Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 213: The Magical Use of the Soul Fire Talisman! The Light of Temptation is Upgraded Again!

In the early morning, the sun put on a golden coat and climbed up from the other side of the mountain.

In the villa room.

Hu Qing looked at the experience bar: 18th level 93200/135000.

Last night, he actually got nearly 200 experience points from Kelly.

Kelly had already gotten up with a satisfied look on her face and put on a police uniform.

She also looked back to normal.

"Not getting up?" Kelly said coquettishly.

"My waist is sore." Hu Qing teased.

Looking at Kelly's energetic appearance, he hummed again: "Then I'll go downstairs to prepare breakfast, and you can come down to eat later."

Watching Kelly go out, Hu Qing smiled and cast a healing spell on himself, then looked at the skill book "Soul Fire Talisman" on the item bar.

I didn't have time to learn it yesterday, so I decided to learn it now.

The skill book turned into light and disappeared, and a way to draw a talisman appeared in Hu Qing's mind, as well as related information and cultivation methods of the Soul Fire Talisman.

Hu Qing looked at the information in the skill column:

"Soul Fire Talisman LV0 (0/300): This is the first powerful skill of the Taoist priest, and it is also the basis of some of the Taoist priest's subsequent skills.

One: After drawing the basic talisman, spend 25 MP to inject a stream of energy into the talisman to make it into an ordinary amulet, and then use the mind to control the amulet to burst attack against people, +11 for normal targets, and +16 for monsters.

Two: After drawing the basic talisman, you can inject other single skills into the talisman to make a special amulet, and spend 3 times the MP of the skill, and then use the mind to launch an attack. The number of special amulets is limited to 0/10.

Level 18 can be upgraded to LV1."

It was the first time that Hu Qing saw so many notes for a skill, and the notes described 4 important points.

The first is to make an amulet. Only with an amulet can you cast the Soul Fire Talisman.

This amulet is not a literal amulet, and it is not the kind that ordinary people take from the temple for blessing.

In the Marfa continent, the meaning of amulet is to protect oneself. This talisman can be used by Taoist priests to protect themselves in battle, so it is called amulet.

In this reality, there is no game store to buy amulets. You can only draw them yourself and then inject energy to seal them.

Fortunately, MP is consumed only when injecting energy. When using it in battle, you don’t need to waste MP. You just need to attack with your mind.

The second is that this soul fire talisman is the basis of some subsequent skills of Taoist priests.

This should refer to summoning skill books such as summoning skeletons and summoning mythical beasts.

Taoist priests also need to use amulets when summoning skeletons and mythical beasts.

However, although the power of this soul fire talisman is stronger than the LV3 fireball spell, it is much weaker than the LV0 lightning spell.

If it is just like this, it is a bit useless for Hu Qing, who has three professions.

Fortunately, this soul fire talisman can be used more flexibly in reality. Other single skills can be injected into the talisman, such as injecting healing into it, then this soul fire talisman can be used for treatment.

Moreover, this note does not seem to restrict professions, so can I inject the lightning spell?

If it is possible, even if it consumes 3 times the MP of the lightning spell, there are 10 more spare lightning spells, and no MP is consumed in battle, which is very useful, and the battle can be more flexible and versatile.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing immediately got up and went into the bathroom.

When he went downstairs, only Yu Zhi, Liu Qingqing and Thor were in the hall.

Kelly had already gone to the police station, and Kalinda also took Mig and her daughter to the detective agency.

The business of this banshee's own detective agency is still a mess, but the number of employees is increasing.

There is a breakfast on the table, which is obviously prepared for him.

After a simple breakfast, Hu Qing went out. Soul Fire Talisman painting amulets requires materials, and there is no requirement for paper, but painting amulet runes requires materials that can guide and carry energy.

The material requirements do not specify which type is required, so the materials for engraving magic circles or cinnabar should be fine.

Hu Qing's first choice was naturally cinnabar, which was sold in Chinatown and was the most convenient.

After entering Chinatown, Hu Qing found two Chinese medicine stores. He wanted to see which one was good. Who knew that the cinnabar sold by one of them was fake and could not carry energy at all after using the relevant information given by the Soul Fire Talisman to identify it.

But the key is that the fake one actually has better business than the real one, and the fake one's introduction is proud of the authentic secret cinnabar.

Well, in modern society, there are a few real Taoists who buy cinnabar, and ordinary people only use it as medicine, and no one can tell whether it is real or fake.

After buying a pen and cut yellow paper, Hu Qing went back to the villa and cut the yellow paper he bought one by one.

After that, the cinnabar was dissolved, but it didn't need to be as troublesome as what was said on the Internet, and there was no need to have any proportions or other materials.

For the Soul Fire Talisman, you just need to draw the rune. After all, the most important thing is to inject energy by consuming MP to perform skills.

Hu Qing is not a person with a talent for painting. He has not had any painting cells since his previous life, so the two basic talismans were crooked after they were drawn.

However, they can still be used, and the talismans are completely drawn.

The next step is to inject energy.

This step is divided into two types, one is the regular injection of energy, the normal amulet, the soul fire talisman will add +11 Taoism to normal targets and +16 Taoism to monster targets after casting.

Another way is to inject other single-target skills, which requires 3 times the MP of the skill, and then the power of the injected skill can be exerted.

Hu Qing first took a basic talisman, consuming 25MP and injecting energy normally.

The runes on the talisman began to light up like flames, becoming brighter and brighter, and it was obvious that there was a stream of energy gathering and becoming stronger and stronger.

When the talisman returned to calm, the lines on it had also changed, appearing fiery red, like a burning flame.

Hu Qing put the talisman into the inventory.

"Amulet: A must-have talisman for Taoists to cast the Soul Fire Talisman!"

This was successful.

Hu Qing immediately picked up the second basic talisman.

This time, the Golden Sea Soul appeared in his hand. He wanted to try to inject lightning magic. After all, it was just his guess before. He had to experiment to know whether it would work.

Moreover, the power of the injected lightning magic should not be constant, and it is related to his own magic power when he casts it.

For example, if he casts lightning spell with the Golden Sea Soul, the power against monsters will reach 48 magic power. Then the amulet made by him, using the Soul Fire Talisman to trigger the attack, will also have a burst power of 48 magic power.

If the Golden Sea Soul is not used, the power against monsters will only be 38.

Hu Qing closed his eyes and began to lead the lightning spell according to the method in the Soul Fire Talisman information.

He was a little nervous, after all, there was no such method in the game. If this could succeed in reality, the Taoist priest and the mage profession could complement each other.


When the prompt appeared in his mind, Hu Qing's eyes lit up.

Reduce the lightning spell MP by 3 times, which means that the lightning spell can be injected.

The runes on the basic talisman lit up at the same time.

This time it was not a flame-like light, but a deep blue, the color of thunder falling into the world.

Then, the runes of the entire talisman were filled with lightning, and the surging energy became stronger and stronger.


When the talisman returned to calm again, Hu Qing immediately put it into the inventory.

"Amulet (Lightning): A Taoist must-have talisman for casting the Soul Fire Talisman. This is a special amulet."

On the skill bar, the number of special amulets with the Soul Fire Talisman suffix also became (1/10).

After continuous success, Hu Qing continued to draw basic talismans.

After 15 minutes, only 160 of the 600 MP were left, and he already had 3 amulets (Lightning) and 5 amulets in his hand.

Hu Qing put away everything and went out of the villa directly to the forest park for experiments.

Yu Zhi and Thor followed him immediately.

Hu Qing arrived at a pile of rocks in the forest. He took out an ordinary amulet and cast the Soul Fire Talisman on a boulder.

The amulet instantly flew towards the boulder with a fiery red flame. When it hit the boulder, the amulet burst out a fiery red energy, as if a ball of fire burst out.

This is also the origin of the name of the Soul Fire Talisman, not that it will emit flames.

The energy dissipated, and the boulder had shattered and collapsed.

It was obviously much worse than the power of the lightning spell. After all, Hu Qing's own Taoism was 13, plus the ordinary amulet's attack on normal targets +11, it was only 24 Taoism power.

Such power is not even as powerful as the fireball spell he cast with the Golden Sea Soul.

Hu Qing took out the special amulet infused with lightning spells.

However, he walked to a boulder and pasted the amulet on it, and then walked to another boulder and pasted another amulet on this boulder.

After finishing, Hu Qing walked out without looking back, and snapped his fingers with his back to the two boulders. The next moment, two thunderbolts appeared instantly, blasting the two boulders into pieces. The splashing debris was red, and the surface had completely melted.

And Hu Qing still walked forward, a real man would not look back.

Anyway, he could imagine the scene of lightning falling.

The power of lightning magic is the same.

But this gave him another way to fight.

Hu Qing returned to the villa, and after resting for almost half a day, his MP recovered a little, and he started making amulets again.

At night, when Kelly and Kalinda came back, he already had 4 more lightning magic amulets in his hand.

After dinner, Hu Qing walked towards Kelly as soon as possible: "Beautiful lady, go upstairs, I want to see you transform!"

"Pah!" Kelly spat lightly, this man wanted to do that thing after eating, but her legs were very obedient and walked upstairs.

After entering the room, Hu Qing couldn't wait to hug Kelly from behind.

"Hu, don't worry, I have something to tell you." Kelly turned around and hugged Hu Qing's neck.

"What is it?" Hu Qing asked.

"I may have to leave for some time." Kelly explained: "I am going to be promoted. According to the regulations, I have to go to a period of training and an interview exam!"

Hu Qing didn't find it strange. Kelly's next promotion was to the deputy director position. This was no longer a simple police level, but a political level.

This training and interview exam was probably similar to the police promotion to a certain position in his previous life.

"Then you have to satisfy me tonight!" Hu Qing leaned close to Kelly's ear and said jokingly: "Transform first and let me appreciate it!"

"Humph!" Kelly snorted and immediately transformed.

Soon after:

[Experience +3]

A week passed in a flash.

The most talked about incident in Seattle this week was the Guantánamo Prison riot.

Because of the Guantánamo Prison riot, even the FBI was dispatched, and many prisoners who participated in the riot died. The FBI also released a list of agents who died in suppressing the riot.

It is naturally impossible to make public the fact that Guantánamo Prison has become the base of the devil.

Therefore, such a set of rhetoric is an explanation to the outside world. The dead prisoners, prison guards, and FBI were all caused by the riot.

Naturally, the warden and key prison guards were all replaced for poor management. Some of them were even stimulated by the death of their colleagues and entered a mental hospital for treatment.

After that, the new warden applied for a large amount of funds on the grounds that there were problems with the prison defense and alarm system.

Then, the Seattle Police Department investigated and found that the prison riot was related to a force in Seattle, and then eliminated this force with conclusive evidence.

As for where the applied funds went and whether it was related to that force, it was naturally not for outsiders to know.

But Hu Qing has now become a lonely man, and has to stay alone in an empty room.

Because Kelly has gone to New York to attend promotion training and interview exams.

Originally, without Kelly's +3 experience, at least there is Kalinda's +1 experience, but the day before yesterday, Kalinda also took on a supernatural case and took Jenna to the nearby city to investigate the case.

[The level of the light of temptation has been increased! ]

Hu Qing got the prompt, exited the special training room, opened his eyes in the room, and then looked at the skill bar.

This week he upgraded two skills, one of which is the Soul Fire Talisman:

"Soul Fire Talisman LV1 (0/600): This is the first powerful skill of the Taoist priest, and it is also the basis for some of the Taoist priest's subsequent skills.

One: After drawing the basic talisman, spend 25 MP to inject a stream of energy into the talisman to make it into a normal amulet, and then use your mind to control the amulet to burst attack against people, +14 for normal targets, and +18 for monsters.

Two: After drawing the basic talisman, you can inject other single skills into the talisman to make a special amulet, and spend 2.5 times the MP of the skill, and then use your mind to launch an attack. The number of special amulets is limited to 10/20.

It can be upgraded to LV2 at level 21."

After the Soul Fire Talisman is upgraded to LV1, the power of the Taoist magic has also increased a little, but it is still far behind the Thunder Magic.

However, the MP consumption for making special amulets has increased from 3 times to 2.5 times, and the limit on the number of special amulets has increased from 10 to 20.

In his inventory, there are 10 amulets (Lightning spell) and 100 ordinary amulets.

This is the inventory he made this week, and he doesn't need to consume MP anymore. He can just attack with his mind.

Although the ordinary amulet is not very powerful when casting the Soul Fire Talisman, 100 ordinary amulets are absolutely good if they are used to clear small monsters.

"Light of Temptation LV2 (0/800): A special rule of temptation light that can tempt monsters, mark them, and make them the most loyal servants. The skill consumes 20MP per use. The current number of tempted monsters: 2/3, and can be upgraded to LV3 at level 33."

After the Light of Temptation is upgraded to LV2, the number of monsters that can be tempted increases by one.

This requires thinking about what monsters can be tempted.


(Please recommend a monster!)

Please recommend a monster!

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