Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 198 Reflection Demon! Experience +5000!

The scene in front of them made everyone a little confused.

Two identical people, even the clothes, the guns in their hands, and the posture of holding the guns were the same.

"Hu, I am the real one." The Kelly who appeared in front said to Hu Qing.

"Hu, she is the fake one." Kelly who appeared behind also said hurriedly.

Kalinda frowned at the two Kellys and suddenly snorted: "Fake can't be real, because some things can only be known by the real ones. I ask a few questions, and only the real ones can answer them."

"Kalinda, you ask!"

The two Kellys asked almost at the same time.

"Kelly, you should know what you want to do most, where is that place?"

"Feitu Town!"

The two Kellys answered almost at the same time.

Kalinda was stunned.

Feitu Abandoned Town is the town where Kelly's mother and grandfather disappeared. She has been trying to investigate this matter for so many years.

Outsiders can't know this, but now both Kellys know it.

Kalinda felt that she should use her ultimate move, and she asked again: "Kelly, who were we talking about when we slept together that night!"



The two Kellys answered at the same time again.

Kalinda frowned.

All this is known?

Only she and Kelly knew what happened that night, not even Hu.

"Damn it, even if you can fake my appearance, you can't have the ability I have."

One Billy roared angrily, and he actually tore his police uniform to pieces and turned into a half-orc warrior.

The taller Billy rushed directly to the other Billy.

"He is the real Billy." Kalinda made a judgment immediately.

But to her surprise, the other Billy also tore off his police uniform at this time and turned into a half-orc warrior.

The two tall half-orc warriors rushed to each other, and then wrestled together, punching each other.

"Hu!" Kalinda didn't retreat this time, and looked at Hu Qing.

Hu Qing also looked at the two Billies who were fighting and shouted, "Stop it."

The two Billies stopped and looked at Hu Qing.

"Mr. Hu, I'm real." The two Billies said at the same time.

Hu Qing ignored them.

Two of the two Kellys and two Billies must be fakes.

No matter how much they pretended to be, or how much they knew, they could never fool the system.

He went straight to one of the Billies, and without saying a word, he punched the Billy to the ground.


After being attacked by him, his name also appeared on the body of this Billy.

Almost before the other Billy could react, Hu Qing also punched the other Billy in the face and knocked the Billy to the ground.

[Billy Reflection]

An illusory name also appeared on the body of this Billy.

Obviously, this Billy is fake.

But when he saw the name of the fake Billy, Hu Qing was surprised. .


He suddenly remembered that he had read a document.

Could it be that thing?

Hu Qing then looked at the two Kellys, and without caring about being gentle with them, he simply threw them over his shoulder and threw them to the ground.


[Kelly Reflection]

The two Kellys also had illusory names on them, and it was also clear which one was real and which one was fake.

Hu Qing thought again, and the sea soul appeared in his hand.

He used the poisoning technique on the fake Billy and the fake Kelly at the same time.

In an instant, a layer of green appeared on the fake Billy and the fake Kelly, and then the green turned into a dark red.

"Ah... Mr. Hu, why are you attacking me?"

The fake Billy's face turned very ugly under the influence of the red and green poisons.

"Hu, what are you doing? She is the fake one." The fake Kelly also looked at Hu Qing in disbelief, and she didn't seem to realize that she was exposed. Instead, her face was filled with disbelief and grievance, as if she didn't expect Hu Qing to attack her at all.

If this is acting, it must be able to win an Oscar.

But Hu Qing knows that this fake Kelly doesn't know that she is fake, and she has always thought that she is real.

Because she has the same figure, face, ability... everything as Kelly, she is Kelly's reflection.

Hu Qing once read a mysterious legend about a kind of demon. It is said that in ancient times, the king of hell was still Satan, and Lucifer became a fallen angel.

At that time, there was a special demon in hell: the reflection demon.

This reflection demon has a special ability, which is to make a reflection.

When facing their enemies, they will use the special ability of reflection to create a reflection that is exactly the same as the enemy.

This reflection has the same appearance, body shape, and even strength and memory as the enemy.

Therefore, to deal with the reflection demon, you must fight with yourself first.

Moreover, when the power of the reflection demon is not seriously consumed, you may have just beaten one of yourself, and another self will come out again.

This special ability is feared by other demons even in hell.

Fortunately, the power of this reflection demon is limited, and it is of no use to creatures that are much stronger than itself.

However, this reflection demon was eliminated a long time ago. According to the legend, the king of the reflection demon didn't know that the tendon was wrong, so he seemed to suddenly have ambitions and actually made a reflection of Satan.

It attempts to kill Satan through the reflection of Satan, and then uses the reflection of Satan made by itself to control hell and make itself the king of hell.

It's a pity that the reflection of Satan was created, but the real Satan was not even a bit inferior in strength. In the end, not only was the king of reflection demons killed by Satan, but even the reflection demon clan was expelled from hell.

Even the few surviving reflection demons have been hunted and almost destroyed.

Hu Qing did not expect that he would encounter a reflection demon today.

At this moment, the eyes of Reflection Kelly and Reflection Billy suddenly began to surge with black energy, and their eyes became dull.

Then, the two of them attacked Hu Qing together.

This is obviously the reflection demon behind them who is already controlling these two reflections.

"Hmph!" Hu Qing snorted coldly, and the hellfire instantly swallowed up the fake reflections of the two people.

These two reflections were only as strong as Kelly and Billy, and could not withstand the Hellfire attack.

Immediately there was a crisp sound similar to a broken mirror.

When the hellfire disappeared, the reflection Kelly and the reflection Billy had disappeared.

"Hu, how did you recognize him?" Kelly stood up and asked in relief.

"Kelly, you are my girlfriend, how could I mistakenly admit you?" Hu Qing smiled and said love words, and solved the problem.

This statement obviously made Kelly very satisfied, with a smile on her pretty face.

Kalinda also asked in confusion: "Hu, what happened to the fake Kelly just now? Who is that person?"

"A kind of devil, just go and meet it!" Hu Qing took out the compass, and the pointer on it was already pointing to a location.

This was not the first time he came to the police station, so he naturally knew that the direction was the morgue.

Hu Qing led people to the morgue. As soon as he entered, he saw a strong white man sitting on the cadaver bed. It was Bilas who provoked him with racial discrimination and was punished by him.

Bilas also jumped down from the morgue and looked at Hu Qing and his party.

But it was obvious that it was not Bilas. His eyes were filled with black energy, and behind him there was even more black smoke condensed into a strange black smoke screen.

An oppressive aura filled the entire morgue.

This was not the first time for those present to encounter supernatural events and demons. They all knew that the body of Bilas in front of them had been occupied by demons.

"It's really amazing." The reflection demon looked at Hu Qing: "Since I escaped from hell and entered the human world, you are the only human being who can distinguish the reflections I made so quickly. I really want to know how you do it. It can be done.”

Hu Qing sneered: "You don't need to know, because you are going to die here today."

"Hahaha!" The Reflection Demon suddenly laughed jokingly when he heard this: "Human, you are very ignorant. I'm afraid you don't know. Even the King of Hell is afraid of our Reflection Demon's ability. When you humans meet me, only A dead end."

"You are so bold, my lord, let me deal with him!" Yu Zhi shouted, transformed and rushed towards the reflection demon.

But when Yu Zhi reached the reflection demon, he saw the black smoke screen behind him vibrating, and a black shadow jumped out and faced Yu Zhi.

The black shadow twisted, exuding special fluctuations, and turned into Yu Zhi.

Two identical Yu Zhi suddenly collided with each other, and at the same time, they mutated into sharp zombie claws and slapped each other.

Yu Zhi was blocked.

But the ability of the reflection demon did not stop, the black smoke screen was still vibrating, and black shadows came out one after another.

These black shadows twisted for a while, and after bursts of special ripples emitted from their bodies, they turned into figures: Kalinda, Kelly, Billy, Jenna!

These reflections were almost identical to those of Kelly and Kalinda. Even the reflected Billy transformed into an orc warrior and pounced on the real Billy as soon as he appeared.

This scene was obviously surprising.

Hu Qing didn't even know how the other party did it. It's no wonder that this kind of demon race would be removed from hell. If their abilities weren't limited, I'm afraid they would be the ones ruling hell.

In the blink of an eye, those reflections were fighting with Kalinda, Kelly and the others.

For a moment, the entire morgue was filled with the sounds of fighting and collision.

The reflection demon looked at Hu Qing: "Now you know the reason why humans are dead in front of me? Do you know why I left you as the last one?"

"Actually, I should thank you. If someone hadn't wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have been summoned from the seal. So, in return, I will torture you well."

Hu Qing was stunned when he heard this.

What's the meaning?

Was this reflection demon summoned by someone? Moreover, someone summoned this reflection demon to kill him? At this moment, the black smoke screen behind the reflection demon shook again.

Another black shadow emerged, and then began to twist, quickly changing into the appearance of Hu Qing.

But when the reflection changed to look like Hu Qing, it didn't move like the previous reflection. Instead, it shook crazily, and then started to flicker, as if it was going to dissipate at any time.

"How is that possible?" The reflection demon's face changed drastically. There was only one possibility for this situation, and that was that the other party's power far exceeded him, and even that gap was a despairing distance.

This shouldn't be right at all. Could the other party be the King of Hell like Satan?

"Stop playing fake legends. This legend will give you a VIP gift package as soon as it goes online. There is no recharge window..."

The Reflection Demon only heard a voice in his mind, and then he widened his eyes in horror. There was a crackling sound in his body, which was the sound of shattering.

The reflections fighting with Kelly and the others stopped, also making a crackling sound, and then instantly disintegrated.

The thick black smoke also dissipated at the same time.

"No... Impossible..." The Reflection Demon made the last desperate sound. The voice just now actually directly destroyed its power and vitality...

What on earth was that?

The next moment, Bilas's body instantly fell to the ground, the black air in his eyes disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

[Experience +5000]

"???" A 5000 experience prompt appeared in Hu Qing's mind.

He was stunned.

5000 experience means that this Reflection Demon is very powerful, but he hasn't even started yet, how come the other party died?

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