Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 206: Chasing fiercely? Then kill them all at once!

On the street, Yu Zhi and the demon werewolf rolled on the ground. Looking at the car in the distance, he kicked the demon werewolf out in annoyance and smashed it into a nearby store.

The screams inevitably returned.

Whether it is a demon werewolf or Yu Zhi, they are obviously different from ordinary people after their transformation.

As long as it doesn't show its fangs, it can be regarded as too unconventional, but no one can deceive themselves that it is not a monster after seeing the werewolf's appearance.

What's more, it was kicked into the shop like a ball by Yu Zhi, making a big hole in the wall of the shop.

When pedestrians around him began to flee in panic, the demonic werewolf rushed out of the shop again and ran straight towards Yu Zhi, slapping Yu Zhi fiercely with its sharp claws.

Yu Zhi didn't even dodge and let the wolf's claws hit his chest.

Several streaks of flesh and blood were scratched off, and the bones were almost visible.

But under Yu Zhi's recovery power, his injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The next moment, he pounced on the demon werewolf, and his sharp zombie claws also penetrated the body of the demon werewolf.

He was still worried about the siege of the demonic werewolf just now.

Now one on one, he doesn't need to worry at all.

The demon werewolf roared and attacked again. Yu Zhi still did not avoid it, but instead grabbed the demon werewolf's neck with his backhand, his eyes cold and stern.

Then there was a click.

Yu Zhi directly broke the demon werewolf's neck.

The next moment, a black smoke column instantly rushed out of the werewolf's body, hit the ground, and disappeared as a ripple appeared.

Watching the demon escape back to hell, Yu Zhi had no choice.

This werewolf is not the true form of the devil. Killing this werewolf will not cause the devil to die, and he has no way to keep him.

[Experience +1500]

Hu Qing was driving the car when an experience reminder suddenly appeared in his mind.

In addition to killing monsters himself, killing summoned objects can also provide him with experience.

Thor, the bitch, was in the villa, and only Yu Zhi, who was monitoring Jenna, was near the police station.

Rolls-Royce rushed towards another positioning point faster.

Kelly's side is already leaving the city.

After running for a few minutes, Hu Qing counted the time and looked at Constantine: "John, get a magic circle. You seem to have a magic value that can instantly imprison everything around you, right?"

"Ah! How do you know?" Constant looked at Hu Qing in disbelief.

This is obviously the magic he just learned, in order to deal with the demon lord Nigel.

That time when he performed an exorcism on the little girl, it was his mistake that led to the sacrifice of his friend and the girl being captured by Nigel and sent to hell.

He had always wanted to know about it.

But he had just learned this magic circle, and it was difficult to control, but there was no problem in dealing with things that were not too strong.

But how could Hu know the key?

"John, don't worry about how I know, okay?" Hu Qing asked again.

The Zha Kang in front of him wasn't very powerful yet, and he didn't know if he knew the magic circle now.

"Okay!" Constantine nodded.

"Let's start!" Hu Qing immediately stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

The other side.

Kelly had also driven out of downtown Seattle.

She slammed the gas pedal again, trying to make the car go faster.

However, the performance of Kalinda's car was really limited, and her driving skills were a bit weak, so she kept pressing the accelerator, but she was still hung behind the car by those cars.

boom! ~

The car was hit violently again.

The sports car hit the rear of the car hard again.

"Damn it, you'll be stopped soon." Kelly clearly felt the car vibrate and twist, and the speed suddenly slowed down a lot.

Kalinda's face didn't look good either: "Now that we are stopped and intercepted, we are probably no match for those demonic werewolves. The key is that the demon is in a sports car, and I can't attack him with holy water."

"Leave it to me, I'll break his windshield." Jenna opened the car door directly, grabbed the handle of the car with one hand, half of her body was exposed outside the car, and pointed the other hand at the sports car and muttered an update. Strange witchcraft: "allaenat ealaa jadatik, mita min 'ajli..."

A ripple struck out, and the next moment, the sports car seemed to hit an invisible object, and the windshield was instantly torn and shattered.

An ordinary person would be frightened when faced with this situation.

But it was the devil in the car who didn't care about the broken windshield and stepped on the accelerator again to hit Kelly's car.

Suddenly, the two balloons enlarged and shattered in its eyes, and holy water sprayed out.


The demon then howled miserably, and white smoke erupted from its body as it was corroded by the holy water.

The sports car lost control instantly and hit a street light and stopped.

A column of black smoke also rushed out of the sports car and entered the body of a young man on the roadside.

The young man's pupils instantly turned pitch black, and his face was full of annoyance.

"Boll, what's wrong with you? Give you ice cream!" A young beauty next to him asked doubtfully.

But the devil walked away coldly, paying no attention to the young beauty.

The ice cream fell to the ground, along with the young beauty's red eyes.

She cried in grievance, hugging her legs and squatting down, but Napol didn't look back at all.

"Yes, get rid of it, Jenna, we are the best partners." Kalinda returned to the car with excitement on her face and closed the door.

Kelly also breathed a sigh of relief.

The sports car was taken care of. The performance of other cars was similar to Kalinda's car, and they couldn't catch up for a while.

Moreover, the two points of bidirectional positioning in mobile phones are getting closer.

After joining Hu, Hu will take care of these demons.

The fastest sports car was taken care of, but the demons on the other cars showed signs of annoyance.

"It was actually solved."

"Hurry up and chase, don't let these people escape."

A demon werewolf said coldly: "They can't run away. Even if they don't catch up now, this human car can't keep running. It will stop as long as it runs out of gas."

"Take them out. They still had a chance to struggle in the city. Now they are driving stupidly out of the city. When the car stops, they will die."

This demon werewolf obviously has a higher status among these demons, and his words are full of murderous intent and very cold.

It is very angry now, and tearing these humans apart is not enough to quell its anger.

The demons in several cars also stepped on the accelerator and hung Kelly's car tightly.

The three women in the car were already dead in their eyes, and now they were just struggling to survive.

As time passed, Kelly finally saw three cars parked on the road ahead.

She recognized that the Rolls-Royce belonged to Hu Qing.

The other two cars naturally belong to Abby and werewolf Chase.

However, Aibik had already hid far away, and only Hu Qing, Constantine, Liu Qingqing, and werewolf Chas were waiting on the roadside.

Kelly stopped the car almost immediately, got out of the car and saw Hu Qing: "Hu, those demons are going to catch up."

"Go to the back first." Hu Qing nodded and looked at the cars chasing behind him.

Constantine said in surprise: "Hu, there are actually 21 demons, 16 in the car, and the 5 demons on the roof are very strange."

Looking at the chasing cars, Hu Qing and Constantine walked out slowly.

Constantine had already raised his hands and aimed at the cars.

at this time.

The demons also saw Kelly's parked car, but they also saw three cars parked there, a Rolls-Royce, a taxi, and an Audi.

"They stopped, they must have run out of gas."

"There are three other cars there. They must want to change cars and escape."

"Hurry up and catch up. We can't let them get the car."


These demons screamed.

They knew very well that if these three women were allowed to change cars and have enough gas, they might be able to get rid of them and escape with the keys.

That would be troublesome and the adults would not let them go.

"Two people came out."

"What do they want to do?"

"Don't worry about them, just hit them to death."


The few driving demons stepped on the accelerator and paid no attention to Hu Qing and Constantine.

But the next moment, a special barrier seemed to appear, and a wave of twisted pressure pressed down instantly.

boom! ~Bang! ~Bang~~

Several cars driven by the devil made roaring noises at the same time. The car windows of all the cars were instantly shattered. The speeding cars stopped instantly and could not move.

Several demon werewolves on the roof of the car rolled directly to the ground.

But then, their expressions suddenly changed drastically, because they found that they were imprisoned and could not move at all.

"What's going on? I can't move."

"Damn, what is this?"

"It's a magic circle, bastard, it's a trap, they're magicians."

These demons looked at the ground around them in disbelief. Demonic star patterns flickered, and they were imprisoned by the magic circle.

At this time, these demons realized that the three women actually drove out of the market on purpose to lure them here.

Constantine activated the magic circle, and his whole body collapsed, as if he could not stand still.

"Hu, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Well, they're dead."

The golden sea soul appeared in Hu Qing's hand, and he walked forward slowly.

The sea soul was lifted up, and the hellfire was activated instantly, turning into a sea of ​​fire and rushing towards the demon werewolves.

The eyes of the demon werewolves widened in horror, showing panic.

They felt the terror of hellfire.

Hu Qing's own 13 magic spells + Golden Sea Soul's 10 magic spells + Hellfire's 11 magic spells against monsters. The power of Hellfire has reached the level of 34 magic spells.

Even the demon leader couldn't resist this level of hellfire.

The LV2 Hellfire covered an area of ​​30 meters. With the frightening gazes of the five demons, it instantly covered all five demon werewolves.



In an instant, a miserable howl sounded, and then a row of experience reminders appeared in Hu Qing's mind.

[Experience +800] [Experience +1500]

[Experience +700] [Experience +1500]

[Experience +800] [Experience +1500]

[Experience +700] [Experience +1500]

[Experience +800] [Experience +1500]

Hu Qing was dumbfounded by the row of experiences. There were not 5, but 10 experiences, a total of 11,300 experiences.

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