Bang! ~

Bang! ~

The violent chopping sound rang out.

In the blink of an eye, the hall in the area where Hu Qing was located was completely chopped down, and dust flew all over the sky.

In the command hall of the base, everyone was anxiously busy operating, trying to restore control of the mechanical body.

This thing is their secret research project.

Once a group of mysterious photos were sent to them from the Pentagon Building.

The mysterious photos showed strokes of mysterious giant beasts, which seemed to be carved by people in ancient times.

A general who might have a brain problem thought that there might be such a giant beast in the world, and it was unknown when the giant beast would appear.

Therefore, they were directly issued a document to establish a project to study weapons that could target such a giant beast.

This is the leader patting his head, and the people below worked hard.

However, since they did it, they naturally wanted to make something, and then they had the plan for this mechanical body.

This mechanical body is made of super alloys made of outer space metals extracted from meteorites that fell in the Atlantic Ocean. This mechanical body alone costs a lot.

Although the superalloy developed from the outer space metal is limited and cannot be mass-produced, its defense is absolutely amazing.

Moreover, this mechanical body uses various advanced high-tech technologies, and it also has a laser weapon system newly developed by another research base, which has a powerful attack system.

If the control is not restored as soon as possible, once the mechanical body runs away, it will cause big trouble.

"It has become a ruin there, that guy should be dead, right?" The person in charge was already staring at the screen nervously, watching the huge mechanical body slashing at the lounge.

But the next moment, he saw the figure coming out of the ruins again without any damage.

"The mechanical body actually locked on him automatically, this is too strange." A cry of surprise sounded, and a strange first vision appeared in front of the man's screen.

This vision is transmitted back by the image transmission equipment and system placed at the position of the mechanical body's eyes. Once the mechanical body is started, video images will begin to be transmitted.

At this time.

A red cross aiming icon appeared on the video, aiming at the terrifying figure.

This is a precursor to the mechanical body launching an attack.

At the ruins, the spreading dust began to fall back to the ground.

Hu Qing looked around. This seemed to be a base. He could hear dense footsteps around. It seemed that the base guards were rushing here.

Then, he looked at the mechanical body in front of him in surprise.

It was a mechanical body with a very exquisite appearance and a well-proportioned mechanical skeleton.

If you have to give an example, it is probably similar to a small Transformer, and the appearance is better, at least there are no exposed tires.

Hu Qing did not expect that the Stars and Stripes in this world already had such technology.

But think about it, when killing the magic god Loki before, laser weapons were already seen.

This world is an American TV series after all. Gods, demons, and supernatural creatures all exist, so it is normal for humans to have some powerful advanced technology.

Hu Qing was surprised when he saw the mechanical body suddenly raised the huge long sword and slashed at him with a whistling sound.

The huge long sword seemed very clumsy, but the speed was very fast, and it was above Hu Qing's head in a blink of an eye.

In the command hall, the person in charge also watched this scene, but his perspective was the first-person perspective of the mechanical body.

Although the mechanical body was out of control at this time, he also wondered if the mechanical body he was responsible for making could deal with this guy who was safe and sound even after being shot by countless bullets.

Before this, he had never thought that there was such a thing in the world, but now that he knew it, he naturally hoped that the weapons he made could also deal with this kind of existence.

Clang! ~ A violent metal collision sound suddenly sounded, followed by a loud bang, and the ground there cracked and sunken directly, splashing out a stream of dust, because the ground could not withstand the power of the mechanical body's broadsword.

But then, the person in charge's eyes froze. In the picture, the guy stood in the sunken pit and actually held up an axe that seemed a little small under the long sword to block the long sword.

"How can it be so strong?" The person in charge looked ugly.

"The mechanical body is going to activate the laser weapon." One person pointed at an instrument and said.

The person in charge also looked at the instrument.

That was to detect the weapon system of the mechanical body. The laser cannon was also the most advanced and powerful weapon they installed on the mechanical body. One shot could easily shoot through a building.

This would definitely solve that guy, right? The other party could ignore bullets, but it was absolutely impossible to ignore the attack of the laser cannon.

There is no such terrifying existence in the world, not even gods.

Hu Qing held the Shura Axe against the huge long sword of the mechanical body, and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

The mechanical body's sword was blocked by him, but through the comparison of that kind of power, the attack power of this sword was definitely more than 25.

In addition, the size of the huge long sword can form a huge damage surface, and the power is very huge.

This human being can actually create a mechanical body with such attack power, which is really amazing.

At this time, Hu Qing found that the huge long sword of the mechanical body suddenly raised up.

When he thought the mechanical body was going to swing the knife to attack again, the abdomen of the mechanical body suddenly opened, revealing a dark hole like a cannon muzzle.

Almost instantly, a terrifying wave appeared at the hole, and a thick white light rushed towards him instantly.

Hu Qing recognized it at once. It was a laser weapon, but the wave of this laser was extremely strong, and the speed was extremely fast. He immediately used the assassination sword technique and condensed an axe light to cut the thick laser.

Boom! ~

The violent energy impact sounded instantly, and the laser was dispersed by the axe light, turning into a series of fine lasers that splashed and hit holes around.

"This is about 50 attacks, right?" Hu Qing was surprised. The power of this laser can destroy even the weak demon lord, provided that it can hit the demon lord.

Hu Qing's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of the technological life force crystal that had exploded before. This thing was exploded by the technology boy and can be used to transform high-tech products. It should be possible to transform something similar to the new god.

The mechanical body in front of him is just right. After the transformation, it can directly recognize the master and bind, and the control is directly his.

Thinking of this, Hu Qing wanted to take action, but at this moment, the entire base suddenly sounded a rapid alarm.

The next moment, he heard two terrifying explosions, and then a tsunami-like terrifying flame and power storm swept over instantly.

The terrifying power made him stare wide-eyed in horror.

At the same time, when the alarm sounded, the person in charge also changed his face and shouted: "Damn, what's wrong with this alarm?"

"It's bad, the two helium bombs have started the self-destruction program." A terrified voice sounded.

This made the person in charge's face look ashen instantly.

The self-destruction of the helium bomb can turn this base into ruins. Before he could fully react, two earth-shaking noises broke out instantly.

The person in charge only had time to stare wide-eyed, and the walls around him exploded instantly, and were flattened by a terrifying force, and then his body was torn to pieces under that force.

The entire base was instantly swallowed up by a terrifying force and torn to pieces.

At this time, from the sky, you can see that the base was turned into powder in an instant, filled with flames and a storm that tore everything apart.

In front of a data base station far away from the base, Mr. World appeared and smiled at the scene of the base in the distance.

This is the big gift he gave.

Instantly controlling the helium bomb to self-destruct, that kind of power, no matter how strong or weird that human is, there is no chance to escape.

Human technology still has its merits.

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