Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 31 The magical training room! Is Hu Qing a hostage?


Hu Qing returned to the villa and began to try to practice his skills.

In the hall.

He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and practiced according to the method of practicing the fireball technique.

This is a method similar to meditation.

But as soon as he entered the meditation practice, Hu Qing showed a look of surprise on his face.

Because after entering the meditation-like practice, his consciousness actually entered a special and simple hall.

There were three statues on one wall, and the statues all looked like Uncle Da.

But they were wearing the top clothes and top weapons of the three saints.

There was also a motionless figure standing in the center of the hall, wearing mage clothes, and there were five words on his head: [Puppet Trainer].

Three Saints statues, trainers, is this a training room?

Hu Qing was surprised.

Many players who have played Legend should know that there is a training room in the upper right corner of Biqi City that allows players to practice most skills, as long as they use skills against the trainer.

He meditated and practiced according to the practice method given by the system, and his consciousness actually came to this training room?

This is too magical.

Could it be that the training method given by this system is to enter this training room to practice skills?

Hu Qing tried to cast a fireball spell and hit the trainer. The fireball exploded on the trainer, but this training room seemed to have magical properties. The trainer did not lose blood, and he did not consume mana.

However, after a fireball, he did not get a prompt that the training progress increased.

He was not discouraged. Anyway, it did not consume mana, so even if he kept releasing fireballs, he would be more handy, right?

At this time, in the hall, outsiders saw that a ball of fire condensed in front of Hu Qing, floating quietly around him.

The girl who was lying on the sofa and took out the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Art" to read widened her eyes in surprise when she saw the condensed fireball.

When did Mr. Hu have this ability?

But she did not get close, and the fireball gave her a very uncomfortable feeling.

In the training room, Hu Qing kept releasing fireballs to hit the trainer, and finally got a prompt after a few minutes:

[Fireball training progress +1][1/100]

After a few minutes, the prompt appeared again:

[Fireball training progress +1][2/100]

[Fireball training progress +1][3/100]

After several times in a row, he was sure that as long as he kept releasing fireballs, he could increase his training progress by 1 in a few minutes.

This is almost the same as the proficiency in the game.

This training method given by the system is really magical.

The key is the characteristics of this training room. Not only does it not consume mana, but he will not get tired. It is simply another plug-in.

However, he is practicing the fireball method, and he can only use the fireball in it.

Time passed, and the next morning, Hu Qing opened his eyes in the hall, and the fireball floating in front of him also dissipated.

After a night of training, he was not tired at all, but full of energy.

After that, he immediately looked at the fireball information in the skill bar:

"LV0 (cultivation progress 49/100), power increase against monsters: magic +5, MP consumption 10, can be upgraded to LV1 at level 7."

The cultivation progress reached 49/100 in one night, which doesn't seem slow.

However, this is only a primary skill of level 0 after all.

Standing up, the girl came forward in surprise and asked: "Mr. Hu, when did you learn magic? The fireball floated around you all night."

"Secret, I won't tell you!" Hu Qing said jokingly, without explaining.

"Stingy." The girl pouted slightly, didn't ask any more questions, and started reading "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Art"

Hu Qing washed up, went out to eat some breakfast, and then returned to the villa, and then continued to try to practice the other two skills.

According to the method of practicing healing, Hu Qing also entered the meditation practice, and was still a puppet trainer.

However, this time the puppet trainer wore Taoist clothes and had injuries on his body, which was to allow him to perform healing.

Hu Qing had experience with fireballs, so he immediately cast a healing spell at the trainer.

A few minutes later, Hu Qing also received a prompt:

[Healing progress +1][1/100]

And in the hall, a white light ball condensed around him, floating around him.

[Healing progress +1][2/100]

[Healing progress +1][3/100]

After 2 hours, Hu Qing opened his eyes, and the white light ball floating around him dissipated, and the progress of healing reached [14/100].

Then, Hu Qing looked at the basic tactics again and entered the practice of basic tactics. It was still the training room, but this time it was a puppet trainer wearing warrior clothes.

Hu Qing already had an ebony sword in his hand, and he cast the basic tactics directly at the trainer.

The basic tactics have very powerful moves, and the key is that there is no weapon restriction. Now LV0 can only cast the first move, a total of 5 moves.

The ebony sword instantly turned into a sword shadow that slashed through the air, slashing at the practitioner with a sharp gust of wind, one move after another.

After performing it once, Hu Qing was sure that with this basic fighting method, his close combat strength would change dramatically.

The same thing happened a few minutes later, Hu Qing got the prompt:

[Basic tactics training progress +1] [1/100]

Two hours later, Hu Qing opened his eyes again in the hall and finished practicing the basic tactics, and the progress of the basic tactics had reached [14/100].

After practicing the three skills, he already understood the training of the system.

stand up.

Hu Qing looked at the time and it was almost 12 o'clock. He was about to go out to eat something when he heard the sound of a car outside the villa.

3 cars stopped outside

Karamatsu got out of the car, and then more than a dozen Chinese men got out of three cars and protected him.

It can be seen from the bulge at the waist that these strong Chinese men are armed.

"Mr. Hu." Tang Song entered the courtyard respectfully, and at the same time, he did not forget to shout to the Chinese men around him: "You haven't seen Mr. Hu yet?"

The men looked at each other, bent towards Hu Qing and said, "Mr. Hu!"

They did not remember that there was such a gentleman in the Tang clan, but Boss Tang was about to become one of several gentlemen. Boss Tang was so respectful to Mr. Hu, and they did not dare to be disrespectful.

Hu Qing glanced at the strong men and asked, "Tang Song, what happened when you brought so many people out today?"

Tang Song explained: "Because of the land acquisition, several gentlemen's inspection of me and Chu Hong has ended. This morning, I confirmed the position of my successor to the retired gentleman. I will hand it over after a while. Naturally, I will be more cautious during this period." , don’t let people take the chance.”

"But all this is thanks to Mr. Hu, so I came over as soon as possible. Mr. Hu, come to my restaurant at noon, and I will host a banquet to entertain you."

"I accept your offer. Let's just go to your restaurant. I don't mind finding a place nearby to have a meal together." Hu Qing didn't want to go to Karamatsu's restaurant for lunch. The other party's restaurant was still some distance away from his villa.

However, he knew Karamatsu's thoughts and did not completely reject the other party's kindness. After all, the other party had been very diligent in running errands for him before.

"Okay, listen to Mr. Hu." Tang Song also smiled and nodded.

It doesn't matter where you are entertaining guests or where you are. What matters is that you can have dinner with Mr. Hu and maintain a relationship.

The group of people walked out of the villa and went straight to a small restaurant selling Mexican teppanyaki on the next street.

Hu Qing had eaten here once before and it tasted pretty good.

When they came in, a few guests inside had just left and it seemed a little deserted.

It’s not that business is bad, because the pace of big cities in the Star-Spangled Kingdom is very fast, and lunch is not important to most people. It’s just a few slices of sandwich, a cup of coffee, or a hamburger or a hot dog. This restaurant is the best in the evening. When business is booming.

Hu Qing and Tang Song found a table and sat down, while the Chinese men gathered around the table and looked around.

Seeing this, Hu Qing said: "Let them all sit down and eat. How can they think about eating when they are surrounding me like this?"

Tang Song nodded and waved to the Chinese men, who all sat down at the table next to them. When ordering, Tang Song ordered the same slightly spicy teppanyaki barbecue as Hu Qing for himself and his subordinates.

After the things came up, Tang Song kept chatting with Hu Qing, told Hu Qing a lot about the Tang Sect, and invited him to attend the takeover ceremony.

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, three consecutive gunshots rang out outside the restaurant.

Hu Qing was stunned.

This caused him to encounter a gunfight again?

Stars and Stripes is really free, but there are gun battles every day.

Just as he was thinking about it, Hu Qing saw three prisoners in prison uniforms rushing into the restaurant in a panic. One of them was holding a gun and holding a young boy with glasses as a hostage.

Hu Qing was stunned when he saw the young hostage. Isn't this the same Simon who was snooping outside his villa before?

When the boss and waiter saw this scene, they were so frightened that they ran away and lay down behind the counter.

But the prisoner holding the gun was also excited when he saw Hu Qing and others in the restaurant: "Haha, there are more than a dozen hostages, and they are all Chinese. Hurry up and close the door. I want to negotiate with the police. ”

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