Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 219: Vengeful Spirit! Sudden Attack!

When Hu Qing and JO arrived at the bar, the bar only had a small door open.

Ellen was sorting out some information at the bar, occasionally frowning.

"Ellen, what are you looking at?" JO immediately stepped forward and asked.

Ellen looked up and saw JO's radiant face, knowing that the two of them must have had a great time last night.

She handed the information in her hand to JO and said, "It's a supernatural case that happened in downtown Norfolk."

While speaking, she also glanced at Hu Qing, because she had not planned to tell her daughter about the case.

During this time, she felt that the supernatural world had become more and more dangerous, and there were more and more supernatural incidents.

Perhaps because of her age, although she is still persistent in the matter of revenge, she has begun to not want her daughter to sink deeper and deeper into the road of exorcism, and eventually she will live a lonely life like this, and she does not even know when she lost her life.

However, now that Hu, a powerful exorcist, was here, she didn't worry much.

"Hu, let's take a look at this case!" JO took the information and came to Hu Qingdao.

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded.

There are several pages of information. It seems to be an internal document printout of a police station. It seems that Ellen should have some connection with this police station.

After all, if a police officer encounters a supernatural incident, he will definitely be willing to cooperate with an exorcist. Some police officers may even be exorcists themselves.

According to the information, a young girl disappeared from an apartment in Norfolk a few days ago.

But the surveillance cameras around the apartment building showed that the woman never came out after entering the apartment. She seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. The police searched for several days but found no news.

Moreover, the information said that this girl was not the first girl to go missing.

This information also mentioned that in the past 80 years, 6 girls have disappeared from the same apartment, and they were all young, beautiful, and blond.

This made Hu Qing take a look at JO's beautiful face and beautiful blond hair.

However, this disappearance case only happens every 10 or 20 years, and the police did not pay attention to it before.

Judging from the information, this case was either committed by an elderly serial killer or it was a supernatural incident.

"Ellen, leave this matter to me and Hu. Let's go and take a look at the scene now." JO said hello to Ellen after reading the information, and then pulled Hu Qingyou out of the bar.

As soon as he walked out of the door, a classic car drove to the door of the bar and stopped.

JO said: "Hu, it seems we have an old friend here."

Sam and Dean stepped out of the old car.

Dean was obviously a little surprised when he saw Hu Qing: "Hu, you are here too?"

"JO and Ellen may have a little trouble here during these times, so it's not surprising that Hu will show up." Sam smiled teasingly, then stepped forward and hugged Hu Qing.

"Sam, are you here for the reward?" Hu Qing also guessed the purpose of the two brothers.

Sam nodded and said: "According to the description of the Exorcist Guild, the abnormal energy that appears here in Norfolk is very powerful. There are very few supernatural creatures that can emit that kind of powerful energy. Maybe it is a yellow-eyed demon? As long as Make sure John and Bobby will arrive immediately with CLOT guns."

Dean also said: "If not, I can actually accept earning 5 million US dollars!"

"Hu, are you and JO going out?" Sam asked again.

Hu Qing nodded and said, "Well, Ellen has a supernatural case, let's go deal with it."

Sam smiled and said: "Hu, it seems we came at the right time. Although Dean and I are far less powerful than you, we can still provide some good exorcism experience."

"Let's get together then!" Hu Qing was not polite to the two brothers.

Not far away, some people appeared eagerly.

It was the people from Derek's exorcism team.

Derek didn't dare to trouble Adam because he had seen Adam's terror, so he brought people directly to the bar to take revenge on Ellen, JO and Hu Qing.

"Boss Derek, it's that woman, and those two Chinese Americans." When Reli saw Hu Qing and JO from a distance, he pointed over excitedly.

The exorcists from Derek's exorcism team immediately showed their murderous intent.

"Boss Derek, let's teach them a lesson!"

"That ugly guy can't be dealt with. These guys have to teach them a lesson."


When these exorcists were about to start taking action again, Derek stopped them again: "Come back here!"

The exorcists stopped in confusion.

"It's actually the two of them, the Winchester brothers!" Derek looked in the direction of the bar with a look of surprise.

These words made these exorcists look shocked.

"Winchester? From the Saint bloodline family?"

"Are they the brothers who are looking for the yellow-eyed devil?"

"They actually have a relationship with that woman and a Chinese? Boss Derek, what should we do?"


These exorcists have ugly faces. The Wen brothers are famous people and ruthless people. They even dare to hunt down yellow-eyed demons.

Their Derek exorcism team couldn't even deal with a demon boss last year, and the yellow-eyed demon was two levels higher than the demon boss.

Presumably no exorcist would want to offend these two brothers.

Reli said with an ugly face: "This brother is here, Brother Derek, so we can't take revenge."

Derrick sneered immediately: "No, not only revenge, but also, with the appearance of the Wen brothers, maybe I can get a huge harvest."

"The Wen brothers have the blood of saints. They are good at exorcism, but their strength is definitely far inferior to that ugly monster. They mostly rely on the resistance of the Winchester family bloodline to evil forces and the family's exorcism heritage."

An exorcist asked in disbelief: "Then why do they dare to hunt the yellow-eyed demon?"

Derrick sneered: "I have an old acquaintance. His exorcism team seems to have been wiped out by the Wen brothers. He has always wanted to seek revenge on the brothers and has been investigating their information."

"But I got a message from him. The reason why the people of the Winchester family dared to trouble the yellow-eyed demon is because they have a magic weapon in their hands, the legendary CLOT, which is a gun that can even kill the yellow-eyed demon."

Hearing this, the exorcists all reacted to Derek's purpose.

One person asked, "Boss Derek, do you want to deal with the Winchester brothers?"

Derrick smiled and said, "Since the two brothers know the people we are going to deal with, why don't we deal with them together? As long as we get the CLOT, we can even kill that ugly monster. In the future, we will become the strongest exorcist team in the entire supernatural world."

After that, Derek ordered again, "Leave two people to monitor them, and the others will go back with me to make preparations. We must be sure to deal with the Winchester brothers."

Norfolk is a city with good greening, but it is not good at urban construction. Even in the city center, there are few skyscrapers that soar into the sky, but there are many apartment-structured houses.

Hu Qing, JO and the Wen brothers soon arrived at an apartment building and arrived outside an apartment with a police cordon.

"The missing girl this time lives in this apartment." JO said as he led people into the apartment.

Yu Zhi stood guard at the door again. He was not good at investigating cases.

Hu Qing had already taken out the compass. If it was a supernatural event, the compass would definitely be able to detect special energy.

The Winchester brothers also took out a homemade electronic instrument that could detect special fluctuations.

But neither the compass in Hu Qing's hand nor the instruments in the hands of the brothers showed any abnormality.

"Hu, Sam, Dean, check and see if there is anything abnormal in this room." JO clapped his hands.

Because it was just an apartment, it was not big inside and you could easily see the end at a glance.

However, the four of them still checked carefully.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor followed in and saw that his master seemed to be looking for something. His eyes also rolled around the room, and then he shouted at the switch groove on a wall.

This attracted everyone to look over.

"What is that?" Sam suddenly asked in surprise.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Dean walked up and asked.

Sam wiped his finger on the edge of the switch groove, and there was a black viscous liquid left on it.

"No way?" Sam showed a look of surprise.

Dean also wiped the black sticky liquid with his fingers, sniffed it at the tip of his nose, rubbed it twice, and frowned tightly: "It turned out to be a ghost, JO, it seems that this is indeed a supernatural event, and there is a very bad news, because I know what it is."

Sam also frowned: "It may be a big guy. Dean and I have seen this kind of thing once, and we chose to escape at that time."

JO asked in confusion: "Sam, Dean, what is it?"

Sam explained: "Ghost, after the ghost becomes a ghost, the ghost Only when the spirit absorbs enough power can it evolve into a vengeful spirit. Their power far exceeds that of the vengeful spirit. Even in terms of life form, they can no longer be completely regarded as ghosts, but are monsters of a higher level. "

"Moreover, to be able to leave such a ethereal thing, the power of this vengeful spirit may be stronger than that of ordinary demon leaders."

"But there is one thing that is very strange. Since there is a vengeful spirit here, it is impossible that only one girl is missing. The people nearby may have suffered heavy casualties."

Hu Qing did not care about this. For him, this vengeful spirit represents experience. If the other party appears, then this experience will be collected.

Almost at the time when Sam finished speaking, the instruments in the hands of the two brothers suddenly fluctuated, and the compass needle in Hu Qing's hand also moved, pointing to a direction outside.

"It seems that our prey has appeared." Hu Qing said, and walked out directly in the direction of the compass needle.

The instruments in the hands of the Wen brothers also showed abnormal prompts.

But when he went to the corridor outside, Hu Qing found that the compass had returned to normal, and so did the instruments in the hands of the Wen brothers.

"What's going on?" Sam frowned.

"Hey, brother, do you smell a strange smell?" Dean asked at this time.

"A little bit!" Hu Qing nodded.

"Woo woo!" Thor had already run to a ventilation duct and shouted.

"Thor seems to have found something again." Jo said in surprise.

A group of people walked over, and Dean opened the ventilation duct directly and looked inside. The next moment he exclaimed: "Oh my god!"

"Dean, what's wrong?" Sam asked.

Dean looked unhappy and reached into the ventilation duct to take out a ball of golden tangled hair, which was connected to a bloody scalp.

Obviously, this is the missing girl.

Just at this time, Hu Qing's compass and the instruments of the Wen brothers also showed abnormalities again.

"Up there!" Sam suddenly pointed to a place on the ceiling and shouted.

The group looked in the direction of his gesture and saw that on the ceiling, streams of black viscous liquid overflowed from the ceiling, and then a strange head came out.

This is the resentful spirit.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor's call sounded, and it conveyed a message to Hu Qing: This guy is very strong.

And at this time, another sound of footsteps sounded.

"Why is there someone here at this time?" Sam was anxious, and with so many people, he didn't want to see anyone get hurt.

Almost the next moment, a group of people rushed out from the corner.

As soon as these people appeared, they half-surrounded Hu Qing and the others, holding guns in their hands and pointing the muzzles at Hu Qing and the others.

There was even one person who threw a few crystal stones wrapped with runes around Hu Qing and the others.

There was a special energy fluctuation on these crystals. When they fell around Hu Qing and his group, they instantly burst out with a light, and then turned into a light shield that directly enveloped Hu Qing and his group.

There were magic runes flowing on the light shield, which was obviously a magic that could imprison people.

"Haha, we caught him!" Derek's playful voice sounded.

He was seen walking over from the corner with Jerry and his group.

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