Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 23 Phantom! An unexpected existence!

In the villa.

Hu Qing stood up in shock as he looked at the compass spinning wildly in his hand.

There was an inexplicable chill all around.

Then, one after another, figures gathered around the villa hall.

There were seven in total.

"What the hell is going on!" Hu Qing widened his eyes in shock.

There are so many ghosts in this villa? The key is why didn't the compass find them before?

Moreover, seeing these 8 figures, Hu Qing thought of something he saw online when he looked at the information about this villa.

In the past ten years, the people who died in this villa include a couple, an old man, a family of three, a rich second generation, and a doctor, exactly 8 people.

Did all the people who died in the villa become ghosts?

"Mr. Hu, they are not ghosts, they are so strange." Liu Qingqing said in surprise at this time.

"Not ghosts?" Hu Qing frowned and looked at the 8 figures. It was indeed a bit abnormal. The eyes of these 7 figures were all white, empty, and obviously unconscious.

If it is a ghost, the weakest earthbound spirit will retain consciousness after repeating the death process. Even if the consciousness of the resentful spirit is swallowed by the resentment, there is visible anger in its eyes, which is definitely not empty.

Just as Hu Qing was thinking, the eight figures had already pounced on him.

Hu Qing did not dare to hesitate, and with a thought, he took all the equipment on the inventory.

Leather gloves, silver bracelets, and paralysis rings appeared on his hands in an instant.

At the same time, the ebony sword also appeared in his palm, and in an instant, he felt the power of the equipment attribute blessing.

Looking at the status bar again, the data has increased a lot.

Defense: 4+1

Magic Defense: 4+1

Attack: 6+7

Agility: 6+1

A figure pounced in front of Hu Qing.

Hu Qing decisively swung the sword and directly cut through the figure. Under this sword, the place where the figure was cut made a hissing sound, and a gap appeared, and then the gap quickly expanded. In an instant, the figure dissipated.

Now his attack has reached 13, and the ebony sword has the power to restrain evil, which is much stronger than when he dealt with Liu Qingqing. Moreover, this guy is much weaker than Liu Qingqing who turned into a vengeful spirit.

Hu Qing swung his sword again to slash at the second figure. This time, he knew what these guys were, because two illusory words had appeared in the middle of the figure's body: [Puppet Spirit]

How could it be this thing?

Hu Qing immediately thought of the information about puppet spirits that he had read about mysterious legends on the Internet.

Puppet spirits are actually puppets, but they are soul puppets.

Many evil creatures in mysterious legends can turn people into puppets, but there are also many evil ghosts who kill living people and can devour the consciousness of the dead and make them into puppet spirits.

The ebony sword in Hu Qing's hand slashed through the second puppet spirit and also shattered the body of the puppet spirit.

The power of the puppet spirit depends on the strength before. These guys were just ordinary people before, and now they are made into puppet spirits. They are not too strong.

Next to him, Liu Qingqing waved her hand, and several other puppet spirits that surrounded him flew away in an instant. She pressed down with both hands again, and the figures of those puppet spirits twisted like tofu under pressure, and then collapsed with a bang.

The eight puppet spirits were scattered, but Hu Qing did not breathe a sigh of relief, as he had not gained any experience.

More importantly, if there are puppet spirits, there must be an evil ghost that can make puppet spirits, and this guy is the trouble.

Fortunately, the other party took more than ten years to make these eight puppet spirits, which means that this guy's strength is not too strong. Just find out the origin and destroy it.

At this moment, Hu Qing saw the eight puppet spirits condense again.

This time, they all looked towards the direction of the hall door.

A sound of footsteps also sounded at this time. .

A figure walked in slowly.

"Billy?" Hu Qing frowned.

The person who came was actually the entrusted agent of the homeowner, but at this time, his eyes were as white as those puppet spirits, the only difference was that his eyes were still emitting a faint white light.

"Billy? I prefer you to call me Patton, after all, they all call me that. Isn't this Patton Villa?" Billy looked at Hu Qing with a playful look on his face.

"You can't be Patton!" Hu Qing frowned. No matter how the ghost changes, there is an iron rule that it can't be too far away from the source, and it can't walk around in broad daylight.

After all, other ghosts can't be like Liu Qingqing. Liu Qingqing can follow him everywhere because the pendant has become her new source lying in his inventory, and it seems that because of the system, she is not afraid of the sun within a range around him.

Other ghosts are simply impossible.

If the other party is really the first Patton who was burned to death, the other party can't walk around in broad daylight, let alone work on the real estate website and become a real estate agent.

"Unfortunately, I am Patton!" Patton smiled, and suddenly, the white light in his eyes became stronger, and the eight puppet spirits seemed to receive orders and immediately besieged Hu Qing.

But soon, the eight puppet spirits were dispersed by Hu Qing and Liu Qingqing. .

"Ghost? Demon Hunter?" Barton stared at Hu Qing and Liu Qingqing, with a greedy look in his eyes: "Very good, the stronger you are, the more powerful puppet spirits I can make you into."

"You wish." The girl shouted, waved her hand to attack Barton, but this time, her attack was ineffective.

Barton resolutely did not move, but he waved his hand back, and Liu Qingqing was knocked out instead. This was obviously also a telekinetic attack, which was stronger than Liu Qingqing's.

"Don't overestimate your own ability!" Barton knocked Liu Qingqing away, and then looked at Hu Qing, and waved his hand violently, and a force suddenly hit Hu Qing.

Hu Qing groaned, staggered back several steps, and a prompt appeared in his mind:

[Life -3][52/55]

This attack was obviously more powerful than Liu Qingqing's. At the beginning, Liu Qingqing's telekinetic attack could not break his magic defense. Now his magic defense is higher, with a magic defense of 5, but the opponent's attack actually penetrated his magic defense directly, causing him to lose 3 health points.

What if the opponent attacks continuously?

"You actually resisted it?" Barton looked at Hu Qing in surprise.

The next moment, he rushed in front of Hu Qing at a very fast speed, and he actually punched Hu Qing.

"???" Hu Qing subconsciously waved his hand to resist, but when he touched, he felt a great force and his arm hurt.

He couldn't believe that this guy had a physical body and the other party was a real person?

How could the other party make a puppet spirit? That was the ability of ghosts.

The fist wind continued to attack, Hu Qing resisted in a panic, and was finally hit in the chest by a punch. The whole person was knocked out and hit hard on the table in the hall.

The high-end table that Tang Song had someone buy was directly smashed and broken.

[Life -10] [42/55]

Hu Qing only felt a huge pain in his body. The opponent's physical attack was actually stronger than the telekinetic attack. It penetrated 5 defenses and caused 10 points of life damage.

But when he looked at Patton again, he saw the illusory words emerging from the other party's body: [Illusionary Man-Ghost Spirit]

"Fuck! Damn it!" Hu Qing cursed inwardly in shock.

How could it be such a thing?

He finally knew why this guy could make puppet spirits and have such a strong flesh and blood body.

He had seen information about phantoms on the Internet, and he had also seen the plot about phantoms when he accompanied his ex-girlfriend to watch Supernatural in his previous life.

Phantoms are not monsters that already exist like vampires, werewolves, ghosts, etc.

Phantoms are monsters created by humans. Sometimes human power is very weak, but sometimes it is very strong.

When everyone believes that a mysterious event has occurred in a certain place, even if there are no monsters there, phantoms may appear.

Phantoms are things produced by human concentration, and their form is determined by human imagination.

He understood that this guy said his name was Barton, and the other party was the phantom produced by the rumor of the haunted villa.

People nearby were talking about the Patton haunted house, and for some reason a phantom named Patton appeared. Its identity was the ghost spirit in people's rumors.

Phantoms were very weak when they first appeared. As time went by, as humans kept talking about it, the more people talked about it, the stronger their power would be, and they would have a body like ordinary people.

Obviously, for more than ten years, the story of Patton's haunted villa has been spreading, and it has also been spread on online forums. It has also been filmed in movies. Patton has also become stronger and has a body. If he continues to be given time, he may become a very scary existence one day.

Some wild gods in ancient times appeared in this way, and those gods were phantoms at the beginning.

But phantoms are not easy to appear. There must be a special source that can be carried. Otherwise, there are many things that people talk about, such as money, such as those Internet celebrities and stars. Wouldn't they all become phantoms?

The most important thing is that when phantoms first have bodies, their strength is very weak. If they leave a certain range of the source, their strength will disappear, and they will not be able to exert any strength, just like normal people.

Moreover, like ghosts, if this source is destroyed, the other party will disappear. In ancient times, many wild gods were killed by the destruction of the gods that carried them.

This Patton is obviously in this state, otherwise he must have made more noises than this for so long.

Moreover, the other party made so much trouble to attract people to buy the house. I am afraid that they want to maintain the horror legend here and maintain their own source of power. Because they are not strong, they are afraid that they will attract too much attention and cause the villa to be destroyed. This is probably why the police and FBI came to investigate without any problem.

After knowing the details of Barton, Hu Qing calmed down instead.

He has a way to deal with Barton. Somewhere in this villa, there must be the source of the other party's load. Just find it and destroy it. Now the key is to restrict Barton so that he can't hinder himself.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing put away the ebony sword in his hand and made a fighting posture, as if he was going to fight Barton.

"Hahaha, ignorant." Barton laughed disdainfully.

Hu Qing did not hesitate and had already punched Barton. His attack did not seek strength, but speed. He attacked a few more times to increase the probability of triggering the effect of the paralysis ring.

Since Barton has a flesh and blood body, the paralysis ring can paralyze him.

But at this speed, the power was weak, and Barton easily blocked several consecutive punches.

"Is that all the power?" Barton's words were lighthearted and disdainful. He even wanted to play a trick on Hu Qing. He was not in a hurry to attack Hu Qing. He wanted to make Hu Qing have no strength to attack and look desperate.

But suddenly, Barton's face was shocked: "What's going on..."

He suddenly felt that something was wrong with his body, and he seemed to be weak and limp.

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