Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 334 Mr. Hu’s power is too terrifying!

One week later.

In the castle.

Hu Qing exited the special training room and looked at the light screen in his mind.

"Assassination Sword Skill LV1 (0/1200): Active skill, advanced skill of the warrior. After it is activated, each attack consumes 50MP to actively condense the sword light. The sword light can cause an additional +15 attack, and the sword light has a cutting attribute, which can ignore 15% of the enemy's defense. It can be upgraded to LV2 at level 30."

In this week, he upgraded the assassination sword skill to LV1, the skill was upgraded, and the sword light attack power was increased by 5. Now the warrior's attack can reach 87 points when performing the attack sword skill.

The enemy's defense can be ignored by 15%, which means that the power of the attack will be far more than 87.

After ignoring 15% of the defense, the warrior's power will reach 100.

Hu Qing retracted his gaze and walked to another room in the castle. He could see some instruments and surveillance videos placed in the room.

At this time, Nutrilite was watching the surveillance video with a communicator.

The surveillance video was obviously shot by a mobile device. It can be seen that on a mountain, people in FBI uniforms are carrying a furnace with special patterns on it onto a transport truck.

Vulcan is also watching and giving instructions.

Nutrilite is relaying Vulcan's words.

Those FBI are naturally from the Mystery Investigation Department.

This week, Hu Qing has asked Nutrilite to send people to transport Vulcan's magic furnace.

Although the Mystery Investigation Department still has the name of the FBI, it is almost independent.

The funding is naturally from the official, but the official has no way to know the information of the Mystery Investigation Department.

This sounds a bit impossible, but with Abike contacting the bigwigs of the Seattle National Party, there is no problem at all.

The election funds of the bigwigs of the National Party this year still need Abike, and Abike also asked the people of the Mystery Investigation Department to help a bigwig of the National Party solve the competitor of another party.

For people like Nutrilite who have become Pangu zombies, it is too easy to deal with an ordinary person.

This kind of thing may sound a bit dirty, but isn't that how money and power transactions work in the Stars and Stripes?

"Mr. Hu!" Nutrilite greeted Hu Qing respectfully when he saw him.

"Mr. Hu, if my divine furnace is transported back, I can refine Ares's essence and divine bones into several demon-killing weapons, which will be helpful to Mr. Nutrilite's Mysterious Events Investigation Department." Vulcan's attitude was also extremely respectful.

The appearance of Nutrilite and the Mysterious Events Investigation Department gave him a deeper understanding of Mr. Hu.

This Mr. Hu is definitely a big boss hidden behind the scenes, whether it is for the supernatural world or ordinary humans.

"Well, then you guys are busy!" Hu Qing nodded, left the room again, and went to the bell tower.

You can hear movement in the bell tower.

Entering inside, you can see Sam practicing demonic power against a demon.

He made a virtual grabbing motion with one hand towards a little demon, black air appeared in his eyes, and a special rune condensed. The little demon felt the pain and covered his head and wailed.

After a moment, Sam sighed and put his hand down.

He failed again.

He had experienced many such failures this week.

Controlling demons is not that easy, even though his current power is much stronger than that of the little demon.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Hu Qing asked.

Sam shook his head and said, "It's always a little short. I must have not mastered some key points."

Hu Qing smiled and comforted him, "Sam, believe in yourself, you will always succeed."

At this time.

Two footsteps sounded hurriedly, and two slave demons ran up, Hu Yi and Hu San.

The two slave demons squeezed each other when they arrived in front of Hu Qing, trying to stand in front of Hu Qing to report.

"I got here first, I'm here to report!" Hu Yi.

"You're talking nonsense, it's obviously me who got here first, I'm here to report." Hu San also said.

Seeing this, Hu Qing shook his head and said, "Report together!"

"There is a gentleman named Abik outside the castle who wants to see the master!"

"He also brought a long-haired man, the big guy Shaq, and asked if he could let anyone in."

Hu Yi and Hu San said in unison.

"Got it, let Shaq let them in." Hu Qing smiled and said.

There is now an Optimus Prime in the castle, as well as ghosts and slaves. Naturally, no one can come in casually. Shaq has one more job to do, guarding the gate.

He called Abik.

The purpose is naturally for the matter of Optimus Prime's faith.

Optimus Prime, the new god, still has great potential.

Investing in Transformers movies and then making Transformers toys will definitely make Optimus Prime gain a lot of faith.

As for the filming of the movie, he originally wanted Liu Cong (Chapter 149) to handle it.

Because of the primary physical essence, he had established a sports agency before.

After all, after Liu Cong took charge of the management, in addition to Ryan, who has become an NBA superstar, he also signed many sports athletes.

However, in the past few months, Liu Cong did not bring anyone to him to use the low-level physical essence.

Because once this low-level physical essence is used, it means that one can become a superstar.

And his requirement is a potential athlete who can attract fans to the greatest extent.

Fans are the key.

After the appearance of the old and new gods, he felt that it would be useful to use enough super athletes to accumulate a large number of fans.

It was for this requirement that Liu Cong signed many athletes, and only reported that a football player named Messi met the requirements. Liu Cong wanted to observe Messi during this time and then bring him to see him.

The name Messi was somewhat familiar.

Because there was a football superstar with this name in the previous life.

However, Liu Cong was not asked to handle the movie in the end. After all, it was just an athlete agency, not a professional.

After that, he remembered that Abik was good at this.

When dealing with the demon Arus's mother before, the banquet that Abik invited to the other party's villa was not a banquet in the Hollywood entertainment industry? (Chapter 40)

Abik's wife had a female star as her girlfriend, so he paid to help his wife promote this female star.

Now, he wants to invest in the Transformers movie for Optimus Prime, so he naturally finds Abik, and let Abik, a rich man, do the toy making.

Hu Yi and Hu San ran out immediately after hearing Hu Qing's words.

A moment later.

Abik brought a man to Hu Qing.

This man is a Hollywood director who is good at science fiction movies. His name is Michael. He has shot many science fiction movies and has not lost money. The movies are still good.

However, because he has no connections, limited resources, and limited funds, his movies have no big names, so Michael is naturally neither good nor bad in Hollywood.

This time, Abik came to him and said that he wanted to invest in his movie, and he was flattered.

Abik is a very famous rich man in Hollywood.

Now everyone knows that Abik is the richest man in Seattle and can be ranked in the top of the rich list of the United States. The key is that he often invests in movies. Although every movie requires female stars, it doesn't matter to Hollywood directors.

Female stars who can be favored by rich people like Abik must have good figures and beautiful faces, and they can be used as vase heroines.

Moreover, Hollywood directors all admire Abik. This rich man is playing with actresses openly, and his wife has no objection. He even often brings his wife and the actresses he wants to promote to banquets. This is something that all men envy.

Michael knew that his luck had come.

But he didn't expect that after Abik talked to him about the movie, he didn't take him to meet the actress he wanted to promote. Instead, he came to this castle and met Mr. Hu, a Chinese.

As soon as Abik saw Hu Qing, he said respectfully: "Mr. Hu, the director you are looking for is here. His name is Michael, and he is good at shooting science fiction movies."

After that, Abik said to Michael: "Michael, you can shoot whatever movie Mr. Hu asks you to shoot. Money is not a problem. I will invest whatever budget you need."

Michael was shocked when he saw this scene.

As soon as he arrived at the castle, he knew that the owner who could occupy such a castle must be a super rich man.

But a person like Abik was just running errands for Mr. Hu?

He could even hear the caution and respect in Abik's words.

Michael swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

What is the identity of Mr. Hu?

However, Michael knew very well how powerful this kind of person was, and he didn't dare to explore it. He couldn't afford to offend him, otherwise he would disappear at any time.

"Mr. Michael, I asked you to come here this time to make a movie. I have prepared the script and design. The movie is called "Transformers"!" Hu Qing said, and handed a book in his hand to Michael.

He even looked at Michael twice more.

He remembered that the director who filmed "Transformers" in his previous life seemed to have handed it to Michael.

Isn't this a coincidence?

The book he took out was naturally the script of "Transformers", probably because he referred to the shooting of Transformers in his previous life, and there were also drawings of Optimus Prime's heavy truck and transformation process.

This drawing was naturally drawn by Sam. After all, drawing is one of the necessary skills of the Wen family. Even FBI documents can be drawn so that people can't tell them apart with the naked eye.

Let Optimus Prime transform twice in front of Sam, and Sam can draw it.

Michael did not dare to neglect it. He took the book carefully and read it carefully: "Autobots, Optimus Prime..."

Michael muttered to himself and soon became fascinated. His face showed an incredible look. The script story was too exciting and full of science fiction.

Although the script was not written professionally, he believed that this science fiction movie would definitely become a super hit.

It is very expensive to make such a hard science fiction movie, and there are not many famous Hollywood directors who can have such resources.

"Michael, can you make this movie by Mr. Hu?" Abike asked after Michael finished reading the script.

Michael nodded immediately: "Yes... Yes, I must make this movie. Mr. Hu's script story is too good. There are not many Hollywood directors who can do it. Moreover, this script can be used as a sequel and can create a long-term IP."

"Uh!" Abike looked at Michael inexplicably.

This director is good. He knew how to flatter and flatter Mr. Hu the first time he met him. He has a future.

Michael saw Abik staring at him and asked awkwardly, "Mr. Abik, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Abik smiled and said, "Then estimate how much it would cost to make this movie."

Michael couldn't give a specific number, but he could roughly estimate it. He pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Abik, to film Mr. Hu's script, the cost of this hard science fiction movie should be more than 100 million US dollars."

As he said that, Michael added, "Mr. Abik, I know the cost is a bit high, but I can do it with less..."

"Okay, I'll give you 200 million US dollars directly, and then I'll have someone sign a contract with you." Abik waved his hand and said, "You shoot it to the best of your ability. If Mr. Hu is satisfied, you don't have to worry about the money for the sequel."

"Ah???" Michael was stunned. He wanted to say that he could film it with less, but who knew that Abik directly gave him double the amount?

This is too much of a waste of money, isn't it?

However, this also made him more aware that Mr. Hu's power is absolutely terrifying, and Abik is flattering Mr. Hu.

If a rich man like Abik flatters in this way, no one would believe it if they didn't see it with their own eyes, right?

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