Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 292 The materials for constructing the illusion are all there! The light gate appears!

Hu Qing was surprised to see something explode.

It had been a long time since something exploded, but it turned out that something could be exploded.

He walked over calmly and put the item into the inventory.

Kelly and the three banshees naturally didn't think much about it. They couldn't see the things that exploded, so they just thought that Hu Qing went to check Loki's body.

Hu Qing looked at the inventory.

The thing that Loki exploded was something like a crystal.

There was a shadow inside the crystal. Looking closely, it seemed to be Loki's appearance.

This made him curious, and he immediately concentrated his mind, and the notes appeared immediately.

"Special data life soul (Loki-remnant): This is a special life soul, which is Loki-remnant. It can be used as a material for building a special illusion. When the illusion is built, the BOSS Loki can be refreshed regularly."

The thing that Loki exploded really surprised Hu Qing.

He almost forgot about the construction of the illusion, because the materials were not complete, and he didn't know when he could get the third material.

The illusion map of the original legend.

The illusion map is an old map of the original legend. It has more than ten layers. Each layer will refresh the monsters and BOSS of all the maps of the legend. The higher the number of layers, the higher the level of the BOSS. The last layer is the strongest BOSS of the original legend, the Red Moon Demon, the culprit for the revival of the magic energy in the Marfa continent.

And the illusion scroll in his hand can construct such a map.

After this map is constructed, he should be able to enter this map like entering a special training room.

But in addition to the illusion scroll, the construction of the illusion map also requires special data life soul and special energy crystal.

These three things, the illusion scroll should provide space, the special energy crystal should provide energy, and this special data life soul provides BOSS, none of which can be missing.

Now these three things are complete, but the special energy crystal was sealed by the other party because he cheated Crowley for the first time, and I don’t know if it can be used directly.

This will be known after trying.

At this time, a ripple suddenly appeared from the ruined church.

Hu Qing was attracted.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the church. The two crystals had completely merged.

Special runes began to gather around the crystal. Those runes seemed to have a pulling force. The ground of the church began to tremble, as if something was being pulled.

Then, the entire ground of the church was broken into pieces, and the stone chips, soil, and dust on the surface were rolled and scattered around.

A dense rune structure, a magic pattern with a radius of 2 meters appeared.

When Hu Qing was surprised, the fused crystal fell and appeared accurately on the groove in the middle of the pattern.

A stronger wave appeared, and the pattern began to shine. Then, the fused crystal shot out a blazing white light, and pulled apart to form a 2-meter wide and 3-meter long light gate.

"Hu, it must be this light gate." Kelly looked at the church with surprise.

After investigating so much information, most of them were related to this light gate, and now I saw it with my own eyes.

Suddenly, another special wave appeared.

This wave turned out to be Loki's body.

Hu Qing looked over and saw a beam of light instantly shot out from Loki's body, heading straight for the light.

"????" Hu Qing reacted and was about to attack, but the light had already entered the light gate.

"This shouldn't be..." Hu Qing shook his head.

He had already gained experience, Loki should be dead, what was that light just now?

But no matter how confused he was, the light had already entered the light gate.

Hu Qing rushed to the light gate and was shocked.

The middle of the light gate seemed to be a wave of water with ripples, transparent, and you could see the scene on the opposite side.

There seemed to be a forest on the opposite side, but the trees were all black, it would be more appropriate to say a black forest, and there was thick black fog.

This seemed to be another world.

Hu Qing's mood fluctuated a little.

Another world, this has an inexplicable temptation and desire to explore for any human being.

Although he knew that there were hells and heavens in this world, it was difficult to be completely calm when a passage to another world appeared in front of him.

Hu Qing reached out his hand, wanting to test the situation of the light gate, but found that there were a lot of energy fluctuations suddenly appearing in the black forest and rushing out here.

Then, he saw a dense stream of light rushing towards him.

Those lights carried very strong energy fluctuations.

In a blink of an eye, one of the purple lights rushed to the light gate first and rushed directly towards him.

Other lights seemed to follow closely.

[Triangle Rhinoceros-Witch Soul]

Hu Qing was startled, and the Shura Axe chopped it directly, and at the same time saw the name of the illusory on the purple light.

A violent energy impact came from the Shura Axe.

Hu Qing was actually knocked back and slid back, suffering a violent impact.

The purple light also dissipated at that moment.

But to his surprise, an experience prompt appeared in his mind:

[Experience +15000]

"???" Hu Qing was dumbfounded.

It took a long time to fight with Loki to get 30,000 experience.

Now he got 15,000 experience inexplicably?

He immediately thought that this might be related to the purple light, and immediately looked at the other lights.

It seemed that because the purple light dissipated, the lights that were originally rushing towards Hu Qing flew directly around the church.

Hu Qing had a guess and took out a stack of basic amulets without hesitation.

The Soul Fire Talisman was cast, and the stack of basic amulets rushed towards the lights, and in a blink of an eye, they hit the lights.

Some lights dissipated directly under the attack of the Soul Fire Talisman, some lights just paused after being hit, and then quickly rushed out of the town, and there were several lights that the Soul Fire Talisman did not catch up with at all, and disappeared in an instant.

Hu Qing quickly opened his mouth and looked at the prompts of the light screen in his mind.

[Experience +7000]

[Experience +6500]

[Experience +7800]

[Experience +9000]

A wave directly increased more than 90,000 experience, and the total experience reached level 23 273445/400000.

This is really a sudden experience that comes directly to the door.

In other words, those lights are alive?

The purple light just now seems to have a name, Triceratops-Witch Soul.

What is this?

He really hasn't seen relevant information in the mysterious information.

Unable to figure it out, Hu Qing looked at the light gate again. Experience is the most important, let's get more.

But for a long time, no light appeared again, as if there was no movement.

"If you don't come out, I'll go in." Hu Qing murmured.

Those lights just now rushed out from the light gate, and the world behind the light must still exist.

Hu Qing just had this thought, and suddenly there was a dense light rushing in from the depths of the black forest.

Hu Qing's eyes lit up, as if this was deliberately cooperating with him. Was it because they were afraid that he would go in and cause trouble, and they were delivered to the door again?

Moreover, so many are enough to upgrade, right?

But before he could be happy, he suddenly found that there were three women with good figures and charm on the opposite side of the light gate.

Seeing one of them, Hu Qing was slightly stunned. It seemed that she looked a bit like the one in Kelly's mobile phone photo.

Before Hu Qing could think about it, he saw the three women suddenly condense some kind of curse, and the runes condensed one by one, and then formed a series of magic star arrays, covering the light gate.

The next moment, the ripples on the light gate, like water waves, solidified instantly, and then the entire light gate was instantly covered with cracks like broken glass, and then shattered, turning into dense light spots and disappeared.

"Fuck..." Hu Qing was anxious when he saw this scene.


But the light gate in front of him had disappeared.

The light emitted from the fused crystal stone also dimmed, and the pattern that appeared on the ground of the church also lost its light.

Hu Qing was anxious, stepped forward to pick up the crystal stone, and then put it in the center groove of the pattern on the ground.

But there was no movement at all.

"Hu, what's going on? The light gate is closed again?" Kelly and Manda walked in anxiously with three banshees.

She had obviously recovered a little, and the previous energy's influence on her was not permanent.

Hu Qing said: "Kelly, try to see if you can use this crystal to open the light door again."

Kelly nodded, took the crystal and studied it, but there was no movement for half a day, let alone opening the light door again.

"Hu, why can't it be opened? It was clearly opened just now. I waited so long to have the opportunity to find my mother and grandfather." Kelly's face was full of anxiety and even very annoyed.

She waited so long to see the opened light door.

Hu Qing immediately comforted: "Kelly, don't worry, I just seemed to see your mother in the world opposite the light door, she should be fine."

"Really?" Kelly showed surprise on her face and asked with expectation.

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded with certainty.

But this did not seem to comfort Kelly. Instead, Kelly was more anxious to study the fused crystal, and even tried to cut her palm and drip blood on the fused crystal, but unfortunately the crystal still did not move at all.

Time passed.

It was almost dark when Kelly gave up dejectedly.

This fusion crystal can open the light gate, but now it seems to be missing something and is restricted.

Hu Qing thought of something. This may be related to the magic circle that the three women cast on the opposite side to cover the light gate.

Fortunately, this crystal is in their hands. As long as the key is there, they will definitely find the reason and open the light gate.

However, this church needs Nutrilite to send someone to watch it. The pattern on the ground should not be destroyed. This should be some kind of magic circle. When there is time, find Zha Kang to study it carefully.

In addition, the force that attacked them must be figured out and must be taught a profound lesson.

Otherwise, now that the key to open another world is in his hands, the other party will definitely take action again.

Yu Zhi and Thor have been out for so long, they should have found those people.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing took out his mobile phone and dialed Yu Zhi's number.

If it weren't for the witch Jenna who gave Yu Zhi a mobile phone, he wouldn't have thought of giving Yu Zhi a mobile phone. Sometimes it is very convenient.

The call was connected, and Yu Zhi's voice came: "Lord!"

"Have you found those people?" Hu Qing asked.

Yu Zhi explained: "Lord, I was just about to report to you that Thor found those guys. There was a convoy, but they entered Seattle and actually arrived at the headquarters of the Mystery Investigation Department."

"Mysterious Incident Investigation Department? Interesting, wait for me to go over and deal with it." Hu Qing frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something. He hung up the phone and took Kelly back to where the police car was parked.

Manda and the three banshees followed.

Seeing that Kelly didn't say anything, Hu Qing didn't say anything either, and let the three banshees get on the police car.

After getting on the police car, Hu Qing started the car and headed directly to Seattle.

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