However, he also looked at Karamatsu with a frown: "What do you want to see me for?"

Tang Song explained: "Mr. Hu, I want to ask you for a favor."

"How can I help you?" Hu Qing asked doubtfully.

Karamatsu explained again: "Sir, you should have seen the news about land acquisition in Chinatown, right? That's why I'm looking for you."

"The rich man Aibik who is in charge of the land acquisition project is a typical racist, especially against us Chinese. This land acquisition can not only make money, but he can also deliberately target it openly and openly. It is useless to accuse him of racial discrimination."

"We, the gentlemen from the Tang Sect, have been trying hard to negotiate with the other party, trying to get the other party to give up the current location and move to another place, but Aibike doesn't want to talk at all."

"I met Mr. Hu a few days ago and saw Mr. Hu's terrifying methods. Even my gunshot wound was cured like that. So, I want to ask him if he can cure paralysis?"

"Because Aibike was in a car accident half a year ago and became paralyzed, and the hospital couldn't cure him at all."

"However, due to the deterioration of his condition, only half of Aibike's mouth and one hand can now be used normally, so the land acquisition has been entrusted to a fund company. Even if he dies, the entrusted fund will continue the process."

"If Mr. Hu has a way to cure him, we can use this as a deal to get him to sign a special third-party contract to stop land acquisition in Chinatown and release the fund entrustment."

"Why did you think I would help you?" Hu Qing didn't expect that just when he was thinking of deceiving Aibi, the Tang Sect came to him about Aibi.

However, this fund entrustment is very troublesome. There is a fund entrustment company in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, and the shareholders behind it are all powerful chaebol families in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

This kind of company specializes in accepting various commissions and has an excellent reputation.

No wonder Tang Sect has nothing to do with Aibike.

However, if he could really help solve the land acquisition issue, he wouldn't mind taking action.

After all, there is life essence, which has a miraculous effect on recovering injuries and illnesses. Paralysis is also a kind of illness, and recovery of full health will naturally cure the illness.

It's uncomfortable to treat a guy like Aibi, but let's deal with the land acquisition first. As long as the fund commission is stopped and the land exhibition hall is built elsewhere, even if this guy is cured, Liu Qingqing can continue to work. Bring this guy back to paralysis.

Tang Song sincerely requested: "Mr. Hu, please do something for the sake of the compatriots in Chinatown. From now on, I will do my best to complete Mr. Hu's instructions in Chinatown. Moreover, I am willing to support Mr. Hu with 2 million US dollars for his cultivation." funds."

He had investigated Hu Qing in the past few days and naturally knew that Hu Qing was still living in a rented apartment and running around to show people Feng Shui. He must need money, but these 2 million US dollars were all his working capital.

Hu Qing's eyes lit up. How good is this person at talking? You actually want to fund his cultivation with 2 million US dollars?

Two million U.S. dollars was 13 million in the previous life.

Hu Qing nodded decisively and said: "For the sake of all of us being compatriots, I will take this job one after another."

Anyway, he originally wanted to target Aibike, but Tang Song spent 13 million to ask him to treat someone who was targeting them. This pattern is not small.

Tang Song received Hu Qing's reply and asked Hu Qing to get in the car with a happy face. In an instant, the car left.

On the other side, after the six Chinese who surrounded Hu Qing left, they also went to a bar and saw a bearded man. He was Chu Hong.

"Didn't you do anything good?" Chu Hong asked coldly.

The leader frowned: "Boss Chu, the other party is very ignorant. Moreover, Tang Song arrived soon. It seems that he must be doing something very important."

Chu Hong snorted coldly: "Let me investigate clearly. Now it's a critical time for the gentlemen from the Tang Sect to investigate me and Tang Song. Tang Song was not killed last time, so there can't be any more accidents."

Shortly after.

Karamatsu's car stopped at a private hospital for neurological recovery.

Hu Qing got out of the car and looked at the private hospital. Many small private hospitals in Stars and Stripes were opened by top experts in the field and only treated the rich.

Even though the hospital is small, the medical equipment inside is higher than that of public hospitals. They only make money from the rich.

The director of this private hospital is Professor Mander, the top expert in the field. Rich people who want to get treatment from him have to come and register in person and queue up. It's so embarrassing.

"Mr. Hu, Aibike will come to this hospital for review and treatment at this time every week." Tang Song also got out of the car and said that under normal circumstances, the racist guy Aibike would definitely not see them, so he could only come to their door like this. .

In private hospitals.

A middle-aged white man with a decadent face was slumped in a wheelchair and was pushed out by several bodyguards.

But because of his paralysis, he still had to rely on a sling to hold his waist in place even when he was sitting in a wheelchair.

This middle-aged white man is Abby. After the car accident, he was almost completely paralyzed. Only one of his hands could be used, and half of his mouth was crooked.

"Mr. Aibik, your condition still hasn't improved. I'll prescribe other neurostimulants for you and try again..."

Professor Mander's words made Aibik very upset and desperate.

Professor Mander is the top expert in this field, which is tantamount to a death sentence for him.

But after Professor Mandel finished speaking, he had already walked inside. There were several rich people he wanted to see today, and he would be off for the next few days this week.

But Aibike could only sigh helplessly and let the bodyguards around him push him out.

When he reached the corridor outside, his white assistant hurried over and said, "Sir, these two gentlemen want to see you."

Aibik frowned and looked at Tang Song and Hu Qing behind him, and said with a half-tilted mouth: "Two despicable Chinese Americans?"

Obviously, the tone of this statement was already full of racial discrimination. It is not surprising that the other party would deliberately target Chinatown.

In the Star-Spangled Kingdom, sometimes such targeting does not require a reason in the eyes of racist people.

Tang Song frowned and looked at Aibike and said: "Mr. Aibike, we know your condition, and this Mr. Hu can cure your paralysis, as long as you..."

Before Karamatsu could finish what he said, Abik seemed to be offended. Even with his mouth tilted, he still cursed angrily: "Are you mocking me for being almost paralyzed? Who do you think you are? A yellow-skinned monkey who pretends to be a fool."

"The one who can cure me is a top white professor like Mandela, not a yellow-skinned wizard."

These words made Hu Qing frown. This guy must have racial discrimination ingrained in his bones!

"I'll remember what you said. Remember not to beg me when the time comes." Hu Qing looked at Abike coldly. Such a person should not come to talk to him. He must let the other party come to him crying and begging.

Abike was full of disdain when he heard Hu Qing's words: "Yellow monkey, are you daydreaming?"

"Really?" Hu Qing laughed jokingly.

He didn't hesitate at all, and called Tang Song to leave. Such a person should be properly disciplined.

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