Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 171 Silkworm Demon! Ritual Resurrection!

That night, Hu Qing and Kelly lived in the camp built by Nutrilite and the FBI.

The next morning.

I saw Bobby bringing a man and a woman to the camp.

Bobby and the man and woman looked a little tired because they had rushed here overnight and had not rested.

Bobby also brought the man and woman to Hu Qing as soon as possible and reported: "Mr. Hu, these two are the psychiatrist Allen and disease expert Susan who went to handle the case in that town a few years ago."

When Hu Qing saw these two people, the memory of his previous life was evoked in his mind. No wonder he felt a little familiar when he heard Nutrilite's description last night.

In his previous life, before coming to this world, he had seen a commentary of a movie on a short video software called Douyin.

The movie was called "Village".

It tells the story of a small town where everyone suddenly fell into a coma. The federal government of the United States sent psychiatrist Allen and disease expert Susan to investigate the matter, but the first investigation was fruitless.

After 6 hours, all the people in the town woke up at the same time. After that, strange things happened. Many women in the town became pregnant at the same time, including virgins.

Afterwards, they gave birth to children on the same day, and they all had white hair. As they grew up, these children began to become monsters with supernatural killing power.

The key is that the people in the town soon discovered that these children had no humanity. If someone slightly violated the will of these children, these children would kill the other person, even their biological mother.

In the end, after the people in the town determined that these children were monsters, they wanted to clean them up.

But these children noticed the intention of the townspeople to hurt them, and then carried out a bloody and terrifying massacre.

Although these children were killed by a resident with a powerful bomb, the movie did not make it clear what happened to these children, it was just a guess.

And aren't Alan and Susan in front of you the two experts in the movie?

He has seen Clare, the Wen family, Xiao, Hobbs... These people, and it is not surprising to see two more characters in the movie.

So, the case of the small town that these two people handled a few years ago is the small town in the movie?

If that's all, he is not too worried, but a little disappointed.

Although the demon children in the movie have supernatural powers, they are obviously not strong and can only deal with ordinary people, otherwise they would not be killed together with ordinary people.

At this time.

Alan and Susan also confirmed that Hu Qing was the most useful person to speak here, and immediately said:

"Sir, if what happened in this town is the same as a few years ago, someone will get pregnant in a few days. At that time, please give a decisive order to abort those children and never let them be born."

"That's right, they are all monsters resurrected through women's uteruses. Although they have human bodies, they are completely inhumane and can even kill their mothers because of a complaint."

Hu Qing has seen the commentary of the movie and naturally knows this.

So, he immediately said to Nutrilite: "Monitor the women in the town these days to see if anyone gets pregnant."

"Okay, Mr. Hu!" Nutrilite nodded and walked aside to give instructions to the FBI.

Hu Qing instructed Bobby again: "Bobby, you also take the two of you to rest and eat something."

"Yes!" Bobby nodded, and walked to the other side of the camp with Alan and Susan.

Hu Qing also took out his mobile phone and went online again to search for information according to the descriptions of the demon children in the movie.

Although from the movie, the demon children did not have much power, but he still wanted to know where this thing came from.

But unfortunately, he searched for a long time and still could not find relevant information.

This made him give up the idea of ​​finding information in this way, and finally simply called Sam.

The Wen brothers have an ancestral demon-killing notebook in their hands, which contains a lot of mysterious monster information that is not available on the Internet. Maybe asking the two will find something.

"Hi, Hu!" Sam's voice came as soon as the phone was connected.

Hu Qing immediately said: "Sam, listen, I want to get information from you about a monster. Before this monster appears, it will make everyone in a town fall into a coma, and then many women in the town will get pregnant at the same time. The children born will all have silver hair and special abilities... They have no humanity..."

After listening to Hu Qing's description, Sam said: "Hu, wait a moment, I'll check the information..."

Over there, the phone was obviously put aside by Sam, and there was a sound of turning pages.

This time lasted for a long time, making Hu Qing feel a little sorry for the phone bill, and Sam's voice came from the other side: "Hu, I'm sorry, there is no relevant record in our notebook."

"It's okay, I'll think of other ways to investigate!" Hu Qing could only sigh, but just as he was about to hang up the phone, Sam's voice came again: "Hu, wait a moment, um, there is a female demon next to me... She seems to know..."

This made Hu Qing stunned.

Female demon?

It can't be that one?

However, the Wen brothers have dealt with many demons, maybe they caught that demon.

After a moment, Sam's voice sounded again: "Hu, listen, you may be encountering a demonic incident now, and it is a group of demons."

"That's a group of little demons called Silkworm Spirit Demons. They are very weak and have no status in hell. They are like slimes, and any demon can bully them."

"However, they don't seem to be content with this status. The key is that they don't know where they got a way to evolve themselves."

"Their method is to enter the human world and use the uterus of human women to perform body rituals to revive."

"As long as they succeed once, their genes will be strengthened, and their strength seems to be improved. In ancient times, they took advantage of the war period to frequently perform rituals to revive in this way."

"So, at that time, many abandoned little The town was created by them, and they massacred the local residents. "

"The key is that the silkworm spirit demons seem to have evolved a demon leader in this way, and have their own territory in hell. No demon can bully them anymore."

"You know, demons can't evolve in this way. These little demons shocked many demons. However, the demon leader evolved by the silkworm spirit demons seemed to have entered the human world once and was sealed, and there was no trace of him afterwards."

"But no matter what, Hu, if you meet this kind of demon, you must try your best to solve it."

"I will." Hu Qing responded and hung up the phone.

I didn't expect that the demon children in the movie were actually a group of little demons in hell who were dissatisfied with their status and fate, not as speculated in the movie.

However, through the scenes in the movie, even if Sam didn't say it, he would solve these demon children.

If this town is really the ritual resurrection of the silkworm spirit demons, this time, he will not let these silkworm spirit demons have the chance to be born.

After all, he doesn't have the time to wait for them to be born and wait for them to grow up.

Time passed, early the next morning.

Hu Qing just woke up in the FBI camp and heard Thor's urgent call, which made him frown. Thor ran to him and conveyed a thought to him.

It was a very simple message, it found the breath of the devil.

A moment later, Bobby and Nutrilite came with the psychiatrist Allen and the disease expert Susan.

As soon as Nutrilite saw Hu Qing, he reported: "Mr. Hu, early in the morning, many women in the town were found to be vomiting abnormally. Two of them went to the town hospital for examination and confirmed that they were pregnant. One of them was still a virgin."

Susan looked unhappy: "This seems to be different from the situation in the town we dealt with. The women in that town did not get pregnant so quickly."

"That means that the guy in this town is more powerful." Hu Qing immediately guessed and ordered Nutrilite: "Go to the town hospital, it's best to let all the women in the town come for examination."

"Okay, Mr. Hu." Nutrilite nodded immediately and set off with the FBI in a hurry.

Hu Qing also walked towards the town hospital.

The hospital was not very big. When he arrived, it had been controlled by the FBI. There were also two women with panicked faces. One of them was a girl about 17 years old, and there was a look of disbelief in her eyes.

Any woman who was told that she was pregnant without even tasting a man would be the same as her.

Soon, Nutrilite also came back with the FBI, and the women in the town who received the notice also came to the town hospital.

After Nutrilite and the others showed their FBI credentials, no one in the town dared to resist. The key point was that they also tasted something wrong, so they heard that they were just going to the hospital for a physical examination and did not want to confront these FBI.

The doctor in the town hospital had been controlled. After the women in the town arrived, the doctor followed the FBI's instructions and began to help those women to start the examination.

Moreover, with the examination, many young women and girls were found to be pregnant at the same time. Those silkworm spirit demons were obviously selective, and those older women were not pregnant.

At this time, even the doctors in the town noticed that something was wrong, and the examination became more serious.

The women who were found to be pregnant were naturally guarded by Nutrilite.

But just when everything was going smoothly, several military trucks suddenly rushed into the town and headed straight for the hospital.

Seeing this, the FBI immediately became alert. Nutrilite led people forward and wanted to show their ID to let these people leave.

But a group of well-equipped soldiers rushed down from several trucks.

After these soldiers got off the trucks, they surrounded the hospital in an instant and even pointed their guns at the FBI. Before Nutrilite could reveal his identity, he was pointed at by several guns.

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