Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 316 The Rise of Death Lord Hu! Counting the Harvest!

Hu Qing knew what was going on when he heard the slogans coming from the gate of hell. It must be the more than 50 little demons from before.

He immediately pressed the gate of hell and slammed it shut. The seal took effect again.

Seeing this scene, the Wen brothers and others breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really nervous at that moment.


Behind the sealed gate.

The meaty smell in the canyon still did not dissipate.

The group of demons had already rushed to the gate of hell while shouting slogans, and they were dumbfounded when they saw the gate of hell suddenly closed.

"Why is it closed?"

"The Lord is still in the world."

"The Lord will definitely open the door again."

"Yes, it will definitely open."

These demons discussed one by one.

They witnessed the Lord's terrifying power today, and they firmly believed that the Lord would definitely find a way to open the gate of hell again and lead them into the world.


These demons were moving in the canyon.

There are more than a dozen demon lords in the canyon, and monster demons will avoid them from a distance. This is the best place for them to live.

But once the demon corpses rot, it will affect the environment here.

They have to deal with the demon corpses.

Soon, only the bodies of the demon lords and Azazel were left.

There was a burning light in the eyes of these demons.

The demon lords are already high-level demons, with special powers in their bodies, and these powers will not dissipate with their death.

These powers are useless to other creatures, but they are of great benefit to other demons. Weaker demons can absorb these powers to improve their strength and even advance.

The demon lords are like this, let alone Azazel, the prince of hell, the yellow-eyed demon?

The demons rushed up excitedly.

"Lord of Death, boundless magic, invincible, invincible!"

The loud slogans sounded again.

Hu Qing had no idea that the bodies of Azazel and the demon lords he left behind would soon produce more than one demon lord among the more than 50 demons.

One day, a group of demons were chased to the canyon by monsters. After the monsters felt the breath of more than a dozen demon lords and ran away, the demons were shocked by the flags of the Death Lord Hu flying in the canyon and the slogans that rang out, and then joined the Death Lord's territory.

The power of the Death Lord also began to slowly rise in hell, and the title of the Death Lord also spread in the surrounding areas.

Of course, this is a later story!

Hu Qing had no idea that the little demons he let go could still cause trouble later.

After closing the gate of hell, he put the COLT gun into the inventory.

He didn't want to return the COLT gun to the Wen brothers.

This gun is the key to the gate of hell, and it should not only open the gate of hell once.

In "Supernatural", although this gun only opened the gate of hell once, the original plot was that after this incident of the gate of hell, the gun fell into Crowley's hands.

Crowley couldn't open the gate of hell and give Lucifer a chance.

After that, the gun was destroyed. Even if it was repaired, it would not be the same as before, and naturally it would not be able to open the gate of hell.

Hu Qing looked at the information of the COLT gun on the inventory.

"COLT gun: a special demon-killing artifact with extremely terrifying power. It has a total of 7 bullets, each of which can burst out +120 attacks (special demons). The current number of bullets is 2/7.

Special effect: This gun seems to be a special key. When the gun core recovers enough special power, it can be used again. The current energy recovery progress: 1%."

Seeing the notes of the COLT gun, Hu Qing finally understood why the COLT gun, which is said to be able to kill all demons, is useless to Lucifer.

This gun is very powerful against demons. Each bullet can reach 120 attacks against demons.

This kind of power can kill demons below the level of the King of Hell, without any drag.

But there is no way to kill the target that can only be eliminated with more than 120 attack power.

When Colt and the saints made this gun, they had never encountered this level of demons, so naturally there was a rumor that it could kill any demon.

But this also shows that Lucifer cannot be killed by 120 attack power, which shows how powerful Lucifer is.

Moreover, just as he thought, this COLT gun can open the gate of hell more than once, provided that the special power recovery progress of the gun core reaches 100%, then the demon gate can be opened again.

If there is hell soul grass again, it is completely possible to secretly open the gate of hell and go to hell again.

Thinking of the more than 3 million experience points gained this time, it is absolutely wonderful.

"Cough, cough..." Winchester-John's cough also sounded at this time, and he coughed and spurted a large mouthful of blood from his mouth.

This also attracted the attention of others.

"John, how are you?" Bobby asked nervously.

"John, are you okay?" Ellen asked anxiously. She and the brothers' father were actually close and had even had an ambiguous relationship.

The Wen brothers also hurriedly helped their father up, and then looked at Hu Qing together.

The brothers remembered that Hu Qing had that magical healing magic.

Sam shouted to Hu Qing at the first time: "Hu, help John, that bastard Zack plotted against me, John helped me block the opponent's attack..."

Hu Qing nodded and cast a healing spell on John.

In the original plot, John died after the last encounter with Azazel. Because of him, the plot changed, so this time John had the opportunity to help the two brothers block the disaster, and now this ending is considered a happy ending.

Five seconds later, John's face became much rosier.

However, restoring 60HP cannot make John fully recover.

The people of the Winchester family are of saintly blood, not ordinary people.

Hu Qing cast two healing spells on Winchester-John in succession, and John recovered and stood up.

This scene made the 11 slave demons see it, and they shook the bark flag again and shouted slogans: "Lord of Death, boundless magic, invincible, invincible!"

It seemed that they had already become accustomed to shouting slogans whenever Hu Qing did something.

Hu Qing felt ashamed for no reason, and hurriedly shouted at these guys: "Stop shouting."

"Hu, what's wrong with them?" Ellen was full of confusion.

Anyone could see that these guys were demons, but these strange demons inexplicably did not give people a sense of danger.

She had never seen such a strange demon.

Hu Qing said: "Ellen, this matter is a bit complicated. I will take these guys back first, and then go to the bar to explain to you."

"Well, then we will go back to the bar to wait for you. JO must be very anxious now." Ellen did not ask the bottom of the matter. After speaking, he greeted the Wen brothers and prepared to go back.

"Thank you!" Winchester-John also thanked Hu Qing at this time, with a sincere attitude.

He knew that this person had helped his two sons a lot.

Hu Qing smiled and said: "John, you are welcome, Sam and Dean are my friends."

"Hu, thank you!" Dean!

"Hu, I owe you again, then we will go to Ellen's bar to wait for you." Sam!

The two brothers gave Hu Qing a big hug before leaving.

After the Wen brothers and Ellen left, Hu Qing looked at the teleportation.

After the teleportation was upgraded to LV2, there were 8 special markable locations, one in JO's bar, one in the castle, and one in Kelly's room in the Banshee Town, leaving 5.

Now one must be left at the location of the Gate of Hell. When the special energy of the COLT gun core is restored to 100%, and the Hell Soul Grass can be obtained again, then it must come here.

Moreover, to bring the 11 slaves back, there must be a marked point on both sides to teleport back and forth. With the coverage of the space fluctuation, he can only teleport two people at most at a time.

After marking the points, Hu Qing picked up the two slaves and performed teleportation, then appeared in the castle, put down the two slaves, and teleported to the gate of hell again. In this way, all 11 slaves were teleported to the castle several times in a row.

Then, he took out the control crystal of the castle magic circle and dripped the blood of these slaves into them, allowing them to enter and exit the castle freely.

The 11 slaves were obviously very excited when they arrived at the castle.

"Sir, I want to work!"

"Sir, can we work?"


He started to ask for work again.

"Go clean up." Hu Qing could only give an order first.

"Thank you, sir!" The slaves responded happily and rushed away.

In the castle, Miguel was mopping the floor with a mop and a bucket as usual. When she was not at the detective agency, she would take the initiative to do some work.

While she was doing it, she saw several figures rushing out. Before she could react, she found that the mop in her hand was gone and the bucket was taken away directly.

"???" Miguel.

On the wide lawn, Shaq was holding a rake in one hand and half a pizza in the other, chewing and walking towards the woods, preparing to clean up the dead yellow leaves.

Suddenly, he found that his rake was gone, and the pizza in his hand was gone, and then he found several sharp-nosed and monkey-faced figures holding his rake and pizza and running towards the woods.

"Thief... there is a thief..." Shaq was about to cry and chased after him anxiously.

Hu Qing took advantage of this time to return to his room and count the gains this time.

This time, he killed so many demons and a lot of light burst out. After putting it in the inventory, he didn't check what it was.

"Special Demon Source Crystal Fragment (Medium) X2: A special crystal condensed by demon power, which can be used to enhance the power of demon ability."

"Special Demon Source Crystal Fragment (Small) X6: A special crystal condensed by demon power, which can be used to enhance the power of demon ability."

I have obtained these two things before, and both can be used to enhance demon patterns.

It's just that the number of demons killed this time is large, so a few more burst out.

"Demon Crystal X129632: A special crystal, which is the universal currency of the demon world. It can be used for transactions in the demon world and seems to have a special function."

Is this like the game, starting to burst gold coins?

Previously in hell, that Zhu Ganglie-like demon lord used 11 slave demons to steal 55,000 demon crystals, and now he has gained nearly 130,000 experience points from this wave of experience?

I just don’t know what the special function of this system is.

These three things made Hu Qing a little disappointed.

However, when he looked at the last thing, his eyes lit up:

"Hell Soul Grass X3: A special plant that grows in hell. It is very rare and can keep the living creatures in hell from being affected by the hell environment, air, demonic energy and other conditions. It can also simulate the breath of demons, so that other demons think it is a companion.

Time limit: 48 hours."

It turned out to be Hell Soul Grass, and 3 plants exploded.

Isn't that enough?

Now we just need to wait for the special energy of the COLT gun core to recover. The key is that if we can explode this thing this time, we will have a chance to explode this thing next time we enter hell.

This is a chance to use hell as a back garden to brush experience.

He can shout a slogan: Hell is not empty, and monsters will not stop.

Hu Qing retracted his thoughts and looked at the three gift packs on the inventory.

This time, he upgraded 3 levels in a row, and Uncle Da also gave gift packs of levels 25, 26, and 27.

According to the previous rules, Uncle Da's gift pack at level 25 must be the warrior's level 25 skill "Assassination Sword Technique" and the Taoist's level 25 skills "Holy War Armor Technique" and "Ghost Shield".

As for the level 26 and 27 gift packs, you have to rely on your luck.

(PS: Some readers privately suggested that we incorporate more fantasy movie worlds, but there are only a few famous ones, and I haven’t seen any unpopular ones. Can you recommend one or two to watch?)

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