Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 210 The joy of roasted pigs (devil)! Level up!

Accompanied by Edbilas's shout, the lightning spell landed accurately on him, and, because of the poison spell, it caused greater damage.

On the ground!

Edbilas lay in a mess, with burnt black smoke coming out of his back, and his back was bloody and charred.

The lightning tore his skin, crushed his flesh and blood, and exposed his bones.

The green poison hindered his recovery from the injury, but the red poison was corroding him, making his injury a little worse.

The warden and the other two demon leaders were completely shocked.

They couldn't believe that Edbilas would be beaten so badly by a human.

That was the yellow-eyed demon, who was once one of the princes of hell. Although he didn't have his full strength now, his current strength was at least at the level of a demon lord.

How could there be such a terrifying magician among humans?

"No..." Edbilas supported the ground with both hands and struggled to get up.

Hu Qing raised the golden sea soul and continued to cast the lightning spell.

Another lightning spell fell, and accurately hit the wound on Edbilas's back that was so deep that the bone could be seen.

This blow, the sound of the spine breaking suddenly rang out.

Edbilas' eyes widened in horror, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his breath instantly became extremely weak.

Then, Edbilas heard the sound of breaking wind, he looked up in astonishment, and despair appeared in his eyes.

The mattock in Hu Qing's hand suddenly hit his head the next moment.

Accurate headshot, instantly like a watermelon breaking, red and white splashed!

[Experience +15000]

The experience prompt appeared at the same time, directly 15000 experience.

Because Edbilas's body no longer existed, he integrated the demon soul into this experimental body.

This is his body.

After the body was destroyed, the demon died, and there was no chance to escape back to hell.

Moreover, as the biggest BOSS that Hu Qing has killed so far, Edbilas did not die in vain. In addition to 15,000 experience points, a ball of light wrapped in a crystal core floated on his body.

This is a bomb.

Hu Qing stepped forward to touch the light as if nothing had happened and put the thing into the inventory.

At this time.

The warden and the other two demon leaders were completely terrified.

They opened their mouths at the same time, turned into a black smoke column and rushed out, decisively choosing to escape.

"Humph!" How could Hu Qing let these three experience points escape?

Almost instantly, he cast three lightning spells in succession, landing on the three black smoke columns.

Accompanied by three screams, under this 48 magic power lightning spell, the three black smoke columns were directly crushed and dissipated.

[Experience +3500]

[Experience +3500]

[Experience +3500]

Three consecutive experience prompts appeared.

The three demon leaders contributed 10,500 experience points to Hu Qing, plus 15,000 from Edbilas, a total of 25,500 experience points, and the total experience points reached level 17 86,444/100,000.

Hu Qing then took a look at the things that had just exploded.

"Top Demon Crystal (Special): This is a special demon crystal that can only be exploded in the Yellow Eyed Demon. It is restricted for demons to use. After using it, the demon can greatly increase its strength, and there is a very small chance of inheriting an ability!"

Just looking at the information, you can know that this will be a bargain for the dog again.

As soon as Hu Qing thought about it, a special wave appeared beside him, and then Thor appeared beside him.

This is the special effect of the magician's temptation light, which can instantly summon the summoned creature to his side.

He took out the demon crystal.

"Woo woo woo woo!" Thor discovered the existence of the demon crystal at that moment, shouted at him excitedly, and then came to his feet and rubbed his thigh with his head affectionately.

This dog is getting more and more cunning, and he also knows how to act cute and coquettish to please his master.

Hu Qing directly threw the crystal core to the dog.

Thor directly transformed into the body of the three-headed dog of hell, and the middle head bit the crystal core and swallowed it.

Thor's body instantly had a wave of fluctuations.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor made a very happy cry.

In the light screen of his mind, the energy bar under Thor's little head portrait also grew rapidly in an instant.

After a moment, in addition to the flames of Thor's six eyes, flames began to surge out of his head and body.

This is the beginning of the change, which is enough to show how powerful the effect of this demon crystal core is.

"There are still many demons in it!" Mig's voice sounded again.

As a demon psychic, she has a very accurate sense of demons.

This also made Hu Qing's eyes brighten.

Because this means there is still a lot of experience.

Thor seemed to sense the owner's strong emotions about experience, and at that moment he rushed in with a stream of flames.

Hu Qing also walked inside immediately.

This Guantamos prison is divided into three parts. He is now in the middle area, and the deeper areas are the confinement area and the serious offender area.

Obviously, the experimental site of these demons is in this deep area.

At this time.

Deep in Guantamos Prison, with the continuous sprinkle of refined salt from the sky, the intertwined twisted suppression has become stronger and stronger.

More and more black smoke columns rushed up from the dense demons. They could no longer bear the force of this suppression, and then crashed to the ground, and fled back to hell after a ripple appeared.

This made the remaining demons look ugly.

It was not easy for them to come out of hell, and they didn't want to go back to hell like this.

Demi-Frege also kept looking at the screen on the wall, which was already covered with snowflakes.

After the shock wave from Lord Edbilas just now, the video was interrupted, and the electronic equipment was obviously affected.

But she also saw from the last surveillance video that the FBI all rolled on the ground motionless under Lord Edbilas's attack.

This made her smile again.

As long as Edbilas solved those people named Hu, Seattle would definitely be conquered by these demons soon.

At that time, she would become the representative of Seattle humans, she would rule all the humans in Seattle, and all she had to do was to submit to Lord Edbilas.

Lord Edbilas wants to rule the world, so he can't kill all humans, because demons need human souls, and Edbilas wants to make humans slaves to provide him with souls continuously.

Therefore, the other party also needs a spokesperson to rule humans, and she is lucky to become such a person.

Originally thought that being imprisoned for intentional injury would be the beginning of her dark life, who would have thought that Lord Edbilas would actually take a fancy to her selfish qualities.

Perhaps, she is destined to dance with these demons.

She didn't think it was wrong. In the human world, people are under the pressure of survival, don't they all use all means to climb up?

Who doesn't do it for their own interests?

She knows better how rare this opportunity is. Otherwise, she has been in prison and has a criminal record. With her academic qualifications and abilities, she probably has no future at all.

And now she has seized a great opportunity.

Thinking of this, Demi-Frege smiled triumphantly, but her smile did not last long before solidifying.

She saw a three-headed dog with flames all over his body rushing in.

There was another figure behind the three-headed dog.

"How could it be him..." Demi-Freig looked at Hu Qing in disbelief.

In her mind, Hu Qing would definitely be killed by Ed Bilas, and it was impossible for him to appear here.

But now the impossible happened.

Hu Qing also saw Demi-Freig.

He seemed to understand some things in an instant, such as why the other party appeared in that town when he killed the silkworm spirit demon.

Before, he and Kelly went to that town and wondered if the experimental werewolf deliberately led him to that town. Everything was too strange.

He couldn't figure it out before, but now this situation combined made him understand that it seemed to be the case.

This woman is helping the devil.

Hu Qing didn't expect that she would be raped by a person.

A bitch who cut her bestie's face with scissors because of jealousy, it is impossible for her to become a good person just because she has been in prison for a few years.

When the imprisoned demons saw Hu Qing coming in, their faces also changed, showing panic.

They obviously guessed that Ed Bilas might have been defeated.

If a demon lord was defeated, they knew how terrifying the human who came in was.

Hu Qing did not hesitate. As soon as he thought about it, two bags of refined salt appeared in his hand and he threw them out.

After two bags of refined salt, there were two more bags.

Then there were two more bags, and the refined salt was scattered all over the ground in an instant.

This was naturally to prevent these demons from escaping back to hell. Even if they escaped from the possessed body, they had to escape from the area covered by refined salt first.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor suddenly raised his head and shouted.

As he shouted, a shock wave appeared on his body, and this wave swept out and directly impacted the imprisoned demons and flew out.

This scene made Hu Qing familiar. Wasn't it the trick that Edbilas had used before?

The opponent used that trick to directly make those FBI lose their combat effectiveness and faint.

Moreover, under Thor's shock wave, the moment those demons flew out, they were actually expelled from the possessed body at the same time, and black smoke columns kept flying out.

When the possessed prisoners and guards were lying on the ground, there were already black smoke columns running around.

Seeing this, Hu Qing glanced at the small head portrait of Thor on the light screen in his mind:

Cerberus (demon leader): LV3

Defense 20, Magic Defense 20, Attack 22, Agility 22, Magic 15

Innate abilities: Invisibility, Tracking, Flame, Telekinesis Shock Wave!

Note: This is a Cerberus that has entered a period of rapid growth. It already has the power to help its master and can do many things for its master. "

Under the terrifying energy of the demon crystal core, Thor actually rose to LV3 in a short time. Although he was still at the level of a demon leader, his own attributes far exceeded him.

In addition, Gouzi also had an additional innate ability of telekinetic shock waves, which was an ability inherited from the demon crystal core with a small probability.

The key point is that the energy bar under Gouzi's small portrait is still increasing, and it may be upgraded to a higher level.

Then, Hu Qing looked at the black smoke columns, swung the mattock in his hand and rushed up, breaking up a black smoke column with one blow.

[Experience +750]

At the same time, he raised his palm, cast Hellfire, and controlled Hellfire to rush out in the air, sweeping towards the black smoke columns. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen demons were swallowed by the flames.

[Experience +750]

[Experience +650]


[Experience +700]

A series of experience prompts appeared, which made Hu Qing happy, and he felt more and more like the experience of roasting pigs in his previous life.

And then, before he could do anything else, there was another series of screams and experience prompts in his mind.

[Experience +650]

[Experience +600]


[Experience +750]

Hu Qing turned his head and saw that this was the masterpiece of Thor, the dog. In a blink of an eye, the dog's body had grown a circle and was already the size of a horse.

The key point was that the dog's flame ability was also enhanced. It no longer just sprayed fireballs, but sprayed a piece of flames to kill those demons.

The open mouth of the head in the middle seemed like a water...fire faucet, and the flames gushed out non-stop.

The speed of Gouzi's killing monsters suddenly became very efficient.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor shouted at Hu Qing, as if he was very excited and wanted to compete with him in killing monsters.

Seeing that some black smoke columns had already struggled in the confinement to fly out of the refined salt area and escape back to hell, Hu Qing also hurriedly cast Hellfire again, and another flying Hellfire swept out, swallowing up more than a dozen demon smoke columns again.

[Experience +750]

[Experience +750]


Next to him, Demi-Frege's face was extremely ugly.

She was witnessing a massacre.

But she couldn't believe it. Why were the extremely terrifying demons in her eyes killed in batches like pigs to be slaughtered?

[Experience +750]

[Experience +750]


[Level Up! ]

As he continued to kill, Hu Qing accurately found the prompts for level up in the prompts.

Then, he activated Hellfire again. This was a rare opportunity to brush experience.

[Experience +750]

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