Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 299 Banshee Town! There seems to be a conspiracy!

Hu Qing didn't expect that these gargoyles with only a few thousand experience could explode things. Now as the level increases, it becomes more and more difficult for this monster to explode things.

He walked forward and put the things in his inventory. The tile-like thing had stone carvings on it.

"Gargoyle Memory Stone Carving (Fragment): This is a special map fragment. It records a certain place in the gargoyle's memory. Three fragments can be combined into a map of an unknown location."

Hu Qing sighed after looking at the introduction of this thing.

Bai was happy, thinking he had exploded something good.

Seeing that those gargoyles were dealt with, Kelly asked again: "Hu, the guy with the green head just ran away, will he cause any trouble?"

"Probably not. Now we should find out about these gargoyles first." Hu Qing ignored Simon for the time being. The Loki mask in the movie didn't cause any trouble, at most it was just some mischief.

Kelly nodded and said: "These gargoyles seem to be coming for me. Maybe Manda and the others may know about it. Go back and ask them."

Hu Qing took Kelly away from the rooftop, and the scene was handed over to Billy who looked distressed. He knew that he would have to use up his brain cells to make up a story again.

Shortly after.

Simon also returned to his room, covered his face, and pulled off the mask on his face as if pulling out soft mud. Looking at the Loki mask that had returned to normal, he opened his mouth in a daze.

Hu Qing and Kelly returned to the castle and summoned the three banshees Man for questioning.

After hearing what the two said, Manda was shocked: "Have those gargoyles actually been resurrected? This is terrible. Your Highness, please come back to Banshee Canyon with us. Everyone must be in danger."

Hu Qing heard Manda and Kelly talk about Banshee Canyon.

In the supernatural world, some supernatural creatures live alone, but there are also many supernatural creatures that live in groups.

Just like the werewolves and vampires in Twilight.

And Cassandra the Werewolf.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luke and Cook are ordinary residents of Boskan District. Luke runs a car repair shop and Cook also runs a convenience store.

Even many of their families don't know their werewolf identities.

Take Cook, for example. He married an ordinary woman and gave birth to a son and a daughter. When they turn 16, his son and daughter may awaken their werewolf bloodline. Then they will know the truth, otherwise they will be ordinary people all their lives. people.

The current situation of many supernatural creatures is actually the same as Cassandra's werewolf.

This is what happened to Manda and her group of Banshee bloodline, living in the Banshee Canyon.

Banshee Canyon is the name of the banshees. The real name of this canyon is Cartier Canyon, and there is a small town called Cartier Town there.

In fact, after the first generation of banshees decided to merge into the human heritage bloodline, the pure banshees died and disappeared as time went by.

But in the first generation of banshees, they came to the town to marry ordinary people and have children. From generation to generation, the daughters of almost every household in Cartier Town had some banshee blood.

Moreover, with the women who marry outside, the blood of the banshee will also spread. There will always be a time of awakening, and it will never become extinct, nor will it disappear forever in the long river of history like those supernatural creatures who cannot understand the situation. .

This is also the current situation of many groups of supernatural creatures today.

As the dark energy surged, the number of awakened banshees in the town of Cartier began to increase. Similarly, the previous crisis also reappeared.

Kelly asked Manda: "The enemy of the banshee you mentioned before is the gargoyle?"

Manda shook his head and said: "It doesn't just refer to the gargoyles, but the fallen banshee who summoned the gargoyles. That is related to a rebellion."

"The leader of the Saifan Banshee has always been a banshee with royal blood, because royal blood can control the Banshee Scepter."

"But hundreds of years ago, there was a Verse banshee who made a deal with the devil in order to seize the queen's position. She fused with the heart of the Gargoyle Queen and became the devil's fallen banshee. The other party also had the power to summon the gargoyles. ability."

"At that time, the queen also used the Banshee Scepter to defeat the fallen banshee and destroy her body, but the fallen banshee did not die."

"After the dark energy surged, the Great Elder felt the breath of the fallen banshee in the records, so he sent us out to find the Queen, but there is no information about the Queen. We can only ask Her Highness the Princess to go back with us."

Kelly did not refuse when she heard this request. Instead, she looked at Hu Qing and said, "Hu, I'm afraid I need you to accompany me again. I'm afraid I can't handle it well."

"Who made you my girlfriend?" Hu Qing said with a smile.

Whether it's the fallen banshee or the gargoyle, this is all experience.

How can a place with experience miss him?

"Then I'll go back to the police station to explain the matter, and we'll set off when I get back." After Kelly said this, she left the hall and drove a spare car from the castle back to the Boskan District Police Station.

In her heart, since she has the blood of the banshee royal family, this matter is her business, not to mention those gargoyles have already come to her door.

After Kelly left, Manda also said to one of the Lolita banshees: "You also call the elder and tell her that Her Royal Highness has agreed to come back with us."

The lolita succubus nodded hurriedly, took out a mobile phone and walked away.

Hu Qing looked at Manda and asked: "Last time you summoned that kind of magic mud puppet, can you still summon it now?"

After killing those gargoyles, his total experience has reached level 23 385445/400000.

This is less than 15,000 away from upgrading.

When you reach level 24, the three holy professions will have their first professional set: magic robe, soul battle suit, and heavy armor.

In addition, the mage can learn a group skill Fire Wall at level 24, and the soul fire charm and summoning skeletons can also be upgraded to LV2.

Therefore, if Manda and the three banshees can still summon the magic mud puppet, then he can completely upgrade to level 24 first.

Manda shook his head and said: "Mr. Hu, the magic mud puppet is a special magic mastered by our banshees, which requires a kind of magic mud to be cast."

"That kind of magic mud is very rare. This time we came out to find the queen, and the elder gave us some magic mud, but those magic mud puppets have been destroyed by Mr. Hu."

This made Hu Qing sigh, but he was not too disappointed. After all, there is still a lot of experience in the Banshee Canyon.

As the sun set, Kelly also handed over the police station to Billy and drove back to the castle.

The car stopped, and Kelly said to Hu Qing: "Hu, let's go directly."

Hu Qing nodded, got in the car directly, and sat in the co-pilot.

Manda and the three banshees also got on the back seat.

As for Mig's mother and daughter, Jenna and Kalinda were still in the detective agency and had not returned yet.

Hu Qing did not plan to take them with him, after all, their strength was not too strong.

Yu Zhi, Thor, and Datou also stayed in the castle and could be summoned directly when needed.

The town of Cartier is at the junction of Washington State and Idaho, some distance from Seattle, separated by three major cities, and almost 1,300 kilometers away.

The town of Cartier, where the Banshee Canyon is located, does not have a good transportation condition. Not only does it not go directly to the nearby airport, but even the train only goes to the nearby small city of Bayanna City late at night.

This also makes the Banshee Town very concealed.

Soon, Hu Qing and his team arrived at the parking lot of the train station.

After Manda got off the car, she said, "Your Highness, Mr. Hu, we have bought the only train. After we get there, we need to rent a car to go to Cartier Town."

"No need to rent a car!" Hu Qing said, walked directly to the front of the car, stretched out his hand, and put the car into the inventory with a thought.

He always carries an overload ring, 30 tons of weight, what is a car?

The car that disappeared out of thin air shocked Manda and the three banshees.

How did Mr. Hu do it?

But they didn't dare to ask. In their eyes, Mr. Hu was the epitome of power and mystery. He even killed the legendary main god like Loki.

Thinking of this, the three banshees felt a little relieved. After all, the fallen banshee should be nothing compared to the legendary main god like Loki.

One night passed.

As the sky brightened again, Hu Qing and Kelly had led people out of a train station, and then summoned the car and asked several people to get on the car.

But Manda and the other three banshees looked at each other in bewilderment, because the car in front of them was not the one that Mr. Hu had lost before, but another car.

The car started and drove out of the city.

When the sun was high in the sky, Hu Qing and Kelly saw a small town from a distance.

The town was not small, and the architectural style was no different from the modern architecture that is popular in the United States.

"Your Highness, that's Cartier Town." Manda pointed at the town.

"Let's go!" Kelly stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for the town.

After entering the town, the few people found that there was no one in the town at all.

The car stopped at one place.

Hu Qing got out of the car and frowned, "Something is wrong, why is there no one here?"

"The emergency mechanism should have been activated." Manda's face suddenly looked very bad, saying, "In addition to the Banshee Scepter that can be controlled by the royal bloodline, our Banshee Town also has a special magic formation."

"The function of this magic formation is to activate the emergency mechanism when something big happens and the Banshees may be exposed. This formation can put ordinary people in the town into a deep sleep for 24 hours."

"During these 24 hours, the Banshees don't have to worry about using their power to expose the true situation of the town."

"Now the great elder must have activated this formation, which means that there must be gargoyles in the town. Your Highness, let's go to the forbidden area. Now the two elders and everyone must be there."

After saying that, Manda and the three Banshees hurriedly ran in one direction.

Seeing this, Hu Qing and Kelly led people to follow.

After Hu Qing and his companions entered the town, a beautiful female demon came out of a house at the entrance of the town and reported with a mobile phone: "Manda and her companions are back, and they brought a few people with them. Be prepared to take action. There must not be any mistakes, otherwise the consequences are not what we want to bear."

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