Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 182 Upgrading still depends on friends! It’s not over yet!

Dean and Sam also walked into the alley, looking at the muddy alley and the people lying on the ground with astonishment on their faces.

There were more than 30 people in this dense crowd!

That means Hu killed more than 30 demons at once. If it were them, even with their father, they would have to run first when facing so many demons.

Hu was really incredible. If this news spread to the Exorcist Guild, it would probably shock everyone, and even many exorcists would think they were bragging.

"Winchester!" Edwards looked at the two brothers approaching with a murderous look on his face: "We really underestimated you. You actually colluded with a three-headed hellhound who was willing to be a traitor to plot against us."

Dean walked to Hu Qing's side, looked at Edwards and teased: "In fact, you didn't underestimate us. You didn't fall into my hands. It was Hu who plotted all this. You didn't escape his palm."

When Edwards heard this, he looked at Hu Qing at the first time, with murderous eyes: "Human, you have caused yourself a big trouble. For the rest of your life, the whole hell will regard you as an enemy."

This threat seems scary, but Hu Qing doesn't care at all: "Then I really welcome it, as long as you have the ability to make the whole hell regard me as an enemy."

Let's not talk about whether this guy can represent hell.

Has the other party asked Crowley if he agreed with this sentence?

Even if there are really hell demons who want to hunt him down, he welcomes it. He is worried about his lack of experience. As for those who can't beat them, he has another trick: summon Crowley.

When he dealt with the resurrected before, he killed the witch Abiya who wanted to resurrect the head of state, but he got a special box. The function of that box is to summon Crowley directly.

Crowley should have gathered the remaining Satanic breath on the Judas silver coin and absorbed most of the free power of Satan after his death, and he is about to become the new king of hell.

In this way, he still has 4 silver coins in his hand. At the critical moment, he can summon Crowley as a wandering merchant like the Wen brothers and trade with him directly.

After all, Satan's free power depends on the silver coins with the remaining Satanic breath. Without these 4 coins, Crowley's absorbed power is not complete.

As long as this silver coin is used as a bargaining chip, Crowley, the wandering merchant, should be happy to call.

So, the demon leader in front of him is talking nonsense.

"Human, you wait for endless disasters to come!" Ades heard Hu Qing's relaxed words, and his eyes were more annoyed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a black column of smoke flew out, quickly flying out of the area covered by refined salt.

Once he reached the area covered by refined salt, he could go back to hell.

At that time, this human would pay the price for his arrogance.

Edes thought angrily, and was about to rush out of the coverage of the salt circle, but suddenly felt a huge pressure on his body that made him unable to move, and he was directly pressed down.

"What's going on..." Edes panicked.

Hu Qing sneered.

This is naturally telekinetic pressure.

This ability comes from the Soul Devouring Demon, and the effect on the spirit body is even stronger.

These demon bodies cannot come out of hell and leave the human body they are possessed by. The black column of smoke is a state of spirit body.

So, how could Hu Qing let the other party escape from his eyes.

The black column of smoke transformed by Edes was pressed to the ground, and was instantly corroded in the muddy water and refined salt, emitting bursts of white smoke.

A vague shadow also appeared in the black column of smoke, with a pair of horns on his head and three arms.

This is what Aides originally looked like.

The corrosion of the holy water and refined salt made him howl, and his voice was even more panic-stricken.

The next moment, he felt a terrifying heat coming.

Looking up, a wave of fire engulfed him.

"Magician... No...!" Aides made a desperate sound and was instantly engulfed by the hellfire.

When the hellfire reached level 1, Hu Qing could control the size of the hellfire coverage area within a range of 30 in front of him, so the hellfire coverage area was not large, just an area around Aides.

[Experience +3600]

A prompt appeared in Hu Qing's mind, which was 100 more than the expected minimum of 3500.

This also shows that this demon leader is definitely stronger than the silkworm demon.

After all, the demon leader's body did not come here, and he could not exert his full strength in the human world, but he still had 3600 experience.

The hellfire dissipated, and there was no trace of the demon leader, Ades, on the spot. The muddy holy water and refined salt on the ground were also dried up and burned black.

Hu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he carefully looked at the experience status.

The fire truck covered the attack before, and killed 32 demons, and got a total of 19,300 experience. Add the 3,600 of the demon leader, which is 22,900.

This also made his total experience reach 16 levels 39,905/75,000, which is more than half.

Sure enough, if you want to level up quickly, you have to make more friends who like to cause trouble.

This group of friends will give you a lot of experience.

I just don't know when there will be any movement from Zha Kang. This guy should be better at causing trouble than the Wen family twins.

And that vampire queen Selina, I don't know when she will be hunted down. She made a big show last time. When the other party is being hunted down, she should contact him and bring him a nest of experience.

"Hu, you did it. All these demons are solved." Dean clenched his fists with excitement.

"Hu, you are amazing." Sam's face was also full of disbelief.

Among the exorcists they knew, absolutely no one could do such a thing.

Hu Qing smiled and said, "Dean, Sam, these demons have been dealt with. I think we should go and save your father first."

"I was so excited that I almost forgot about him!" Dean finally reacted and hurriedly called to Sam: "Sam, les go!"

Sam hurriedly followed his brother out of the alley.

Hu Qing also led people out of the alley and followed the Wen family's two evil spirits.

The small building where the two men's fathers were imprisoned has 6 floors.

Because the demons were attracted to the alley by Thor and dealt with, there were no demons guarding the building.

The two brothers didn't know how to find a room on the 5th floor accurately, and then kicked the door open and rushed in.

Hu Qing followed in and saw a middle-aged man lying on the bed with a bloody face and unconscious. There were restrictions set by demons around the bed, obviously to prevent people from waking up.

Hu Qing knew that this middle-aged man should be John Winchester, a real man in the true sense. He could fight to the death with a yellow-eyed demon of the prince of hell to avenge his wife, and he could sacrifice his life to save his son and go to hell voluntarily.

After he went to hell, the demons in hell wanted to make Winchester, a saint, succumb and become a demon. They tortured him year after year, but they didn't make him succumb.

But sometimes, John Winchester was a bit neurotic and crazy. He would do anything to achieve some goals, even using his two sons.

Maybe it's because the name John is poisonous! Besides, isn't the bastard named John sometimes a neurotic lunatic?

When Dean and Sam saw their father, they immediately went up to destroy the restrictions of the demon, and then hurried to the bedside to call John Winchester.

"Dad... wake up... dad..." Dean shook John Winchester frantically.

Sam frowned slightly. He was more cautious. He suddenly took out a pot of holy water and walked over and poured it on his father.

"Sam, WHY?" Dean looked at his brother in astonishment.

"Dean, we have to confirm that he might be possessed." Sam explained.

Dean had no way to deny this, his brother was indeed more careful than him.

Hu Qing had to admit that although Dean was braver, he was a reckless man, and Sam was the one who often thought of ways and countermeasures.

Obviously, the holy water splashed on John Winchester did not cause any changes, that is, he was not possessed.

Hu Qing knew this as soon as he came in, after all, Thor did not give him a hint. If there was a demon possessed by John Winchester, Gouzi must have reminded him.

At this time, John Winchester also woke up and asked in confusion: "Sam, why did you splash water on me?"

This made the two brothers smile.

"Dad, are you okay?" Dean asked with concern.

"They anesthetized me." John seemed weak, but still asked worriedly: "Where is clot? Did they not succeed?"

Dean explained: "Don't worry, dad, it's safe, they didn't succeed."

"Well done." John seemed relieved.

"Hu!" Sam also looked at Hu Qing at this time, with a pleading look in his eyes.

Hu Qing understood and cast a healing spell on John Winchester. As the white light flew out, John's spirit improved in an instant.

After a while, John got up in disbelief: "This... How is this possible?"

He got up as if nothing had happened, moved his body, and became more shocked.

Dean explained; "Dad, this is Hu we told you about. He is a powerful magician. That was his healing magic just now. Well, he also solved all the demons that caught you."

John looked at Hu Qing in surprise at that moment, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, but then he hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you very much. I know that my two sons are very troublesome. They must have caused you trouble. Forgive me."

"You're welcome. Sam and Dean are my friends." Hu Qing said with a smile.

He is not afraid of trouble, but he is afraid that the two brothers will not trouble him.

Sam said at this time: "Dad, let's leave here first, meet up with Bobby, and then find a safe place."

This was unanimously agreed, and the group left the building as soon as possible and crossed the square to leave.

But just as Hu Qing and the Winchester brothers left, black smoke columns suddenly emerged quickly from the place where John Winchester was originally imprisoned, one after another, and the number increased.

These black smoke columns drilled into the ground, rushed to the square, and then drilled out of the ground and rushed into the bodies of people in the square.

At the same time, one pedestrian after another suddenly trembled, and the pupils of their eyes turned black.

These people walked towards the vehicles on the roadside, either directly smashing the car windows and getting in, or directly knocking down the driver with one blow, grabbing the car directly, and letting the other figures get in.

After a while, those cars drove out of the town together. Just after leaving the town, you can see a Rolls-Royce and a classic car disappearing in the distance.

These cars instantly roared the accelerator and chased in that direction.

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