Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 200 The Demon Leader's Strength! The Power of Lightning!

Demi-Freiger ignored the guys in the cell.

They were all disobedient and failures.

The few who were successful and stable had been sent out to do things.

Demi-Freiger came to a gray metal door again.

The door opened, and the area inside was filled with thicker black smoke.

In the black smoke, a mirror with blood-colored lines could be seen.

Below was a container with a transparent cover, in which lay a young man with a perfect body shape, but he was motionless and seemed to have no breath of life.

Next to him, a middle-aged man in a prison warden uniform said respectfully: "Sir, I have selected 10 more prisoners, all of whom meet the physical standards."

A pair of yellow eyes appeared on the mirror: "Ordinary people's experimental subjects are not enough. We need stronger ones. It's better to use supernatural creatures directly. The army I want must be the strongest."

"Yes, sir, I also want to occupy a stronger body. This big-bellied body is disgusting." The warden also nodded, and walked out directly without looking at Demi-Frege next to him, and his eyes turned black.

At this time.

Demi-Frege said respectfully: "Sir, bring the things back."

When she spoke, the beads in her hand were sucked into the mirror. In an instant, the black smoke around became thicker.

"Now we only need one key." The yellow eyes in the mirror made a proud voice: "Who would have known that there is a fifth pair of yellow eyes in hell? When you excluded me, did you ever think that one day I would rule the world?"

"It's a pity that you dispersed my power at the beginning. This experimental body is only at the level of a demon lord."

"When I find a way to completely restore my power, believe me, the whole hell will be under my rule. I will definitely keep you from getting out of the seal forever, Lucifer..."

In an instant, black air surged and spread crazily, covering all the surroundings.


Boskan District.

After receiving the information and practice methods of lightning magic, Hu Qing also looked at the skill bar as soon as possible.

"Lightning spell lv0 (0/300): Consumes MP35, summons a lightning bolt from the sky, lightning contains special natural rule power, will ignore external obstacles, directly fall on the target, magic amplification for normal targets +15 magic, attack amplification for monster targets: magic +20, 17 levels can be upgraded to LV1."

You can also know that lightning spell is very strong by looking at the information.

LV3 fireball spell, magic +6 for normal targets, magic +11 for monster targets.

But the power of LV0 lightning spell is far greater than that of LV3 fireball spell.

This shows the difference in power between the two skills, after all, the level requirements for learning are 10 levels apart.

If it is an attack on a monster, he now has 13 points of magic + 10 points of magic from the golden sea soul + 20 magic from LV0 lightning spell against monster targets, then the power of lightning spell is already magic 43.

With this kind of power alone, I'm afraid no demon leader can resist it. Like the previous Meg, I'm afraid she can be killed in one second with a lightning spell.

If the poison spell is added, maybe the demon lord can be hurt.

After all, his lightning spell has no cooldown time, and he can use it one after another before the magic value is exhausted.

In addition, there is one thing about this skill information that is simply against the sky.

That is, the summoned lightning spell will ignore external obstacles and fall directly on the target.

For example, if someone finds a room in advance to deal with his lightning spell, or simply builds a lightning-proof building, it will be useless.

The potential of wisdom is endless. Think about some novels I read in my previous life. Didn't many immortal masters use modern scientific lightning-inducing methods to overcome tribulations?

This feature of lightning spells is simply a perfect example of such clever tricks.

And this is in line with the characteristics of the game.

After all, this lightning spell in the game, whether it is in underground space, caves, illusions, towers... anywhere, will fall directly on the monster's head.

Otherwise, it stands to reason that in the underground space, the lightning spell would be blocked by the ground first.

Only with this skill feature can it fall directly on the monster's head.

Hu Qing also wanted to understand the power of lightning spell more intuitively, so he left the villa as soon as possible.

Yu Zhi wanted to follow him as soon as possible.

Seeing this, Hu Qing ordered: "Yu Zhi, don't follow me for now. Go and monitor that Jenna these days. Don't let her find out. See if she has any abnormalities."

"Yes, lord!" Yu Zhi nodded.

Hu Qing then entered the woodland park alone.

As the magic power became stronger and stronger, Hu Qing didn't want to attract attention, so he planned to go deep into the woodland park and go to the location of the last experiment with hellfire.

Otherwise, anyone who saw a lightning bolt falling from the sky in broad daylight would be curious to check it out.

Humans can't hold back their curiosity.

Hu Qing was moving very fast, and soon he reached the depths of the forest. However, when he passed through a bush, he was stunned.

Behind the bush, two figures were taking off their clothes, and they were completely free of their restraints.

The key point was that they were two men.

"..."Hu Qing's first thought was that it was a sin. How could he see such a scene?

The two men also saw Hu Qing, but they clearly showed fear on their faces, as if they were very afraid of Hu Qing.

But Hu Qing was embarrassed by the impending male-male sex, and he didn't notice the two people's gazes. He turned around and left, and even felt a little bad.

It was a very unlucky thing to meet a man and a man doing something.

It would be different if he met two women.

When the two men saw Hu Qing leaving, they were also scared and rushed forward, and then turned into two giant wolves in mid-air and flew deeper into the forest.

Why did this evil star come to their Cassandra activity area again?

They thought that they should suggest changing the activity area to another place. The magic cast by this evil star last time was still vivid in their minds.

The two werewolves quickly arrived at a half-slope, where there were already several other werewolves active.

Apart from the necessary activity day gatherings, they, the Cassandra werewolves, came to the woodland park to run wildly purely for hobby, so there were not many of them at ordinary times.

"Ed, what's wrong with you? You look panicked." A werewolf came out and asked.

Ed said embarrassedly: "Luke, stop talking, that evil star is here again, and it seems to be going to the place where he set fire last time."

"Mr. Hu?" Luke was shocked.

Speaking of arson, he naturally thought of the terrifying flames in that area last time.

Those flames actually burned the long-growing trees into ashes in an instant, which shows how terrifying the flames are.

"It's him." Ed sighed and said, "Luke, what should we do? This guy always comes into the woodland park, and we don't feel safe. We just took off our clothes and this evil star appeared."

"Uh!" Luke was embarrassed.

They, the Cassandra werewolves, will turn into giant wolves, and their clothes will usually be torn, so they will take off their clothes when they transform.

It is embarrassing to be seen by outsiders when taking off clothes, and it is even more embarrassing to be seen by a terrifying magician like Mr. Hu.

"Luke, why don't we go talk to him..." Ed suggested, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the sky not far away in astonishment.

A thunder suddenly sounded in broad daylight.

Luke and several werewolves also looked in horror. A thick lightning appeared under the bright sun and fell into the forest.

How could there be thunder in the bright sun in the broad daylight?

In the woods, Hu Qing had already arrived at the place where he experimented with Hellfire last time. The reason he came here was that in addition to the independent woodland he used for the experiment last time, there were many huge stones around.

Those stones seemed to be naturally erected, each of which was several meters high and wide, which was a good target for the experiment.

After taking out the Golden Sea Soul in his hand, he cast the lightning spell on a huge stone with a thought.

The next moment, a strong and destructive energy wave appeared above his head.

Hu Qing looked up, and a thick blue lightning with dense arcs fell from the sky. Almost instantly, the lightning passed through the space and hit the boulder that was several meters high and wide.

Boom! ~

A terrifying explosion sounded, and the boulder instantly exploded and flew out in all directions. The impact force carried by the broken stones directly broke the surrounding trees and collapsed.

The fallen rubble was red, and the outer part had melted into liquid.

Moreover, the lightning actually penetrated the boulder and hit the ground, creating a huge pit.

The ground actually showed cracks and burnt marks that spread in all directions. Several trees that blocked the way were directly pierced by a charred black and then broke along the charred black.

This scene surprised Hu Qing. This lightning technique also has splash damage?

Of course, there is no such effect in the game, but it is common sense that lightning will flow in reality, and the splash damage seems to be very strong.

Hu Qing was excited and cast lightning magic on another boulder.

In the woodland park.

Luke's Cassandra werewolves were all looking at the place where the lightning fell in horror. The terrifying energy just now made them feel frightened even from a long distance.

Moreover, they vaguely felt that the lightning seemed to contain the power of supernatural creatures against them.

"The lightning should be abnormal, right?" a werewolf asked.

The next moment, a loud bang sounded again, and another lightning fell from the sky into the woods, still carrying terrifying power fluctuations.

After one, the third lightning appeared again, one after another, and it took several consecutive lightnings to stop.

"Only a fool would think this lightning is normal." Ed swallowed his saliva and said.

"It should be Mr. Hu again?" Luke was full of fear. If the fire cast by Mr. Hu before was frightening, then now he is summoning the power of heaven.

After a while, there was no movement in the woods, and Luke led a few werewolves to walk cautiously in the direction of the lightning, and soon arrived at the place where the lightning fell.

There was no one here, and Mr. Hu had left.

But Luke and his men looked at the messy woodland in front of them with fear.

They naturally remembered that there were many boulders several meters high and wide in this area, and they used to jump and shuttle on these boulders.

Now some of those boulders are gone, leaving a charred pit and broken stones with traces of melting on the ground, as well as pieces of scorch marks with cracks.

The scene in front of them made them realize what happened first, and they all swallowed their saliva.

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