Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 186 The strange messenger of death! The old man of the death knight!

Dean looked at the figure that suddenly appeared with a grim expression.

Sam was also on guard.

Because Dean had almost died in the hands of the other party.

The two brothers subconsciously helped John to Hu Qing.

"Hu, he is the god of death!" Dean reminded Hu Qing in a low voice, with a hint of fear in his words.

He was touched on the head by the other party's palm before, and he still remembered the fear of his soul being extracted.

Hu Qing looked at the figure in a suit with wrinkles on his face like a dead tree in surprise.

The god of death?

Hu Qing recalled the plot of watching Supernatural in his previous life. There seemed to be only one real god of death, that is, the handsome old man of the Death Knight holding a sickle.

Because of the advent of the apocalypse, the old man of the Death Knight also served as a mentor to the Wen brothers for a period of time.

However, there was more than one god of death in Supernatural, or they were not gods of death, but messengers of death.

The messenger of death is a special existence that can lead human souls into the afterlife.

In the evil forces, it is not clear whether it is God or the old man of the Death Knight who created the Death Messenger.

The biggest difference between the old man of the Death Knight and these Death Messengers lies in self-thinking and self-personality independence.

As for the Death Messengers, unless they break through the restrictions, they are generally only concerned about how to maintain the natural order of life and death. Although they are not without sympathy for the people whose souls they collect, they can only work mechanically.

If these Death Messengers can break through certain restrictions, they can become different. For example, there is a Death Messenger who breaks through the restrictions and no longer collects souls mechanically.

He also calls himself the God of Death. He will use a scale to weigh the sin and kindness of the soul at the top of a mountain where they meet, and then send the kind soul to heaven in a warm way and the sinful soul to hell in a cold way.

As for those normal Death Messengers, their abilities are not very strong, but they have some special powers required for their work.

Some Death Messengers will also be controlled by human witchcraft, and even the angel blades and magic weapons taken from angels can easily kill them.

Hu Qing is now curious about whether the person in front of him is a normal Death Messenger or a Death Messenger who has broken through the limit.

The only thing that cannot be the other party is the Death Messenger. The image of the old man of the Death Knight is too memorable. He is wearing a black windbreaker and the cane transformed from the Death Scythe is also very eye-catching.

It’s just that the Wen brothers haven’t met the old man of the Death Knight yet, so they don’t know these things and simply regard the Death Messenger as the Death Messenger.

At this time, the Death Messenger with a face like dry bark also looked at Hu Qing and his party.

There was a trace of doubt in his eyes, and he actually spoke out: "Something is wrong. One of you will die soon. Why don’t I feel the breath of death now?"

This made Bobby and Sam and others change their faces.

This obviously carries a bad message, that is, one of them will die, so, this Death Messenger was attracted?

As for who will die, they don’t want to see it.

And now the ending has changed, which is obviously related to Hu.

It was him who turned the tide.

This made Dean and others look at Hu Qing with more gratitude in their eyes.

Hu Qing suddenly thought of something when he heard the words of the messenger of death.

Although he didn't catch up on the previous plots when watching Supernatural in his previous life, he would check online when he saw something he didn't understand, such as how the father of the two brothers died.

The death of the father of the two brothers was when they were dealing with Azazel. Because of Azazel's calculations, Dean was seriously injured and died in the hospital.

At that time, a beautiful messenger of death also came and wanted to take Dean's soul away. It was John who took the initiative to summon Azazel, who was forced back to hell by CLOT, in order to save his son, and then made a deal with this murderer of his wife, exchanging his life and clot gun for Dean's life.

In the end, Azazel occupied the body of the beautiful death god, used the ability of the messenger of death to let Dean's soul return to his body, and finally took John to hell.

It can be said that in the first wave of fighting against Azazel, the people of the Winchester family lost both the wife and the army.

So, did this messenger of death appear because he felt the breath of death of Dean?

Because of his appearance, the ending changed, so the other party naturally could not sense Dean's death.

The messenger of death also looked at Hu Qing, and suddenly a kind of doubt appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, the messenger of death came to Hu Qing at a very fast speed, and said in disbelief: "No, you are wrong, you seem to have died, you should be dead, why are you full of vitality now? What on earth are you?"

Hu Qing was surprised to hear the words of the messenger of death.

He did die once, and he didn't die in his previous life. Can he come through? Or this body has died once, and it was occupied by him again.

But a messenger of death can see through all this?

This is impossible.

The other party should not have this ability.

And at that moment, the messenger of death subconsciously reached out to Hu Qing's head.

The special ability of the messenger of death allows him to take away the soul, but it also allows him to read the memory of life. He is obviously curious and wants to explore Hu Qing.

This is even more wrong.

Because ordinary death gods who have not broken through their limits would never do such a thing. They seem to be numb and are not curious about other things except collecting souls.

【Messenger of Death! 】

Hu Qing frowned subconsciously when he saw the death messenger's movements.

He saw the illusory name floating on the body of the Death Messenger, and subconsciously cast a resistance fire ring, impacting on the Death Messenger.

At the same time, he waved the golden sea soul and cast another hellfire.

Hu Qing just used magic water (two stars), and the 5-minute amplified magic effect is still more than ten seconds away. The power to resist the fire ring has become very strong.

The Death Messenger's eyes widened in shock. Under the impact of the ring of fire, his body flew backwards uncontrollably.

Before the god of death could react, he suddenly looked at the terrifying flames coming like a wave in horror, and was instantly swallowed up by the flames.

Hu Qing only subconsciously launched the attack when he saw the messenger of death attacking him.

But after a moment, he looked at the prompt that appeared in his mind in disbelief:

[Experience +5000]

"????" Hu Qing was stunned for a moment when he saw the prompt in his mind.

Although he knew that the Death Messenger was not very strong, could be controlled by witches, and could even be easily possessed by Azazel, he really did not expect that this Hellfire with 44 magical power could destroy the Death Messenger.

This made him unable to react.

Did this messenger of death come to kill people on purpose? It made him feel like something was wrong even with his experience.

Dean and Sam next to them were completely stunned.

What did Hu do?

He actually killed a god of death?

That's the God of Death!

Hu Qing looked at the spot where the Hellfire had dissipated with a look of astonishment. There was a ball of light floating there, with a black crystal stone wrapped in it.

Is this messenger of death a courier?

Not only did he come to deliver a wave of experience, he also exploded something?

Hu Qing stepped forward and touched the light, and put the things in the inventory as if nothing had happened.

Before he could check the information about the object, Dean had already stepped forward and said, "Hu, nothing else will appear here, right? How about we leave here first?"

Hu Qing nodded and said, "Okay, let's leave here first. It's best to find a comfortable place to take a bath."

With so many things happening, the group really didn’t want to stay here any longer.

Before leaving, the two brothers called the hospital for those lying on the ground and asked the hospital to send ambulances to rescue them.

The car started again, left the forest path, drove towards the highway, and then kept moving forward, and did not stop until it reached Bayai City.

Hu Qing had taken a train to Bayi City before, so he would naturally take a train here when he returned.

After the Winchester brothers entered the city, they took Hu Qing to a relatively remote place. Hu Qing immediately knew the two brothers' plan, which was to find a cheap motel.

Although these two brothers have been exorcising demons for a long time, they have not run out of food, but it is absolutely impossible for them to live too comfortably.

Thinking of the terrible environment in the motel last time, Hu Qing didn't want to experience it again, so he called Sam directly and asked him to follow him, and then he turned around and drove towards the city center.

After a while, Hu Qing took people to a five-star hotel in Bayi City, and he and the Wen brothers all booked a presidential suite and presidential package.

"After this demon slaying is over, you should enjoy yourself and reward yourself!" Hu Qing said with a smile and walked towards the elevator, leaving the Wen brothers with stunned faces.

"Is Hu showing off his wealth?" Dean asked.

Sam said, "Dean, you should reflect on why Hu is so rich while exorcising demons, and we are exorcising demons but have to squeeze into motels every time."

Dean said unconvinced: "Sam, that's because I used all the money to buy you a laptop, otherwise we wouldn't be able to afford to live here."

"..." Sam looked at the notebook in his bag and wanted to give it to his brother.

Just as a group of people were checking into this hotel, in a funeral supplies store somewhere in Bayai City, two figures were looking at the dark night.

One of them was an old man wearing a black trench coat and holding a cane. He was sitting on a chair.

Next to him was a black man with a bald head, standing there upright.

"Liao Zhen, no, maybe you are more accustomed to the name Anubis!" The old man sighed slightly and said: "You are the only one who is different and can break through the restrictions of the messenger of death. Unfortunately, you have joined those guys. In the country of faith, life is difficult for them now.”

"Sir, at least I don't have to worry about when that guy will run out..." Anubis paused, as if he felt that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately said respectfully: "Sir, you have found the secret. Are they powerful? What is the problem with those messengers of death?”

The old man frowned tightly: "I controlled a problem with the Death Messenger. I didn't find the cause, but I found a very interesting existence. The Death Messenger died in the hands of the other party. Moreover, I sensed that the other party had arrived here. City, I'm somewhat interested in him."

The old man stood up as he spoke and slowly walked out of the funeral supplies store.

A white man playing with his mobile phone came over, lowered his head without looking in front of him, and bumped the old man's shoulder.

This white man seemed a little arrogant. He actually complained first and complained to the old man: "Hey, old man, watch it."

The old man ignored the man and just lowered his head and patted his shoulder, which was afraid of being hit.

The white man didn't walk a few steps, but suddenly he fell straight down with his eyes wide open, motionless, which shocked the people around him.

"What happened to him?"

"Get out of the way, I'm a doctor, I can give him first aid!"

"He has no heartbeat..."

The old man was not affected by all this, and slowly walked towards the city center. The shadow behind him became longer and longer under the night lights, and then suddenly, his figure disappeared from the spot.

But no one around paid attention to all this, as if it was affected by some force.

Not long after, an old man was welcomed outside a five-star hotel.

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