Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 348: S headquarters destroyed! What kind of monster are we dealing with?

In the hotel, Jiang Zhenzu's piano sound attracted more and more people's attention, especially some young women.

Handsome men like Jiang Zhenzu who are good at playing the piano are the most popular among young women.

Especially when you see his fingers beating wildly on the keys.

After another song ended, the general stood up, ignored the attracted people around him, and went back to his room.

At the hotel door, several figures soon appeared.

After they entered the hotel, they walked straight towards the room where the general was.

They are the people from the S department.

When they arrived, they already knew the general's location and arrived outside the general's room in a short time.

One of them pressed the headset and reported in a low voice: "Mr. S, we are already in place."

In Department S, Mr. S also watched this scene through a special surveillance video.

"Break through, arrest the person and leave immediately." Mr. S ordered.

After hearing the order, those people did not hesitate. One of them immediately broke the door and kicked it out.

At the same time, another person had taken out a round object and threw it into the room.

boom! ~

Following a crackling sound, a shock wave instantly erupted in the room, followed by a flash of white light.

Mr. S smiled while looking at the picture on the screen.

This is a special weapon they developed, the shock wave bomb. Although it is expensive, technically difficult, and small in quantity, it is the most effective for catching supernatural creatures.

In addition to the SSS level, any supernatural creature below the S level will be stunned, and the SS level will also be affected.

These people from Department S rushed in immediately and saw Jiang Zhenzu lying motionless on the sofa.

The two of them didn't hesitate, they grabbed Jiang Zhenzu from left to right, put special handcuffs on him and walked out of the room.

The other person arranged it in the room, because they often deal with the vampires in New York, and they are very easy to fake a vampire abduction scene.

When that guy with SSS-level power comes back, even if he finds clues, he will point to a vampire. He has no idea that the person has been arrested by their S department.

Soon, the three of them led the generals out of the hotel and into a car.

Mr. S watched this scene proudly through the surveillance video, and then ordered someone next to him: "Prepare an interrogation room for me. I want to torture this Chinese in person."

"Yes, Mr. S." The man next to him nodded immediately.


The car arrived in front of a building, which was the headquarters of Department S.

The car stopped and a group of uniformed guards came forward. One of the guards said: "Mr. S is already in the interrogation room. He wants to interrogate this guy immediately."

The three men nodded and took the general out of the car. .

"Mr. S, the target has been reached." A guard reported into the headset.

"Bring in!" Mr. S was already in an interrogation room, but there was still a video surveillance picture on the wall in front of him. It was the picture of the general being brought into S's headquarters.

Once inside, it is impossible for the other party to leave.

But just as he had this thought, a piercing alarm sound suddenly sounded in Mr. S's ears. This alarm sound was a bit urgent. It was the second alarm defense, which meant that there was an enemy invasion.

"What's going on?" Mr. S immediately picked up a walkie-talkie and asked, how could there be an enemy invasion at this time? None of the entrances were found to be under attack.

A panicked voice suddenly sounded: "Mr. S...S, please look at the energy monitoring data."

When Mr. S heard this, he subconsciously raised his hand and looked at a special instrument on his wrist. An instrument screen had popped up on it, and the words SSS were flashing.

SSS-level forces have invaded the base.

"Damn it, where is the other party?" Mr. S's expression turned extremely ugly.

They currently have no means to deal with SSS-level forces, and being invaded by such forces will definitely cause big problems.

The panicked voice reported again: "Mr. S, okay...it seems to be the person who was brought back."

"What?" Mr. S's eyes widened and he looked at the general on the surveillance video in disbelief.

Is this guy also an SSS-level power?

How could there be so much SSS-level power?

According to their records, in addition to the Chinese man who has SSS-level power, the policewoman named Kelly next to him also has SSS-level power.

There are already two, and with this one, it becomes three?

The key is now that they took the initiative to bring this SSS-level force to their headquarters?

Naturally, Mr. S didn't know that the so-called SSS level was just that their instruments were only classified into SSS levels, and it might be more terrifying than the SSS level they thought.

at this time.

The faces of those who were holding Jiang Zhenzu and the guards were extremely pale, and a suffocating aura enveloped them.

The energy detection instruments in their hands flashed the words SSS crazily, and they all pointed in the direction of Jiang Zhenzu.

"It seems that you are still a powerful organization, and you actually have such a base." Jiang Zhenzu's joking voice suddenly sounded, and he opened his eyes, and when his palms shook, the handcuffs were shattered into pieces.

The expressions of the people around them all changed drastically and they all retreated. However, before they took a few steps back, they were shocked to find that their bodies had been covered by a golden energy, and they could not move at all.

Before these people could react, they turned into powder in the golden energy.

Mr. S saw this scene through the surveillance camera and felt trembling with fear. What kind of terrifying power is this?

"Quick, use all your strength to strangle him." Mr. S gave the order anxiously.

In a moment, dense footsteps sounded all around Jiang Zhenzu, and guards wearing special uniforms and holding laser weapons crowded towards the generals.

Lasers shot at Jiang Zhenzu like rain, but these laser attacks were blocked by the golden energy in front of Jiang Zhenzu, and even his body hair could not be touched.

Jiang Zhenzu waved his hand, and golden energy turned into sharp swords and flew towards the guards.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all those guards were pierced through their bodies and lost their lives.

However, Jiang Zhenzu left a guard behind, and then appeared in front of the guard in a flash, pressing his palm on the other person's forehead.

As the golden energy enveloped the guard's head, a moment later, Jiang Zhenzu looked at a monitoring device with a sneer: "You can't escape, wait until I come to find you."

As he spoke, he crushed the guard's head.

At that moment, Mr. S felt cold all over, as if he was shrouded in death. When he saw Jiang Zhenzu walking into a passage, his eyes widened in shock.

That passage leads to him.

In the surveillance footage, wherever Jiang Zhenzu passed by, all the guards were killed almost instantly. No one was spared. The high-tech weapons in the hands of those guards had no effect at all.

Mr. S gritted his teeth, picked up the walkie-talkie in a panic and shouted: "Everyone evacuate here, Plan X is activated..."

Before he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran back to his office, opened a safe, and ran into a passage with a special instrument.

At the same time, he also took the instrument and started operating it.

This instrument has the highest authority in the base and can monitor and operate the space program of Claire and her brother.

As long as the Claire siblings' genetic experiment succeeds, he can use this instrument to control the laboratory of the space station and seize the experimental results.

As Mr. S operated on the instrument, super alloy doors fell one after another in the passage behind him.

He wanted to use this to resist Jiang Zhenzu.

At the same time, a special alarm sounded at this time:

"Plan X is launched and the countdown begins."

The entire base was in chaos instantly, and everyone was so frightened that they ran away from the base.

They know what Plan X is. Once a powerful supernatural force breaks into the base and the power of the base cannot withstand it, they will launch Plan

Once this time comes, they must also be prepared to bury themselves in the base at any time.

But this time, they themselves brought this irresistible force into the headquarters base.

Mr. S entered a special garage as quickly as possible, where some vehicles made of special materials were placed, and he entered a car directly.

The car quickly rushed into a special passage opened by a wall, and the electronic sound of the base's self-destruction countdown also sounded in his ears.

This also made his expression extremely ugly.

Nothing can be undone.

boom! ~

boom! ~

Violent roars and loud noises erupted one after another in the base.

Mr. S looked at the rearview mirror and could almost see the terrifying explosions of flames chasing after the rear of the car. Even with the explosion, huge rocks smashed crazily behind his car, and the entire passage and base were Collapse quickly.

boom! ~

A more terrifying loud noise suddenly appeared.

The next moment, Mr. S felt a terrifying shock wave sweep across the rear of his car. Fortunately, his car also rushed out of the channel at that moment and drove out of the base crookedly.

At that moment, the base behind him suddenly collapsed, and the entire building collapsed. The terrifying impact and dust instantly swept to the surrounding roads.

Almost at the same time, all the vehicles on the surrounding streets were impacted and covered in dust. Pedestrians who had no time to react were even swept away.

Pieces of gravel hit the vehicles on the street one after another, causing panic and screaming in the surrounding streets.

The scene that happened here attracted everyone in the annex area, and countless people looked at the place where the building collapsed in disbelief.

Mr. S's car stopped not far away. After getting out of the car, he looked in the direction of the base with a pale face.

At this time, the place where the entire base was located seemed to have become shorter, and a basin appeared. The dust in the sky made the surrounding area seem to be a doomsday scene, and it was unknown how many pedestrians were about to die in it.

Moreover, I am afraid that most of the members of the base will remain in it.

Fortunately, Mr. S is fine. As long as he is alive, S Department will not be destroyed. Their S Department has other bases.

At least, their headquarters base also replaced an SSS-level force, allowing the opponent to be buried in it.

As soon as Mr. S had this idea, his eyes suddenly widened in horror. A figure soared into the sky from the dust, its body emitting golden light, and a pair of wings spread out behind it.

It's that guy, why isn't he dead yet?

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