Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 180: Use fire trucks to kill the devil! The plan begins!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Thor shouted, giving Hu Qing a certain idea, and did not forget to squat in front of Hu Qing, looking at him expectantly.

That look seemed to say, you give the order, I'm waiting for the performance.

In hell, there is a strict hierarchical division between demons. It is normal for upper-level demons to oppress, summon, and devour lower-level demons... and so on.

There are many demons here now, but there are also more humans.

There is no way for those demons to come over. They are possessing those humans. If you don't know who is possessed, you will be hard to guard against if you rush in.

Hu Qing didn't care about the power of these demons.

What he was afraid of was exactly what the Wen brothers said, it was impossible to kill so many possessed humans.

He felt that he was a pervert in his heart who could raise a butcher's knife against his own kind and kill them without restraint. At least, he was not a pervert.

Hu Qing immediately said to the two brothers: "Dean, Sam, I think your method is good, but we should first find a water tank fire truck."

"Hu, just leave this to me, it's a piece of cake." Dean said confidently.

After all, it wasn't the first time he had done this.

Sometimes, when facing those monsters, it is normal to ask others to borrow some things that can be used to deal with them.

"Let's go!" Sam also said.

The group of people temporarily retreated and returned to the parking place to avoid being discovered by the demons before they took action.

Dean left immediately to get the fire truck.

A town the size of El Town must have a fire department. Although it may not be big, it must be there.

Sam took out his notebook and put it on the front of the car, and logged into a secret website.

It seemed to be a website similar to a supernatural forum. After Sam operated it and entered a set of numbers, the website took on a completely new look and turned into a new interface:

The words ‘Exorcist Union Alliance’ jumped out.

This aroused Hu Qing's curiosity: "Sam, is this the exorcist's website?"

Sam explained: "Hu, this was recently done by the Exorcist Guild. In order to strengthen the relationship between exorcists, many exorcists from the Exorcist Guild believe that something big will happen in the near future."

"Dean and I think so too. For some unknown reason, the dark energy in the world has suddenly become stronger, and now the whole world has become very wrong."

"You know, in the past few decades, there have been only 15 incidents that have been determined to be demonic by exorcists, and even other supernatural incidents are rare."

"But since some time ago, such incidents have become very frequent, and now we have to face a group of demons who appear unscrupulously in the world."

"Furthermore, it's hard to believe that over the past few months, Dean and I have encountered countless supernatural events."

Hu Qing nodded. He had encountered many supernatural events during this period.

He had heard about this dark energy from JO and Zha Kang before.

It seems that it is for this reason that the rules and restrictions between hell and the human world are slowly weakening, allowing these demons in hell to enter the human world and possess humans.

As for what caused this, I don’t know if it was caused by the disappearance of God, heaven entering chaos, and angels fighting each other for power.

However, this website aroused Hu Qing's interest. After all, this website can pay attention to a lot of information about exorcists, and maybe it can also pay attention to a large number of experience information.

The levels are getting higher and higher, and upgrading is not easy!

Not long after, Dean was seen driving a water tank fire truck back. As soon as he got out of the car, he took several firefighter uniforms and tools and threw them on the ground.

"Sam, Hu, put on these uniforms. When the time comes, one person will be responsible for sounding the alarm. If the fire alarm sounds, we can drive over and sneak in directly."

When Hu Qing heard this plan, he immediately felt very low.

This feels a bit like treating the devil as a fool.

However, the fact that these two brothers survived to the end shows that the other party's plan must have been successful.

Maybe those demons are really stupid.

"Dean, Sam, maybe we should change our plan a little!" Hu Qing said at this time: "This water tank fire truck can be used, but we can make holy water and fill the fire truck's water tank with holy water. "

"In this case, as long as we can draw those demons out and gather them together, we can use this fire truck to destroy them directly."

"Just in time, Thor can attract all those demons and gather them together."

"Woooooooo!" When Thor saw the mention of himself, he immediately jumped out and shouted, quite eager to ask for a fight.

Hu Qing's plan made the two brothers stunned. Seeing something wrong in Hu Qing's eyes, they thought about how to sneak in and rescue their father, and then leave quickly.

After all, there are too many demons for them to deal with. CLOT's bullets are limited and must be reserved to deal with the guy with yellow eyes.

But Hu wanted to kill these demons directly.

This makes them feel like they are a little low, and they don't seem to be on the same level as Hu.

This is a bit shocking.

Dean frowned and said, "Hu, although I learned how to make holy water from my father, I can't make much holy water before falling asleep. It takes a lot of energy."

As he spoke, Dean also took out an ancient necklace, the pendant of which was a cross.

This is a cross necklace with a divine attribute. Their father secretly borrowed it from an antique shop with them.

"Dean, leave the making of holy water to me. We can start preparing!" Hu Qing smiled, called the two brothers, and walked towards the fire truck.

The fire truck that Dean borrowed was a water tank fire truck. It had its own water tank on the truck, and it was not only connected to the fire hydrant to get water.

This is to prevent fires in places without fire hydrants and no place to get water.

The water tank fire trucks are divided into small fire trucks (about 2-4 tons), medium fire trucks (about 6-8 tons), large fire trucks (about 10-15 tons), and larger ones are 18 tons.

The water carried by fire trucks of different sizes is also different.

Dean's is a medium-sized water tank fire truck, which is generally enough to extinguish fires in small houses with single-family homes on the same floor.

Hu Qing's plan is to use this water tank fire truck to cover the demons.

A moment later.

Hu Qing had already carved a magic circle for making holy water on the ground with refined salt.

Sam next to him was draining water from the water tank fire truck.

There was a lot of water in the truck, and Hu Qing couldn't get so much quality 3 holy water.

That would drain his energy directly, so he could only dilute the quality 3 holy water he made into the original water according to a certain ratio.

In this way, although the holy water could not maintain the quality 3 level, these demons did not come to the world in their original form, but were just possessed. Even the demon leader did not need quality 3 holy water to deal with it.

"Hu, water!" Dean carried a bucket of refined salt water and placed it in the center of the magic circle carved by Hu Qing according to Hu Qing's instructions, and then took out his cross necklace and threw it into the bucket.

Hu Qing also grabbed the bucket and began to chant the spell to make holy water.

Dean kept staring.

He was curious about the difference between Hu Qing's way of making holy water and his own.

But the process is actually no different, after all, Hu Qing also learned the method of making holy water from the two brothers.

Dean seemed to have forgotten about it for a while.

As the holy water took effect, the magic circle carved by the refined salt disappeared, and the magic circle ripples began to condense in the bucket, but Dean's eyes gradually widened in disbelief.

"Oh my god, how is it possible?" Dean exclaimed. After the bucket of holy water took effect, it began to emit faint fluorescent light along with the ripples.

This holy water glows.

Even the holy water made by their father did not glow.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Sam was attracted by his brother's screams and walked over.

Dean pointed to the bucket.

Sam looked at it and was also full of surprise: "Hu, this holy water..."

This is too magical.

"Sam, pour this holy water into this water tank, Dean, I need a new bucket of salt water." Hu Qing ordered Sam.

Sam nodded and walked towards the fire truck with the bucket of glowing holy water.

Dean also went to get new salt water, but he whistled at Sam and winked.

Sam and his brother sometimes had a tacit understanding, so when he poured the bucket of holy water into the fire truck tank, he stopped when there was still some left and put the bucket down as if nothing had happened.

Time passed, Hu Qing stopped and rested, and it was almost evening before he made enough holy water.

This also made his head swell and his energy was seriously exhausted.

He had to rest for some time before starting the next action.

Dean drove the fire truck and took Sam and Hu Qing into the town, and stopped as if nothing had happened not far from the square where their father was imprisoned.

At the same time, a Chihuahua stepped into a long and narrow alley with its calves.

In the alley, a figure quickly moved and stopped on the roof of a building. It was Yu Zhi, who was carrying two large sacks of refined salt.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor also raised his head and started to call out. At the same time, black smoke columns began to emanate from his body. Puffs of black smoke began to spread in the alley, and strange ripples were emitted.

This seemed to be a special ability that only demons at the level of demon leaders could have.

At the same time, in the square not far away, the residents of the town were bustling, because a young man was playing guitar and singing, which attracted many residents to watch.

But no one noticed that many residents suddenly trembled, and the pupils of their eyes turned black in an instant.

These are all demons. They occupied the bodies of these humans, but they only lurked for the mission and did not control these humans.

Now, feeling the strange summoning ripples, they all came out.

In the small building in front of the square, the people who were originally walking normally suddenly trembled together, and the pupils of their eyes turned black.

"What's going on?"

"Another high-ranking boss is summoning!"

"Ah, what should we do? If the other party can't summon us, we will be in big trouble."

"I finally came out to the human world, why did this happen?"

The demons were a little confused for a while. In the square outside, some demons that appeared had subconsciously walked out of the square and headed for the alley where Thor was.

"Damn it, who is the guy looking for death?" An angry voice sounded in the small building.

A young man wearing a leather jacket, leather jeans, and a strong punk style walked out with an angry face.

He was the other demon leader who was hunting down the Wen brothers.

He imprisoned the father of the Wen brothers here, set up a strict trap, and waited for the Wen brothers to come to him.

But now the sudden appearance of the demon leader disrupted his plan.

Looking at those uneasy lower-level demons, he said angrily: "Come with me and teach them a lesson. If you know what's good for you, come with us to deal with the Wen brothers, otherwise he will be in trouble."

With that, the demon leader walked out of the small building.


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