Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 227 Constantine said the Wen brothers were swindlers!

The night dissipated and the sky gradually became brighter.

The people of Norfolk had no idea that a hunt was going on in the city all day last night, with angels on one side and magicians on the other.

A spatial ripple appeared in an alley.

The figures of Hu Qing and Adam appeared in the alley.

After being hunted for one night in a row, both of them had tired faces.

Hu Qing threw a healing spell on himself and Adam each, but the effect was not great.

This kind of mental exhaustion cannot be fully recovered by healing techniques.

Then, Hu Qing took out another bottle of blue liquid and poured it into his mouth.

In this night's pursuit, each teleportation cost 40 MP, and the average time was almost half an hour before Amishius could pursue him.

After this night, his MP has long been exhausted. This is the second time he needs to replenish his MP.

After a bottle of energy essence crystal liquid was consumed, the energy essence crystal liquid obtained before was also used up. Any further consumption would depend on the intermediate magic potion given by Uncle Da.

Adam frowned and asked, "Are we just going to keep escaping like this? Looking at Amishius's state, he doesn't seem to be tired of pursuing us yet."

"How could it be possible to keep running like this? I was just waiting for a counterattack." Hu Qing shook his head, and just as he finished speaking, Constantine's number came in.

Hu Qing showed joy and immediately pressed answer. Constantine's voice came over anxiously: "Hu, how are you? I've got off the plane."

Hu Qing heard Constantine's worry, smiled and said: "John, I told you, I don't get hung up so easily. It's just as long as you came. After being chased all night, it's time for me to fight back."

Constantine asked hurriedly: "Hu, where are you now? I'll go find you."

Hu Qing said immediately: "No, John, you can't come to me. Now go to a bar in the southern suburbs to find a beautiful woman named JO and brothers named Sam and Dean."

"Winchester?" Constantine said with some surprise: "Hu, no wonder you are so unlucky to be chased and killed by this strange angel Amitheus. It turns out that you have fallen in love with these two brothers. I heard that these two My brother is an unlucky kid who specializes in cheating people. Things happen wherever he goes. "

"Uh!" When Hu Qing heard this, he really wanted to say something in Chinese to Constantine: What did I, Te Ayu, say?

Dean and Sam are sometimes a trap, but can they be cheated again by a scumbag like you?

"John, I'll send you the address. When you get to the bar, ask JO to take you to the abandoned warehouse to the north of the bar to set up the magic array. Let me know when you've set up the array." Hu Qing told the phone and hung up.

"Where are we now?" Adam asked again.

"Find a place to eat. Only after filling your stomach will you have the strength to fight." Hu Qing said and walked out of the alley.

Norfolk Airport.

After Constantine hung up the phone, he saw a message coming from his phone, which was an address.

He was relieved after knowing that Hu Qing was okay, then hurried out of the airport with a bag in hand, took a taxi and went to a bar in the suburbs according to the address.

Soon after, Constantine got out of the car and saw Ellen's bar: "Oh, this bar is so shabby...it's unique!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the bar was somewhat solemn.

Sam and Dean both looked ugly.

After Hu asked them to leave last night, he went to deal with the angel, but he never came back, which made them very worried.

"You two actually left Hu alone there, you two cowards." JO looked at the two brothers Sam and Dean angrily.

Her face was full of nervousness and anxiety.

Sam and Dean could only smile.

JO This woman is now in a state of chaos when she is anxious, and is being unreasonable. This angers them, and they are so angry that they dare not say anything.

"JO, don't worry too much, Hu will be fine." Ellen persuaded from the side, but her words were not confident enough.

She already knew about angels from brothers Sam and Dean. They were angels after all, too mysterious, and Hu didn't come back all night.



Thor, the bitch, was working on a pot of food on the side, obviously not worried at all.

When JO saw this scene, he glared at Thor angrily: "You dog, are you still in the mood to eat? Your master doesn't even know what's going on now!"

Thor raised his head and glanced at JO, bit into the bowl of food and ran to the other side to continue cooking.

Even a dog knows that a woman should not be ignored when she is being unreasonable.

"Don't worry, my lord, he's fine." Yu Zhi next to him said at this time.

After he became Hu Qing's summon, he had a special rule connection with Hu Qing. If Hu Qing died, he would die too, so he knew very well that his lord was still in the city.

"Really?" JO asked subconsciously.

"What he said is true. Nothing happened to Hu." A voice suddenly sounded at the door.

I saw Constantine walking in from outside the bar.

"Is that you? Mr. John." Yu Zhi recognized Constantine.

"Woooooo!" Thor also raised his head and shouted twice, as if to say hello.

"Constantine?" Sam and Dean both looked surprised.

JO and Ellen looked at Constantine subconsciously.

Naturally, they knew Constantine because of his posts on the Exorcist Guild website and his very narcissistic profile picture.

Constantine is now the most famous guy in the Exorcist Guild besides the Wen brothers.

The Wen brothers wanted to hunt down the yellow-eyed demon, and this one directly killed a demon lord.

"Brothers of the Wen family!" Constantine also glanced at Sam and Dean: "They all say that you are a scammer and that things happen everywhere. It seems that the rumors are true."

Sam and Dean were stunned when they heard this. What are the rumors about their brothers? The rumored big scammer in the Exorcist Guild is not this guy himself?

Constantine thought that the two brothers were frustrated, so he looked at JO proudly: "This beauty must be JO, right? She is indeed a beauty, why asked me to come to you."

The moment he saw JO, Constantine probably knew why Hu appeared in this city and provoked the mysterious angel Amitheus.

It seems that the two Wen brothers were not the ones responsible. Without JO, Hu would definitely not have come to Norfolk, and there would be nothing like what happened now.

However, he had to admit that this guy Hu was very beautiful, and he was surrounded by beautiful girls.

JO immediately asked Constantine: "What did Hu ask you to do with me?"

Constantine explained: "Hu asked you to take me to an abandoned warehouse in the north and let me set up a magic circle there to deal with the angel."

"Abandoned warehouse, is it that one?" JO has lived here for a long time, and what place it is immediately comes to mind.

"Follow me." JO didn't waste any time. She didn't doubt Constantine.

After all, both Yu Zhi and Thor expressed goodwill to this guy, and the other person was also an exorcist.

Soon after, Constantine followed JO to the abandoned warehouse.

Constantine put down the bag he brought directly, then took out the contents and started playing with them.

"Well, Constantine, how can we help you?" Dean couldn't help but ask.

"Do you brothers know magic?" Constantine asked.

"Not really!" Dean shook his head and said, "However, we have used the magic circle and magic that trapped the devil several times."

"Okay." Constantine nodded, and took out a magic map and handed it to Dean: "According to the proportions of the patterns on this map, use the powder in the black box in the bag to draw around the abandoned warehouse. Come out and cover it with dust so you won’t be discovered.”

Dean nodded and beckoned Sam to join him.

time flies.

On a street in Norfolk, Hu Qing finally took Adam to find a breakfast snack bar.

There are very few breakfast shops in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, and there are no restaurants open in the morning. This is related to the pace of life and the economic and ecological form of the entire Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

Therefore, what Hu Qing found was a breakfast shop owned by Chinese Americans, but it was very popular among the Stars and Stripes people.

When he took Adam into the store, there were many black and white people eating.

There are very few good breakfast restaurants in Stars and Stripes, but that doesn’t mean that no one eats breakfast.

Therefore, it is said that many Chinese snacks are doing well in Stars and Stripes and making a lot of money.

Naturally, there are many Chinese customers in the store.

Hu Qing looked at the menu, clear soup noodles, flat food, pork head meat, large noodles, mixed noodles, milk tofu, duck neck... these seem to be the snacks of the * county in China.

In his previous life, he had heard the news that a national snack chain in * County was launched, but he did not expect that this thing had spread abroad.

Hu Qing directly ordered a portion of noodles and large noodles for himself and Adam, along with a pound of pork head meat.

Because of Constantine's arrival, Hu Qing was in a good mood, knowing that he was about to fight back, and the food was delicious.

It’s just that Adam didn’t understand Hu Qing’s plan at all and had no appetite at all. His experience this night was to be picked up, put down, picked up, and put down...

After finishing several bowls of noodles in a row, Hu Qing's cell phone rang.

Seeing Constantine's number, he directly pressed the answer button.

"Hu, the formation has been arranged." Constantine's voice came from the mobile phone, and then he reminded solemnly: "In addition, I don't have enough control over the formation and I don't have enough strength. This formation can only last for 5 minute."

"Then we'll deal with the other party in five minutes." Hu Qing said and hung up the phone.

Extremely fast divine water (two stars) also only lasts 5 minutes.

After putting down his cell phone, Hu Qing suddenly stood up and said, "It seems there is nothing left to eat."

Adam nodded, and Amishius chased after him again.

Hu Qing took Adam directly to the rooftop of a building. As soon as he reached the top, Amishius had already appeared above his head.

"It's been one night, what? You can't run anymore?" Armisius looked at Hu Qing coldly, and said with murderous intent: "I knew that your magic power would be exhausted sooner or later, and your death date would be just a few seconds. arrive."

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