Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 27 Mr. Hu, there is really something inside!

Aibik held the phone and suddenly found that the feeling of being stared at was stronger, as if doubled.

Fortunately, he found Hu Qing's number.

But when he really wanted to dial the number, he was dumbfounded when his cell phone had no signal.

Aibik cursed in frustration: "This damn SBC company has no signal in wealthy areas. No wonder the stock price is falling more and more. It deserves to be closed down."

Liu Qingqing was also confused as she stared at the disheveled figure.

It never occurred to her that she could gain lives by pretending to be a ghost and scaring people.

The key is that she doesn't know what these figures with hair are. The only thing that is certain is that they are not ghosts, and there is no ghost aura on them.

The disheveled figure looked up at Liu Qingqing. That face was that of a very ugly woman.

But the other party seemed to ignore Liu Qingqing and rushed straight towards Aibike. When he got behind Aibike, he pushed hard with both hands.

Aibik cursed and held the phone, and suddenly he jumped out and hit the ground, almost out of breath.

This sudden change also caused his expression to change drastically. He turned his head in panic and saw a figure with disheveled hair.

"It was you who bought it..." Aibike felt a chill running down his spine.

When he was in a car accident, he saw a vague figure of a woman in his confusion, which seemed to be the one in front of him.


Just as Mr. Hu said, she is here.

The disheveled figure rushed forward again, holding Aibik with both hands, and slammed him against the wall.

This hit immediately made Aibik unable to get up for a while, and he could only shout in a panic: "Come on, come on, help."

After hearing Aibike's words, his bodyguards rushed in immediately.

As soon as the bodyguards came in, they saw the figure with disheveled hair.

"Damn it." When the leading bodyguard saw Aibik being attacked, he decisively took out his gun and attacked.

The sound of gunshots exploded instantly, like setting off firecrackers.

But all the bullets passed through the figures with wild hair, and she ignored the bodyguards. Instead, she grabbed a sharp copper tool and continued walking towards Aibik.

Liu Qingqing hurriedly launched a telepathic attack on the figure. This guy wanted to kill Aibike. Mr. Hu didn't say he wanted to kill Aibike.

But her telepathy seemed to pass directly through the other person's body without causing any harm.

"What's going on?" Liu Qingqing was shocked, waved her hand and controlled a hardwood chair next to her, and threw it hard at the figure.

The hardwood chair actually passed through the group of figures with disheveled hair, hit the wall behind, and then shattered.

This shocked Liu Qingqing. What on earth is this guy? The telekinesis was useless, and it didn't seem to be a physical entity, so the chair passed right through.

The other party not only ignored her, but also ignored her attack.

The girl saw that the figures with disheveled hair had arrived in front of Aibike. She hurriedly waved her hand, grabbed Aibike like a ball, and then threw it on the sofa beside him like a ball.

Aibik groaned when he was hit, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

The figures with disheveled hair rushed towards him again.

This made Aibik's ghost even more angry, and he ran around the living room in a panic.

The figures with disheveled hair were chasing after them, and the two of them started chasing each other all at once. Liu Qingqing was a little confused by this scene.

What on earth is this woman?

Seeing that there was nothing she could do to him, she hurriedly exited the villa.

She was going to inform Mr. Hu, hoping that Aibike would not be killed so quickly.

Not far from the villa, Hu Qing was leaning on the car seat with her mobile phone and listening to soothing country music.

If you scare Aibike and then kill him, you can make money easily.

At this time, Liu Qingqing hurriedly got into the car and said to Hu Qing: "Mr. Hu, something happened!"

Hu Qing frowned: "What's wrong? Abby didn't call. You won't kill him, right?"

The girl hurriedly explained: "It's not me. There is another guy inside who doesn't know what. She interfered with the signal. Moreover, she may be about to kill Abby. My attacks have no effect on her."

"???" Hu Qing was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Does this mean that these pretenders have encountered a real ghost?

Hu Qing hurriedly stepped on the accelerator, and the car immediately arrived at the door of Aibike's villa. He got out of the car and walked towards the villa.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Aibik escaping behind the bodyguard in a panic, and a figure with disheveled hair was chasing him.

The faces of Aibike's bodyguards were obviously panicked. The leading bodyguard mustered up the courage to punch the figure, but the figure actually passed through the bodyguard and grabbed Aibike straight away. Aibike was thrown out like a ball and hit the ground.

This time, blood overflowed from the corner of Aibik's mouth. At this time, he looked up and saw Hu Qing rushing in.

This scene made him want to cry: "Mr. Hu, save me quickly, the ghost you mentioned has appeared."

Aibik got up and ran behind Hu Qing in a panic.

The figures with disheveled hair had already pounced on Aibike again.

Liu Qingqing used her telekinesis to control a chair and hit the figure again, but the chair passed through the figure again and hit the ground.

Liu Qingqing reminded: "Mr. Hu, look, it's useless, even my telekinesis attack is useless."

Hu Qing subconsciously took out his ebony sword and slashed directly at the figures with disheveled hair.

This time, the ebony sword passed through the figure, leaving a sword mark on her body, and emitted corrosive black smoke.

Liu Qingqing was surprised to see this: "Mr. Hu, your attack is actually effective."

At this time, in front of Hu Qing, two illusory words appeared in the middle of the disheveled figure: [Curse Painting]

Apparently, not only will the opponent's name be displayed when attacked by a monster, but also when actively attacking.

But what is this curse painting?

The mysterious legends he had read did not have any information about this thing.

"Mr. Hu, it's up to you." Abike saw that Hu Qing was able to attack the curse painting, and hurriedly ran to the side.

But what surprised everyone was that after being attacked by Hu Qing, the curse painting just glanced at Hu Qing and ignored him, then turned around and chased Abike.

"Ah! Why are you staring at me alone?" Abike fled in shock, and the figure chased after him again.

Hu Qing was a little dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

What the hell is wrong with this curse painting?

Normally, his attack can pose a threat to the opponent, shouldn't the opponent deal with him first? Why does it feel like it is completely directed at Abike? All the others are ignored by her?

"Mr. Hu, help me..." Abike almost cried, and hurriedly ran behind Hu Qing again.

The curse painting rushed over, and Hu Qing swung his sword again. The ebony sword once again slashed across the body of the curse painting, making a hissing corrosion sound, and the curse painting was also repelled a few steps.

But the curse painting still ignored Hu Qing and stared at Abike behind him.

Abike grabbed Hu Qing's clothes in a hurry and hid behind Hu Qing without daring to show his head.

The curse painting rushed towards Abike again, and the ebony sword in Hu Qing's hand slashed the curse painting again. With the hissing corrosion sound, the curse painting was repelled again.

As soon as Hu Qing had an idea, he took out a bag of salt from the inventory and sprinkled it directly at the curse painting. In an instant, the curse painting was covered with refined salt.

The special effect of refined salt on evil things instantly made the curse painting unable to move, and the feet were corroded by salt, making a hissing sound.

From this, it can be seen that its power is not strong, but very strange.

Hu Qing directly rushed forward and slashed the neck of the curse painting with the ebony sword in his hand. In an instant, the figure of the curse painting slowly dissipated and turned into black smoke.

What surprised Hu Qing was that the curse painting was still staring at Abik at this time.

How much hatred does it have for Abik that it is so persistent?

But Hu Qing did not gain experience. Instead, he was surprised to see that the dissipated curse painting slowly condensed in front of him.

"????" Hu Qing frowned.

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