Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 354: Only fit to be a low-level monster!

Duke Norma took a few steps back subconsciously.

All this was beyond his expectations, and he was at a loss for a moment.

In New York, the center of the Star-Spangled Country, he could lead his vampires to survive for a long time, and even made the S Department compromise with them and acquiesce to the survival rules.

Therefore, he always treated everything with a high attitude, thinking that he could control everything behind the scenes.

But he never thought about what to do if he met someone who was so powerful that he could ignore all tricks.

Just like now.

For him, Hu Qing was a person who was so powerful that he could ignore any of his tricks.

Hu Qing looked at Duke Norma and walked towards him step by step: "Do you know what character I hated most in my previous life? It was a character like you, but my favorite character now is also a character like you."

Hate is the identity of the audience in the previous life, like is the identity of the legendary player now, there is no contradiction at all.

Duke Norma did not understand what Hu Qing meant. Seeing Hu Qing coming towards him, he shouted in panic: "Kill him!"

The vampires of the special tactical teams immediately took the laser weapons in their hands and shot at Hu Qing.

This weapon was also obtained from the S department.

But they seemed to have forgotten that the electric current weapon that Duke Norma had spent a great price to obtain just now did not work, so how could this laser weapon be useful?

The laser impacted Hu Qing's body but did not even break Hu Qing's defense.

This scene made the vampires of the special operations team's eyes stagnate and retreat subconsciously.

Hu Qing took out the Shura Axe with a sneer and directly used the half-moon scimitar.

He has never used this skill since he learned it. Today, he will use the vampires of Duke Norma and others as an experiment.

Hu Qing swung the Shura Axe, and a blue half-moon axe light condensed on the axe blade.

The next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared. The half-moon axe blade suddenly grew larger, and in a blink of an eye, it expanded to a huge axe blade of nearly 10 meters, directly covering the area in front of Hu Qing.

The huge axe blade slashed across, and the vampires were cut in half like wheat being cut, and none of them were spared.

Even the retreating Duke Norma was not spared. He took a vampire to block in front of him, but he and the vampire were all slashed in half.

When the upper body of Duke Norma flew up, he couldn't believe it and looked at his lower body lying on the ground.

The axe blade did not stop after slashing through the vampires, and continued to hit the cars driven by these vampires.

The cars were hit by the axe blade and exploded instantly, turning into blazing fireballs, and car parts were scattered everywhere.

Hu Qing was surprised to see this scene. Although the power of the scimitar was not as strong as that of the Assassination Swordsmanship, its attack range and efficiency in killing monsters far exceeded that of the Assassination Swordsmanship.

This was the same as in the game, assassination to attack the boss, and the scimitar to kill the monsters.

[Experience +1800]

[Experience +1700]

[Experience +1600]

Hu Qing's mind also began to show dense experience prompts.

The experience of the vampires of Dracula's lineage was obviously much higher than that of the vampires of Alexander's lineage, but not much higher.

And this attack of the scimitar directly killed dozens of vampires.

Seeing this, the other vampires were shocked and lost their voices, and they all wanted to flee. Hu Qing directly hit the scimitar twice in a row.

As the two huge axe blades slashed by, only a few vampires were lucky enough to escape the attack of the scimitar.

However, as the lightning spells continued to fall, these vampires were killed on the spot.

In a blink of an eye, the ground was full of vampire corpses.

Experience prompts appeared in his mind again.

For Hu Qing, the vampires of Dracula and Alexander were too weak. Even if there were many of them, there was no pleasure in brushing experience, after all, they were low-level monsters.

Just like in the legendary game, you are keen on brushing zombie caves at level 17, will you still go to zombie caves at level 28?

Even if someone still goes to zombie caves at level 28, it will be boring when facing that little experience and the huge experience required for upgrading.

However, Duke Norma brought a lot of vampires, which still added nearly 130,000 experience to him, and the total experience reached 445328/1600000 at level 28.

After Whistler stepped forward to check the blade, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

These vampires have been wreaking havoc in New York for too long, and he and Blade have been fighting against them for too long, but he never thought that these vampires would be so vulnerable.

Even a vampire boss like Duke Norma is nothing.

"The matter has not been resolved yet, let's leave here first!" Hu Qing seemed to have done something insignificant.

Whistler was puzzled, Duke Norma was dead, and the matter was not resolved yet?

However, he did not dare to refute Hu Qing's words, so he could only step forward and help Blade up.

Ellen and JO also helped to help the mud and sand and left the place.

As for the corpses on the ground, as long as they were reported to the Exorcist Union, the Union would naturally send cleaners over.

When Hu Qing and his party left, several blood-colored bats suddenly appeared in the distance, flying closely in the distance.

It seemed that the blood-colored bats confirmed that Hu Qing and his party had left, and a figure with a hideous face and a pair of fleshy wings on his back appeared at the entrance.

It was Marcus in the dark.

He fell into the corpses of the vampires of Duke Norma, and looked at the blood gathered on the ground with greed.

The blood flowing out of the vampires seemed to have received a call, and quickly gathered towards Marcus, and then merged into Marcus' body in a weird way, leaving Marcus with a trace of blood.

Marcus showed a look of intoxication, and then entered the entrance of the sewer, and soon arrived at the monster's lair, and saw the body of Prince Norma.

"It seems that I have the last laugh." Marcus was full of pride.

He naturally knew that Prince Norma was also paying attention to him, but it was a pity that a dead guy was destined to become the nutrient for him to increase his strength.

Marcus grabbed Prince Norma's body, bit down on the neck, and then began to suck it crazily.

You can see that Norma's body began to shrink rapidly.

Changes also began to appear in Marcus' body. The fusion of the two vampire bloods that turned into monsters seemed to produce a powerful chemical reaction, boiling crazily in his body.

At the same time, the aura on Marcus' body began to become stronger and stronger. When the aura was extremely strong, he stomped his feet slightly, and a circle of cracks appeared under his feet.

Marcus clenched his fists and felt the powerful force generated by the change.

This power gave him the confidence to deal with anyone. He was confident in reorganizing the Vampire Committee and then ruling the world.

Marcus loosened his fists and walked outside, and at the same time cut a scar on his palm to let the blood flow out.

The blood began to turn into blood and condensed into a blood-colored bat. This blood bat seemed to have life and floated around Marcus.

"Go find that traitor. I must let her know the fate of being a traitor." Marcus' face was full of murderous intent. With a wave of his hand, the bat condensed by blood flew out.

The traitor he was talking about was naturally Selena. The other party destroyed his Vampire Committee and prevented him from absorbing the power of his brother William's werewolf ancestor. This was unforgivable.

If it weren't for this traitor, with his current power and the committee's years of operation in Everett, he could easily control various cities and make them belong to the rule of the Vampire Committee.

But Selina, the traitor, ruined all these good starts, forcing him to spend a lot of effort to do these things again.

The key is that this woman actually wants to hunt him down. Who does she think she is?

The more Marcus thought about it, the more murderous his face became. He quickened his pace and quickly got out of the sewer.

A moment later, he appeared outside, but was surprised to find that a blond figure was already standing at the entrance, staring at him.

"Who are you?" Marcus frowned at the other party.

He didn't expect that after he came out of the fisherman's profit, he would encounter a guy outside the entrance.

Moreover, the other party seemed to be coming for him, otherwise, no one would appear here for no reason and just bump into him.

"Amisius, remember this name!" Amisius looked at Marcus with a sneer. The Lord asked him to stare at this place in the dark. He stayed in the sky for a long time just to catch this guy.

"Don't worry, I will remember it. When you become my descendant, I will let your name always accompany me." Marcus sneered and rushed directly towards Amisius.

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