Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 250 He is just a fool, so let him despair!

A minor figure?

What is a witch organization?

Is the other party imagining something again?

At first, Hu Qing was a little suspicious whether Abik had betrayed him.

Now it is certain that the other party's sudden visit has nothing to do with Abik, but should be related to the special magic just now.

"How did you find me?" Hu Qing asked curiously.

Endel did not intend to hide it, but explained as if to show his strength: "I have been to the abandoned manor. Obviously, it is not the lair of the organization behind you."

"As for why I found you, it is naturally because of your bad luck. For a supernatural creature that has mastered black magic, as long as a creature stays in one place, as long as the time is not too long, it can always detect and lock the other party's breath."

"And among the breaths of a group of supernatural creatures that stayed in the abandoned manor, the breath of a human is too obvious, and I am too lazy to distinguish whether the breaths of other monsters are enemies or friends."

"So, you can only be unlucky to be found by me."

"I see!" Hu Qing did not doubt it much.

It's not strange that some magic power can do this.

But this guy seems to have made a mistake.

It's not certain who will be unlucky if he comes to him like this.

Endel looked at Hu Qing with a sneer again: "So, I don't want to bother with a small person. Be sensible and tell me what you know. I will let you die more happily."

Hu Qing couldn't help but tease when he heard this threat: "Since you will die if you tell me, why should I tell you? Your ability to threaten seems to need to be improved."

This attitude made Endel dissatisfied, and his face became colder: "Chinese, you don't seem to know that it is a luxury to die more happily in front of a person who masters black magic. Believe me, you don't want to experience that feeling."

"What if I want to experience it?" Hu Qing asked seriously.

"Very good, you succeeded in angering me." Endel was angry and laughed.

He saw that ignorant people always like to die, which is also in line with the character of Asians.

If you don't give the other party a profound lesson, the other party will not understand the fear of death.

Endel waved his hand directly, and a special wave appeared around Hu Qing.

The wave seemed to be pulled by something.

Hu Qing could clearly feel that the feeling of being locked by magic was stronger.

This seemed to be a bit like the power that Amisius had used on Adam and him before.

However, the opponent's means were obviously not comparable to the power of Amisius.

"Chinese, you have been locked by me." Endel looked at Hu Qing again, his eyes seemed like a hunter looking at a little white rabbit: "This magic is like I installed a radar on you, I can find you wherever you go, I will treat you well tonight."

"But don't be nervous now, there are too many people here, our Orc organization will not deal with you in public, wait until you get out of this building, no matter how nervous you are, it will be too late, and then you will be desperate."

After saying this, Endel decisively took Radfa and Abike out.

To make a person despair, you don't need to kill him immediately. The greatest despair is to face the fear of death all the time.

Besides, before Hasak returned, he didn't want the Orcs to be exposed too much.

Just treat it as a gift.

Let them enjoy the air of life a little more.

Hu Qing was stunned when he saw Endel walking out.

Did the other party have something in his mind again?

When did he get nervous?

However, there were indeed too many people in this restaurant, and there were even more people in the lobby of the General Chamber of Commerce outside. Moreover, they were all his compatriots, and he didn't want to harm them.

Not taking action here was in line with his wishes.

Liu Qingqing walked out and said, "Mr. Hu, who are the other guys? Do you need me to kill them?"

"Don't..." Hu Qing refused immediately.

Liu Qingqing is now a spirit of death, and her power is not weak.

If she really takes action, she will definitely kill a lot of people from the Orcs.

But that is all experience.

The monsters killed by Liu Qingqing, the spirit of death, will not give him experience.

Hu Qing ordered: "Qingqing, protect your uncle and aunt. These people are actually my lambs. They are not a threat. I can easily deal with them."

"Yes!" Liu Qingqing nodded and said: "Then Mr. Hu, be careful."

Let Liu Qingqing go back to accompany Liu Shanhe and his wife. Hu Qing also walked out of the restaurant, then walked into the alley of the building and summoned his Rolls-Royce.

At the same time, four figures appeared in the alley.

It was Amisius, Thor, Yu Zhi, and Datou.

Summoning these four guys is naturally to prepare to harvest the more than 90 experiences of the Orc Organization.

I originally wanted to let these experiences live for a while, but since this beast king came to threaten him without knowing whether to live or die, I was embarrassed.

Hu Qing didn't need to give any instructions, just a thought, and Thor, Yu Zhi, and Datou got into the Rolls-Royce, while Amisius suddenly jumped up, spread his angel wings, and flew into the sky.

On the other side of the street, Endel was already in a luxury car.

"Hehe." Endel suddenly laughed: "Stupid people will always do stupid things. He actually thought he could escape from the back alley. He seemed to have forgotten that he was locked by my magic. He couldn't escape anywhere. Drive!"

After hearing the order, Abik immediately drove the car to the alley. Sure enough, he saw a Rolls-Royce coming out.

Abik recognized it as Mr. Hu's car at a glance.

Endel opened the car window and looked at Hu Qing's Rolls-Royce jokingly: "Follow him, the other party's despair will begin now."

The two cars drove out one after the other and left Chinatown.

After a while, the car had entered a remote section of the road.

"Why is this route getting more and more remote?" Ladefa said with a smile: "What means does he have to think that he can avoid being discovered by going remote? It seems that he doesn't have enough knowledge of Mr. Endel's tracking black magic."

Endel sneered: "If he can know something, I can definitely make him die more happily."

Abik was stunned when he heard the conversation between the two.

Because he was familiar with the direction of this road, this was the direction to the Wies-Baden villa.

Mr. Hu was going to take action against the Orc organization.

But he was a little panicked.

Mr. Hu went straight to the villa of Wies-Baden, and Endel and Radfa didn't doubt him.

However, just when Abik was worried, the Rolls-Royce in front suddenly stopped.

Abik also stopped the car immediately.

In front, Hu Qing looked at the rearview mirror in the car.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, he could see clearly through the rearview mirror where Abik parked.

Originally, he wanted to go directly to the villa in Wies-Baden, give Endel a huge surprise, and then collect the more than 90 experiences.

But he also thought of Abik, afraid that if he ran directly over, Abik would be suspected, which would harm Abik, so he decided to give Endel a small surprise first.


After Abik stopped the car, he immediately said: "Gentlemen, the other car seems to have a problem and stopped."

Endel smiled: "It seems that God doesn't favor such idiots. In this case, let's start the show!"

Almost the moment he finished speaking, Endel's gentle face began to become gloomy, and strange scales appeared on his face. Even the pupils of his eyes began to become cold, and the pupils became vertical diamonds, like a pair of venomous snakes.

"Foetidus ad mulieres, ut de..."Endel began to chant a black magic spell. At the same time, he took out pieces of crystals and threw them out of the car window.

The crystals were emitting black gas crazily. After falling to the ground, the black gas had been floating around, very dense, and then slowly began to expand.

Immediately afterwards, a distorted wave began to form in the black gas, and a rustling sound appeared, as if something had drilled out of the distortion.

The next moment, Abike was startled. He saw a huge head appear next to him at the car window, and a fishy smell almost hit his cheek.

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