Endel couldn't believe his eyes.

This terrifying angel was actually afraid of this hellhound and retreated after being called a few times by it.

Could it be that this hellhound was even more terrifying than imagined?

The most important thing was that the angel actually stood respectfully behind the Chinese man, as if he was a subordinate.

This was impossible.

Angels and demons were in opposition, how could someone let angels and demons help him at the same time, and let such a terrifying angel be like a subordinate?

Hu Qing looked at the experience column of the light screen in his mind again: 20 levels 124528/200000.

Just now, Amisius's wave of killing more than 10 members of the Orc Organization gave him more than 20,000 experience points. Now the experience required for upgrading is less than 80,000.

Hu Qing looked at the strangely mutated members of the Orc organization around him and gave an order directly: "Leave the beast king, and deal with the others!"

Almost the next moment, Amisius attacked again, raised his palm again, and attacked with simple illusory feathers again, taking away several more people in an instant.

Kakaka! ~

Big Head moved, making the sound of bones rubbing, and it also drew out the trident weapon on its body and tried to attack an ordinary member of the Orc organization.

Although Big Head, the skeleton elf, is only LV2 now, he has high talent potential, and his attack and agility have reached 21.

Facing its attack, the ordinary member of the Orc organization obviously did not have much resistance, and was pierced in the chest by the trident weapon in its hand in an instant.

This made it excitedly waved two trident weapons, and suddenly rushed to another member of the Orc organization with courage.

Yu Zhi did not hesitate, and decisively entered the transformation, revealing sharp zombie fangs and zombie claws.

The agility of 40 after the transformation also made him extremely fast. The members of the Orcs could not react at all, and it was almost the same as a massacre.

Endel and Rand and Sean, the two deputy of the Orcs, had no blood on their faces.

How could skeletons, vampires, angels, and demons follow a Chinese at the same time? The key is that the power is so terrifying.

This is not something that a witch organization can stumble upon.

The funny thing is that they actually treated this Chinese as a small person and took the initiative to deliver it to the door.

"Mr. Endel, what should we do now?" Rand asked in panic.

"Escape!" Endel only uttered one word.

If he had time to cast dark magic to summon a stronger evil snake, he would still have the power to resist, but obviously he had no time to summon it, so he could only escape.

The three of them didn't care about the people of the Orcs at all, and fled out in panic.

But as soon as Endel moved, the figure of Amisius blocked him in front of him, and blasted him back with one blow, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Endel fell to the ground and was almost in despair.

The other party was actually staring at him and not letting him leave.

Rand and Sean were relieved to see that no one stopped them, and they fled even harder. As for Endel, the beast king, they really didn't care.

But suddenly, the two felt something wrong above their heads, and when they looked up, they widened their eyes in horror.

Two thunderbolts suddenly appeared above, and they struck down instantly with terrifying power.

The two didn't even have a chance to react, and a terrifying thunderbolt force hit them, destroying their lives.

[Experience +8000]

[Experience +8000]

As the two experience prompts appeared, Hu Qing also took back the golden sea soul in his hand.

From the speed of the two people's escape, he guessed that they were the other two deputies of the Orc Organization.

How could such a rich experience person let them run away.

These two people gave him 16,000 experience.

And Rand and Sean, the two deputies of the Orc Organization, were already charred and fell to the ground with smoke.

[Experience +2000]


[Experience +1800]

The prompts of experience continued to appear in Hu Qing's mind.

In fact, these members of the Orcs are very strong in front of ordinary people, and supernatural powers are not something that ordinary people can resist.

But for the power that Hu Qing now has, they are just a group of monsters.

It's like a 20-level player in the game going back to the novice village to fight a multi-hook cat.

Soon, a prompt appeared:

[Level Up! ]

[Experience +1900]

The level has been increased.

After that, the experience is still increasing.

Because the slaughter of the summoned creatures is still going on.

This process took some time to stop.

Until the surroundings were full of corpses of Orcs members.

The smell of blood became the main smell in the air.

Many of the corpses of the Orcs members still maintained their abnormal appearance after death, with strange shapes, and many members were covered with a layer of animal hair on their faces and bodies.

These corpses obviously cannot be seen by the outside world, otherwise if they are spread out, the outside world will probably be in chaos.

After that, we still need to ask Nutrilite to bring the mysterious incident investigation department to deal with the bodies.

However, some members of the Orcs still escaped.

After all, the Orcs gathered more than 90 people here this time. There are too many people, and some are scattered around the villa. It is impossible to kill them all.

When the incident happened, some people felt that something was wrong, and there would always be a few who could take the opportunity to escape.

However, for Hu Qing, it doesn't matter, as he has gained most of the experience.

The most important beast king, Ender, is still there, and Thor has been staring at him.

"Woo woo woo!" Thor's impatient and impatient voice sounded, and he was already scratching the ground with his sharp claws.

The man in front of him didn't summon the giant snake, which made him very annoyed and almost impatient.

Facing Thor who was calling, Ender was also full of frustration. He wanted to summon the evil snake, but facing the situation in front of him, his own strength had no way to resist, and this hell three-headed dog could tear him apart.

But it takes time for him to summon the evil snake. He was afraid that as soon as he started to cast the black magic summoning, the hell three-headed dog would pounce on him.

What annoyed him even more was that the hell three-headed dog didn't attack him, but kept calling him, as if playing with him.

This made him very tormented.

Do the hell three-headed dogs like to play with humans like this? Or just do it directly and give him a good time.

At this time, he saw Hu Qing coming up with the other three summons.

This also made him subconsciously take a few steps back, clenching his teeth and looking at Hu Qing: "Who are you?"

Hu Qing smiled: "You come to deal with me, and you still ask me who I am? Isn't it a bit ridiculous."

"It's ridiculous." Endel did not deny this, and then said more annoyedly: "I am too arrogant. I didn't figure out everything, let alone your details. If I was well prepared, it wouldn't be like this."

Hu Qing smiled disdainfully: "Haha, you think too much. When you entered Seattle, you were the lambs I raised. Even if you didn't come to me, I would appear in this villa tonight and send you to hell."

"What?" Endel was stunned when he heard this: "You knew that our Orcs were here a long time ago?"

At this time, Abik appeared from nowhere and walked to Hu Qing respectfully: "Mr. Hu."

"Abik, you did a good job." Hu Qing didn't hesitate to praise.

Abik's undercover and timely reminder did save him some trouble, allowing him to easily gain these experiences.

"Thank you, Mr. Hu, this is what I should do." Abik was obviously very happy to be praised, with a smile on his face.

Endel saw this scene and cursed directly: "Damn it! Ladefa, this idiot."

Even a fool would know what was going on.

Ladefa, this idiot, went to Seattle and actually found someone from the other side to do the job.

Isn't this notifying the other side that he is here to die?

"Woo woo woo!" Thor called again.

It also ran to Hu Qing and grinned at him flatteringly, and did not forget to point at Endel with its paws.

It called to Endel for a long time to no avail, so he could only ask for help from his master.

Endel frowned at Thor, he didn't understand what this hell three-headed dog was going to do.

But he knew one thing, this hell three-headed dog definitely had some purpose for him.

Hu Qing looked at Endel and said jokingly: "I'll give you a chance!"

"What?" Endel was stunned.

Hu Qing said directly: "Summon the giant snake like before. If you summon another wave, I will let you die more easily."

"Are you serious?" Endel's eyes suddenly showed joy.

Is the other party so arrogant? He actually gave him the opportunity to summon the evil snake.

"Of course it's true, you can start." Hu Qing nodded with certainty, not caring at all.

No matter what kind of summoning magic, the summoned summons will be affected by the caster. With Endel's strength, it is impossible to summon a monster that he can't deal with.

Endel got Hu Qing's confirmation, whether it was true or not, he knew that he had to fight, otherwise he would die here today.

Entering the hall, while walking, he took out the crystal stone like before and threw it around the hall, and at the same time, he began to chant the magic of pulling.

Seeing that Hu Qing just followed into the hall and didn't come in to stop him, Endel was overjoyed.

The other party was too arrogant, or did he really think that he could only summon the evil snake of the previous level?

However, 3 evil snakes may not be able to deal with the three-headed dog of hell.

The terrifying angel was afraid of the three-headed dog of hell, which was very strong.

A stronger four-headed snake was needed.

All the people in the half-orc organization died, so many blood sacrifices should be enough. Even if converting four-headed snakes would consume his vitality, he had to do it. There was only one chance.

As long as he could deal with these guys, he could use black magic to draw back the lost vitality from them.

The vitality of angels and demons should be very strong.

Endel's magic spells became faster and more urgent. The crystals he threw began to emit black gas and condensed a special rune. Then, you can see that the corpses outside were crazy with blood and courage, floating towards those crystals.

The blood gathered quickly, and then actually constructed a special weird five-star light.

As the five-star light condensed, you can also see that Endel's skin and flesh were drying and shrinking rapidly, and his face began to lose moisture, becoming old and hideous.

Finally, the five-star light was followed by a burst, and a special distortion appeared, instantly spreading throughout the hall.

At this one, Endel laughed murderously: "Hahaha, Chinese, you will pay the price for your arrogance today. You actually asked me to summon the evil snake, giving me another chance to kill you!"

A special call sounded in the twist.

The next moment, a huge snake head emerged from the twist, with a pair of completely black and cold eyeballs in its eyes, and a single horn on its forehead.

Thor saw the snake head and subconsciously rushed over, but when it rushed to the front, three more huge snake heads of the same size emerged from the twist.

An extremely strong breath came out.

At that moment, Thor subconsciously stopped his figure, and even exploded.

This snake was different from the previous ones, and it seemed that it could not be bullied.

It turned around and ran, calling out with an impatient voice.

This scene made Endel smile even more proudly: "Chinese, see the power of four evil snakes!"

The four huge snake heads also completely emerged from the twist at this time, and then there was a huge and winding snake body connected together.

If the previous giant snakes had a body of 10 meters, this one was definitely more than 20 meters.

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